yello-lia-blog · 6 years
I want to say something. 
I, genuinely, very rarely have a dislike for people. I do my best, keep my thoughts as pure as possible to encourage and support everyone I meet. As an adolescent, living in this world of Tumblr and Facebook and Instagram, I am surrounded by so many different people, with so many different ideas/views. Many of them, I can support and spread to inspire the other lives I come across in this world. A few of them, I can not. This does not mean you are not entitled to your own opinion, as my mother used to say, ‘go for gold.’ 
I am a feminist. Yes. I believe that unless you have committed some heinous crime such as murder, rape, etc, you are equal. I know many people will agree with me, but if you don’t, I understand. 
Now, there are people in this upside down world, that take the word feminism, and twist it into the shadow of its true form. Feminism means the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. Because for a long time running women were treated unfairly, and still are (even though I have never had to deal with the problem myself.) 
Now I am torn. Because even though I understand the true definition of the word, others, who label themselves as feminists, do not act as such. Of course, the retaliation of women against men nowhere near matches the shit they received over the past. But it isn’t what we are promoting. So whether you want to promote the rising power of women, but wish men to die heinously, or think they should drop below us in the hierarchy of humans, you are not a feminist. If you are like me and believe that women, transgenders, lesbians, gays, Muslims, Jews or any other ‘social class’ should be standing right up next to the pedestal of cis white men. You are a feminist.
Decide your own choices, live your own life, just don't get in the way of anyone else trying to follow their own ambitions. That goes for everyone.
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yello-lia-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Hi, my name is Lia.
Well not really, nor is it yello, I just don't want to tell you my real name.
I enjoy the aesthetic that is the colour yellow, I also adore horses and ice-cream. I just wanted to say that I wish you all an amazing life, and I hope you stick around to see what other stuff I post.
yes dis foto is mine
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