yellowbug28 · 7 years
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ouat meme 6 scenes [2/6] → emma breaks the curse (1x22)
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
I felt numb, but managed to walk up to Henry’s bedside. I leant over, thinking of all the times I’d stupidly pulled away from him, called him crazy. Now my chance was gone.
I love you, Henry.
I placed a kiss on his forehead and felt a rush of light run through the room. Startled, I pulled away, only to find Henry’s eyes looking up at me when I turned back to him.
That was True Love’s Kiss.
I’d done it. Actually, truly done it. After everything, this long stupid journey, I’d broken the curse.
People got up around the hospital, looking slightly dazed and confused. Regina had fled long ago, scared of what people would do when they found her.
I couldn’t take my eyes of Henry. He was okay, and I had saved him. I had actually managed to save…all of them.
I thought about what August had been saying, what Henry had been saying. That I was special, that I could help. That I was the Saviour.
Seems they were right.
One thing bothered me, though. These people should have gone back where they’d come from. Why were they still all here?
A glass shattered on the floor. A nurse was staring out the window, frozen with what looked like fear. I followed her gaze out the window. At first, I couldn’t see anything. Then I saw the purple cloud of haze heading for the hospital. I had no idea what it was. The only thing that came to mind was something bad.
And considering there was a whole new world to be thinking about now…
Really bad.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
There was a whole cave system under the library. Huge caverns that connected to the mines. I leant up against a wall, trying to take in what I was seeing.
But the wall moved. Then I realised the wall wasn’t a wall.
It was a fucking dragon.
This was it. The last straw. Magic, I could deal with. Curses, sure maybe. But dragons? No way. So I ditched the sword and pulled out my handgun.
The creature fell down a chasm at one point, I thought that maybe I’d gotten lucky.
Nope, no such luck.
Bullets seemed to do nothing against the stupid thing. I was cornered against a rock when I remembered the sword. Luckily, it wasn’t too far away. Gritting my teeth, I bolted towards it and somehow…magic, probably, let’s be honest… I managed to throw the damn thing straight into the dragon’s belly.
The ash and dust was horrible, getting everywhere. But I saw an egg amongst it all. A gold case that I assumed held the True Love potion, or whatever the hell Mr….Rumpelstiltskin had wanted.
I was ready to get out of there. The elevator stopped just before the top. I yelled out to Regina, only to find Gold himself peaking over the edge.
Regina’s left you.
I tossed him up the egg so I could scale the wall, but what I saw at the top stopped me short. Regina was tied to a chair, mouth covered.
Gold had set everything up. He took the potion with him, of course. He probably had some twisted plan that he needed to fulfil.
When both of our phones went off at the same time, I knew there was only one thing it could be about. Or, more accurately, one person.
It was the hospital. They didn’t have any good news. I sweat I didn’t breathe the whole way back. Whatever fear I had felt when Henry was trapped in those mines was nothing compared to what I felt now.
When we got there, Whale and Mother Superior were outside the ward.
My heart stopped. I honestly felt nothing. And I didn’t want to.
We did everything we could.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
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OUAT Rewatch ↳ 1x22 - A Land Without Magic
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
I gave myself a few seconds to process then got him to the hospital.
People were trying to pull me away from him but there was no way I was leaving his side. I emptied out his bag looking for something that might have caused this. I heard Dr. Whale talking behind me. It was looking like…magic.
I picked up Henry’s book and suddenly everything clicked. I saw my parents, Mary-Margaret and David, put me in a wardrobe. Saw the Evil Queen cast the curse.
It was true.
Everything. The turnover was poisoned, Regina had tried to put me to sleep. She’d cursed an entire town.
Henry had been right. The whole time I had written him off as crazy, delusional, even. But if I had taken the time to think about it…all those signs that I had ignored were real.
I heard Regina walk through the doors to the ward, and my mind went red. All I could see was Henry collapsing on repeat, all I could think was that she had done this to him. I grabbed her arm and didn’t hesitate to pull her into a storage cupboard to give her a piece of my mind.
After a fairly good beating, I got the truth out of her.
Everything was real. She had tried to put me under a sleeping curse. And now, with Henry asleep, she couldn’t even tell me what it would do to him. Apparently there was one person in town who knew about the curse.
Mr. Gold.
I made a beeline for his shop, ready to get some answers. Regina tagged along, much to my dismay. How I hadn’t guessed Gold’s creepy-villian status was beyond me. It was like seeing him through different eyes. He told me he might have something that could help.
Bottled True Love, made from my parent’s…still weird to think…hair. But of course, he’d hidden it somewhere dangerous, with someone I had to prepare for. His version of prepare was giving me a sword.
Yeah, that’s right. An actual sword, apparently one that belonged to Prince Charming. My father. David. Whatever.
So I had to fight someone. I’d done that before, sure. But with a sword? Not too sure. We visited Henry one more time before I left Regina there and headed to August.
He was the other person I needed to talk to. I needed his help. No normal person could deal with this kind of crap.
Luckily for us, you’re not normal.
That’s what he told me, right before he turned to wood. That leg I was supposed to be shocked by? Yeah, it was turning to wood.
So I didn’t have him to help me. Guess I had to suck it up. And I would, for Henry.
Not for the curse.
Regina met back up with me and showed me a rickety old elevator in the abandoned library. I, of course, had to go down the creepy lift and Regina had to lower it.
I had only one thought on the way down. Who the hell was I supposed to face? Considering I had a bloody sword with me, that wasn’t a question I felt like getting an answer to.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
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OUaT rewatch ➣ 1x21 An Apple as Red as Blood
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
I went to talk to Archie but wasn’t very happy with the response. He told me I didn’t have any legal right to him, which, I suppose, was true in a way. I didn’t want to think about that.
I wondered if Henry really had been better off since I’d come to town, or whether it had been my delusions. Unfortunately, he couldn’t answer that for me. All he suggested was that the argument had to end for Henry’s sake. If we both wanted the chance with Henry we needed to sort ourselves out.
I hated that he was right. But it still didn’t mean I had to stay in town and break a curse.
So I made my way to Regina’s place, honestly ready to cooperate. I told her I was done fighting, that I was leaving. But I still got to see him. That was my deal. I knew a world without me in his life didn’t exist anymore.
She agreed. Why wouldn’t she? I mean she got the good end of the deal here. She gave me a random apple turnover for the drive back to Boston. A tad weird, maybe, but I’d dealt with her strange threats before.
I went back to the loft to pack up the rest of my stuff. I felt a weird sense of sadness, leaving that loft. It had become a weird kind of home for me here. I called Henry over to tell him the plan.
He wasn’t happy, still going on about stopping Regina. It was the hardest thing I’ve had to do. He was so immersed in this fantasy, I had to tell him to stop. The one thing I’d tried not to do his whole time.
He needed to wake up, especially if I was leaving. He needed to understand. I needed him to understand.
But then he saw that stupid apple turnover.
She’s trying to poison you.
Of course she was. It was just a pastry, I knew that. Or thought I did.
Until Henry picked it up and took a bite before I had a chance to stop him.
For a second I couldn’t help but feel scared. What if I was wrong? But then it didn’t take long before my rational brain kicked back in.
Just as it had though, he collapsed.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
Henry wanted me to stop the car, insisting that I had to break the curse.
So it wasn’t just August. Now Henry was putting the curse first. He made me swerve the car, nearly getting us both bloody killed, his whining and begging not ceasing for even a minute.
So we stopped and turned around for now. Mary-Margaret wasn’t happy with me. She called me out on what I’d done. About how running wasn’t a good home for Henry, that abducting him wasn’t going to help anything. I didn’t know what to do, but she wasn’t offering any help.
You’re his mother. You figure it out.
So now Mary-Margaret was pissed. I was upset, Henry was probably upset. Everyone was messed up. Something she’d said to me stuck in my head. That I was reverting to the closed off self I had been when I first arrived. Back when I didn’t even want Henry. When I didn’t care.
Honestly that was easier. But I also knew it wasn’t a good life, living like that. Because Henry, Mary-Margaret…they did make me happy. The other feelings that came with that were the problem.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
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OUAT Rewatch ↳ 1x20 The Stranger
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
He took me to the diner. The diner I was taken to as a baby. Left on the side of the road, a seven-year-old boy had taken me to an old diner in the middle of nowhere. So, he’d found an old article, that didn’t matter. But then…
I was the boy.
I didn’t want to believe him. He dragged me into the forest, claiming to be able to answer all my questions. I was pretty much done with this little goose chase. But then he mentioned my baby blanket, the one thing the article didn’t mention.
He showed me a tree with a hole blasted into the middle of it. That was how we’d gotten to this world when the curse had hit.
Yes, we. August was a fairy tale character. Pinocchio, apparently. I just turned around and walked away. He tried following me but soon collapsed. Or fell, or whatever. He started with a whole sympathetic act. He was supposed to look out for me when I arrived in Storybrooke, but he hadn’t. That was his job when they put him through the wardrobe.
He felt a pain up his leg that day, when I arrived and he wasn’t there. He pulled up his pant leg; I saw nothing, just his leg. He was losing it, had expected me to see something different, obviously.
He started back on the whole ‘saviour’ thing. Kept telling me that I had to save everyone. It was bull crap.  I didn’t want any of this. All I wanted was Henry. That’s why I came here, not to fulfil some crazy destiny and give everyone happy endings. I couldn’t deal with that, I didn’t want to deal with that. The whole thing was ridiculous. 
You’re our last hope.
Then they were completely screwed.
Except one person. Henry. Henry I could protect.
So I drove to Regina’s house and asked him if he wanted to leave Regina. To come be with me. Screw the legal crap.
I was getting my son and getting out of Storybrooke.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
August came by to fix a new latch to the loft door, just to be sure. It was Mary-Margaret’s first day back at school. She tried to turn the focus back on me though.
She wanted me to make sure I knew what I was doing. If I won this fight, I would have him. He would be mine.
I knew what would happen. And I was ready for it. I was, or at least that’s what I kept telling myself.
Henry’s little voice came buzzing over the walkie.
Code red.
August ran into me on my way to Granny’s, asking me to take a day off and come with him. I needed to see the bigger picture, but I needed to get to Henry.
The book had been changed, or so Henry told me. Pinocchio’s story, but it wasn’t even finished. Why anyone would go to so much trouble was beyond me, but Henry insisted its importance.
It’s telling us something about the curse.
He went off to school and I went to Gold’s. If anyone could win against Regina it’d be him. But, prick he is, he refused. Going on about picking his battles and whatnot. I was running out of options and fast. Gold and his on again, off again nature had screwed me over and there was one more person I knew might be willing to help.
Even if it was a desperate long shot, I went to August.
Show me the bigger picture.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
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OUAT Rewatch ↳ 1x19 - The Return
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
Turns out that’s exactly what he did. Sidney came to the station to confess. Cleary, clearly he was lying. And Regina was there, right there all throughout his confession, smirking away.
I had a quick chat to Regina outside. I knew it was her, and told her as much. Sidney didn’t do anything wrong, she was just messed up. God only knows what made her like that, but something did. Something big.
And I didn’t care anymore. About any of it, except one thing.
I was getting him back. Regina was a sociopath. There was no way Henry was staying with that.
Decision made.
I’m taking back my kid.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
I went into the hospital the next morning to speak to Kathryn. Unfortunately, she was drugged. She remembered nothing.
They were checking downstairs to see what went wrong with the DNA results; clearly someone had faked the reports as Kathryn most definitely had her heart beating in her chest. Regina was looking more and more guilty in my book. Someone had framed Mary-Margaret for sure.
Speaking of, the town threw her a party at the loft to celebrate her not being a criminal and all. A lot of people came, considering how much of a pariah she was a day ago. David showed up, much to Mary-Margaret’s immediate refusal.
Surprisingly, Gold attended. I confronted him about Kathryn’s sudden reappearance. He answered the question with more questions, of course. Mostly about August. For someone so untrustworthy he really liked questioning other people. I ignored him, having moved past August’s general strangeness.
Speaking of strangeness, I confronted Sidney about the bug I’d found in my office. He tried to deny it, and I tried to tell him how much trouble this would lead to. But then came the bombshell.
He likes her. Regina.
As weird as that is to comprehend, I let it go. He can go down with her if that’s what he really wants.
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yellowbug28 · 7 years
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