yeluokkk · 6 months
Claude Cahun
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Cahun is known for her self-portraits, which explore concepts of gender fluidity and performing identity. She challenges gender norms and traditional ways of presenting herself through her grooming, makeup, and postures. Her photographs are often deeply symbolic and metaphorical, conveying complex themes and ideas through the use of anomalous objects and scene Settings.
Multiple exposure or mirror techniques are used to create visual effects of doppelgängers or dual personalities, which can be employed to express the individual's inner diversity and complexity.
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yeluokkk · 6 months
 Jo Spence
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Her photography often contains a performance element, and she uses costumes and props to construct images that are not just direct records, but consciously produced scenes that aim to explore deeper social and psychological issues, such as feminist positions.
The photos convey strong emotions, and the women's expressions and gestures convey sadness, nostalgia, or loss. The light source of the photo focuses on the woman's face and teddy bear while the background remains in shadow, a contrast that enhances the emotional intensity and focus of the subject.
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yeluokkk · 6 months
Robert Mapplethorpe
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good at photographing the human body, using black and white photos with strong light and shadow contrast. Composition often presents a sense of geometric symmetry.
The black and white images use a strong contrast of light and shadow, and the light highlights the model's body line. The composition is so simple that almost only light and shadow remain, allowing people to see the main character at a glance.
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yeluokkk · 6 months
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yeluokkk · 6 months
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yeluokkk · 6 months
Andy Warhol
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Andy Warhol specialises in capturing everyday moments with his camera and enjoys improvisation without retouching. He is known for his pop art, and his photographs show some of the elements of pop art.
The composition is simple and direct, focusing on the skull and Warhol's face, and such a composition enhances the photograph's thematic expression over the combination of his portrait and skull, and the photograph presents a strong personal style and symbolic language Warhol's expression is calm, looking directly at the camera, and such a direct gaze may express an attitude towards death that is both calm and straightforward.
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yeluokkk · 6 months
Vivian Maier
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Vivian Maier is a street photographer who works mostly in black and white and shoots mainly in New York and Chicago street scenes. Capturing natural moments on the street shows people's true emotions and behaviours. A portion of her work is self-portraits, done through various mirrors and other reflective surfaces.
Using her usual technique for self-portraits, this photograph presents a multi-layered vision of the two women on the street through specular reflections and in the lower half of the photograph, creating a picture-within-a-picture effect that adds depth and complexity to the image.
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yeluokkk · 6 months
Trish Morrissey
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Trish Morrissey work often pairs discordant elements with common domestic scenes to explore the sense of alienation in relationships. Challenging traditional family institutions and identities. Often seem to have some whimsical sense of humour, rich in personal touches.
The pose and expression of the people in this photo are varied, and the composition allows the eye to focus more on what kind of suggestion she seems to be trying to make, which is very imaginative.
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yeluokkk · 6 months
Cindy Sherman
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Cindy Sherman often uses himself as a model to play various roles, and explores his self-concept through different scene settings and costume changes. Has a unique photographic perspective.
The photo contrasts the dramatic landscape in the background with her usual use of herself as a model in classical clothing. The saturated colours highlight the characters and the scene creating a surreal aesthetic. It seems to explore the relationship between character identity and social history
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yeluokkk · 6 months
Arnold Newman
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Arnold Newman is adept at using lines, shapes, light and shadow to construct images for visual impact and narrative purposes, which demonstrates his precise control of composition. Contrasts of light and dark are often used。
The light is focused primarily on the face of the figure, enhancing the visual focus, and the interplay of darkness and light creates a strong contrast and dramatic effect. This is a close-up shot that allows the viewer to focus more on the emotional expression of the subject
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yeluokkk · 6 months
Diane Arbus
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Diane Arbus work often has an immediate visual power, and she often establishes a close relationship with her subjects and captures them through a close lens, a proximity that creates a rare sense of intimacy.
The two subjects in the photograph - a masked man and an unmasked man - form a strong contrast. Complex relationships between social roles. This photograph is most likely an exploration of the complex relationship between concealment and exposure, interiority and surface, personality and social roles.
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yeluokkk · 6 months
Francesca Woodman
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Francesca Woodman
for her work in black and white, often using herself as a subject to explore identity, gender, and death, metaphoricality is non-obvious in her work. Her work often has a texture of a moment captured in time, emphasising the transience of life and the value of the moment. She often uses long exposures to create motion blur and ghostly images.
The motion blur of the figure in the photograph suggests the use of a slow shutter speed, and by placing the figure in a corner of the environment and taking advantage of the vastness of the space, the photograph conveys a sense of being engulfed by the environment
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yeluokkk · 6 months
David Uzochukwu
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David Uzochukwu work usually contains strong colours and rich emotions, and is post-processed to achieve a surreal effect. The work is highly conceptual and often centred around a theme.
This photograph shows me baby-like gestures that make me feel vulnerable and alone. The combination of the background and the figure makes me feel soothed, and the surreal processing expresses deep emotions and the photographer's concepts
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yeluokkk · 6 months
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Hippolyte Bayard Laying the foundations for the development of the art and technology of photography, with his unique approach he makes photography not only a tool for documentation, but also a form of artistic expression. His work is very innovative and dedicated to the expression of its themes and emotions.
The light in the photograph is cast from the left, creating a soft outline of the figure's face and body, while creating darker areas in the background. This light treatment enhances the three-dimensionality and emotional atmosphere of the image. There is a strong emotional character
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yeluokkk · 7 months
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