yennys11 · 5 months
Title: Manifesto for Deeper Meanings 
Everything in our surroundings contains a specific meaning that could be interpreted in various ways. As the viewers, we can analyze every piece of work in our own way and give it a deeper meaning based on our own comprehension of the piece. It is very important to find a deeper meaning and explore within the work to find something more. It is crucial to dive beneath the surface, embracing any complexity and seeking out the deeper meanings that give our lives depth and purpose. Through the journey of embracing and discovering these deeper meanings, we can learn and understand a lot about ourselves and the way we perceive life amongst other things. Finding deeper meaning can communicate significant messages about certain art works and what the artist is trying to tell the viewer. This Manifesto conveys the concept of deeper meanings when it comes to art and that there is always a deeper meaning behind all pieces of work. 
A connection I made with all of my blog posts is that I explored and tried to find deeper meanings in all of the works I utilized. This helped me establish new ideas I had not seen before when first observing each piece. I gave my own personal insights and meanings I found within each piece I used. For instance, in my “Tragedy Scripted and Staged” posting I stated, “This literary work is brought to life by the characters and their experiences throughout the play as well as the emotions they convey with the challenges they are presented with.” I analyzed the work along with its characters and came up with the idea that their emotions are truly depicting what they have endured throughout the play. I believe that to completely understand a piece of work it is important to look at it from different perspectives. For this posting, I examined the actions of each character and correlated their actions with what they felt. This helped me better understand each side of the story and look at it from the view of each character. Another connection I made in my blog posts is in the post “Photographer’s Eye” , I was analyzing photos I had taken in the past with my theme being the beauty of nature and the ocean. In this post, I gave a deeper meaning to each photo I selected. I examined each photo and what it transmitted to me in order to name these deeper meanings. For example, I stated, “These photos have the unifying idea of the peace that surges from nature and how we can connect with it and have a sense of freedom.” I connected the photo to other meanings like peace and freedom based on what I understood and the emotions I obtained while observing it. 
I also found to have explored the theme of deeper meanings in my “Playlist” post, I gave the lyrics of each song my own interpretation and meaning based on how each song spoke to me. Songs have the ability to transmit all kinds of emotions. For instance, I connected the song “Story of My Life” by One Direction with different experiences at different points in one's life. The song has an emotional meaning and it conveys the meaning of stages in life. 
To conclude, I found a common theme of deeper meanings within all of my blog posts. Connecting each work I used to a meaning above what it is trying to convey helped me thoroughly understand each work and topic covered in my posts. I believe that it also helped me expand and progress my creativity and it advanced my skills of interpretation of arts. Without trying to find meanings within works we would not obtain a clear understanding of them. It is crucial to interpret them with our very own meanings and even connect them to ourselves and our lives. Making more personal connections and finding deep meanings will enhance the viewer's experience with each piece of work.  
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yennys11 · 5 months
Echo of a Scream 
As the canvas unfolds there is the visual of a silent cry with deep darkness
There is destruction all around the crying
The mural depicts all the struggles faced by the Echos of a Scream
It mirrors the pain faced with no voice but echos
But with sorrows, it shows the pain, losses, and rain
Screams but with silence and agony and no shows of anything sunny
Tragedy with echos and storm of emotions with silence in the eyes
In plain sight, there is still strength within that survives 
For my ekphrasis, I picked the painting, “Echos of a Scream” by David Alfaro Siquieros. I picked this work because it spoke to me the most. One of the essential details I saw looking at the picture is that it depicts a human crying in sorrow with darkness all around. The only visual of color is what he is wearing. It looks like there had been a war but it also shows the war that is going on in the individual's head and mind. The picture does not transmit peace, it instead communicates pain. Another piece of detail is that the head of the human is illustrated twice, one in a bigger way and takes a lot of the center of the picture while the other is small. This attempts to make an emphasis on the pain of his cry. I replicated the original visual and style through my wording because I used a darker style with deeper and emotional wording that transmits the suffering that the individual is enduring. 
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yennys11 · 5 months
Not Seen On TV
For this assignment, I chose the second video titled “Ascension Bill Viola.” To begin discussing this topic of video arts and what they are able to communicate the video depicts a man underwater in what looks to be the ocean. Regardless of there not being a narrative or storyline for these videos they all co, communicate certain meanings. The details in the video I chose that seem most important to me are the pose of the man and how he does not move in the water. As the video starts the man jumps in the water and stays in the same position throughout the video. Images liberated from telling a story can communicate a variety of things and meanings. For instance, the video may depict someone who is struggling and jumped into the water for a sense of peace. The way the man's head is positioned and the overall stance of his body communicates that he is seeking peace or silence from something that might be going on in his life. The video seems to be communicating that water can serve to silence the mind. The man portrayed in the video seems to be in a state of relaxation as he does not move. I believe that the video wants us to think about topics like depression, redemption, and peace of mind. This video urges me to see things in a new way. We never know what war goes on in someone's head. Therefore, we should not judge and treat everyone with respect. 
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yennys11 · 6 months
Tragedy Scripted and Staged 
For this assignment, I chose the “Ghost Scene” in Act 1, Scene 5. This scene involves Hamlet meeting the ghost of his father, King Hamlet. His father informs him that his brother Claudius was the one who murdered him with the purpose of obtaining the lead and becoming king. The ghost of his father urges Hamlet to seek revenge from his uncle for the betrayal and murder he committed against King Hamlet. Based on what I observed this scene has a very mysterious and suspenseful aspect when it comes to the staging. This literary work is brought to life by the characters and their experiences throughout the play as well as the emotions they convey with the challenges they are presented with. The interpretation does agree with mine it just provided me with a visual representation of the scene. Watching the scene play out did reveal certain things to me that I had not noticed while reading. For example, I was able to interpret the characters and their development as well as the emotions they endured more closely than I could by reading. It also revealed more details to me in terms of the setting and appearance of the characters. The characters are brought to life very accurately, by watching the play’s scene I obtained additional knowledge on the characters and their individual characteristics. The characters are brought to life through their appearance and use of language which add to the background of the play. The interpretation of Hamlet I received from this scene is a blinded and emotional Hamlet as he finds this news to be shocking and unexpected but has anger inside towards his uncle.
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yennys11 · 6 months
Anatomy of a Scene
I selected Casablanca as my first film. It is a drama-centered film with romance involved as well. This film also correlates with history as it involves the character owning his club during World War II. He faces a challenge as his past partner shows up seeking refuge to protect herself from any harm by Nazis during that time of war. The film Casablanca has a moderate style pace since it alternates between slower scenes and faster dramatic moments as well. The movie has moments and scenes of tension and suspense and it also has moments of romance. The film is able to convey a variety of emotions within its audience and due to its moderate and versatile pace it allows the viewer to thoroughly process each character and their development throughout the film. The scenes in “Casablanca” contribute to its dramatic effect in many ways. For instance, its setting is a key element for creating a dramatic effect as the club serves as a refuge for people hiding from Nazi groups it creates a sense of suspension and it has the purpose of intriguing the audience. The film’s scenes also contribute to its dramatic effect because there is a mixture of love, hatred, and danger as well as a historic event that is taking place.  For my second film, I chose the movie “Lost in Translation”. This film also has a romantic approach and it mainly involves the characters traveling to Tokyo while trying to find themselves and their own identity and they encounter each other as a way of comfort for both. The film has a very slow pace and allows for the viewers to fully involve themselves and interpret the details and scenes. It also allows the viewer to connect with what is happening in the film and the themes that is trying to communicate. The scenes of “Lost in Translation” contribute to its dramatic sense because of its setting being in Tokyo, which is a completely different and strange environment to both characters. Another way is the interactions between both characters who are in a similar situation. They have a connection and both support each other while also having moments of disagreement and indifference. Lastly, the film has an emotional sense to it as well when it comes to the music played and the words used by the characters.
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yennys11 · 6 months
Photographer's Eye
Theme: The Beauty of Nature and the Ocean 
I chose the theme of the “The Beauty of Nature and the Ocean” because it has a deep meaning to me. I think the ocean signifies peace and it is a beautiful part of nature. These photos have the unifying idea of the peace that surges from nature and how we can connect with it and have a sense of freedom. 
Picture 1: “Beach Waves”
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This photograph depicts a beautiful sunset just above the ocean. It also shows waves crashing into the shore. The sound of the waves crashing is truly calming. This picture demonstrates the beauty of nature in two different forms. One in the form of the sunset and the other in the form of the waves. 
Picture 2: “Shells”
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This picture shows some shells I collected from the beach last summer. They all look similar and match perfectly as they all have the same colors but are unique in their own ways. This photo demonstrates the incredible things that come from the ocean and its nature. 
Picture 3: "Island Waters"
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I took this picture on my trip to Cuba last summer. It shows how blue and clear the ocean is over there. This picture transmits a sense of freedom to me due to its beauty . In Cuba the beaches are surrounded by rocks everywhere as demonstrated by the photo. 
Picture 4: “ Beach Sunset”
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I took this photo on my trip to Siesta Key, it demonstrates a calm ocean and a beautiful pink and blue sunset. It is a beautiful photo that almost seems unreal or edited at first glance.
Picture 5: "Beach Town"
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This photo was taken from far away up in a hill. This is why we can appreciate the view of the ocean along with the greenery that surrounds it. We can also see hotels and houses along with the different shades of blue in certain areas of the water. I took this photo on my trip to Cuba. I love that this picture is able to depict both the ocean and the beauty of the land as well.
All of these photos tie into my theme of “The beauty of Nature and the Ocean” as they all show pieces of nature. Every single photo has the ability to convey certain emotions and bring back beautiful memories. For instance, the photos taken in Cuba represent the true beauty of the island and it triggers a sense of peace within me.
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yennys11 · 7 months
Theme: Life
“Story of My Life” - One Direction 
This song falls under the folktronica genre. I chose this song because its lyrics are emotional and leave a message to the listeners on different stages of life. It ties into the theme of life because it goes over different experiences in life and tries to connect certain experiences to different periods in one's life. The structure of this piece has a soft melody and a rhythm and it has a slow tempo. 
“Bring Me to Life” -  Evanescence
This song falls under the rock genre. It ties into the theme because its lyrics mainly communicate how an individual can bring another to life with their essence or get them out of a hard state. The structure of this piece has a rhythm, it has a slow tempo as it starts and the melody evokes an emotional sense. 
“Here's to Life”- Shirley Horn
This song is classified under the jazz genre. It ties into the theme as it makes a connection between life experiences and knowledge that result from living. It evokes a sense of reality as it emphasizes the difficulties that come with life instead of portraying it as perfect. The structure of this song has a low tempo with a poetic style and a steady rhythm. 
“Life With You”- Walker Hayes 
This song is classified under the country genre. It ties into the theme of life because it was written to evoke a romantic connection between two individuals and how life is better when they are together. The structure of this song is composed of a moderate tempo pace and it has a more lively and happy tone with a slight rhythm. 
“How to Save a Life”- The Fray
This song is classified under the pop-rock genre. It ties into the theme of life because it communicates the message of saving someone who is in a bad place in their head. For instance, a friend who is in a bad mental state. It has a strong meaning because it talks about saving someone from addiction or suicide. The structure of this song is composed of a soft tempo as it evokes emotion and has a sad sense to it. 
“Good Life”- One Republic
This song is classified under the folk and pop rock genres. It ties into the theme of life because the lyrics convey letting go of things and living a good life. Everyone is responsible for their own story, the song seems to want to communicate the message of living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment of it. The structure of this song is composed of a slow tempo at first but it rises as the song progresses. 
I chose the theme “life” because it is a very common theme in many popular pieces of music. It has a deeper meaning and people can relate to the lyrics of most songs with this theme. This theme has relevance to me because it communicates a variety of messages on life and its obstacles and incomparable beauty.
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yennys11 · 7 months
The other day as I was swimming at the beach, the sky was clear, and the sun was shining brightly, But suddenly, without warning, dark clouds began to gather on the horizon. As I swam further from the shore, the wind picked up and the sky was getting darker. A sense of unease washed over me as I watched the waves grow taller and more turbulent, crashing against the shore. Lighting was striking all over and I froze in fear as the bolt of lightning seemed to come straight towards me. There was nowhere to hide from the wrath of the storm. It seemed impossible that I was going to survive such a strong and powerful storm. I was in immense shock that the weather took such a drastic and unexpected turn. It was almost like nature wanted to signal something. I was in a state of shock from what I had just witnessed and I lost strength to swim back to shore. However, I knew that was the only way I would survive. I built up the strength and courage to swim back to safety. I saw what seemed to be a young girl struggling in the water and I decided to help her reach shore. As I reached her side, I could see the fear and relief in her eyes as she clung to me for dear life. With trembling hands, I guided her towards the safety of the shore, each step feeling like a victory against the odds. Together, we fought against the relentless wind and waves. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, we reached the safety of the shore, collapsing onto the sand in exhaustion and relief. As we lay there, I couldn't help but think about the resilience of the human spirit and how even in the face of the worst storms, we are capable of finding strength and courage within ourselves and helping others along the way. I knew that I would never forget that day but it gave me a new friend. 
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yennys11 · 7 months
Architectural Interior
The architectural interior I will be discussing in this assignment is my own living space. My home has an open floor plan with a walkway as you enter the front door. To the right are two separate rooms and a bathroom between them. Farther down the walkway to the left is the kitchen and in front is the living room and dining room area. There is a third room to the right of the kitchen. My living space is very welcoming and it functions well as a domestic and familiar space. This is because it has a large amount of space and room in the kitchen to carry out daily living activities that are usual for most homes. Also, it serves as a great domestic space because it has all of the needed areas like a living room, laundry room, and personal room. The space is also very welcoming due to the way the inside is structured openly and it is not cramped as it leaves easy access to every area of the home. It is also considered welcoming because of the openness it has, there is plenty of room for natural light as there are windows all around in every individual space. My space feels pretty modern and not in need of a rundown as it is built with a lot of convenience behind it. The space itself feels unique due to how open and accessible it is. The kitchen, living room, and dining room are close together without needing to go through other rooms to access them. For my second interior space, I chose my home in Cuba. In comparison to my living space here, it is a very enclosed space. The structure is designed very differently compared to my home here since there is not as much room for air or natural light due to the amount of walls that separate each room. The space is less accessible. However, my space in Cuba is much more homey due to the lack of structural separation in the home and the overall sentimental value of it. 
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yennys11 · 8 months
Abstract Images
For this assignment, I chose the “Dhruva I” abstract painting by Natvar Bhavsar. This piece is mainly composed of yellow tones which can be considered a dominant trait of the artwork. However, there are multiple other color mixtures applied to the painting that led to its main color. This piece is colorful and demonstrates the varying ways of the color yellow. By looking at this abstract painting I can interpret a sunset due to the color components being orange, yellow, blue, and red. The painting also conveys more of a joyful sense by looking at its colorful and crowded pattern. The corners of the canvas are brighter and shadowing does exist within those areas which leads to a deeper focus on the center of the work. In terms of texture, the painting does have numerous layers which could infer that it is not completely flat. Yellow is a very significant color when it comes to a happy mood because of its brightness and association with the sun. Some additional emotional content the work contains is a sense of a fresh start and adventurous life. This piece elicits a positive and cheerful feeling within me and reminds me of the summer season. It reveals a free feeling since it lacks shapes and forms that would suggest that there was a set visual in advance by the artist. This work caught my attention and stood out the most to me from the many others because of its color content and uniform way of blending. The more you look into the painting the more colors and emotional aspects you can interpret.
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yennys11 · 8 months
Representative Work
The piece of work that I chose for this assignment is a photograph by Dorothea Lange titled "The Migrant Mother." This photograph was taken during the Great Depression and it remains one of the most well-known portraits from the time. The photograph portrays a mother, Florence Owens Thompson, holding onto her three children with a sad expression on her face. The image also depicts sadness based on how her children are lying against her and the state of her face, skin, and clothes. Her face looks devastated, her skin looks unclean and in bad condition and her clothes appear to be dirty. These details are important to know when observing the photograph because they give us insight into their state of mind and being. Another important detail when looking over this image is the unity that it depicts. One detail that appeals to me is that although the woman and her kids seem to be in an unpleasant condition they are close together leaning on each other for support. Another detail that appeals the most to me is the bond that the kids and their mother have as if they don't need any luxury but just to have that relationship. This work speaks to me because I believe family is all of the support an individual needs when going through tough times which can be seen in this photo. This work speaks to me because it demonstrates the value of unity and emotional support. A theme this photo depicts is good family values and how family ties into everything in life regardless of any hardships we might face. At the end of the day, family always sticks together through complications. In today’s time, family values have undergone great change as individuals have developed more independence and often prioritize other factors rather than family.
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yennys11 · 8 months
About me...
My name is Yennys Oliveros, I am 18 years old and I'm a senior in high school. I have been doing dual enrollment at FSW for 2 years and I plan to eventually obtain my AA degree. My long-term goal is to attend PA school after I graduate with my Bachelor's since I am very interested in medicine and the dermatology field. In my free time, I like to go to the beach and spend time with friends and family. I am looking forward to learning new things this semester and graduating. Humanities is a class that will provide me with information about society and different cultures which is very important considering the diversity that exists in today's time.
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