yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
*˚ ♡ ›  she told herself that she’d quit drinking, but as her gaze fell on the empty bottles next to them she already knew that it was too late. whenever she’d be yena, she always found herself in the weirdest situations and yet she didn’t learn from her mistakes. “ i said.” she drew a deep breath, placing her hand on her shoulders, staring into her eyes, while struggling to keep her head up. “ if you don’t accept my love.” she sighed again, then lightly pushing her forehead with her index finger. “ yes YOU.” she suddenly shouted as if she didn’t know whom she was talking to, as both of them were surrounded by complete loneliness. “ if you don’t accept my love,” she wrapped her arms around her, placing her chin on her shoulder as she began whispering. “ i’ll kill you.” 
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“gosh, you’re so weird. get off me !” she pushed the female off her, feeling quite uneasy with a drunk girl, who happens to be yeeun, next to her. it was not like she hated yeeun, or at least she didn’t hate her to the point where she would like to see her get hit by a car.”you’re drunk. you’ll die first if you were ever with me in a dangerous situation. i could push you off this roof and you’ll think you will be floating in space.”
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
@yeevm !
THIS IS HOW THEY ALWAYS WERE WHEN THEY HUNG OUT WITH one another; sitting on the roof of a busted building, with nothing but half-empty bottles of beer.  she took a sip of her beer that she had in this brown paper bag, before looking over at the other. “  i don’t get it -- ? explain it again but .. slower, yeah ?   “
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
@mccnmj !
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
@yeevm !
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
im  a nice person but im about to start throwing rocks at people
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
i would love to have more threads going for both jaehyun and yena so if we haven’t plotted or if we did and you want a starter, please hmu and we can get started <333 !
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
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[Why are you grateful?] You saved me. And… thanks to you, I know a bit of what it’s like to be a human being.
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
The store was wedged between two taller buildings. It looked squeezed, as if it were to close in at some point. The sign was old, some letters had become illegible in the peeling paint but the window was clean and the posters on display were clearly antique. There was no theme to them or color coordination and they were crammed together rather than artistically arranged. the bell that stood on top of both of the push and pull door’s suddenly rang and yena didn’t bother to lift up her head to see who it was, she was far more focused on her studies. she took a quick glance and nothing more but during that time, she saw a man. rather suspicious considering the fact that they were rushing through the store’s inventory and wearing all black clothing.” look, if you’re gonna steal from here.. i suggest not too. the 7/11 across the street looks perfectly fine to me, why don’t you just go over there?  ”
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
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i am so sad to see this rp go ? ngl this has been the longest time i ever lasted in a rp and im utterly grateful for that. i met some amazing new people and some pretty fuckin’ great writers tbh and i really don’t want to let that go. if you would like, i would love to continue doing threads ! if you ever want to keep in contact with me just ask for my discord ! i love u all and i will miss u all !!
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
[outgoing —> sunbin] is that a compliment? uh thanks !
[outgoing —> sunbin] it’s better than nothing. Do you want me to come with you on the bus next time? cause . I will !
[outgoing —> sunbin] no no no I sleep. this is just how I wake up in the morning...
[outgoing —> sunbin] anyways. Where are you going?
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
★ — @yenvs liked for a starter !
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HE’S ALWAYS BEEN CLUMSY. jie knew he had to be a bit more careful when it came to using knives in the kitchen since his body always found a way to bruise him up somehow. if it wasn’t running into the corner of his coffee table, it was accidentally slicing open his hand. “shit.” jie muttered to himself, trying to navigate his way, safely, around his apartment to find his first aid kit. upon finding it in his bathroom, he saw he ran out of bandages. mentally cursing himself, the male wrapped a towel around his palm and headed out to knock on his neighbor’s door. politely smiling as the door opened, jie began his little speech in hopes for a bandage, “hi, i’m sorry to bother you, but by any chance do you have a bandage i can have? i accidentally cut my hand while cooking and i ran out, it seems.”
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“You cut your hand? Your hand? Aren’t you suppose to be in the hospital?! Why are you coming to me fo- hold on!” Yena had a thing for exaggerating and being over dramatic. In cases like these, you never really count on her in thinking of the best possible outcome or just staying calm and cool. “Just come in -“ she motions the other to enter her apartment before quickly running to the bathroom and coming back with the first aid kit and some packets of rubbing alcohol.”i’m no doctor so if i end your life, don’t blame me.”
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
kihyun: burger king?? really??
kihyun: not only are you trying to make me fat, but my child too ???
kihyun: you’re a monster.
yena: yes. are we going to have a problem here kihyun?
yena: leave ur door open.
yena: actually don’t - I want that little cute bear to run inside my arms once those doors open. I’ll be there in a few !
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
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She stands still, every word that came out of his mouth attacked her heart. this how he felt, and now she was feeling the pain too. Regret washed over her like the long slow waves on a shallow beach. Each wave was icy cold and sent shivers down her spine. How she longed to go back and take a different path, but now that was impossible. There was no way back. There was no way to make it right. The remorse would eat at her everyday of her life. What in the world was she thinking? She knew that he was that type of guy to just forget a girl’s name after a quick fuck - was yena really starting to get attached to people so easily? she hated being alone, and that was quite obvious. so here she was, longing for just someone to hold on too. But of course, she always messes it up. weather it was her anger or her way with words or even her actions - she always messes things up. And then would blame the world and it’s cruelty because of it, when it was really just her.”I can’t change my fucking life anymore Connor? I mean- what’s the fucking point? I’m already going to die and I’m surprised I lasted this long when I have fucking twenty bags of drugs back at home. You’re right this is my choice. And I choose this life because I don’t think I can have another, even if I wanted one. I don’t think I deserve one, especially after this. If I ever get a chance to be someone new, I wouldn’t take it..because I’m gonna fuck up that life like I’m fucking up this life right now. So yeah, what’s the fucking point in living if you only exist to pain?”
The slap she was giving him was as loud as a clap and stung his face. It had been an open-handed smack and she could tell it had left a red welt behind. It didn’t make her happy, it made her even more upset. “ do you think I’m some kind of fucking prostitute? are you going to pay me fifty dollars for just a private session?Maybe - - I should end up being one instead of just conning people, yeah? Don’t you think so? Pretty fucking sure I’ll be getting some good ass cash right now to even buy some more drugs and fuck up my life even more!” She was full of anger, the small tears that rolled down her face was not only because she was upset that he thought of her like that but just how right he was about the whole situation she was in.
“Maybe I don’t want you take me seriously because I don’t want you in my life! Have you ever thought about that?” Her voice was loud, so loud that people can still hear her even if the music is beating so loud.”my stupid shit? My stupid shit is the only reason why I’m still fucking here. i know it’s killing me but it’s keeping me alive somehow, as strange as it fucking sounds.” The drugs she takes are numbing her from all the pain she was feeling even if her body was growing weaker because of it. Her heart, poorly stapled shut, was beating hard but without purpose. “I hate you, connor lee. I really fucking do. Don’t you dare mention the word love between us because that will never exist because of this day and the days that is to come. Don’t you dare come looking for me or check up on me - because I won’t be here. I’ll be long gone from you if that what makes you happy.”
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
All what you want but not what you need, girl why..?
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
bold flaws your character has / italicise ones they used to have, or have partially. feel free to add more.
absent-minded / abusive / addicted / aimless / alcoholic / aloof / anxious / arrogant / audacious / has bad habits / bigmouthed / bigoted / blunt / bold / callous / childish / cruel / cursed / dependent / dishonest / disloyal / disturbed / dubious / egotistical / envious / erratic / fanatical / fickle / fierce / finicky / flirty / gluttonous / gruff / gullible / hedonistic / humourless / hypocritical / idiotic / ignorant / illiterate / immature / impatient / impious / impish / incompetent / indecisive / indifferent / infamous / intolerant / judgemental / lazy / lewd / liar / lustful / masochistic / meddlesome / meek / megalomanic / naïve / nosey / obsessive / oppressive / overambitious / overemotional / overprotective / overzealous / paranoid / peevish / perfectionist / pessimistic / phobic / rebellious / reckless / remorseless / rigorous / sadistic / sarcastic / sceptic / seducer / selfish / self-martyr / self-righteous / senile / shallow / smart ass / solemn / spineless / spiteful / spoiled / squeamish / stubborn / superstitious / tactless / temperamental / theatrical / timid / tongue-tied / unlucky / unpredictable / untrustworthy / vain / weak-willed / withdrawn
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
OK GUYS . Hopefully I’ll be back on my laptop tomorrow. Or else I’m about to lose my shit for the 5th time in 2 months ? ANYWAYS ! tehehe this is just an update sorry for format
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yenvs-blog1 · 6 years
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