yeojin-the-world · 7 months
The locked tomb famdom be like
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yeojin-the-world · 7 months
your man doesn’t have the mental strength to caramelize onions 
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yeojin-the-world · 3 years
a collection of genshin impact blogs and their masterlist(s) if they have one. If there isn't a link, assume I haven't been able to find one.
I'll add more when the time comes!
and finally I give my sincerest apologies if one of the creators tagged below are uncomfortable with this in any way, pls contact me if they are and I will take them down if needed.
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@genshingorls — no link.
@coffeequeenmartha — no link.
@witch-hazels-musings — masterlist
@primofate — masterlist.
@veritaoscurata — masterlist.
@dewdrop-writes — masterlist.
@ddarker-dreams — masterlist.
@yandere-daydreams — masterlist.
@tartagilicious — masterlist.
@kachuuyaa — masterlist.
@tartagliaxx — masterlist.
@rulaineyu — masterlist.
@ganyuslily — masterpost.
@xiaowhore — masterlist.
@genshxn — masterlist.
@genshin-fluff — masterlist.
@genshin-obsessed — masterlist.
@valberryy — masterlist.
@tartaglias-bunny — masterlist.
lastly, here of course is my masterlist.
@versadies — masterlist.
@bookuya — masterlist.
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
In case you were wondering... bury bodies in forests full of mushrooms. The body will fertilize the soil, increasing the amount of mushrooms over the body, but if there are already lots of mushrooms, no one will notice. Also, wear gloves, too big or small shoes by as many sizes as possible, and change your tires to different tracks after completing the murder. Good luck. Don't forget to use that lye trick someone else told you about.
Thanks for the tips!
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
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reblog to raise awareness for drink caffeine and faint syndrome because my friend kim yoosung has tragically fallen ill to it and i woke up to him looking like this because he couldnt drink the hot chocolate in time
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
Happy Birthday!! (Saeyoung and Saeran)
I had originally written a long, elaborate story for the Choi’s birthday expect my computer crashed last night and I lost almost all of my files, including that story ;-; So instead, have this quickly written small story about my favorite twins that I wrote during my work break! I’m still going to post a headcanon later, I just really wanted to write something up for these two precious boy’s birthday since it’s still June eleventh where I live! Anyways, I still hope that you enjoy!! ^^
Sleep. That’s all Saeran ever wanted, well sleep and ice cream 
But just as Saeran was falling into a deep sleepy dream, the sound of an idiot yelling woke him up 
“Saeran! Wake up wake up wake up!” Saeyoung yelled as he bursts through Saeran’s bedroom door. Saeran just grumbled, pulling his fluffy comforter over his head. But his twin wasn’t letting him sleep in, not today. 
“Come on Saeran, you gotta get up! It’s the most important day in the world! Pleaseee? Do it for me?” Saeyoung said as he poked Saeran’s head through the blanket. Saeran let out a muffled ‘No’ so Saeyoung sighed, grinning deviously as he told his brother “Okay then I guess I’ll have to eat all of these homemade pancakes all by myself.“ 
Saeran slowly removed the comforter from his head just so his eyes were peaking out. He saw Saeyoung retreating to the kitchen as Saeyoung’s lips quirked up into a smile as he said over his shoulder "With chocolate chips!" 
Against his better judgement, Saeran got out of bed and after freshening up in the bathroom, joined his brother in the kitchen. Saeyoung was happily humming away as he flipped another batch of chocolate chip pancakes onto a plate then taking his own plate, sat down next to Saeran. 
As Saeyoung shoveled bite after bite of the sweet breakfast into his mouth, he excitedly asked Saeran "What do you want to do today my favorite bro?” Saeran just rolled his eyes as he took a bite of the warm pancake, shocked that his brother cooked something this tasty. 
“Why does it matter what we do today? Plus, why did you go to all of the trouble of making us pancakes? You’re acting stranger then usual today and that’s saying something.” Saeran speculated as his twin gave him a sincerely confused look. 
“Y-You really don’t know what today is Saeran?” Saeyoung asked as he set down his cutlery, looking his brother straight in the eyes. Saeran saw that his brother’s usual bright honey eyes were a dull shade of yellow, making him concerned. “No. What’s going on today?” Saeran mumbled as he looked away from Saeyoung’s sad eyes. 
“It’s our birthday today silly Saeran! How could you forget?” Saeyoung giggled nervously as Saeran remembered that it was in fact June eleventh. But Saeran sighed and kept his eyes to the floor as he quietly said to his brother “I guess I did forget. I never celebrated our birthday whenever you left and especially when I was in Mint Eye, I was never allowed to. Plus it would cloud all of my memories of our shabby ‘parties’ we had when we still lived with mom. So yeah, I did forget…" 
"Saeran…” Saeyoung lightly said as he stood up from his chair and gently wrapped his arms around his younger brother. Saeran felt tears well up in his eyes but he quickly pushed them away, softly hugging his brother back. Saeyoung let go and gave him a warm smile saying “I’ll be right back!” Then zooming off to his room. 
Saeyoung came back into the kitchen with a neatly wrapped gift and handed it to his twin cheerfully saying “Happy birthday Saeran! I got you a little something for being the best little bro in the entire world!” Saeran carefully unwrapped the gift until he could completely see what his brother got him. 
Saeran held up a blanket with a design that resembled the galaxy on it. Saeyoung smiled and told him “I know how much you like laying down in the grass and watching the sky and stars so I figured that laying on a blanket would be more comfy and since you get cold a lot, you can wrap yourself in it! Plus, it shows you that my love for you is as big as the galaxy! Oh and there’s one more thing for you bro!" 
Saeyoung hastily handed Saeran a smaller gift and Saeran couldn’t stop the two tears from flowing down his cheeks. It was a photo of Saeyoung and himself from Saeran’s first RFA party, Saeyoung with a huge, goofy grin on his face while Saeran had the tiniest hint of a smile. Saeran quickly wiped his tears away and gave Saeyoung a genuine smile saying "Thank you idio- Saeyoung. This is the best birthday ever.” Hugging the photo to his chest Saeran suddenly remembered something and headed to his room. 
He came back with a shopping bag, shoving it in Saeyoung’s direction sheepishly saying “Here. I knew that our birthday was coming up but since I didn’t know when, I bought this for you so… Happy birthday Saeyoung.” His brother eagerly took the item out of the bag, his eyes widening in glee as he held up a brand new hoodie. 
The next thing he knows, Saeran is tackled with a hug by Saeyoung who rubbed his cheek affectionately against his brother’s. “This is absolutely the greatest birthday gift in the entire world! I love it so much, and I love you too little bro! Thank you so much Saeran!” Saeyoung exclaims as he giddily tries on his new hoodie. “Just start washing the one you always wear okay? That hoodie is disgusting.” Saeran stated to his overly happy brother. Seeing Saeyoung this happy truly made Saeran’s heart fill with its own joy as he finally gave his brother a sincere smile. 
Saeyoung and Saeran spent the rest of their birthday having a small party with the rest of the RFA members, who made a large cake and sang to them much to Saeran’s surprise. The night ended with Saeyoung and Saeran lying in their yard staring at the sky with Saeyoung in his new hoodie and Saeran wrapped in his new blanket.
“You know Saeran, this really has been the greatest birthday, mostly because I got to spend the day with you. So happy birthday, I really am happy that you’re back Saeran.” Saeyoung said softly as his gaze stayed on the stars. Saeran looked at the twinkling sky as well, no longer feeling any anxiety or fears, just acceptance and love from Saeyoung and RFA members. 
Saeran sat up and flicked Saeyoung’s forehead, resulting in the older twin harshly rubbing the affected skin. Saeran giggled at Saeyoung, wrapping him more cozily in his blanket as he still held onto the photo of the two of them in his chest as he told his brother “I am too, I finally feel happy now. Happy birthday Saeyoung, and thank you for everything you do, you really are an idiot but also a great brother.”
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
what do you call someone who smokes two marijuanas
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
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quick doodle of V being all like AYYY YO
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
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Happy 1st anniversary to Mystic Messenger and the fandom !
The RFA and I have a message to everyone. Thank you for being part of this adventure ! And thank you for all your support ! This fandom kept me going this past year, and allowed me to meet my amazing friends and online fambam. 
And thanks to Cheritz for ruining our lives !
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
How Often To Clean Your House (aka Being An Adult)
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Sprinkles And Crafts: A Food, DIY And Lifestyle Blog.
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
G o n E
Reblog If You Can Take Off Your Bra Without Taking Your Shirt Off.
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
I just found your blog and I have scoliosis too! This is amazing!
Hello! Saw the requests were open and decided to request. RFA + V & Saeran react to an MC who has had back surgery and suffers from pain plus is self conscious about it. I had surgery for scoliosis and honestly am super self conscious about the fact that I have a long scar down my back and avoid wearing anything that shows it. Thanks in advance!
So sorry to hear. We hope you feel better soon, and hope these brighten your day a little. :) 
It came up when he suggested you guys go to the beach
You were avoiding it for awhile
He finally got annoyed because he knew were hiding something
You blurted out about your surgery and the scar and how you were self conscious
He understood the feeling
He didn’t want you to give up fun things in life because of it
So he does some research and helps you to the degree you can handle
He’ll help pick a swimsuit that covers your scar
Looks up remedies that help with the pain
Huge support to you on good and bad days
He planned to take you to an amusement part as a surprise date
You felt really bad, but you had to tell him you couldn’t ride most of the rides there
Your back probably wouldn’t be able to handle it well
He was beating himself up for not knowing about your back problem and surgery
You told him it was fine since you had been silent up until then
He tries to make it up to you and does whatever you can do in the park
Even it’s just playing those arcade games
He wins you a huge stuffed puppy
“If you’re in pain and I’m not there, you can squeeze this for comfort!”
You two liked to jog in the park every once in awhile together
She noticed you’d start out strong, but slowly lag behind
She watched you for a few weeks, and finally confronted you about it
She said she figured out you had scoliosis from your symptoms
She had a mild case due to desk work all those years
That’s when you told her about your surgery and the pain that happens every once in awhile
She’s patient and tells you when you need a break, even when you want to keep going
She buys you heating pads for when the pain gets really bad
Also has a bunch of tips and remedies memorized
You’re wearing a big t-shirt around the house
It kinda sags in the back a bit, exposing some of your scar
Jumin happens to notice and freaks out
He asks what happened and how’d you get it
He’s just super worried
You explain your condition, and he calms down a lot
But you can bet he’s already researching on how to care for you
He has the best doctors do check ups on you and help you through physical therapy
He even bought you one of those massage chairs that was safe enough to use for when you got a bit better
Really calm when you get pain in your back, and does whatever he can to help
You hadn’t told him anything about it
And you two usually have those play fights that are mostly tickling and ends up with him “throwing” you onto the couch
Only this time, when he picked you up, you started screaming in pain
He put you down and panicked
He thought he hurt you and was feeling really guilty
Once the pain died down, you explained  that it really wasn’t his fault
You explained about your surgery and back problems
His over-protective mode activates
It’s really hard for you to do ANYTHING as he’s always swooping in to help
You eventually find a balance, but he’s still careful with you
He’s very observant
He can tell when you’re in pain and can tell when you’re self-conscious
Very blunt when he asks if something is wrong
You explain about your back
He helps you on the rough days, but he’s also pushes you to get help
Really supportive of you getting physical therapy and strengthening your back
He sympathizes with you when you talk about your scar
His tattoo is a scar of his own
You both comfort each other in this aspect
He can’t see, so you weren’t as worried about your scar
One day, when you’re really tense, you ask him to rub your back
His fingers brush across your scar, and he asks you about it
You’re a little embarrassed but you explain the whole situation
He doesn’t act any different
He doesn’t make a big deal about it
But you can bet he still pampers you on bad days
You both continue living your life around his blindness and your back pain
Giving support to each other just comes so naturally 
Check out our other headcanons~ Masterlist
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yeojin-the-world · 7 years
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[MM Fashion Series]  Sailor Moon 🌙✨
taking a break from the au series to start this new one ;v;
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