yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
It’s literally that simple
Friend: “hey my son can’t concentrate on his homework. He chooses to do literally anything else everytime. He said his head doesn’t feel like it.”
Me: “Did you give him music?”
Friend: “No! No tech until he’s done! He doesn’t need more distracted.”
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“k, bring me the child”
*Go to her house*
*points to the obviously ADHD boy struggling with his homework*
Me: “so your head doesn’t feel like doing homework?”
Son: “yeah. It would rather do ANYTHING else.”
Me: *unwrapping earbuds* here, listen to this for an hour while you do it.
French voice: 1hr later
Son: “k I’m done! :-)”
Friend: “wow, what’d you give him? Concentra, Adderall, Ritalin‽”
Me: “Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics” and some lo-fi.
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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Can’t even enjoy my coffee without the beasts wrestling
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
This post is me acknowelging that some people go onto tumblr to escape the real world and to soothe themselves after stressful experiences, so if they block or ignore social justice and news stories so that their decompression isn’t interrupted with yet more stress, it is not only no one’s business but it makes perfect sense.
Never judge people for not reblogging something.
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
Gimme a tarot reading pls
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
Doomscrolling Save Point
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hey relax for a second and watch the cat
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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fat arms
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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here's a painting exercise I did several months ago to try out a new tablet that I posted on twitter, but I thought I'd share here, too. hoping to find time to do more, because this fandom has inspired me to create stuff again ❤️
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
rage and tenderness existing simultaneously in the same body
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
You Are Not Wasting Time; It Was Given To You As A Gift, Freely and Generously; Is Rain Wasted Because It Falls On Gardens, Grass, Disgruntled Birds, and Umbrellas All The Same?
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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sheep and goat
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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That part 🤬🤬🤬
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
Bad: “Snitches get stitches.” (threatening, divisive, fear mindset, creates sense of animosity between you and co-conspirators that cops can exploit)
Better: “Nobody talks, everyone walks.” (encouraging, cooperative, sense of camaraderie, mutual dependence for mutual benefit)
Remember, a little positivity goes a long way! :)
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
I would like to note that contrary to popular belief, tuxedo cats are not little businessmen!
tuxedo is formal party attire, if you wore one at a business function, you would be inappropriately dressed!
tuxedo cats are, instead, lil fancy guys, darling socialites, even
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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Here we see a male American toad [Anaxyrus americanus] with golden-olive skin and a missing rear foot. The dark masses on his fingers are nuptial pads, a secondary sex characteristic that helps the males grip females when breeding. These pads are present in many toad, frog, and salamander species. Images by David O'Connor.
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yeoldebogwitch · 2 years
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source: motherthemountain
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