yesalleykat · 3 years
I don't think that the was dean looks at cas was a jacting choice, thats just the way jackles looks at misha
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yesalleykat · 3 years
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(i remade this gifset)
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yesalleykat · 4 years
Even when they fight, Cas can’t keep his hands off Dean. It’s not sex – they don’t typically channel their frustrations into fodder for heated trysts – but he touches him constantly.
For the most part, the touches aren’t inherently romantic at all, but they’re there. He won’t kiss him good morning if they’re having a lovers’ spat, nor will he cuddle with him as they watch a movie or fall asleep. But Cas knows Dean well, understands that a lifetime of loss has earned him a deep-seated fear of abandonment, and further to that he knows that Dean is inherently tactile in nature. Denying him touch completely would be cruel.
Instead, when they’re sat next to each other in diners, he’ll rest a hand on Dean’s knee under the table. He’ll place his hand gently on top of Dean’s for a moment to get his attention and show him the spell they were looking for in an ancient tome he was poring over. He’ll stand behind Dean in the bunker library to ask Sam a question, a hand curled around Dean’s shoulder. As he walks away, he’ll drag his fingers against the back of Dean’s chair, brushing against his back. Every touch grounds Dean, serves to remind him that Cas isn’t going anywhere.
One day, Cas drops a fresh pot of coffee for the three of them on the table in the war room, and returns to his seat, sitting so close to Dean their arms are pressed together. Cas then pours them all a fresh cup, and when Dean doesn’t react – having not noticed – Cas squeezes his hand.
Dean looks up from his laptop, and makes a noise of delight at seeing the coffee.  With his free hand he takes a sip, and over the brim of his cup, he sees Sam smiling fondly. “What’s the deal, Samantha? Do I got something on my face?”
Sam’s expression does not falter. “No, just… you guys seem really happy together. You deserve it.”
Dean’s face goes pink as he lowers his cup to the table. “Oh, well erm… I’m not so sure about that.”
At that, Sam frowns, but before he can make any inquiries, Cas pipes up. “We’re fighting,” he says. “I’m furious with Dean.”
Sam eyes their clasped hands with disbelief, waits for Dean to laugh the joke off.
He doesn’t. Instead, he mutters: “How many times do I gotta tell you it wasn’t a big deal?”
“Oh, really? Hunting a rugaru without backup isn’t a big deal? In that case I might go clear out a vamp nest alone before dinner.”
“Babe, no.” Dean looks scandalized. “That’s dangerous.”
“So we’re in agreement then.”
“That’s different!“
Sam watches in confused fascination as Dean and Cas squabble. They hold hands the whole time.  
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yesalleykat · 4 years
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- Glennon Doyle Melton, Love Warrior (x) 
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yesalleykat · 4 years
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Credit: @seebangnow
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yesalleykat · 4 years
“Since when do we get what we deserve?”
Dean Winchester deserved to live.  He deserved to walk out of that dusty old barn with Sam and those kids and get them somewhere safe, just like they always do.  He deserved to fall in love for the first time - the real deal, with the heart palpitating and stomach full of fluttering butterflies he’d never, ever cop to having in a million years (but Sam would still tease him about it, anyway).  Dean deserved to have a dog of his very own, that he’d painstakingly train to retrieve beers from the fridge and smother with affection and pets and the occasional nibble of jerky.  He deserved to have the time to learn all about himself - what he genuinely likes, what he hates, everything he truly loves, for serious, important, meaningful reasons or for just no damn reason at all - and spend the rest of his life enjoying all of those things.  He deserved to be able to lay back with Cas and make love for the first time - not just some hasty lay in the backseat of the Impala or some by-the-hour notel - but in his cozy bed, with the angel he loves, where they spend hours, days even, learning each other’s bodies and appreciating every inch of who they are, inside and out.  He deserved to have a regular-joe job, one where nothing was life-or-death anymore, where he’d only get dirt under his fingernails instead of vampire blood, one where he could put in a solid day’s work and go home to Cas feeling the deep satisfaction it brings.  He deserved to stop running.  He deserved to be treasured for the beautiful, tender-hearted person he is.  He deserved to have the opportunity to finally set things right between himself and his son.  He deserved to have the chance to get help for all of the trauma he’d lived through, starting from the time that he was just 4 years old. He deserved to learn how to come to terms with his abusive relationship with his father.  He deserved to get to the point of finally embracing himself for who he is as a person, even if that person isn’t entirely straight or entirely super-butch manly 24/7.  He deserved to be a proud and doting uncle to Sam’s son and blush bashfully when Sam told him the kid’s name for the first time. Dean deserved to drive Baby until he couldn’t find a single replacement part more for her to keep her running, and then he’d lovingly shelter her in the covered garage where he’d wash and wax her every couple of weeks just because he loves her so much.  Dean deserved to finally, finally retire - a proper retirement from his civilian work, with a gold watch and a bottle of fine, aged whisky to take home and share with Cas.  Dean deserved to go on a long, long vacation with his husband - somewhere warm and sunny, with big, beautiful oceans the same color as Cas’s eyes, and lots and lots of rum drinks served in pineapples with colored paper umbrellas sticking out all over and their toes curling in the sugar-fine white sands.  He deserved the gift of getting to grow old, the way no hunter had ever truly done before, but he’d tear you a new one if he heard you say such things around him.  He deserved to slow dance with Cas in their living room while Zeppelin played far too loud on the stereo.  Dean deserved to die surrounded by his large and loving found family, with God himself coming back to pay his respects and escort his dad home to Heaven, where Cas would join him again in no time at all.  Dean deserved to have true peace, true happiness. Dean deserved to finally internalize and accept that he was a good man who was worthy of being loved, being appreciated, being respected for who he is.  Dean Winchester deserved to live.
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yesalleykat · 4 years
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“I am no longer like the others.”
I redid a piece from like 3 years ago (!!!), and I am actually really happy with the results. Formative influences, GO!
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yesalleykat · 4 years
Dean: I’m going to stay in monster hell for months even after I have a way to escape just to find Cas. I prayed to Cas every night. I’m not leaving here without Cas. Cas: I wonder if Dean loves me
Dean: I was so traumatized about losing Cas in Purgatory, my brain made up false memories so I could blame myself rather than dealing with how he pushed me away because he felt he needed to do penance and stay in monster hell.
Cas: Unfortunately I believe my crush on Dean is one-sided. I will nobly pine forever.
Dean: I’m going to yellow crayon Cas down from brainwashing, on my knees to show my love, and tell him how much I love him. The original script draft is going to say “I love you” but it will be changed during filming.
Cas: But does Dean love me?? 
Dean: I’m going to invite Cas out for a cheeseburger date.
Cas: Not now Dean we’re very busy with serious angel business. 
Dean: I’m going to kick a door down, after racing frantically to find Cas across several states, torturing demons, just to get here in time to save him, only to be too late and I’m going to cry out Cas’s name and my voice will shake with emotion and when it turns out he’s okay I’m going to yell at him for scaring me.
Cas: I should probably continue to  repress more, for I am in love with someone who is not in love with me
Dean: Despite being under the influence of a magic curse mark that makes me uncharacteristically violent, I won’t be able to kill Cas, because the love between us is so strong.
Cas: But does he love me…*pines*
Dean: When Cas is under a magic spell that brainwashes him into attacking me I’m going to fend him off without hurting him and when he collapses as he’s freed from the magic spell, I’m going to keep touching him and cradle his face in my hands and stare at him with worry and love and tenderness.
Cas: Love is ineffable, it is enough just to love, even if Dean doesn’t love me back.
Dean: Cas is possessed by Lucifer, this is awful, I’m going to spend half a season on a mission to save Cas, and the divine feminine is literally going to use Cas’s heart to triangulate on my location.
Cas: Oh, the plight of an angel helplessly in love with a human. 
Dean: I’m going to act jealous when Cas’s ex is in town and refuse to give up on him when he’s dying. Again.
Cas: I’m going to tell Dean I love him only when I’m dying so I don’t have to deal with the consequences of my words.
Dean: Here’s a mixtape I made, hours of work, of songs from my favorite band of all time, just for Cas, we’re better together.
Cas: I wonder if Dean loves me. Here is your mixtape back, Dean. 
Dean: FML
Cas: I am in love with someone I can’t have, woe, I think I’ll go repress some more and also run away from him because I think I’m doing the right thing and then die. Again.
Dean: I’m going to mourn Cas like a widower. I will yell at God to bring him back. When I get him back another way triggered by the power of my grief and love, I’m going to make him dress up like a cowboy and talk to him about our movie dates.
Cas: I will pine, pine forever, helplessly…
Dean: Cas and I are going to break up like an old married couple having a divorce and I’ll lash out in my hurt because God was messing with my life and I don’t know what’s real any more what if what’s between me and Cas was never real this is the worst thing ever FML.
Cas: Dean no longer cares about me. I’lll just go now.
Dean: I’m going to take Cas’s calls even though I supposedly am done with him and I’m going to accept him back despite our conflicts not being resolved. Then during our return trip in Purgatory I’m going to fall to my knees, praying and crying, because I’m scared I’m going to lose him forever, again.
Cas: Okay I actually heard that. But I don’t know if Dean loves me back.
Dean: I’m going to act like Cas is my husband and I’m so relieved that we reconciled after a trial separation.
Cas: I must save Dean from Death personified, so I’m going to give myself up to the deal I made to save the son we raised together and summon The Empty to take me by fully confessing the immense depth of my love for Dean even though he doesn’t love me back and then die. Again. So I don’t have to deal with the consequences of my words.
Dean: *sobbing on the floor* FML. Cas: Time to remake heaven for Dean, who I shall pine over forever.
Fandom: I wonder if Dean is in love with Cas back?
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yesalleykat · 4 years
Yes please!
If they do revive Supernatural in two-three years, or six-months from now when the cast can see each other in person again-
I hope they do it like Will & Grace. Completely ignoring the series finale and that fast forward for Sam, and just have a tongue-and-cheek reference to it. Like maybe Sam says to Dean, "I had a dream you died from a-a screw or something, and I named my kid after you?"
"What? Eileen was right, you need to lay off the dairy before bed. Anyway Cas and I are gonna take Miracle for a walk, drop her off at the sitter's and then we can head out for the hunt."
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yesalleykat · 4 years
reblog if you love misha collins and jensen ackles and you think they deserved better
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yesalleykat · 4 years
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7K notes · View notes
yesalleykat · 4 years
Gonna miss this angel!
i'd love to have the "we got it all wrong" specs after 🌸
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yesalleykat · 4 years
Quick check who’s dead, cause im dead
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yesalleykat · 4 years
Excuse you but Cas gotta hear an answer bitch #return the angel
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yesalleykat · 4 years
Misha tweets
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yesalleykat · 4 years
Basically me during the scene
Because the one thing I want, It’s something I know I can’t have
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You are the most selfless, loving, human being I will ever know
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I cared about the whole world because of you, you changed me dean
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I love you Dean
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yesalleykat · 4 years
A whole circus, man...
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