yescashmere18-blog · 6 years
Farmer right movement used protest to get what they wanted. They fought for better working condition, to get paid more and to get breaks. Farmers were treated horrible on the farms. So they fought to get treated like they were actual empoyees. Yes, the movement was successful.
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yescashmere18-blog · 6 years
i think that if they give teachers guns it would start a different problem. Such as teachers shotting student do to the way they are. So teachers might be racist and decide to kill a black kid and vice verse. It wont slove anything it would just bring more problems to the world. What i thing would help is the background check. i feel that just like we have to go to college to start a career, we should have to take at least 2-3 years of gun classes to recieve license,
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yescashmere18-blog · 6 years
Yes, america should be a democracy economy. We follow democracy a lot. We have a set government. We have laws that everyone in the economy has to follow. Such as paying taxes, having a drivers license, having a passport. 
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yescashmere18-blog · 6 years
Rohinghya should be considered a stateless nation because of the economy and how bad it is. The disadvantages of being without a state is that you are independent you won’t have any resources or rules to abide by.
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