yeseniabatalla · 2 years
Rituals for Attracting Abundance
Unlike the spells I have shared before, these are not a “one-time, big-time” situation. Because we attract a phenomenon the way we attract a person — more often than once and in more ways than one. Do these with reasonable regularity and full-fledged sincerity.
Tribute to Abundantia, Goddess of Prosperity
Acquire five unbroken cinnamon sticks, the peel of four oranges removed by your own hands with a knife, and two spoonfuls of wheat grain.
Arrange them as elegantly as you can in a small and shallow bowl made of copper, brass or silver.
Just before sunrise, stand by an open window from inside your home, raising the bowl towards the sky. As the sun’s rays touch the bowl and your face, say three times, “Invoco te Abundantia.”
Leave the bowl by the window, where the wind can spread its smell. Only when the scent is fully gone should you respectfully dispose of the bowl’s contents.
Tribute to Fortuna, Lady of Luck
Create a cornucopia using only materials you already have at home. Jute twine and glue, cardboard and paste, or flour, if you prefer one that is baked. Either way, never purchase a thing.
Fill your cornucopia with seven different kinds of fruit. These you can acquire. The eighth and last item inside it should be a single eight-pointed star anise.
Place the cornucopia on the floor outside your bedroom door. Before leaving it there, say three times, “Obsecro te Fortuna.”
Make sure it is undisturbed for eight hours, and then respectfully dispose of its contents. As luck is welcome at all times, you can perform this anytime.
Tribute to Plutus, God of Wealth
Concoct a drink using three ingredients: red wine, fresh pomegranate and honey. Experiment with the measurements until you believe you can impress the child of Hades and Persephone.
Fill up a clay jug or a glass pitcher with two servings of the drink you made. At the witching hour, go to your backyard, front yard or balcony. Any place in your home with a plot of soil.
Pour out a glass’ worth for Plutus, from the jug into the earth. And then pour yourself a glass. Before you drink it, say three times, “In nomine Plutus.”
Enthusiastically finish your drink in one gulp, lest the god does not take his fill, thinking it is not good enough.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
The Zodiac Signs in Their Base and Mature Manifestations
Which one are you?
Base: Irritable, conceited, selfish. Orders their friends around. Emasculates or undermines their romantic and business partners. Aggressive towards strangers. Prone to road rage.
Mature: Courageous, leader-like, driven. Kind to their inferiors. Expresses their anger in a dignified, alpha-male/female manner instead of exploding randomly on other people.
Base: Lazy, obstinate, boaster. Does not care how anybody else feels as long as they are happy, such as hoping the pandemic lasts, so they can keep working from home.
Mature: Joyful, polite, luxurious. Enjoys sharing their wealth – material or experiential – with loved ones. Buys fine things for their own happiness, not just to serve as status symbols.
Base: Deceptive, treacherous, loud. Acts nice to people they normally ignore right before asking them for a favor. Always talking behind someone’s back. Constantly scheming.
Mature: Intelligent, versatile, sociable. Brings lightheartedness to any gathering. Has a great sense of humor. Knows how to manipulate the system to benefit self and others.
Base: Passive-aggressive, irrational, moody. Does good to others, but always with the expectation of being repaid. Has victim mentality. Gets offended extremely easily.
Mature: Nurturing, kind, loving. Is good to people simply because it is the right thing to be. Inspires others to admit, face and accept the difficult truths in their lives.
Base: Controlling, disloyal, insecure. Constantly needs to be complimented; otherwise, they would feel worthless. Always in search of “fans” instead of a real partner or true friends.
Mature: Brave, devoted, charismatic. Exudes a warm, welcoming, confident energy that makes people adore them. Thinks they are greater than any problem life can throw at them.
Base: Critical, judgmental, negative. Acts disgusted in environments and around people whom they believe to be beneath them. Thinks they are far superior to everyone else.
Mature: Reliable, rational, organized. Never misses a deadline. Always looks presentable no matter how stressful their personal life is, because dignity is important to them.
Base: Shallow, fickle, simple-minded. Easily changes their principles because they just adopt whatever values are trending on Twitter. Chronic cheater and eternal pushover.
Mature: Elegant, harmonious, balanced. Never judgmental because they strive to understand where others are coming from. Always acts in a polished, graceful manner.
Base: Paranoid, jealous, unstable. Always chases men/women like they have no self respect. Full of unreleased angst, so they just act like they are angry at the whole world.
Mature: Self-loving, passionate, proud. Releases, instead of stores, their anger. Never possessive because they do not care for anyone who would not die for them anyway.
Base: Obnoxious, unreliable, a nuisance. Like that secondary fictional character who serves no purpose except to make snarky remarks. Optimistic to the point of being foolish.
Mature: Exciting, accepting, enthusiastic. Hopes for the best but prepares for the worst instead of just blindly wishing. Has an infectious charm that lightens the atmosphere.
Base: Superior, cynical, miserable. Mentally unstable because of their chronic pessimism. Opportunistic and selfish even towards those who are very kind to them.
Mature: Smart, strategic, patient. Realistic instead of pessimistic. Highly ambitious and determined but not at the expense of others. Avoids sprints, but great at marathons.
Base: Cold, detached, lost. Unable to master their emotions. Tries too hard to be different. Antisocial and needy at the same time. Acts superior but is secretly insecure.
Mature: Philanthropic, selfless, confident. Recognizes, accepts and embraces their uniqueness. Is not emotionally hot-and-cold. Genuinely cares about humanity.
Base: Deluded, escapist, dependent. Emotionally childish, unrealistic and illogical. Very submissive to other people. In need of an authority figure to give them direction.
Mature: Creative, intuitive, childlike (vs. childish). Sees the world as a golden meadow, but knows that there are snakes hiding in the grass. A fountain of joy and cheerfulness.
Note that for all of us… ego, pride and confidence are leading signs of maturity. They are symptoms of someone’s self-esteem being healthy. The opposites of which are arrogance, superiority and conceitedness — symptoms of baseness, and tumors of insecurity. Try not to confuse the two categories.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
How to Use Tarot to Speak to Someone’s Higher Self
There are situations when you need to ask someone a question, but their conscious self is unable to answer. This ritual has been used by those whose loved one is in a coma, to settle things before they part. And those whose children are unable to speak, to find out if they were abused or suffered another trauma.
The Setting
Go to a private space at any time of the day, as long as the sun is still up. Make sure it is the only light source, no matter how dim. Turn off everything else.
Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Have the photograph in front of you of the person you wish to speak to.
The Silencing
Hold your tarot deck. Overhand shuffle your cards, as you keep your eyes on the photograph, and say seven times:
This incantation silences everyone else: entities who might be nearby… your own subconscious… your deck’s own voice. It clears the path for the person’s higher self.
The Summoning
Stop shuffling. Address the photograph in front of you by announcing the person’s name. The one you call them by. And then say:
These words implore the person’s higher self to open up.
The Inquiry
Cut your deck in half. Leave them on the floor that way, as you voice out your question. Take as long as you like. Speak in the language that you normally use with this person.
Once you are done, put the deck back together again, and hold it in your hands.
The Conversation
Pull one card from the top of the deck, and another from the bottom. Read them together. That pair is your answer.
If you have received the answer you need, consider the session over. But if you need clarification, you are allowed a follow-up question. Voice it out, and as before, pull one card from the top and another from the bottom. Read them together. The session is now over.
The Farewell
To say goodbye, address the photograph once more, saying the name that you call the person by. Then speak the summoning spell in reverse:
This orison thanks the higher self for the conversation.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
Me Explaining Zodiac Sign Elements at a Dinner Party to People Who Have Never Heard of Them
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are different kinds of fire. Aries is wildfire. Uncontrollable, dangerous, and at its strongest, unstoppable. Leo is the “burning stone” that is the core of the Earth. Its flames are hidden. Not as loud as Aries, but burns even more relentlessly, neverendingly. Sagittarius is the fire from a match, a lighter, a barbecue grill. Seems small and fleeting compared to the other two, but is the most practical, grounded and accessible of them all.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are water’s different forms. Cancer is the kind we can drink. Nurturing, nourishing, essential. And yet often seen as plain and taken for granted. Scorpio is the ocean — more than 80% of which is still left unexplored in 2022. Deep, mysterious, dark, and honestly, terrifying too. Pisces is the rain. Its lightness and surface positivity bring cleansing and life to almost everyone it meets. Many find it romantic. Although, too much of it creates flooding… causes drowning.
Libra, Aquarius and Gemini are all air. Libra is the sudden light breeze on an otherwise hot day. Soft, gentle, beloved, and always welcome. Aquarius is the biting wind in the winter. Strong, bright, fierce… loved only by a select few. Evokes darkness and loneliness in most. Gemini is an air conditioner. Smart, modern, and well, artificial. Some would say innovative. Its boisterous presence alleviates discomfort. When it’s off, people beg for it. But too much of it often makes people sick.
Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo are different treasures of Earth. Capricorn is metal. Hard, tough, useful. A solid frame that’s difficult to break. Sounds common and unexciting, however. Taurus is precious stones. Beautiful, ethereal, desired by all. Sometimes, unassuming. Most times, magical. Virgo is cement and concrete. Soft and easygoing, yet makes for the strongest foundation. Seems boring on paper, but wears masks of different makes and colors.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
10 Quick Tarot Tips
1. Court cards can tell someone’s age.
Pages are children and early teens. Knights are late teens and early 20s. Kings and Queens are mid-20s and older.
2. Numbers can reveal someone’s feelings.
In a love reading, if the cards are all 3 to 7, the other person is not so sure about you. 8 to 10 means they are deeply invested.
3. Colors can show a situation’s outcome.
Whites and blues for clear skies ahead. Yellows and oranges for joy on the horizon. Reds and blacks, depending on the cards, for tragedy or passion.
4. The suits can predict timing.
Wands mean days. Swords represent weeks. Cups stand for months. Pentacles are for seasons or years.
5. The Major trumps the Minor.
If there are two negative Minor cards and one positive Major in a spread, the future is closer to what the Major promises.
6. Cards are influenced by their neighbors.
A normally negative card can have a positive meaning when surrounded by heavily positive ones. The reverse is also true.
7. The Fool is a Get Out of Jail Free card.
It has the ability to not only trump but cancel the energy of any Minor Arcana card that precedes it. It is a chance to restart.
8. Wands may be a warning.
In a career or a relationship reading, Wands can represent passion that is fleeting. You will need to take action to make the situation long-lasting.
9. Pentacles are a reassurance.
This suit represents stability, reliability and longevity. Receiving multiple Pentacles means all will be well. Perhaps even better than you expected.
10. Tarot is more than just cardboard.
It speaks with the voice of occult forces, whether or not you invite them. So always treat your deck respectfully, lest it hurts you back suddenly.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
Your Life and the Suits in Tarot
Wands are your passions.            
The Ace of Wands could mean finding a new hobby, like painting or hiking. The Two of Wands could mean planning the renovation of your home, if interior design or woodworking is among your passions.
Passion is related to creativity. So the Six of Wands could mean your Instagram posts gaining a lot of attention, if you are into fashion or photography.
And we tend to be very passionate about our favorite celebrities and our crushes, so the Eight of Wands could mean receiving attention from someone famous or somebody you are interested in.
Cups are your emotions.
The Ace of Cups could mean the arrival of a new lover, while the Two of Cups could mean romance blooming between you and a friend.
Emotions are not always positive. Sometimes it is as if they do not even exist, like in the Four of Cups, where you are bored from feeling nothing. Other times they are negative, like in the Five of Cups, where you could be grieving a death or a breakup.
The Page of Cups could be an invitation to go out on a date. The Knight of Cups could be a marriage proposal. Both offers involve strong emotions.
Swords are your thoughts.
These thoughts could be mundane, like the Two of Swords asking you to decide between steak and salmon for dinner.
Other times, they could be of the higher kind, such as the Four of Swords conveying that your mind is at peace, because you have found your true spiritual path.
Most of the time, though, these thoughts are about day to day affairs, such as the Page of Swords confirming that you will get the job, or the Eight of Swords predicting how stressed you will be because of an exam.
Pentacles are your foundations.
Since we are living in a material world, most of our foundations are material. The Ace of Pentacles could mean starting at a new job, while the Six of Pentacles could mean receiving a bonus.
Foundations are related to stability. So the Five of Pentacles does not necessarily mean you will lose everything and become a beggar. It could simply be predicting that you will suffer a salary deduction because of the pandemic, causing you to feel less financially stable than usual.
For this reason, the King of Pentacles is the most stable figure in this arcana, closely followed by the Queen and the Knight.
They often overlap.
Because all of life overlaps.
If what you are most passionate about is money, then when the Suit of Wands talks to you, it would be speaking about finances, instead of hobbies. And if you are emotionally focused on spirituality, then instead of symbolizing a new lover, the Ace of Cups could mean a new religious journey.
The Three of Swords, for example, is about heartbreak. So why is it not under the Suit of Cups? Because when we are heartbroken, our heart is actually quiet. It is our mind that screams in pain, and that is the Suit of Swords’ domain.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
1 Tarot Spread, 10 Different Readings
Any spread you see means nothing, unless you know the question behind it.
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1) Will I get married soon?
No, it will take a while (The Hanged Man) before you marry (Four of Wands) your soulmate (Two of Cups).
2) Should I be the one to apologize?
Do nothing (The Hanged Man). In time, joy will return (Four of Wands) to this connection (Two of Cups).
3) Where will I find the one?
In a spiritual setting (The Hanged Man) – a church wedding (Four Wands). That is where you two will meet (Two of Cups).
4) When will my life improve?
Between February 18th and March 20th (The Hanged Man), celebration (Four of Wands) and love (Two of Cups) will find you again.
5) Who will I spend my life with?
A Pisces (The Hanged Man). Someone fun, reliable (Four of Wands), loving and kind (Two of Cups).
6) How will I find happiness?
You will need to make a sacrifice (The Hanged Man). End whatever is comfortable (Four of Wands), to allot space for what is right (Two of Cups).
7) Why does everyone have it better than me?
Because all you do is fantasize (The Hanged Man) while the rest are actually building towards (Four of Wands) their soul’s desires (Two of Cups).
8) Any advice from my higher self?
Focus on your spirituality (The Hanged Man). If you start from there, you will find material (Four of Wands) and emotional (Two of Cups) fulfilment too.
9) What should I do next?
Nothing much (The Hanged Man). You have many reasons to celebrate (Four of Wands) and someone to love (Two of Cups). Just enjoy it.
10) Will I ever be a millionaire?
Unlikely (The Hanged Man). But you will have enough security (Four of Wands). Your heart will be richer than your wallet (Two of Cups).
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
Say Hello to the Tens in Tarot
Their Differences
The number 10 is the biggest in the Minor Arcana. Therefore:
The Ten of Wands is the biggest burden you can have.
The Ten of Cups is the biggest happiness you can feel.
The Ten of Swords is the biggest pain you can endure.
The Ten of Pentacles is the biggest abundance you can enjoy.
Ten of Wands
Main Meaning: Burden. Either in the sense of having too many tasks to accomplish for the day, or too many problems in life to deal with.
Positive Meaning: Being burdened by a harvest. First-world problems. Like having too much money that you do not know where to put it all.
Ten of Cups
Main Meaning: Happiness. The kind you get from knowing there is a special someone or an entire loving family you can share your joys and sorrows with.
Negative Meaning: Nothing. The Ten of Cups at its worst only means that your fairy tale ending is delayed. In divine timing, it will arrive.
Ten of Swords
Main Meaning: Pain. Physical or emotional. Feeling like you cannot take it anymore. As if death would be a sweet relief to your current ordeal.
Positive Meaning: The worst is over. You have experienced the peak of agony. From here on out, whatever follows will be tolerable.
Ten of Pentacles
Main Meaning: Abundance. Usually material. Not the kind that lasts for just a few minutes, but one that will stay for the rest of your life.
Negative Meaning: Nothing. Like the Ten of Cups, the Ten of Pentacles at its worst only means your stability is delayed but still promised.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
Energy 101
Energy exists everywhere, all around and inside us. That holds true both spiritually and scientifically as everything consists of matter. Matter is energy, and we are energy sources. When we talk about energy in witchcraft, we usually speak about magic energy. Magic is one of the energies we as people emit and can manipulate. It is our conduit for outside energies. We use it to access what we cant give off. Magic is incredibly versatile that when you’re advanced enough, it can pass off as external energy without much trouble. Magic, including other energies in, on, and around us, make up our energetic field and how it forms makes up our energy signature. Think of the signature as an actual signature on paper and the field is what the ink and paper are made out of. Every person’s energy signature is unique, slowly cultivated from birth to their current breath. No two will be the same though some could appear to be to an untrained eye. Becoming familiar with internal and external energies can help you progress on any part of your path.
External energy sources are any that you are not. Most frequent are celestial bodies, celestial events, flora, fauna, divinity, death, colors, elemental, etc. The properties of each can be cultural or personal. Learning to categorize energy types and their properties in a way you understand is essential for successful results in spirituality. It’s good practice to create and familiarize yourself with umbrella terms for niche subsets. Using the states of matter has proven practical for broader descriptions; solid, liquid, gas, and plasma, similar to the four elements. Often times you will need to combine energies to get your desired effect.
At first thought, solid energy is comparable with the sturdiness of the earth, but solids are more about physicality and less durability.
Liquid energy is more than just water; it’s versatility and adaptability. Poisons and venoms from flora and fauna count as liquid energy too.
Gas energy is the closest to its elemental counterpart, air. It’s stealth and the intangible.
Plasma is the most volatile of all the stages. Chaotic and powerful are just two words that describe this energy type.
Fields and Signatures
An energetic field consists of layers in which the amount will vary from person to person. The layers are often seen as either colors or objects. To read someone’s energy signature, you first have to dissect their energetic field. In my experience, age can sometimes influence the number of layers someone has. Usually, the innermost layer is the first made at birth, a sign of new life, and gives the person their first guiding energy. Layers get added, changed, and removed as you experience life. Workings can be added as layers to give boosts or protection. Layers can hold trauma, desires, memories, and more; they’re an autobiography. Your field can also become damaged by yourself or an external force; try to do routine checkups on yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually to prevent this.
Useful Skills
Beneficial energy skills inside and outside of spirituality are centering and grounding. Both are recognized to help with anxiety and other disorders. You center when you feel scattered and all over. Useful for when you want to call your energy back. You ground when you feel elevated. Great for after divination or astral projection to bring you back down. Grounding can also prove practical when you desire to release excess energy.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
Astrology: Placements II
Aries ♈︎:
Aries placements can make for a fiery, pioneering, and persistent attitude associating with the effect of the celestial body.  Aries belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by Mars.
Symbols: The Ram. (Chrysomallus) Element: Fire. Modality: Cardinal. Polarity: Positive. Ruling: Mars. Falling: Saturn. Exaltation: The Sun. Detriment: Venus.
Taurus ♉︎:
Taurus placements can make for a balanced, rational, resourceful style correlating with the influence of the celestial body.  Taurus belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Venus.
Symbols: The Bull. Element: Earth. Modality: Fixed. Polarity: Negative. Ruling: Venus. Falling: Uranus. Exaltation: The Moon. Detriment: Mars and Pluto.
Gemini ♊︎:
Gemini placements can make for a lively, versatile, and synchronized approach connecting with the impact of the celestial body.  Gemini belongs to the element Air, and is ruled by Mercury.
Symbols: The Twins. Element: Air. Modality: Mutable. Polarity: Positive. Ruling: Mercury. Falling: South Node. Exaltation: North Node. Detriment: Jupiter.
Cancer ♋︎:
Cancer placements can make for an enthusiastic, cautious, and conventional methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body.  Cancer belongs to the element Water and is ruled by the Moon.
Symbols: The Crab. Element: Water. Modality: Cardinal. Polarity: Negative. Ruling: The Moon. Falling: Mars. Exaltation: Jupiter. Detriment: Saturn.
Leo ♌︎:
Leo placements can make for a welcoming, thrilling, and flamboyant style correlating with the influence of the celestial body.  Leo belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by the Sun.
Symbols: The Lion. Element: Fire. Modality: Fixed. Polarity: Positive. Ruling: The Sun. Falling: None. Exaltation: Neptune and Pluto. Detriment: Saturn and Uranus.
Virgo ♍︎:
Virgo placements can make for a conscientious, practical, and analytical attitude linking with the impact of the celestial body. Virgo belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Mercury.
Symbols: The Maiden. (Virgin) Element: Earth. Modality: Mutable. Polarity: Negative. Ruling: Mercury. Falling: Venus. Exaltation: Mercury. Detriment: Jupiter and Neptune.
Libra ♎︎:
Libra placements can make for a sophisticated, fair-minded, sociable approach correlating with the effect of the celestial body.  Libra belongs to the element Air, and is ruled by Venus.
Symbols: The Scales. Element: Air. Modality: Cardinal. Polarity: Positive. Ruling: Venus. Falling: The Sun. Exaltation: Saturn. Detriment: Mars.
Scorpio ♏︎:
Scorpio placements can make for an intense, secluded, elaborate methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body. Scorpio belongs to the element water and is ruled by Mars or Pluto.
Symbols: The Scorpion. Element: Water. Modality: Fixed. Polarity: Negative. Ruling: Mars and Pluto. Falling: The Moon. Exaltation: Uranus. Detriment: Venus.
Sagittarius ♐︎:
Sagittarius placements can make for an expansive, charming, independent style connecting with the influence of the celestial body. Sagittarius belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by Jupiter.
Symbols: The Archer. (Centaur) Element: Fire. Modality: Mutable. Polarity: Positive. Ruling: Jupiter. Falling: North Node or Ceres. Exaltation: South Node or Chiron. Detriment: Mercury.
Capricorn ♑︎:
Capricorn placements can make for an acquisitive, focused, plausible attitude linking with the impact of the celestial body. Capricorn belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Saturn.
Symbols: The Sea-Goat. Element: Earth. Modality: Cardinal. Polarity: Negative. Ruling: Saturn. Falling: Jupiter. Exaltation: Mars. Detriment: The Moon.
Aquarius ♒︎:
Aquarius placements can make for an alluring, imaginative, inventive approach correlating with the effect of the celestial body.  Aquarius belongs to the element air, and is ruled by the planet Saturn or Uranus.
Symbols: The Water-Bearer. Element: Air. Modality: Fixed. Polarity: Positive. Ruling: Saturn and Uranus. Falling: Neptune. Exaltation: None. Detriment: The Sun.
Pisces ♓︎:
Pisces placements can make for an enthusiastic, ingenious, beautiful methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body. Pisces belongs to the element water and is ruled by the Mercury or Pluto.
Symbols: The Koi Fish. Element: Water. Modality: Mutable. Polarity: Negative. Ruling: Jupiter and Neptune. Falling: Mercury. Exaltation: Venus.
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
Your non-dominant hand is used to receive. Hold items in this hand to draw and absorb energy from them. Use this hand to 'feel' the energy of an object.
Hold a persons projective hand with your receptive hand to receive energy from them.
You should stick all five fingers together when you are receiving energy, like so_
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Your dominant hand is used to project. Hold your hand out and point your finger or spread fingers out to project your energy out to the universe.
Use your projective hand to infuse energy into objects and send healing vibrations.
Open you fingers like so_
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yeseniabatalla · 2 years
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yeseniabatalla · 3 years
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goodnight :)
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yeseniabatalla · 3 years
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The highest spiritual (re: meditative) realizations across various cultures and various disciplines essentially end at the same experiential conclusion:
Reality has two fundamental aspects: Awareness, and it’s Activity. We say “two” but in actuality there is no separation, no actual difference. There is only Reality.
All human experience is ultimately reducible to these aspects. This can be directly experienced within one’s own life-stream. Doing so dramatically accelerates “personal” evolution.
Awareness is a timeless, boundless expanse of Being-Knowing, empty of all attributes other than itself. Within this Field, as a function of its dynamic, living essence, all experience incessantly erupts, unfolds, passes….everywhere simultaneously.
Life is ultimately understood as the dynamic display of Awareness to Awareness. And you are That. Everything is That. And you are Everything, which is no “thing” at all.
You are Reality. How could it possibly be otherwise? And there’s only one Reality.
All of this becomes the actual living experience, the ongoing realization, and the absolute actualization of one who has explored and accepted it completely. This is commonly called Enlightenment.
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yeseniabatalla · 3 years
“𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱, 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱, 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗳𝘂𝗹, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗶𝘀 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿, 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗱, 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻, 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗻.”
𝗗𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝗶𝘇
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yeseniabatalla · 3 years
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10K notes · View notes
yeseniabatalla · 3 years
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I have seen so many strange things that I am not surprised to see a baby chick doing physical and mental exercise. Art by Lucia Heffernan on Etsy.
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