yesevls · 4 years
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Sofia Black-D’elia as Sabrina Pemberton in The Mick (2x04)
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yesevls · 4 years
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yesevls · 4 years
Girls will do all your drugs and drink all your liquor and then just fuckin sit there and not talk
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yesevls · 4 years
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moodboard: han yeseul
“ i left my feelings on the floor, now i can t e l l you want me more. this game is too predictable, i'ma watch you EAT IT UP. ”
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yesevls · 4 years
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yesevls · 4 years
❅: our muses have a snowball fight / cass!
a masterlist of prompts and sentence starters — ( closed ig ?? )
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the showdown of the century, or at least that’s what yeseul considered it to be with the water balloon fight having started this fucking war.
the current february weather of ohio brought with it plenty of snow to hold up classes for the younger people in their group and work for the rest on this particular tuesday, the light flurries falling now mere remnants of the thick blanket that fell overnight. the recent events bring childlike excitement and relief to most of the block, with seul finding herself being DRAGGED out of her goddamn house by an eager kerry, recruiting the three houses to partake in ‘ fun ’ winter activities when all the elder girl cared to do was half-heartedly sext the couple of desperate, horny guys messaging her before shutting them down; it brought her far too much joy to toy with the emotions of the sexually frustrated, she’d been fairly certain nothing would compare to that before realizing what a snowball fight would MEAN.
she’s focused solely on one thing: revenge. she can take her pick of most of the guys with that in mind, but limits her options to jaesung, kerry and cas’ SAD excuse for a man, and cas himself. she already has a feeling that the first two will be primary targets for the others, so she makes it her mission to try to corner cas in the chaos of it all; she gets hit by a snowball that takes dylan out more than herself as she weaves around the humps of white that have formed on kerry’s front yard and bends down to quickly pack a small amount of snow together. though she can see she’s not the only one gunning for the lanky fuck — most of them probably aren’t SET on hitting a particular person — she quickly dodges a hit from jeremy and is close enough to cas to engage in a conversation of sorts.
“ you know, i think you owe me this much — taking a good SHOT on you — don’t you agree ? ” it’s a quick taunt, not really leaving an ample response time before she’s throwing the snowball in her bare hand square at his shoulder and letting out a victorious laugh; though, something to the effect of her getting it results in a calculated back-and-forth while both fend off attacks from the others. “ you can do better than that, babe, ” yeseul scoffs, brushing stray clumps of snow out of her hair before flipping it over her shoulder, crouching down to restock her ammunition. it’s a purposeful tease, wanting to elicit some kind of reaction out of both cas and the goth just a few feet away — her eyes shifting to the latter to see if she should expect to become his target as a result. 
she completely misses chim hitting her back in the meantime.
her concentration goes to shit for but a MOMENT when cas puts an end to their impasse, yeseul snapping back to the man in front of her and donning a cocky grin. “ come close to hitting me in the fucking tit again and you’re gonna have water in your ears for the rest of the week, ” she threatens in a prepared stance to continue their little battle, however she decides to slip in another daring proposal with the fucking MESS of a tattoo artist within earshot, laying a flirty tone on thick to kill two birds with one stone, “ or you could make it up to me by keeping me WARM after all of this and spare yourself the torture. ”
as EXPECTED as it is, she can’t help but to roll her fucking eyes at the non-verbal rejection. she also can’t help but to bombard cas with snowballs until the group decides to put this shit to an end and warm up in their respective homes, sending a couple of pictures of herself in a hot bath to show him what he passed up on.
she bites her lip to hold back a laugh, sinking deeper into the water after sending a backtracking reply to jeremy when he takes the bait for her accidental text of the same message.
[ yeseul —> just.. vermin | sent at 3:32 pm ] : fuck’s sake, wrong person. don’t know how i got c and j twisted like that, let’s just blame it on the fucking chill i’m just getting rid of 😷
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yesevls · 4 years
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yesevls · 4 years
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yesevls · 4 years
“I’m not fine. And no, I don’t want to talk about it.” // taeseul
what.. is this from SLJLDFSGK — ( closed )
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it’s typical of taemin to be at the girls’ house to pop by and see yumi, yes — it’s also typical of him to have a back-and-forth with yeseul if the younger girl is out — but him stopping by in a visibly MISERABLE mood ? that’s new.
they’re two of a kind in the sense that they try to handle shit themselves, they keep it to themselves or… she doesn’t fucking know, but she DOES know that there’s an overlap in their personalities that makes her think she can see through him like glass and this is one of the moments where she’s borderline convinced of the idea. as he lays back on the couch of the living room, seul is washing a peach in the kitchen, the craving hitting her like a fucking brick, before returning to stand near the former; elbow bent and the caressed fruit to her lips, the brunette has her first taste of the juicy treat while sizing the man up. she has enough manners instilled in her to not speak with food in her mouth, however that doesn’t carry over to her words. “ you look like something crawled up your ass and made you all kinds of fucked up. what’s up with you ? ”
in truth, she expected some kind of snarky answer that gave NOTHING away, so she’s fucking lost when taemin enlightens her to some degree — albeit with something of an attitude, which doesn’t surprise her. moving the peach away from her lips for a moment, her mouth is slightly ajar to match her furrowed brow before she ultimately shrugs it off. she wouldn’t fight him on subjecting her to whatever tough shit he’s dealing with.
“ don’t remember offering my services as a makeshift therapist, anyways, ” she mutters, proceeding to take another bite out of the fruit in her hand. it’s not her problem and she’s not THAT concerned, however she’s not a complete cunt as she swallows the bit of peach occupying her mouth and lets her arm fall from its — frankly — obnoxious position. “ but for the record, bottling shit up isn’t FUN and i hope to fuck you’re here to talk to her about it, i don’t think another person in this hellhouse needs to be all closed off and sulky. ”
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yesevls · 4 years
“Um, are you free for dinner tonight?” // junseul
idk what this is from anymore KLDFGSJSDLF — ( closed )
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a gathering of their friend group sees yeseul and junhyuk stuck in the middle of whatever saturday morning chaos their neighbours are still winding down from; as kerry sets the table for brunch, the pair find themselves sinking into the couch of the living room, chatting about what they did the night before as seul staves off her usual morning after exhaustion and hunger. it soon morphs into small talk while her housemates trickle into the kitchen and back, discussing the rest of the weekend that they have ahead of them — she only has IDEAS of what to do at the moment, most being very much contemplated aloud with squeezing in a booty call being something of a priority that she’s sure to omit.
should it even have to be said, though ?
a light smirk slowly forms on her lips stained a light ruby, inquisitive yet coy eyes meeting jun’s as his question reaches her ear. “ y’know, of ALL of the guys in this room, i’m so fucking glad you’re the only one to ever ask me out. ” it’s a gentle tease, but considering how much she gets off on getting him a little flustered, she assumes it’ll be effective. “ but for real, how the tables have turned… i don’t have any plans YET, but i can squeeze you in as long as there’s a whisky sour in it for me. ”
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yesevls · 6 years
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(180722) rosé ♡ forever young
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yesevls · 6 years
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feeling defeated, chaerin rests her back against her closet door, toying with the hem of the shirt she’s holding and looking straight down at it. yeseul being reasonable, in her own way, and calm, baffles rin, since she thought she’d get a snarky, bitchy reply that would make her feel sure that she’s made the right decision by calling yeseul out. this way she just feels bad and is questioning her own actions. she takes a few silent moments to think it over before glancing up, only to have her eyes fall down onto the floor again, looking like a distrusting kid. “i’m pretty sure you’ve shared those with people you don’t like a million times, and we both know that. shit, you treat your worthless hookups better than you treat me, i just feel like some dumb, annoying bitch whenever i talk to you… and rooming with you feels like i’m heavy weight on your shoulders that you can’t wait to get rid of,” rin lets it out with a long-held breath and rubs her nose softly before finally making eye contact. “i understand the way you are, and that this is what our relationship will be like forever, that i can’t change it or soften you up even if i put fucking stars in the sky for you. i get all of that. i’m just telling you that i’m done trying and that i’ll, with time, manage to walk past you as if you’re a wall,” rin shrugs and nibbles on her lower lip as her eyes go over the older’s face. 
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she observes rin as another moment of silence falls over them — it’s a given since it’s the most... SINCERE, she’s perhaps ever appeared to her roommate of at least three years — but seul can’t say she’s surprised when her words are criticized and the other’s still spouting off. “ you're not wrong about the annoying part, ” she scoffs, she just had to let that loose, just this once, “ but i don't share the same bed TWICE with a given person... do i ? i don't welcome those people around me again, do i ? ” if she DOES understand han yeseul, she should know the answer to that easily, should know that what she’s focused on means fuck all to the dick-hopping parasite of ksu; what’s presented at a surface level is exactly that — meanwhile she fucking lets the girl play with her hair and cuddle with her more often than not, that should say something. “ you shouldn't measure all of this based on who i've fucked — ” that wasn't rin's point, she  K N O W S  that, but it's not like she’s unaware of the jealousy, or something akin to it, that chaerin exhibits whenever some bland white boy seems decent ENOUGH to fuck and forget about within forty-eight hours, “ — especially when i've propositioned you before. ” now perhaps isn’t the time to bring that up, even if to prove a point, but is she wrong ? “ god, you're dramatic, ” she mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose, “ did you ever think that trying too hard is what makes me brush you off ? ” it could've been delivered better, that much she fucking knew, but she's not kerry with her gentle words and approach — she's blunt, refuses to beat around the bush for anyone; however it’s all because she senses rin’s eagerness to win her over to some degree, which only dissuades yeseul MORE, how much more obvious could it get ? “ can't you just RELAX around me ? like, this — ” she gestures between them. “ — is what i mean. you assume i essentially hate you because i’m not won over easily and i have an attitude, but never say shit about it because you fucking jump the gun. you built this idea up yourself and let it eat away at you, so don't act like THAT. ”
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yesevls · 6 years
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G U I L T, she doesnt acknowledge it often — mostly because the people who call her out react with the same emotions as she initially shows, for one... not to mention she simply doesn't feel such a thing most of the time — but it's a little harder than normal not to when her roommate's apparently hit her breaking point with her antics. admittedly, she knew her actions were a tad out of line at times, but it's for this reason exactly — park chaerin is like a lost puppy. she wants breathable distance between them, like with everyone else, but clearly her approach did more harm than good; she should've changed tactics the moment she realized rin's innate need to be liked by everyone, so it's all on her, that much she KNOWS. the room is silent following the spiel, seul stopping dead in her tracks to process it all, before she slowly paces to the side. “ you think i don't like you ? ” this is how she breaks the pause, words spoken lowly, calmly, while her brow remains furrowed. yeseul bites back the incredulous tone that threatens to seep into her words, because this debacle truly is a peak dramatic moment between the two. and originating from her questioning the size of their tub with her usual attitude, NO LESS. “ i'm an unreasonable bitch to pretty much everyone, rin, but i'm WORSE to the rest of them. ” as if that's assuring, but she doesn't pay it much mind as it’s as thinly veiled of a statement as she’d like; she draws closer to the younger woman, arms folded over her chest. “ besides, you're my ROOMMATE, aren't you ? i wouldn't share a room... or sometimes a bed... or a shower, with someone i don't like, don't you think ? ” well... the second point could be disputed, but that's beside her point at the moment. 
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yesevls · 6 years
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yesevls · 6 years
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[SCAN] 180620 Rosé in BLACKPINK’s Square Up Photobook © l997O2ll
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yesevls · 6 years
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though the psychology major is naturally gifted and emotionally intelligent enough to read people’s expressions and understand the tone of their voice, often she disregards what she sees and hears and pretends to be a knucklehead. she decides to represent herself as if she picked up on sincere wondering rather than almost mocking disbelief in yeseul’s question, causing her to open her mouth to give an answer but before she can do so, the other girl continues speaking and ultimately brings her down. her eye twitches and both of them slowly feel as if they’re burning as they fall down and scan the crinkles in yeseul’s sheets while she swallows another rejection. she lifts her knees off the mattress and without a single word turns back to her own bed, creating insanely uncomfortable (at least for her) silence between the two of them. she leans over and saves her work before turning off her laptop and plugging out the charger. with her face contorted into an unnatural expression which she keeps hidden from her roommate, rin goes to her closet in order to get a casual oversized shirt and underwear to sleep in.
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she’s still focused on her work all the while, expecting ANOTHER attempt at persuasion or something, when she feels chaerin raise herself from the bed. it’s... puzzling as fuck when she was probably one or two steps away from finally getting her way, with seul’s excuses being shit and all. thus her eyes wander slowly, fucking stubborn bitch doesn’t want the other to catch on, to see her roommate move about their shared space in an absurdly VACANT manner — to which she sports a confused look. she continues to observe rin, and it’s with a sigh that she blatantly turns towards the quiet girl. “ what now ? ” she sounds almost exhausted, because it IS when chaerin pulls this stunt, makes her more likely to  c a v e  much like when ker does the same, but also makes her wonder what the hell she said to make her mood completely FLIP. last she checked, pointing out facts, and that their rich friends had superior bathrooms — at the very least — wasn’t the same as kicking a puppy. she almost wants to tell her to ‘ verbalize her issues, dammit, ’ but refrains from doing so, instead rolling her eyes and saving her most recent edits, shutting the laptop carelessly before pivoting her body in the other’s direction. “ RIN. ”
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yesevls · 6 years
“I am selfish, private and easily bored. Will this be a problem?”
— Neil Gaiman, A Study in Emerald (via wordsnquotes)
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