yesmostafam-blog · 5 years
The Reasons Why I choose Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program ?
I have completed my B.Tech in Electrical Engineering in 2015 and I was started looking for Jobs. I prepared for Government Jobs and attended some Interviews in my College and local companies. I got selected in a few job interviews and choose the best among them and started working for that company. I was very excited when I got the first job of my life. It was Electricity Distribution Company. Slowly this job started to bore me, and I wanted to quit the job. In the job I didn't learn anything new, it wasn't pushing me to try something new and achieve new things, there was no creativity. There were thousands of questions in my head about my life, job. Then I thought to change the domain and I went to cairo. Here I started some courses on computer networks from some of the nearby institutes. The love & desire to learn more on computer networks. I searched online for an online course. In the meantime, I had applied for few internships and I got selected in a start-up E-commerce company. Now I wanted to start learning about Digital Marketing. For a start-up business, Marketing is very important to grow awareness and sales. It was necessary to learn more about Digital Marketing to fulfill the company goals and needed to learn it quickly. I was looking online for an Online Course and found lots of results. And there I found Udacity as well. I knew that Udacity is the platform where I should do my Online marketing course. Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program consists of various parts like Marketing Fundamentals, Content Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Advertising, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Display Advertising, Email Marketing, Google Analytics with Real-world projects to do in each section and also get personalized feedback on those projects. I didn't waste any time and enrolled for the September term. And learning so many new things by Udacity's case studies and videos about Digital Marketing, Which will benefit both my company and me grow.
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