yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
yfxaegi replied to your post:hey im back!! things happened yadada but here i...
bitch meee
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ima pass
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
*crushes my emotions with my bare hands* as I was saying,
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
three am, witching hour. there’s nothing mystical about it, nothing magical about the books laid out on her desk or extraordinary about the silence that covers the entire dorm of baek ho. no, krystal supposes the only thing close to demonic is the practice exams she opted to divest her night to working through. nothing too complicated, yet krystal finds her mind too boggled down to think clearly. 
a feat as surprising as it is utterly aggravating, leaving the baek ho member in nothing short of temper that most’d be careful to ignore.
but the knock at the door begs to differ and krystal has to remind herself that the category of “most” has a tendency to exclude those with rocks for brains or special pardons given whatever reason—and that jung jaewon should be the last person to be on the receiving end of pent up frustration at herself and the entirety of the entire world right now. 
still, it doesn’t stop her from near glaring when she does open that door, jaw clenched and eyes narrowing slightly, the only indication ( an indication she’s sure the likes of an old friend could easily pick up on ) of a storm to come shown in the way the corners of her lips curve just the slightest bit downward.
jung jaewon smelt of mint and fruit, yet krystal finds it hard to shake off the stench of soju emitting off him. as always.
“what is it? you don’t come by at this hour unless you want something—and if you really want something, i believe your best chance at getting it is a few doors down.” 
admittedly, the icy tone that curbs her words, sharp and cool like she’s always been, is slightly tinged with a harshness that can’t be ignored. and had krystal been more herself, been less aggravated, she might have been able to reel it in a notch. 
but what was the point in hiding anything when it came to jaewon?
he’d know she was off just as well as how he’s always known that she was selfish. they were all fucking selfish.
that’s life, isn’t it?
SUGAR, WE’RE GOING DOWN for @yfkrystal​
for the millionth time, jung jaewon finds himself lost.
… and what was the point, really? of trying to find his way back into the light?
the truth–ugly, bitter; so much so that it a s p h y x i a t e s–is that he enjoys living in the dark, leaping from shadow to shadow as the hours pass and the lips and fingers colliding with his face grow ever stranger; ever more unfamiliar.
he thrives on the pounding of his heart; half terrified and yet longing for each warm touch as if the next–even if it wasn’t this one, or that one–will finally reach beneath the surface and pull him up;
out of the depths to which he’s found himself, drowning in the bottom of a bottle.
but no hand grasps him; no kiss revives him.
and at the end of the night, even the most adrift soul must find a place to sleep. he stumbles, headlong into the warm, hazy lights of a campus gone dark for the night–headed for the certain heat of his room; his shower; his bed. the prospect of a lonely night stops him short, however, dripping wet in ill-fitting pajamas–
he’s clean but e m p t y; smelling of pear body wash and spearmint toothpaste.
there, he makes an abrupt turn for the door and starts the short journey to the next building over; unmindful of the hour, or what exactly he intends to do in his less-than-sober state.
instead of thinking it over, he takes care to find the right number and knocks–this time around–a gentle rapping of worn knuckles against the door, “soojung-ah, it’s me.”
… and he works his hardest not to slur her name, treating it with as much care as a careless boy like him can possibly muster.
she had always deserved at least that much.
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
hey im back!! things happened yadada but here i am—trying to get started back up again so please like this if you’re interested in plotting! i’ll be replying to messages if anyone is hopefully still down to plot (:
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
it isn’t to say she isn’t used to this, the parade of people that tends to show at her step come finals season. sometimes it’s her sisters, fellow baek ho students that krystal had no issue in lending a helping hand in (they after all, did survive hell together), and other times it’s the likes of cheong ryong boys, starting from the smartest of them all to the least. 
but did she expect lee jihoon? whose pride and ego was what tore them apart?
no, krystal supposes she did not.
glee is quick to overcome her with the realization, the way lee jihoon’s mouth moves to mouth words that later filled her with a sense of smugness. though unexpected, this was no less a gift in disguise—depending on what it was jihoon and his blown out eyes wanted, anyway.
but the baek ho member says nothing just yet, moving instead to push the window up a fraction—just enough to hear him make his plea—resting an elbow on top comfortably to keep him to pushing it open any further. she wouldn’t want him to get his way this early on, anyway.
“save you? the “great” lee jihoon?” krystal drawls, tone dry and eyes sharp as she watches him, near basking in the bit of satisfaction that comes with this. now, it isn’t usual behavior of her, smugness — krystal prides herself on indifference more than anything. but when it came to people who knew how to make her tick, people like jihoon—it was hard not to feel smug from this.
not when he was so adamant about ruining them over something as flimsy as pride way back when.
“why should i?” the question is posed simple, delicate brow arched as she scans the older’s face, taking note of the fact that he looks entirely gone. pathetic. though krystal supposes she’s in no position to judge, they all have their own ways of coping.
but the appearance of lee jihoon does nothing but bring amusement on a particularly stressful week. and krystal dares to let herself tease just for a while longer. just to see how this would play out. how jihoon would react. honestly, she’s curious: what would he do? faced in a situation like this.
she had never been the type to do things for free. 
admittedly it’s not the first time that lee jihoon has sneaked into a girl’s room in the middle of the night. but to attempt a breakthrough into baek ho dorms was a task so hazardous it should only ever be saved for initiate hazing. and to attempt to get into krystal jung’s room of all the nice girls’ rooms in world? that was like walking straight into the tiger’s den with a death wish stamped in red on your forehead.
under most circumstances, he would have never undertaken such a foolish, suicidal task. but he had his reasons. for one, if he didn’t end up dead at her hands, he was rather confident that he’d be found dead by the next morning anyways. cause of death – linear algebra, physics, the lit paper, take your pick. and if he somehow managed to survive this night, his life would surely come to an end after hours of lecturing on how he was the disgrace of mankind (rank two yet again – technically this hadn’t happened yet, but empirical evidence pointed strongly at this outcome) from his parents, his grandparents, his uncle, his second cousin twice removed for all he knew.
being realistic, the most likely murderer at this rate would be alcohol poisoning. alcohol plus unhealthy amounts of caffeine and adderall. shit, he doesn’t even know anymore – all he knows is that his borderline-genius brain is about to crack out of his skull.
and thus he decided that he needs the assistance of an actual genius. and who else comes to mind before krystal jung?
he knocks on her window, and even in his wrecked state, he knows this is an awful idea. one of the worst he’s ever had, and that should really say something. he even considers ditching before she emerges on the other side of the clear barrier (oh, he’s sure she’s awake alright), but before his debilitated brain can come to a conclusion, she’s there.
he flinches slightly at her emergence (no, she doesn’t scare him. why would anyone think that?), yet seeing the understandably utter confusion on her face amuses him greatly, and the slightest devious grin takes over his lips. he waits for her to open the window, but it never happens and the grin is wiped clean from his face. it takes him a good ten seconds for his sluggish brain to process what she mouths to him, but he eventually mouths back a reply with very convincing eyes.
i’m sorry. please save me.
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
( sms ; 공주 ) i'm probably the last person you want to hear from and this message is being sent on impulse ( sms ; 공주 ) i don't know what to say. ( sms ; 공주 ) does the world ever slow down for you? ( sms ; 공주 ) i'm going insane and i need to be ( sms ; 공주 ) shaken back into reality. ( sms ; 공주 ) anyway, good luck on your exams, jung.
( ` past midnight, these texts are inevitable. it is a habit, more irritably, it’s his habit. lee taemin has made a habit, a godforsaken routine, out of contacting her when inebriated—krystal guesses it’s inebriation, because despite herself she knows him and his vices and his mannerisms too well—through texts and the occasional voicemail. of course, she doesn’t make a habit of reading all of them, but there are instances in which she’s unable to help herself. in which the distraction that is taemin manages to seep through the cracks of an otherwise well formulated fortress of cold indifference and here—here, she is chapters deep into her review for exams and on her second glass of devil’s sin. here, she can’t fucking help herself. )
( sms → lee taemin ) and what? i’m supposed to do that for you?( sms → lee taemin ) welcome to reality, lee. where you and i are no longer on a close enough basis for texts like these.( sms → lee taemin ) get your shit together.
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
she called you an irrelevant crack whore fam
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“so? i don’t have time to care about every single rat that has something to say behind my back instead of to my face.”
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
did you hear choas back
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
ur biggest rival GO
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“te—” bites her tongue, “rivalries implies there’s a chance for competition, i don’t have one.”
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
are there any cheong ryeongs u havent banged?
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“gossiping about my personal life make you feel better about those asinine grades?”
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
got a hit list?
“don’t you need to study?”
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
My girl don’t want me cause of my dirty laundry….. 
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
I am awful. I am heartless. I am scared that these things are actually true.
John Green and David Levithan, Will Grayson, Will Grayson (via wordsnquotes)
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
riddle me this why do i only write like im on fire when im running on 3 hours of sleep —if someone knos pls @me 🙄 anw i’m off but this is a quickie plot call ( and welcome to all our new kids (: ) for anyone that’d like to plot with krystal, baek ho’s bitchiest face (only by face tho, watch out for the nice looking ones kids @yfxaegi 🐍). she’s kind of a hard kid to get along with but for plots that you don’t want much getting along w to happen, she’s kinda fits the bill mb?? anw, i’ll reply to messages tmr (thank you guys for waiting 😭) as well as some of the starters i missed??? night!
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
by now, she had thought she’d been prepared for everything. after all, there wasn’t much that could be surprising (or frightening) with a year of being an initiate for baek ho under her belt. but this, this, this takes the cake. this is everything that could have possibly been done to her last year and multiplied by tenfold. the fact that she’s been found, the fact that it’s kang jiyong.
why, of all people, kang jiyong?
the way her name slips past his lips, through an outburst no less, has her flinching, steps quickening toward the exit in hopes of a speedy escape she can almost taste—before kang jiyong himself manages to inject his idiotic nonsensical being between her and her getaway. goddammit.
goddammit, goddammit, goddammit.
the prospect of being exposed, busted by the likes of the biggest idiot to grace cheong ryong’s blacklist to date, has her nothing short of petrified. yes, this is actually nothing short of terrifying. kang jiyong wasn’t fucking normal was he? just her luck.
as expected his voice is grating to normally disinterested ears, a feat easily beaten by the grin that took to his face, smugness emitting from it doing little to ease her embarrassment (and mounting aggravation). “no one is s-seeing anyone anywhere.” she spats the words with a cringe, teeth sinking into her tongue harshly; reprimanding herself for the speech impediment she’s let slip through her grasp. not that she can be helped anyway, not in a situation like this.
no, stoic “cool” krystal jung is officially freaking out.
“what do you want, kang jiyong.” 
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yfkrystal-blog · 8 years
( * by the time june rolls by, krystal jung is already well prepared for what’s to come. ambition the devi that perches on a thin shoulder and drills really drills in the consequences of dropping from her allotted number one spot in school. not that there were any real consequences that pertained to her, anyway, beyond herself. beyond the pressure krystal jung constantly suffers under, the ditch she’s dug herself into—in too deep and unable to pull herself out. nor did she want to try. then, now, ever. no, hasn’t she always been comfortable folded into herself? (yes and no) but things never go as planned, krystal should have realized it by now, lax steps taking her out of her last class of the day, a striking contrast to the way her mind runs wild and busy with plans, lists of books to reread and annotate for english—no, she doesn’t realize anything till she’s been hoisted up and barbarically thrown over a firm shoulder. ) y—yah! ( * her hips shift, cheeks coloring slightly with the stutter while slender fingers curl around the back of the older’s school blazer to steady herself; inhale deep to gather your composure, exhale slow to make sure you don’t fucking kill jang jongsuk. ) i will literally kill you on this spot—put me down, jang. 
*「 wanted
( ah june, the calm before the storm –  short lived moments of recuperation from the hell of midterms and into the lap of satan for finals. for people like him, tension rarely hits hard. library is still left untouched beyond taking up a table to sleep on. yet for other’s, it becomes a place of home. it’s a lifestyle he never plans on adopting, the closest way he’ll ever experience being through a certain jung soojung. yet, today he wants it to be the other way around. heaven knows she can always use the break. he finds himself outside her class at the end of school, marching up to her before picking her up to toss over his shoulder. ) you have the study bug again, don’t you? ( he accuses, blind to the watching gazes because really he needs all his energy to defend the reaction he knows is about to come. ) 
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