yikes-cancer · 3 years
I tell my cat every morning that he’s the most stunning creature in the universe and he just goes 😠
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
im sure many of u have already seen posts saying something similar to this but please do not let indigenous peoples day get overshadowed by coming out day on oct 11. during june, our voices were not heard when we talked about it being indigenous peoples month and not to mention this day is taking place during october. halloween has been an exhausting holiday for indigenous people for god knows how long and every year we have to beg for people not to wear our culture as a costume. and then its november and hopefully you can see how exhausting that is for us. so this oct 11, uplift indigenous ppls voices and support indigenous ppl. if you see indigenous people asking for donations, help them by donating if you can and boosting their posts. listen to indigenous ppl because everyday we have to fight tooth and nail just to be heard.
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
this is a hellsite to You….. i’m having a lovely time reblogging my pictures
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
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oh this made me miserable
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
ngl people coming w u so they can keep talking to u while ur running errands or just chillin in ur room while ur cleaning… love that kind of love
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
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Sarah Perry, The Essence of Peopling
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
What astrological placements can make someone highly artistic, or have an artistic craft?
🎨 Personal Planets in the 5th House
This one is a given. People with their personal planets (or big six) in the 5th House can show artistic potential. They express their feelings and thoughts in an artful manner. When they speak, they're the type to have a lot of gestures and facial expressions to really drive the point home. They also have an animated way of speaking, and will often change their voice when mimicking someone else's dialogue.
Most of the people I come across with this placement are those in the arts-business, such as Graphic Designing, Interior Design, also Children's Couture! One of my friends has a kids' clothing boutique, yet she's a Fine Arts graduate. This type of artistic expression is fluid, and natives with this placement can juggle one form of art after another. Also, this may indicate lots and lots of unfinished art pieces and projects because you thought of another great idea!
🎨 Aquarius Personal Placements (especially Venus and Mercury)
Most people won't even think twice about Aquarians, but they're the most artistically inclined people with so many fresh and original ideas! Their imagination is boundless, and they're not afraid to explore the limits of their creativity. Artists such as Yoko Ono, Norman Rockwell, Shakira, Khalid, Bob Marley, and The Weeknd are some of the people who has originated an art style that differs from the rest. Their artistic expression stands out from the norm, and their acts are quite hard to follow.
🎨 Asteroid Sappho (80) aspecting natal planets, and North Node
As we all know, Lady Sappho is a very talented poet and writer, and one who advocated women's education through literary arts. Natives with this placement are given the talent in literature — whether they're aware of it or not. Perhaps, the native is drawn towards written works that explore the emotional recesses of the characters in the story. Maybe these people are also writers; both physical books, and Fan Fiction because yes, Fan Fiction is an art form.
For example, Sun-Sappho aspects will manifest in a way that their creative expression exudes from their everyday persona. These natives can be "walking art" themselves with a very unique way they carry their presence. Mercury-Sappho aspects are the domains of writers, poets, and spoken word performers. Venus-Sappho aspects are seen in the Fashion Industry, and Beauty Community!
🎨 Asteroid Eris (136199) conjunct, trine, square, and/or opposite Personal Planets
The concept behind this is similar to that of Asteroid Sappho's, but Eris is in the form of rebellion. This asteroid has the energy of Lilith in Aquarius, and will more often than not express their creativity in a way that "shatters the glass ceiling." Their artistic expression grabs the attention of everybody within the vicinity, and then some, in order to make a very clear statement. Their creativity is not just for pleasurable and aesthetic purposes; these natives would want to create something in order to rebel against their environment and societies.
🎨 Asteroid Talent (33154) aspecting natal planets; and/or in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th, or 12th House
Of course, I'm going to include this asteroid! With your Asteroid Talent aspecting natal planets starting from your Sun, all the way down to your Pluto and your angular houses, you can see how each planet and their corresponding sign manifests. So, if you have your Mercury and Venus aspecting Asteroid Talent, you have the potential to be a singer, or a really memorable voice actor for animated films and shows! If it's your Sun that's aspected, you have a talent when it comes to getting people to know you, and you can really advertise yourself to your advantage. This also applies to the house system and house rulership.
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
personally i think my 30s and 40s will be my most glamorous years ….
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
Tumblr girls will wash the dishes and know that won't make for an interesting text post so they say "I'm in my dish washing era"
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
most of the time everything sucks but when the sky is blanketed in dark blue-grey clouds after heavy raining and the sun starts to peek through the clouds so that the tops of trees glint pale green and every white structure is starkly, blindingly silhouetted against the sky i’m ok.
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
Spicy astro notes
— sunday special edition🍸
For more astro notes, be sure to check out my Master list I & Masterlist II
Hey baddies I’m back with another informative astro notes💗 I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing down these fun observations<3
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1. Aries Moon and Libra Moon is seriously underrated for how warm and caring they are. People usually think of water moons as well as earth moons as the mom friend of the group. Aries Moon has a big heart and when they have decided they care about someone, they’d take them in and treat them as if they are their family. Libra Moon is great with social contexts but when it comes down to it, you can always count on them to be the most nurturing and understanding moon sign. They are oddly very similar to Capricorn Moon when you understand them better!
2. Aquarius Mercury usually knows exactly what to say and where it will hurt the most. They are the underdogs a lot of the time and you can see them taking great pride in their intellectuality and detached nature but they are also very smart when it comes to people’s true colours. During heated arguments, don’t be surprised if an underdeveloped Aquarius Mercury managed to drag you to hell and back with their words. They will bring up everything you did and psycho-analyze you while connecting the pattern to your past. Not one to be crossed!
3. A combination of Virgo and Cancer energy in the big 3 or big 6 can make someone look very attractive but in a very sensual way. They look “unreal” if you may and can seem unapproachable at times. There’s a sense of detachment but also power in their eyes. These people usually have gorgeous eyes/ eyes that linger in your mind.
4. Sagittarius Moon attracts a lot of chaotic people into their life. They need chaos in order to feel balanced if that makes sense. They also have a severe savior complex that hides between their humorous nature.
5. Virgo Rising often has the prettiest smile. They have such cute grin too!! They are the type that look so clean and effortless all the time but you wouldn’t know that they actually put a lot into their presentation of self:) The type that everyone has eyes on but too afraid to approach.
6. Aries Rising with major Venus influence are BIG flirts. They can flirt their way into literally anything and it is so hard to say no to them! They also have this confidence to them that’s very natural and easy. They are also incredibly great with activities that require a lot of stamina.
7. Aries Venus are DANGEROUS. They are the type to be so bold you’d be blushing hard at one point but back away the second they deem that you’re not worth the chase. The type to find the ick FAST. However if you are who you said you are, Aries Venus would forever be mesmerized.
8. Pisces Venus and Libra Venus work so well together once determined. Because Libra Venus wants to be loved wholeheartedly and Pisces Venus loves unconditionally. Couples with these placements love one another like the lovers from the older days.
9. Aquarius Rising and Pisces Rising share way more similarities than you might think! They are both the rarest rising signs in astrology and with normal eyes, you might find it harder to differentiate one from the other. Their love language and the kind of people they are attracted to is also vastly similar!
10. Scorpio Moon is very similar to Leo Moon, except for the fact that sometimes they can indulged in their own fantasy. Leo Moon is more giving in terms of how they constantly reflect and watch others to better themselves, however for Scorpio Moon, changes come slowly and has to be in their own terms. Stubborn people for sure!
11. Venus in the 7th house takes years to get over a heartbreak but once they are officially over it, then there’s no going back. This placement gives you some of biggest hearts in the world who never stops giving and forgiving.
12. Individuals with Venus-Pluto aspects also takes a long time to get over a heartbreak, they may never truly heal from it and may stay obsessive for a while if not properly dealt with. The type to bounce back with their exes for the validation when they can’t seek it else where.
13. Mars in the 4th house can be a very stressful placement. They handle stress sometimes even worse than Cancer Mars. Mars is in its fall in Cancer and therefore, they can easily lash out or become impulsive when angry. The type to always subconsciously search for a peaceful person to stand by their side.
14. Moon-Mercury aspects can give people a cut-throat or straightforward personality. Sometimes they can even evoke anger from others due to their honest take on things. They generally mean well, they just have a harder time expressing themselves due to the Moon forever changing nature!
15. Venus conjunct Mars people’s beauty is undeniable! They manage to capture attention everywhere they go and it is so hard to ignore their beauty. They usually have a very laidback energy to them and everything about their presence is effortless.
16. Mercury in the 4th house can be very secretive with their business. The same goes for Mercury in the 12th and generally, these people can be very honest but will hold back when needed. Typically great with secrets.
17. Venus in the first house search for friends, partners who are either more straightforward and dominant than they are or they adore the gentle, loyal kind of people and its never in between! They value loyalty above all else and they would go to great distance to defend their loved ones.
18. Moon in the sixth house benefits a lot from having time-out. They should take a break from social media once in a while and they should not let stress from work get to them too easily at home.
19. Never argue with a Sagittarius Mars if you’re not sure of what you want. They will go above and beyond to make sure they win. They make great points too so it is hard for them to compromise in the heat of the moment.
20. Capricorn Rising will take a bullet for their friends but they always seem to be prepared for the worst. They take betrayal personally and if you cross them once you never going to get another chance. They don’t overshare on purpose so if they share something with you, they expect loyalty from you.
21. Saturn in the 6th house will overwork themselves daily but would always be there for any gathering!! They lead a busy lifestyle so if you can’t keep up, don’t mind them! They have so much potential and usually are very goal oriented.
22. Venus in the 10th simps for people with a wind of maturity to them. They also enjoy people with home-maker mentality and they especially love non-judgmental people. To them, these traits are probably the most important in relationships rather than just money, money and money like the stereotype may say.
23. Leo Rising has an obsession with being in control. They value stability more than people think and while they can’t help but receive daily chaos in their life, they prefer a stable lifestyle over all else. (Capricorn 6H thing) They may be very paranoid when they feel like they are losing control of the smallest thing, from their work or who go ins and outs of their washroom.
24. Capricorn Moon prefer unbiased people. They will certainly call out any biased behaviour if they encounter them. To them, being able to “balance” is extremely important. They don’t like it when people are too extreme.
25. Scorpio Rising hates air-headed individuals and I will stand by this!! They are the type to genuinely dislike people who play dumb to get what they want and they prefer people who are honest and straightforward as well as smart in social context.
26. Aquarius Moon possess a very open-minded personality due to the fact that they never stop thinking “hypothetically”. They yearn for injustice and will fight for equality til their last breath. They also can become very obsessive once they got used to a routine, don’t try to change their mind!!
27. Sagittarius placements can be even more charming than Libra placements in their prime. They are often so true to themselves and their feelings to the point where people are often very entertained and grow fond of them. Their innocence and simplicity is precious.
28. Taurus Risings usually have the best sense of humour. Their sense of humour is very relatable and can make people relax! They have a comforting way of communication and can calm down anyone they want. Persuasive by nature and very determined in business settings!
29. Aquarius Mars are very dominant in bed. They have a thing for “taming” people and they enjoy taking the lead most of the time. Secret pleasers at heart.
30. Having Capricorn in the big 3 can make anyone extremely work-oriented and these people are usually very stressed out when they feel that they are not living up to their expectations. Whether its academic/work validation or relationships, they crave having a plan at the end of the day and they believe that they must follow a destined path set for them.
Here are some of the newest astro notes that I’m adding to my collection 💗 I hope you guys love this and don’t hold back from letting me know your opinions on any of these<3
saint jenx🪐
© 2021 Saintz Jenx All Rights Reserved
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
Astro Observations
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Pisces placements are very artistically inclined. Whether it’s music or drawing/painting, they are always interested in something art related. 
Multiple Capricorn, Sagittarius, and Aries placements (especially Sun/Moon/Rising/Mercury) often times can be very blunt and tell you exactly what they’re thinking unless there is also a prominent Libra placement. 
A lot of Virgo suns have such curated aesthetics. I’m always so mesmerized when scrolling through a Virgo’s social media because of how consistent they are with their aesthetic.
Taurus sun/moons are very hard to influence. They are so unbothered by what everyone else around them is doing. 
Heavy mercurial placements in a chart (Gemini/Virgo) do well academically. 
Many people say that earth signs are the most skeptical about astrology, however, the people in my life who are the most interested in astrology are all earth signs with multiple other earth placements (including my father and me). 
Venus in 9th house tend to be attracted to foreigners.
Prominent 11th house placements or Leo in the 11th house can indicate somebody who is very popular on Social Media. When I say this, I don’t mean a social media influencer with thousands of followers. I mean that these people have many friends who they are always communicating with through social media. 
Significant 8th/12th house placements and water moons are introspective.
Sagittarius placements are spontaneous and fun to be around. They’re always doing something different and unexpected.
Pisces Mercuries do well and/or enjoy Literature based classes
Everyone I know who has dyed their hair bright red has a Fire sign in their big 3. 
Other than the rising sign, the ruler of the planets in your first house can also affect your appearance. For example, an Aquarius Rising with Neptune in their first house can have the traits of an Aquarius Rising and Pisces Rising (since Neptune rules Pisces). 
1st House Neptunes have a blurred perception of their own appearance. 
Air/Fire mercuries are the masters of ghosting people. They usually don’t do so on purpose, they just find it tiresome to constantly talk to people they aren’t close to. They probably won’t even care if they’re being ghosted.
On the other hand, Water/Earth mercuries hate being ghosted and they will try to respond to every text/dm/email (unless it starts getting annoying). 
Scorpio, Virgo, and Pisces placements are meticulous and will read into everything. They tend to take things personally even when it wasn’t meant to be personal. 
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
Astro Observations 🧲
Pisces sun/moons daydream a LOT, - theyre the people to save tiktok sounds because it fits a situation theyre currently daydreaming about
Sagittarius women can turn into toxic beetches REAL fast. Once they set their mind to something theyre going all in. Trust me when i say, ALL - IN! No regrets, no remorse
Idk if its just me who noticed it, but Cancer suns have troubles with being asked "what zodiac sign are you?" i ALWAYS feel like theyre fed up with the crybaby stereotype, they dont wanna come off like that
Libra men are more "full of themselves" than leo men, no one can tell me otherwise. Libra is the "creep trying to be charming" type, while leo is the "im the best and yall can suck my b@lls" type. First one is more uncomfortable imo
Individuals with a lot of 8th house influence probably dont make a lot of friends "on first sight" - its very rare for them to have an "instant click" connection since they value depth in a relationship and true passion, what takes time
The sign your venus is in can indicate how you will care for someone when things get bad/how you comfort your friends
Idk how to put it, but libra sun women will ask you for advice and do the exact opposite of it. They also lie to themselves big time (" i dont care" / "im not worried" / "im not jealous")
Having a taurus moon is such a great placement to be honest. Theyre grounded, mature, serious yet bubbly, kindhearted, loving - but also: Jealous/possessive/controlling to an extent. WILD, i love it
Aries moons tend to be know-it-alls in such an uncomfortable way. U literally feel them lying to u in arguments to back up their statemiients. Like "ive read that..." / "a friend of mine experienced.." / "ifs scientifically proven that.." - UHM no its not☠️
A stereotype i fully support: Scorpios and their eyes! U can spot them so easily by just looking at them. Resting bitch face / deep set eyes/sanpaku(?) eyes, hooded eyes/bigger lidspace
lets pray a minute for the peeps having a pisces/scorpio dad or a gemini/libra mom
Gemini moons and aries moons have something in common: They cannot stand being proved wrong. But where aries begins to lie to back themselves up, gemini just gets mad and tries to catch u slipping, saying something wrong so they can bash you about it and turn the tables. Often times u probably weren't even wrong, u just got gaslit and manipulated
Ive noticed that Capricorn suns like routines. Like the unknown makes them feel uncomfy, they wish they could keep everything in their hands and control
If your partner has a taurus/cancer/libra venus, u know ure gonna be loved loved!!
Water/air mars can be extremely manipulative. They probably had a close relative/fam member with manipulative/narcissistic tendencies where they could learn from. Behaviour like this grew into a survival strategy for them
Sagittarius venus is an underrated placement i said what i said. IF they are into you, they will treat u mad right
The worst mercury placements u could possibly have in my opinion: Leo/aries/scorpio/aquarius- All of em have their way with lying themselves out of things/avoiding communication even tho its highly needed/"walking away" from problems - immature behaviour in serious moments
im so mad at yall for making taurus the most forgotten sign. THEY ROCK OKAY?
I cant explain it but the ones who get it, get it. 3 = gemini / 2 = sagittarius / 6 = aries / 5 = capricorn / 1 = taurus - If numbers had a zodiac sign
What is there about leo+libra? Ive heard many think thats a great combo. to me, tho, it smells like downfall
Virgo placements struggle with making plans. Either they come too late or dont show up at all (yes, even if they themselves MADE the plans)
Ive experienced A LOT of 12th house/pisces placements to be extremely intuitive, but they somehow never believe their inner voice and dont trust themselves? Bitch, u a whole witch
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
Placements that indicate an ethereal/magnetic vibe/appearance
All notes are based on my own research. Other placements/aspects in the chart can reduce or exaggerate these traits. Take what applies.
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~ Virgo Sun/Moon/Ascendant
~ Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces Sun/Moon/Ascendant
~ Neptune/Moon/Pluto in 1st House
~ Neptune/Moon/Pluto Dominance
~ Neptune/Pluto conjunct Ascendant
~ Neptune in 3rd House
~ Pisces 3rd House/Capricorn Rising
~ Neptune trine Moon or Ascendant
~ Neptune sextile Venus or Ascendant
~ Pluto trine/sextile Venus or Ascendant
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yikes-cancer · 3 years
Astro observation 2
Disclaimer: These are my personal observations. Take what resonates
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🌸 Your 2nd house can tell you how you dress
Ex: Fire signs: You often wear red, orange or standout colors in general. Sport clothes, a sexy outfit that shows off your curves...
Air signs: Baggy clothes, street style, eccentric,... I also noticed that air signs have a great taste of fashion (especially Libra). So coolll
Earth signs: Classical, elegant, dignified shirt. Neutral colors. Chic style or smth like that :)
Water signs: delicate, fiminine outfits. Flowery and cozy clothes. If a scorpio there then it can be a little different :). You may dress minimalist clothes, monochrome colors, simple but gives mystery vibes. OMG I LOVE THIS.
🌸 Mars in 10h are workaholics, theyre hardworking af
🌸 Moon in 5h yall life at the party
🌸 Lots of air signs in your chart can make you hard to focus on smth (i have this bitch)
🌸 Where Leo places in your chart can tell you how you meet your spouse, love situation at that moment
Ex: Leo in 5h: you can find them at a fair, playground, at a park, a concert... or you may find them confident or funny at first.
Leo in 11h: you and your spouse can make friend first or know through a friend, meet at a place that have lots of ppl, social media, online,...
Also check planets placed in that house/sign too
🌸 Mecury aspect Jupiter have an curious mind, they like to explore and travel
🌸 Uranus in 5h just have a random crush on someone and then uncrush in 1s
🌸 Juno aspect any planets can tell you what personalities you search for a partner and how you act when in love.
🌸 But juno conjunct uranus can indicate that you have been through many relationships but finally fall for the one you cannot expected (yeah it's sad but true). They may have a lot aquarius in their chart.
🌸 Mars opposite mars in synastry is exactly enemies to lovers ;)
🌸 Venus square Saturn is the type that won't tell you they had a crush on you but actually fall in love with you 10 yrs ago
🌸 Leo mercury hate it when you don't listen to them talking or interrupt their words
🌸 Earth moons have strict moms :(
🌸 3h and 9h placements are teacher pets
🌸 UwU I just noticed that you will get along super well with someone who have the same ruler as your placements
Ex: Aries venus and Scorpio venus (both ruled by mars)
Pisces and Sag (ruled by jupiter)
Cap and Aqua (ruled by Saturn)
Taurus and Libra (ruled by venus)
Virgo and Gemini (ruled by mercury)
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