yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
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➳  AgustD icons.
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
I’m just so happy because Yoongi isn’t trying to be gangster, he doesn’t glorify and imitate american rappers. There is no big chains and no pretenses. There is no misogyny and no slurs. He talks about himself and builds upon that, and he might not know it but that makes him strong.
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
160816 Suga’s FC Post//Trans
The thing with music is that it comes easy then becomes really hard then comes easy again / sometimes (I) sit there for dozens of days and nothing comes out and other times (I’m) there for only ten minutes and music comes out / hmm (I’ve) been making music for 11years now and it’s still hard haha like life _____
Turns out I started making music since I was 13
During this long journey I think I was able to take time to organize my thoughts on who the person ‘me’ is / although I was able to organize my thoughts on who I am, I’m not going to tell _____
Of my beats, I chose only the aces to work with / I had saved them for Bangtan’s album but well…I think I’ll be able to make better music anyways :) / I’ll be doing music for much longer than I have been so far *laugh* _____
I spent close to half my life making music, you’d think it’d get tiring but while living my 24years there hasn’t been anything else I’ve been as passionate for / since my personality is impatient anytime I started something new it never lasted :) _____
I’ve always wanted to be the best to someone
That’s why I was restless and anxious while comparing myself to others, not being satisfied (with my work), being greedy, thinking, being sad…
Greed which was a weapon sometimes turned into anger
While working on this mixtape, (I) went back to my 13 year old self and saw a memory stuck in the corner of my mind / When I first started making music, rather than someone who is the best at making music, I wanted to make music that would give comfort and emotions to someone. _____
I think this work has been work that brought me comfort
Why does this young guy have so much resentment
The guy of expectations was always so far from me so there were many times when I clenched my jaw* / due to that I was always able to show you beyond expectation
What a relief :) _____
I don’t really like interpreting and explaining songs
Music isn’t the creator’s but the listener’s
That’s why during my album reviews I don’t explain the song or the lyrics but I focus on the process in making the songs / Even if I were to explain, it’s not something that really can be understood / Interpretation is solely on the listener
Chew it out, tear it apart, taste it, enjoy it to your heart’s content _____
While doing this work I felt like I was going back and forth between heaven and hell multiples times a day / Sometimes I’d feel great about something and then get scared about messing it up / sometimes I’d feel ah this is enough and then feel a bit of regret / It felt quite different from what I felt (while doing) Bangtan’s album / I started this while going around on tour and it was crazy but while working on the second half I’m thankful I had some breathing room because the bighit family helped. ____
Thank you to Yankie hyung and Suran nuna who helped without hesitation with just one phone call even though it’s not even an official album and just a mixtape :) ____
Will be together with you at your creation and at the end of your life Wherever you are, will welcome you In the end, at the end of adversity, will be in full bloom Though the start may be humble, the end will be prosperous *lyrics from so far away feat. suran*
(trans cr. Joyce @bts-trans) ____
Min Yoongi is most definitely a genius
DO NOT REPOST Trans by @bangtoori​ 
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
fuck i went up to youtube to watch bangtan bomb to calm myself but fuck bangtan tv made a playlist for Agust D. what does this mean
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
I pretend I’m not lonely, I pretend I’m not suffering.  I pretend I’m okay for no reason, meaninglessly.  I pretend to be strong. Don’t come over the wall I’ve put up in front of myself. Don’t throw me off this island in this wide sea.
Agust D “140503 At Dawn” (via modtae)
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
I feel Jungkook for crying listening to this holy shit…
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
STOP RIGHT THERE! You, yes you. Go listen to Rap God Min Yoongi aka Suga aka Agust D’s new mixtape. It’s more dope than 쩔어, more fire than 불타오르네, dirtier than SM’s business, and brighter than the lights in YG’s basement.
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
who was I before yoongi’s mixtape
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
yoongi in 2013: i want a big car, big house, big rings
yoongi 2016: i sell half a million a year, the kpop category ain’t big enough for me whoo
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
lets just appreciate how yoongi just opened up about his mental health because thats such a fucking hard thing to do we barely know about his hardships before he became a trainee and even his issues at the moment and its such a brave and honorable thing to do for him to turn that pain into fucking genius
you know those people who comment on how hes always on his phone? fuck em. you know those people who complain he isnt as friendly as the other members? fuck em. the idol life drains a person of a lot of things and i am proud of yoongi for finally saying that.
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
yoongi is such an inspiration. He battled all these insecurities and issues, and didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. He stuck to producing music even though it made him even more insecure about himself, but he loved doing it so much. He worked so hard to better himself and to make music he himself could be proud of. He didn’t give up on it, even when other people expressed their doubts.
Now he’s come to the point where he’s comfortable in his life. He stuck to his beliefs and he made it. And along the way he made a family that will stick by him no matter what and will always support him.
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
MY mood literally went from head banging to ugly sobbing along w/ the order of yoongi’s tracks
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
there are so many important messages that suga is trying to convey to his listeners through his mixtape and im sure that if you’ve read the lyric translations, you definitely know what i mean. i am seriously blown away that we’ve been fans of bts for what, 3 years now? for 3 years, ARMYs have easily labelled yoongi as ‘lazy’, given him that ‘idagf’ image, and yet, we were oblivious to so many of his hardships. we’ve always known that he’s hardworking, more quiet than the other members, and more reflective, but this mixtape honestly blew me away because yoongi’s gone through so much in his idol career and we had no idea. 
first off, he touches on a sensitive topic that idols don’t speak openly about: mental health. he raps about seeing a psychiatrist, battling with depression, self-hate, experiencing social phobia since age 18, putting on a front, and loneliness. His entire song “The Last” really touches on this:
a word said like habit, oh, I don’t give a shit, I don’t give a fuck those words are all words I use to hide my weak self that time I want to erase, that’s right, the memories I want to erase of that day I had that concert I was afraid of people, so I hid in the bathroom and stared at myself
and in “So Far Away”:
I’m in so much pain and lonliness but people around me keeping telling me to regain my consciousness I try to vent my anger but I only got myself so what’s the point of venting my anger I’m scared to open my eyes everyday and start breathing
these lyrics from ‘At Dawn’ also illustrate this:
I pretend I’m not lonely, I pretend I’m not suffering I pretend I’m okay for no reason, meaninglessly I pretend to be strong don’t come over the wall I’ve put up in front of myself don’t throw me off this island in this wide sea 
he also talks about his struggles during his trainee days and i dont think he’s ever talked in depth about this period of his life. this mixtape gives us some insight about him moving to seoul, getting a part time job to afford the cost of living in the city, going to school dead tired after work, and still training with big hit to live out his dreams
was I needy for success? No just needy for money it’d been a long time since I forgot the words ‘in style’ I practiced at night and went to my part time job at dawn then even if I dragged that tired body to school I just slept I became 20 that way, the sight of the graduation room was suspicious
and the fact that he admits he puts up a front:
I hide the self that’s behind my defensive posture I hide myself completely like I’ve become a criminal, always I can’t even take one step outside the dorm that’s like a prison 
all of these are reasons im so moved. because it really highlights how idols only show one side of themselves to the camera, and fans can never really know them fully. we only know the version of bts’ min yoongi that he wants to show us through shows and broadcasts. 
behind every idol rapper who succeeds there’s a weak self standing, it’s a little dangerous I fall sometimes again into depression and compulsion hell no, anyway I don’t even know if that’s the real me
but through his music? through his mixtape, he’s trying to show us another side of him, and i’m so thankful that he’s opened up to his worldwide audience. this takes courage. talking openly about your hardships and your weaknesses to people who look up to you, that takes some damn courage. so thank you, yoongi, for opening up to your fans. 
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
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“you need people like me. you need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say that’s the bad boy”
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
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AGUST D - So Far Away (ft. Suran)
saying I don’t want to do anything really sucks I know it’s pitiful to not even have an ordinary dream, I know it all if I just do what I’m told and go to university, it’s all okay the me who believed those words was a moron, I can’t die, I’m living give me some liquor, I want to get drunk today so please don’t stop me anything is good, to the unemployed drinking is a luxury but I can’t stand not being drunk, everything is changing but why am only I here everything is changing but why am I only here, everything is changing but why am only I here so far away, if you say you have a dream, if you have a dream that flies don’t far away, if you say you have a dream, if you have a dream that flies dream, we’ll be together at the end of her life and creation dream, we’ll be warm no matter where her place is dream, we’ll be in full bloom at the end of these hardships dream, rather than humble, at the end we’ll be prosperous that’s right, fuck, I can’t die so I’m living, I don’t have anything I want to do I’m suffering more than anything, I’m lonely, around me everyone is just telling me to pull myself together, they vent their anger, I am my only companion, what are you venting for every morning I’m afraid of opening my eyes, of breathing my friends and family are going farther away, as time passes they become more impatient my feeling of being alone, my aloneness now, I wish it would all disappear, like a mirage, I wish it would disappear, I wish it would disappear, I wish that the damned me would disappear like this I’m thrown away in the world, I’m becoming further from heaven in an instant I’m falling so far away, if you say you have a dream, if you have a dream that flies don’t far away, if you say you have a dream, if you have a dream that flies dream, we’ll be together at the end of her life and creation dream, we’ll be warm no matter where her place is dream, we’ll be in full bloom at the end of these hardships dream, rather than humble, at the end we’ll be prosperous so far away, if you say you have a dream, if you have a dream that flies don’t far away, if you say you have a dream, if you have a dream that flies dream, we’ll be together at the end of her life and creation dream, we’ll be warm no matter where her place is dream, we’ll be in full bloom at the end of these hardships dream, rather than humble, at the end we’ll be prosperous we’ll be together at the end of her life and creation (don’t far away) dream, we’ll be warm no matter where her place is dream, we’ll be in full bloom at the end of these hardships dream, rather than humble, at the end we’ll be prosperous so far away so far away so far away so far away so far away, if you say you have a dream, if you have a dream that flies don’t far away, if you say you have a dream, if you have a dream that flies so far away don’t far away so far away don’t far away dream, we’ll be together at the end of her life and creation dream, we’ll be warm no matter where her place is dream, we’ll be in full bloom at the end of these hardships dream, rather than humble, at the end we’ll be prosperous
please reblog, don’t repost
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yimmiejams-blog · 8 years
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AGUST D - Give It To Me
my success that not even my family could predict since it surprised even me, I’m saying something more a tough cookie that even my family acknowledges, I’m a public enemy*, full of virtue while you wring me out my hyungs all see the taste of money while saying two words with one mouth they go to the big companies what you know about me? you can’t control my shit if you’re gonna go then pick up all those words you spit and take them with you if you ask why I succeeded, there’s no one answer during that short time I slept less than you and moved more and grew still it seems like even if I don’t know the secret to success, I know the secret to failure playing like y'all do and fluttering around is the secret, I won’t live like that even if I die gi give it to me money, honor, whatever is good so bring it on fame, flash, light gi-give it to me (gi-give it to me) whatever is good so bring it on I was born from a tiger so I can’t live like a dog try and follow along, alcohol, money, that’s honor I won’t beg for it at your hands I don’t want things, whatever they are I just do what I do, the law of the jungle? fuck off, it’s the politics in the word success you just fight all amongst yourselves yeah, like that, you fuckers, like that, you’re all idiots whether you’re a waste of space or a weakling I don’t even have interest in your dick so please keep living like that don’t bother me, don’t even touch me you go to the back after making lame excuses one for the money and two for the show fame, flash, light, gi-give it to me gi-give it to me money, honor, whatever is good so bring it on fame, flas, light gi-give it to me (gi-give it to me whatever is good so bring it on ** 공공의 적 means public enemy but 적적 means “lonely” so could be a play on words
please reblog, don’t repost
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