yj-hiatus-survival · 11 years
How many hiatuses did YJ have in total, and what was the longest one?
Okay, so from the time when the first two parter episode aired in late 2010, there were a few weeks before the actual series started airing, I think CN wanted to test the waters. Officially, though, the first episode aired January 7, 2011. The episodes aired continuously, stopping with Bereft on March 11, 2011. This marks the start of hiatus one, although Targets was released on itunes due to the sudden cancelation, much like how Before the Dawn was.
Hiatus One lasted from March 18, 2011 to September 16, 2011, making Hiatus One six months long.
Then episodes resumed, airing every week from September 16, 2011 to November 18, 2011 stopping on Secrets. I was not keeping up with the show at this time, due to the fact that I didn’t know it had resumed, so I don’t know if Hiatus Two was scheduled or not.
Hiatus Two lasted from November 18, 2011 to March 3, 2012, making Hiatus Two four and a half months long.
Episodes resumed, now airing in the DC Nation time slot. This lasted from March 3, 2012 to June 9, 2012. This marks the start of Hiatus Three, which was planned. A summer hiatus, nothing more, nothing less, although where CN chose to stop airing the episodes didn’t sit well with either the producers or the fans.
Hiatus Three lasted from June 9, 2012 to September 29, 2012, making Hiatus Three four months long.
Only two episodes aired before Hiatus Four started. Those episodes were Satisfaction on September 29, 2012 and Depths on October 6, 2012. Before the Dawn was put up on itunes for several hours before it was taken down, giving fans the opportunity to see it. That marks the start of Hiatus Four as October 13, 2012.
Hiatus Four lasted from October 13, 2012 to January 5, 2013, making Hiatus Four four months long.
Hiatus Four also marks the start of the campaign to save both Young Justice and Green Lantern. Episodes resumed on January 5, 2013, with Before the Dawn. They aired until the end of the season on March 16, 2013. This marks the start of what I’m going to call The Infinite Hiatus.
Hiatus ∞ started on March 16, 2013 and has not ended as of yet. I refuse to believe these shows are over, anon. Even if SMGO fails, I and many others will lie in wait for the correct moment to strike. From the beginning I had planned on approaching WB after I got out of college to make a Young Justice movie. Now I have all the more reason to do so.
TL;DR, Hiatus One was the longest and lasted six months. The complete show aired over four years, with not even a year’s worth of material to show for it. Someone wanted these shows to fail from the beginning and they have not yet succeeded. (I got angry just typing this.)
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Are you guys still going to be posting even after the final episode?
Yes! As long as people submit things, we will.
Besides, our fandom will never die.
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
As some of you may have heard: it is POSSIBLE that Young Justice is cancelled. This stems from it not being included in Cartoon Network's release about shows it's going to renew. There is no official word out (yet?) that confirms verbatim that the series is over. So calm down a little. Still. We do know that the tie-in comics have been scrapped, and a while back the toy line too. Currently the Young Justice tags are exploding with links to various petitions, posts calling on fans to contact various CN representatives and/or to buy the merchandise (DVDs, episodes on iTunes, comics et cetera). Please show your support if it's within your means, but remember above all, in the words of Artemis: symbiosi. m.e. P.S. the inactivity of this blog stems from various reasons. I found myself largely at fault. This is my last post here before I resign as a mod. Catch you guys on the other side!
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Information post regarding the end of Hiatus #4!
Also, it's pretty obvious that there's been nada in terms of submissions here. Ever the optimist, next week's prompts are still going up on Saturday.
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Official Press Release For The Return of DC Nation http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/2012/12/14/cartoon-network-issues-press-release-for-the-january-2013-return-of-dc-nation/
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
[[ yjfanvids(.)tumblr(.)com/post/37504052155/we-should-spend-december-sending-cn-christmas#notes ]], [[ sar-cat(.)tumblr(.)com/post/37502186363/just-sending-cn-my-christmas-wishlist-all-i-want-for ]] --> Like we could do that every single day of December!
Admittedly it would be interesting! Even if CN decided to ignore it (I mean, come on, 12 requests, likely getting more and more outrageous as the numbers increase) it'd be fun to do.
- m.e.
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Fanwork Challenge: Week 1! (8-14 December)
Fic, art, graphics, videos — we’re accepting submissions in any and all media. The goal is simply to create. Every Saturday we'll post a week's worth of daily prompts. These are mainly applicable for fanfic, admittedly, but for art/graphics and videos hopefully you can make something using these as themes.
This week's randomly generated prompts are:
Saturday, December 8: easy
Sunday, December 9: engage
Monday, December 10: anywhere
Tuesday, December 11: rocking chair
Wednesday, December 12: nicknames
Thursday, December 13: compromise
Friday, December 14: rain
Take note that submissions will be accepted any time starting from the respective day of the prompt. So if you missed 10 December, we'll still reblog your work here whenever you post it thereafter.
Tag your work with 'yj hiatus survival' please! Or submit it here.
Get cracking, dear fandom!
- mimo
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Update on the fanwork challenge
I actually haven’t received any response to my previous post, which I’m hoping is a good thing? Anyway, go that link to read about the fanwork challenge (whose official tag will be #fanwork challenge ‘12)
The first set of prompts will be up this Saturday, 8 December. These were generated at random so I hope we can avoid any quarrels. (Also, you can still volunteer to help create a promotional graphic if you’d like)
Here’s hoping to see you on Saturday!
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Upcoming: Young Justice Fanwork Challenge
(Yup, your eyes do not deceive you.)
The last fanwork competition we've organized on this blog didn't get as much response as we'd originally hoped. Back then, we had character weeks, and some were noticeably less popular.
This time round, I'm seeking your feedback on how we should organize things, and with some luck, you'll enjoy the event more. Currently, this is what the proposal is looking like:
submissions in any and all media will be accepted (fic, art, videos, graphics) and reblogged here
submissions must adhere to the prompts given (7 prompts will be posted here every Saturday) and prompts will be one-word or a short phrase (every effort will be made by mod to ensure prompts do not lean exclusively towards a given pairing or character, to minimize shipping wars and/or anon hate)
this will not be a contest; it's a challenge to create fanwork spontaneously, in good spirit, and maybe even collaboratively (there won't be any judging and no prizes will be awarded (apart from sense of personal achievement, I guess)
If you can foresee difficulties in any of the conditions I've drafted, or if you have suggestions to improve the event, please reply to this post, or leave your comments in our askbox. Please do this by 4 December (Tuesday) as on that day, around 10pm (GMT+8) I'll be making another post to confirm details.
I'm thinking of kicking this off on 8 December (Saturday), and am currently looking for anyone who'd like to create a graphic/artwork which we'll use in promotion to list the week's prompts. Credit will, naturally, be given. Go to my askbox here if you'd like to volunteer.
I really hope you guys can get psyched about this, because there's been some misery and friction in the fandom recently, and this blog needs all the more to meet its goal of helping you, well, survive the hiatus. Also, I'm rather nervous (I'm new at this) and wary of you guys not enjoying this event, so please, give me any feedback you have.
Stay asterous!
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Have you heard anything about the Young Justice: Legacy video game?
According to the official Facebook page, it is still coming out in February of 2013. The screenshots look nice, and it will be available for a variety of systems.
Here's the link!
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Is the blog nonfunctional now? Because, aside from the random crazy drama, I really enjoyed checking for updates and admiring the fandom's creativity. It's a shame we have to suffer through so much irregularity.
Well, the main issue is that nobody is submitting anything. We'd love to have people submit things, and for there to be events. Speaking of which, we may get something started soon...
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
YJ Hiatus collab advertisement! :D enjoy! we can survive hiatus #4! song: Marching On by One republic editors: LovelyRavager and DSVII
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
OMFG It's Wally's Birthday today.
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
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November 11th - Wally gets a “surprise” party at the Cave
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
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November 11th - Wally West is spoiled with a major breakfast meal
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
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November 11, 12 & 13 - The events of Coldhearted take place
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Soo, I wonder if the fandom will do anything for Wally's birthday
Since it is tomorrow, and poor guy needs an appreciation day?
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yj-hiatus-survival · 12 years
Mark your calendars! The 11th is Wally's Birthday!
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