yn-uzumaki-hatake · 7 months
Title: Shadows of Love
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As the young genin trio, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, trained under the watchful eye of their sensei Hatake Kakashi, they couldn't help but notice his wife YN's radiant presence. With her captivating smile and gentle nature, she had become a beacon of light in their lives.
One sunny afternoon at training grounds, YN arrived with a basket filled with delicious homemade lunches for the group. Naruto's eyes lit up at the sight of her arrival; he was always eager to devour her scrumptious meals. Sasuke too felt himself drawn to YN's kindheartedness.
"Naruto! Sasuke!" YN called out cheerfully as she approached them. "I made your favorite dishes today!"
"Thanks, YN!" Naruto exclaimed excitedly, grabbing his lunch box before starting to dig in.
Sasuke nodded appreciatively as he accepted his meal from YN. His gaze lingered on her face for a moment longer than necessary, earning him a smug grin from Naruto who noticed their interaction.
"Sasuke can't get enough of Kakashi-sensei's wife!" Naruto teased playfully, nudging Sasuke's side.
Sasuke scowled and shot back sarcastically, "Well, you're not any better."
YN chuckled softly at their banter, finding amusement in their innocent crushes. She knew that both boys respected Kakashi deeply and were simply drawn to her warm personality because she reminded them of their beloved mentor.
Meanwhile, Sakura watched the interactions with unease. Behind her sweet facade lay jealousy towards YN. Her admiration for Sasuke often clashed with the envy she felt toward anyone who attracted his attention.
Months passed by as Team 7 continued their rigorous training and missions together. Little did they know, YN and Kakashi had been trying for a baby, their love deepening with each passing day.
One sunny morning at the training grounds, Sakura noticed a subtle change in YN's appearance. A spark of excitement ignited within her as she rushed over to confront her about it.
"YN! Are you... pregnant?" Sakura asked hesitantly yet filled with curiosity.
YN smiled warmly at the pink-haired girl. "Yes, Sakura. Kakashi and I are expecting our first child."
Sakura couldn't help but feel a pang of envy mixed with genuine happiness for YN. She had always dreamed of starting a family with Sasuke someday, but he seemed oblivious to her romantic advances.
As time went on, YN's pregnancy progressed beautifully. Naruto and Sasuke were thrilled for their sensei and his wife, often offering to accompany them during check-ups or helping out around their home.
With an important mission approaching -- guarding the bridge builder in the Land of Waves -- Team 7 prepared themselves mentally and physically. As they gathered at YN and Kakashi's house before setting off, YN surprised them with specially packed lunches full of love and nourishment.
"These should keep you energized during your mission," YN said softly, handing each member their personalized lunch boxes.
Sasuke accepted his meal gratefully while Naruto beamed brightly at the sight of homemade ramen. He looked up at YN with admiration shining in his eyes. "Thank you so much, YN!"
YN patted both boys' heads affectionately before turning to Sakura. "And here's yours, Sakura. Take care of yourself too."
Sakura took the lunch box gingerly, feeling warmth spread through her heart. She realized that while she may not have won Sasuke's affections just yet, she had gained something even more valuable: a true friend in YN.
As Team 7 embarked on their mission, the bonds between them grew stronger, with YN's love and support serving as an unyielding pillar of strength. Together, they faced challenges and triumphs, all while eagerly awaiting the arrival of the newest member of their team.
And so, amidst teasing troubles and blossoming relationships, the shadows of love intertwined, shaping the destiny of Team 7 forever.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 7 months
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The wind blew softly through the leaves as Hatake Kakashi, the renowned Copy Ninja of Konohagakure, walked down the streets of his beloved village. His mismatched eyes gazed at everything around him with a sense of detachment. Ever since that fateful mission where he had lost his best friend Obito and witnessed Rin's tragic death, Kakashi had become consumed by sorrow.
As he strolled past Ichiraku Ramen, a place that held many memories for him and his team, something caught his attention. A young woman with vibrant (h/c) hair sat alone at one of the tables, her eyes filled with sadness resembling his own.
Curiosity piqued within Kakashi as he approached her table. "Mind if I join you?" he asked quietly, surprising himself with the sudden urge to reach out to someone who seemed just as broken as he was.
She looked up at him, startled but also relieved to have someone to share their pain with. "Go ahead," she replied softly, gesturing towards the empty seat across from her.
They shared silence for a while before Kakashi spoke again, breaking the somber atmosphere that enveloped them both. "I'm sorry if this is too forward, but... what brings you here? You seem troubled."
A glimmer of gratitude flashed in her eyes as she let out a sigh. "It's complicated," she admitted hesitantly. "But... there's something about oranges that always reminds me of happier times."
Kakashi furrowed his brows slightly in confusion but didn't press further. Instead, they engaged in casual conversation—a brief escape from their respective burdens.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months since that initial meeting between Kakashi and Y/N (your name). Their connection grew stronger with each passing day, as they found solace in one another's presence. The bond they shared was unspoken yet palpable.
One evening, Kakashi walked Y/N home after their usual rendezvous at the ramen stand. Along the way, he noticed a faint scent of oranges lingering in the air. It triggered something deep within his heart, an inexplicable feeling that resonated through his entire being.
"Y/N," he began hesitantly, "I've been meaning to ask you... What is it about oranges that holds such significance for you?"
Her eyes filled with melancholy as she took a deep breath. "There's a poem I once heard that captures the essence of my pain," she replied softly. "It's called 'Something In The Orange' my mother wrote it once."
Intrigued, Kakashi listened attentively as Y/N recited some of the poem:
"But I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun
Something in the orange tells me we're not done"
The words struck a chord within him. It was as if those words were spoken specifically for their shared sorrow and longing.
Days turned into months once again, and their bond only grew stronger. Kakashi and Y/N became inseparable, supporting each other through their darkest moments and cherishing every stolen moment of happiness together.
However, fate had a cruel way of testing their strength. News reached Konoha that a great war loomed on the horizon—a battle that would determine the future of their world.
Kakashi knew what this meant—he would be called upon to fight alongside his fellow shinobi, risking his life once more. The weight of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders as he contemplated leaving Y/N behind.
When he finally mustered up the courage to tell her about the mission, tears welled up in her eyes. "Please come back to me," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation and fear.
Kakashi held her close, promising to return no matter what. But deep down, he knew that promises were difficult to keep in times of war.
The night before Kakashi's departure arrived all too quickly. Y/N clung to him tightly, not wanting to let go as if it would somehow keep him safe from harm. She whispered words of love and encouragement, praying for his safe return.
As Kakashi looked into Y/N's tear-filled eyes, he felt a wave of emotions crash over him—love, guilt, and an overwhelming sense of duty. He pressed a gentle kiss onto her forehead before reluctantly pulling away.
"I promise I'll come back," he said softly, his voice laced with both determination and uncertainty.
Y/N smiled through her tears but couldn't shake off the feeling of foreboding that gripped her heart as Kakashi disappeared into the darkness of the night.
Weeks turned into months without any word from Kakashi. As the war raged on relentlessly, Y/N found herself consumed by despair and anxiety. The scent of oranges that once brought solace now served as a painful reminder of a promise yet unfulfilled.
One evening, while sitting alone at Ichiraku Ramen—the place where their story began—a familiar face approached Y/N. It was an ANBU member carrying devastating news.
"Ma'am," he spoke solemnly, "I regret to inform you that Hatake Kakashi lost his life during battle."
Y/N's world shattered in an instant. Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably as she struggled to comprehend the harsh reality that had just been thrust upon her.
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N found herself trapped in an abyss of grief. Her days became a blur, her nights filled with haunting dreams of Kakashi's smile and the sweet sound of his laughter.
One day, as Y/N wandered aimlessly through Konoha's graveyard, she stumbled upon a plot adorned with orange flowers—a solemn tribute to the fallen hero. It was there that she fell to her knees, unable to bear the weight of her sorrow any longer.
"I'm sorry," she whispered brokenly, clutching onto the gravestone as if it were Kakashi himself. "I failed you... I couldn't keep my promise."
Suddenly, a gentle breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it the faint scent of oranges. A sense of peace washed over Y/N as if Kakashi's spirit had heard her plea.
Years passed since that fateful day when Y/N finally managed to find some semblance of healing within her shattered heart. She had dedicated her life to honoring Kakashi's memory by helping others in need—just as he would have done.
One evening while tending to the memorial site, Y/N discovered a small orange tree growing nearby. It stood tall and proud—its leaves vibrant and full of life. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that this tree was a testament to their love—the love that continued to blossom even in the face of tragedy.
Something her mother used to say echoed softly in her mind:
"Something in the orange
Tells me we're not done"
As she traced her fingers along one delicate leaf, she knew deep within her soul that Kakashi was still with her—an eternal presence guiding
inspired by the song : Something In The Orange 🍊
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 7 months
How Kakashi's mental health negatively effected his strength and why he was getting stronger and stronger throughout the story.
Have you ever wondered why Tsunade was surprised that Itachi defeated Kakashi and was so angry that she scolded him for losing?
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That's because Tsunade personally knowing Kakashi's power level as a Shinobi and that he shouldn't have lost that fight ... Then what happened?!.
Aside from the things I explained in the second half of this post, Kakashi was actually rusty, after Hiruzen got him out of Anbu and before he gets team 7, Kakashi's mental health was at it's lowest, he lost the Anbu missions which despite not being good for him and was actually making his depression worse, it's was the only thing that was keeping him busy, so now he had too much free time, he was failing all of the students he got and apparently he wasn't being sent to S or A ranked missions and according to his own statements he stopped training too
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And here in his fight with Zabuza he states that it has been so long since he had a fight like this
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And here he once again confirms that he hasn't had a fight like this since he left Anbu
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Now, remember when Kakashi was teaching team 7 to walk on trees and was explaining chakra control? Kakashi explained that the physical AND mental energies combine to form chakra.
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And this is why having a bad mental health can effect the Shinobi's overall strength greatly.
Then Kakashi gets team 7 and slowly things starts to get better gradually especially in Shippuden when he tells Naruto this
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And then he got to meet his father and forgive him and know that because of it his father too can now move on and can finally join his mother.
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And then during the war he got the chance to properly say goodbye to Rin, Obito and Minato and then later they even get Sasuke back.
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He finally gets to move on.. even the Sharingan that was a constant reminder of his pain and failures was gone. When he says "As of today Kakashi of The Sharingan is no more" it holds a much more deeper meaning than just losing the Sharingan. "Kakashi of the Sharingan" was the man who had the weight of the whole world on his shoulders, who was always burdened by his guilt, his failures and everything he lost, that sad broken man who used to be called "Kakashi of the Sharingan" is no more. The new Kakashi gets to have a new beginning with all of the friends and precious people he still has, who has filled the hole in his heart, in a new era of peace, the peace that they all fought so hard to get and now they finally have. And this is why Hokage Kakashi is much much more stronger than he ever was. The current Kakashi has a perfect mental energy combined with a perfect physical energy (especially after losing the chakra drain of the Sharingan and the great toll it used to put on his body) and he is even training and learning so many new powerful Jutsu and inventing new ones like it's stated in Kakashi Retsuden. The new Kakashi finally gets to use his full potentials without all the emotional baggage that used to hold him back 🥺❤️
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 7 months
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"How dare you remind me of my own crimes?" -Sasuke
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 7 months
Sir Kakashi Hokage. 🤌🏻
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331 notes · View notes
yn-uzumaki-hatake · 7 months
If ever you always doubt yourself..
Kakashi will always...
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 7 months
Sunk in Familiarity - Kakashi Hatake x Reader
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Jesus christ, this went waaaay over my personal word limit.
Though! I like it enough... it's a little rushed in the end? But I think the story ends on a good note, and unless I was wanting to make a part 2 I would've done the pacing more justice.
Either way, here's some fun antics with Team 7 surrounding their lovable Sensei ^^! Hope you enjoy :))
Prompt #7: Costume
Word Count: 5.5k
Free days were far and few between once you’d become a sensei for the Academy. Even with you having not being tasked with an individual team of genin for the foreseeable futures, a career some of your colleagues recently undertook at the request of Lord Third, your schedule wasn’t entirely open either. You didn’t mind, though; your peers still stuck to being home, or at least close to it, with only going out into the fire nation to complete D-rank missions.
Regardless of that, your job was just as important as the individual sensei’s who harbored the teams to face the rest of the shinobi world. Preparing the kids in the classroom for the field was a vital first step, one that you were responsible in helping them take.
It more so just meant you had to deal with the kids all at once instead of three at a time, work out their childish qualms with one another before sending them off to participate in missions and the rest of the shinobi-world.
Your recently graduated class had all successfully found their sensei’s with peers from your past, and all were turning into fine ninja as far as you were concerned. Antics would still rise up among the trios, today being no different in schemes from some of those familiar students among the Hidden Leaf.
“Sensei!” You were interrupted mid-stroll along the village fence by a hoarse shout from behind, the voice’s person not hard to discern.
You turned on your heel, the gleam of the kid’s recently acquired headband blinding you momentarily before you could focus on the blonde’s ferocious grin, “Hello, Naruto—“
your voice felt short with surprise in finding he wasn’t alone, you then readjusting to see his other two teammates standing over his shoulders, “Sasuke, Sakura... is everything alright, you three?”
“We need your help, M’am!” Sakura, your forever fiesty fighter spoke up, “We’ve been put on a secret mission.”
“A secret mission, you say?” This can only mean so many things, and it wasn’t against your interest to find more out, “Without Kakashi-sensei? Sounds dangerous.”
“Nevermind him.” Sasuke scoffed before taking a step forward now, pushing Naruto aside much to the other’s audible dismay, “He can’t be involved in this.”
“Oh?” You tilt your head on its side, curiously looking over each former student, “Why’s that?”
Naruto eyes you cautiously, his head snapping to the right and then to the left, him leaning to look around the back of you before again turning over his shoulder. Once all directions had been throughly checked in his better judgement, you assumed, he finally centered himself back in focusing on you. He waved his hand back in his direction, beckoning you to lean forward in which you comply to nearing the group of genin.
He cups his hand up towards your face, against the front of your ear, “It’s about Kakashi-sensei. We’re gonna finally see the face behind the mask!” 
“You’re serious?” You ask quietly, a little taken aback by their goal.
Out of any scenario these three could make a mission out of, it’s not that you didn’t expect them to end up with this one. You just weren't expecting it, and your eyes grew wide in surprise as you pulled back to stare at the three—their own expressions letting you know they were all convinced with their self-proclaimed mission.
Your face slightly fell with the edge this knowledge gave you, “Oh, you’re all serious.”
They all replied, sounding off one-by-one as if there was an order to their speech. A nervous chuckle resounded in your chest at that, your hands placing themselves on your hips.
“Well, it sounds like you’ll have some tough work ahead of you…” You hesitantly began, Naruto leaping up to cut you off with more information.
“We actually already have help from others!” He claimed once airborne, the kid then landing and taking your hand in his smaller, calloused one, and tugging you back slightly, “He was the one who told us to come find you!”
No longer innocently playing along, the fact that another ninja from the leaf had specifically told Team 7 to find you made you beyond suspicious. All would be quelled, though, when the man Naruto was regarding stepped out from behind the tree a few feet away.
Eyes narrowing in caution, you raised a brow in the person’s direction when you weren't sure who was approaching. The name was definitely lost on you, and the face was not going immediately connect with one you could remember. He was a stranger, as far as you were concerned.
He wasn’t outwardly unordinary, wearing what looked to be a green trench coat and a tan scarf wrapped around his neck and over his shoulders, a camera dangling against the front of his chest as well. He had shaggy brown hair which swept in his eyes and almost hid how grey they were now that you had progressively gotten closer to the apparent-photographer. The oddest thing about him was definitely the purple face paint that covered the lids of his eyes and fell in two elongated blocks over his cheeks, almost down towards his jaw. An imperfect mole punctually dotted right beneath the curve of his smile, making him into… what you would describe as a unique individual.
“Hello!” The ninja chimed, and it was like a ghost of someone you once knew was suddenly standing in front of you—and just as quickly, the feeling was gone. The voice before you belonged to a stranger all over again.
“Hi.” You shortly responded, the kids beside you visibly tensing at the hard tone you held, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around the village.”
You surely hadn’t, everything happening in front of you just felt off. Like the situation itself was somehow amiss… you just couldn’t point out a valid enough reason as to why. Superstitious as ever, you were sure Kakashi would also feel similarly if he knew what was going on.
Even with your less-than-friendly greeting, the man managed to widen his smile into a grin, “No, you wouldn’t have!”
“His name’s Sukea!” Naruto spoke back up from your side, grabbing your attention to dilute it from the scarfed man, “He’s wanting a scoop.”
“… A scoop?” You repeat, raising an unimpressed brow in the adult’s direction—him finally letting out a nervous laugh.
“I—I’m a photographer, you see!” Sukea brought his camera up from his chest, motioning it towards you, “Trying to get the latest and greatest documented from the five great nations. Simple as that.”
“Simple?” you huff an irritated grunt, turning on your heel to begin walking away, “I thought you three were better than talking to crazy strangers.”
“No, please sensei!” Naruto yanks at your arm, the force causing you to stumble back into a halt, “We need his help!”
You scoff in wanting to object to the spiky-haired boy’s whines—but you also saw how Sasuke and Sakura looked up at you with a similar yearning. Saying no to three was much more difficult than just one, and you slumped at the thought.
“So, why need me if you have him anyway?” you cautiously ask.
The kids all gave each other hopeful looks before again regarding you, a new note of excitement within their manner. One you found to be maybe a little too visible, and you swore you heard the self proclaimed photographer snicker. 
“Sensei…” Sakura started, in responding to your question, “You really don’t know?”
You shook your head, confused enough as it was. Not fully grasping a solid plan as to how your talents would even begin to help discover what stay hidden beneath Kakashi’s mask. There must’ve been something you were missing, the three genin smirking now in your direction before looking back to Sukea. He had stepped even closer now, a similar smirk like the kid’s mirrored on his features.
Evermore growing in your confusion, the look on Sukea’s face further added frustration to your list of feelings. And now, him being a complete stranger wasn’t the issue—he clearly knew too much for your liking that really became your annoyance with him. Like he was in on the biggest secret this whole mission could have, and was only stringing you and Team 7 along for his entertainment.
“Am I supposed to?” You countered—not towards Sakura. Your eyes were glued to Sukea, challenging him to laugh if he would.
“Sukea pointed it out to us yesterday.” Sasuke interrupted this time, his arms stiffly crossing over his chest, “The way Kakashi-sensei acts around you.”
“He what?!” You shouted back, jaw slack and definitely shattered at your feet below you, “You guys were spying on us?!”
“No, no, not them.” Sukea took a step forward, the nervous smile pulled back over his features, “Just me.”
“You.” The edge in your tone was clear, no longer afraid in offending now knowing you were facing your stalker, “Why the hell were you spying on us?”
“Please, it’s not…” he stumbled, as if looking for the right words to say, “I wasn’t doing it to be a creep.”
“Well, you failed on that end. Clearly.” 
The photographer fretfully voiced your name, like it were a forbidden word; and for him, you’d damn well consider it one. The airy voice he had when saying it made your skin crawl, you were throughly freaked. Even with the harsh glare you had been giving him ever since being introduced, he still spoke up your name. “Let’s clarify—It wasn’t spying. Do you even remember what you and Kakashi were doing yesterday?”
Of course you knew what the two of you had done yesterday. You had been looking forward to spending time with him all week, it’d been awhile since the both of you got to spend any time together and were wanting to stop by your favorite book spot. It was just that, a nice outing followed up with some ramen for dinner. So when…
“Obviously you were hiding yourself from us yesterday.” You grumbled, now following Sasuke’s attitude in crossing your arms over yourself, “I think that fact makes it ‘stalking’.”
“Agh! Nevermind if you think it’s stalking or not!” Naruto sounded up again, the fiery kid clearly fed up with whatever conversation could be left. “Sukea says Kakashi-sensei obviously has a soft spot for you, and if we lure him out with your presence we’ll definitely be able to catch him off guard!”
Your brow furrowed now in Naruto’s direction, and the overwhelming feeling of defeat with giving in to your favorite trio’s wishes was on your horizon. 
“Yeah, well how can he know that just by spying on two people for an afternoon? Hm?” You wave off the blonde boy, turning to face the three once again. “Besides, guys, I don’t think this is really a good idea. What’s so important about seeing under Kakashi’s mask? I’ve known him for years, at this rate, and still don’t know what he looks like. Does it really matter that much?”
Naruto and Sakura’s eyes blew wide whilst Sasuke merely huffed emphatically through his nose, the first two then erupting into complaints.
“Of course it matters!”
“Sensei, this could very well be the most vital information upcoming ninja like us could be getting our hands on!”
“Don’t you think since Kakashi’s our sensei now that we should see what he looks like! What if…” Naruto froze as his mind played catch up with his thoughts, and something clearly struck him, “What if we’re asked to identify a body! How would we know if it was him or not?!”
“His hair—“
You flinched at the screeching children, your shoulders slouching when they finally waited for your response, even Sasuke showing little signs of anticipation for what you were going to say. It was hard to make the decision—as much as you loved helping them out, this seemed like a bad idea. And, you were looking out for your friendship with Kakashi, if he found out and got upset? Who knows what would happen between the two of you…
“You know…” You jumped at the incoming voice of Sukea again, warily then turning to glance his way, “Regardless of what happens, I think Kakashi would be proud of them for displaying teamwork with others if you were to help them.”
The suggestion didn’t really help in your decision making, but when you looked back down at Team 7 to still find their unwavering hope in gaining your support in their super, secret mission… there was really no way you could bring yourself to say no.
“…Alright,” The kids gasped in excited surprise as you finally gave in, “I’ll help… but nothing too crazy! I’m backing out if things get out of hand, and—“ You reach over the kids heads, not hesitating to snag the strange photographer by his collar; much to his surprise. “I’ll be bringing him to the Hokage, personally. Capeesh?” 
Team 7 was reminded of their earlier days in classes where you’d switch out with Iruka to give the poor man a break, remembering how you’d whip the class back into shape in his absence and you weren’t worried about shaking the shinobi up a little along the way. With the fresh memory in mind, the three heads carefully nodded in response, Sukea still awkwardly leaning over them—resisting against your firm grip.
You regarded the kids once more to make sure they understood the severity of which you meant this, pushing back against Sukea to put him back behind his ‘protectors’. “Good. Let’s just hurry up and get this over with…”
Turning on your heel, you started to head back into town, mentally beginning to make a list as to where the grey-haired shinobi might have already ended up this afternoon. The kids, giggling and whispering a couple times to themselves, faintly cheered encouragingly to one another before than running to catch up with you. Sukea, thankfully, staying to walk behind.
With no telling to how this could turn out, you tried putting your best foot forward in leading you to help the kids succeed, a new hope now on your mind as well. Maybe helping them wouldn’t end in disaster, maybe you would finally see the face of the one shinobi you had always thought to be such a desirable mystery in your life. The person you never went further than asking to hang out with, the one you’d indulge in your deepest secrets with a feel safe knowing he was merely listening to you. He meant so much to you in everything you experienced alongside him, it was hard to believe you were trying to invade such a private fact about him on a random afternoon like this.
Maybe it would end up being fine, maybe he wouldn’t be upset and possibly find it funny that even adults were in on this little task. Whatever the case would be, you were now filled with a newfound eagerness to get to the bottom of this. Alongside Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura… and the odd acquaintance Sukea, what could really go wrong?
So many things, it turns out. So many things could end up going wrong.
The plan you and your newly-founded team had come up with seemed solid. You, seemingly innocent and harmless, would wait at the corner of town with the other four off and out of sight. In their absence, you would sit in wait for Kakashi to eventually head down the road to where he thought he was meeting Sasuke for a training lesson; instead was supposed to find you in a surprise attack of hugging him around his neck and holding him in place with Shikamaru’s shadow possession. Yes, Naruto had even gone that far to get the back up of Shikamaru, along with a handful of his other friends, if you weren’t able to get the mask off in time for Sukea to snap a photo.
It seemed simple enough, and was a whole lot better than Sukea’s suggestion to make it seem like you’d fallen into the river prompting Kakashi to come save you. No way in hell were you letting that happen in risk of mouth-to-mouth when already the idea of Kakashi in any romantic setting had you reeling in the privacy of your thoughts. That much wasn’t happening.
Even with the ‘better plan’ being anticipated to be put into action, and the help from the rest of Naruto’s newfound friends from other Teams, it still wasn’t enough. In the end, Shikamaru’s shadow possession wasn’t strong enough to last on both your’s and Kakashi’s shadow with Tenten using Shikamaru as a boost to follow after Rock Lee and Neji. What was meant to be harmless was actually the end to your full out attempt at discovering the mystery…and Kakashi was still there, masked and clearly upset with the advantages taken against him.
It was now, after running in a full out sprint and splitting up from the rest of the dashing genin that you hopefully lost the pursuing Team 7 Leader. You were gasping for air when you finally came to a stop back where you first had gotten yourself into the mess in the first place—right along the first fence, now beneath the shade of the oak tree. 
Wearily, you sighed out with both hands on your hips, steadily inhaling to try and regain control of your gasping lungs. Finding it safe enough to now rest, and not wanting to seek out Kakashi in facing consequences just yet, you approached the tree’s base and promptly fell against its wood.
Quickly sliding down the tree once graced with the first bit of rest, you lay yourself out in the shade and calm from whatever the hell just happened. Tired, nervous at the idea  seeing Kakashi, the little relief you held with now being by yourself was alleviating—to say the very least.
Evidently, it wasn’t meant to last.
“Didn’t realize how fast you would be, after all that.” 
You gasped at the approaching voice, eyes flying wide and snapping up in the direction of the approaching individual. It took all your willpower not to sneer in the direction of Sukea, his camera clunking softly against the center of his chest. Rolling your eyes obnoxiously, you crossed your arms over your chest and further sink to the ground. “What the hell do you still want?”
“Everyone ran away so fast, I didn’t get a chance to really apologize.” He cheekily laughed, your brow only hardening at what you assumed was his ‘innocent-guy’ act. 
“Apologize?” You had a list of what you could want from him, at this rate. An apology wasn’t among the bullet points you’d already thought through.
“Yeah, you know… for wasting your time.” He gestured to your exhausted self on the ground, you snorting a humorless laugh to begin your response.
“Really?” Tilting your head on its side, you raise an eyebrow up at him, “Wasting my time?”
Sukea merely smiled at my questioning tone, his lips pressing against each other in a hard line as he peered down at you. 
“Still just as suspicious of me?”
“Why would that have changed?” You frowned again, sitting up a little as he suddenly took a step closer, “It’s not like you gave me any real grounds to trust you. I only went along with it for the sake of Naruto and his team.”
“Ah, well why be so cautious of me in the first place?” Sukea stepped up to stand beside you against the tree, his arms folding over his chest this time too as he used the trunk to support his back. He was clearly waiting for a response, and you bit the tip of your tongue to keep from saying something unnecessarily rude at his taunting. “…Does it matter?”
“Sure,” Sukea shrugged, looking off towards the sky suddenly, “humor me.”
“I—You.” Stunned a little, you scoffed and waved him off suddenly; if you weren’t already fed up enough with his behavior up to this point. “You’re ridiculous.”
“And, you still haven’t answered my question.” He promptly responded, his legs suddenly folding as you found him then seated up next to you, “Do you have a good reason to be so guarded? Or, is it just stubbornness?”
It sounded like he knew people called you stubborn, or it was something he was somehow familiar with. Whatever the case may be, you finally revolted in yourself and turned to confront the photographer.
“What gives you the right way to be so rude? I mean, really. We’ve never met and—“ Sukea began chuckling at your sudden outburst, and your confusion fell apart into pure disbelief at the reaction. “I’m sorry… is something funny about this?”
“No! No, no, no, hah… not at all.” He turned to grin down at you, the stupid grin on his face making dimples slightly carve at the sides of his face. “Clearly.”
You blink in trying to regain conscious thinking in this moment, the tease he so clearly was directing at you flustering you in ways you didn’t want to be possible. Yet, here you were at his mercy… and none of it made sense. You weren’t able to reason as to why he made you feel this way, there was just something about him…
“…God, who are you?”
Sukea laughed out again, this time having to throw his head back with the sheer force of his laughter. You couldn’t help but apprehensively smile now, confounded at the ninja beside you.
“Trust me,” He huffed out softly, an all too familiar nickname of yours breathing from his lips before he turned back to you, “you know who I am. I think you have to know me better than anyone in this village, at this rate.”
There was a change in his voice, and it resounded in an all too familiar tone you could pin-point in a crowd if the circumstances called for it. Still not entirely understanding what was happening, the cogs in your brain were fervently churning in your mind. Sukea’s grin widened at the thoughtfulness riddling your features, and your heart suddenly sunk in familiarity.
“Holy shit,” You fell off the tree’s trunk and landed in the patchy grass below, your hands flying out from under you and scrambling to sit you back up at a distance this time, “no way.”
“Haha, did I get you?” ‘Sukea’s’ hand lifted over his head, fingers tangling into his seemingly brown locks before tearing at the roots; the hair pulling off his head with ease and revealing a spiky mound of grey bangs that lay beneath. There was no longer a mysterious photographer sitting beside you, your long-time shinobi friend revealing more than just his identity to you in that moment.
“Kakashi—“ You breathed, gawking very openly at the fact you were now truly facing the man behind the mask—and had been since earlier this afternoon, “why?—“
“I meant it earlier when I said I’d be happy to see you helping out my team with learning more around the importance of teamwork.” He beamed, the stupid beauty mark from earlier making your heart race now.
You wanted to grin in return, laugh along with his happiness at even the lack of success Team 7 had with their secret mission. But, you couldn’t help but stay so completely awestruck in the wake of this reveal. He was as beautiful as he always had been in your eyes, and all you wanted to do was now memorize the features before you in case it was the last time you’d ever be able to see them again. Kakashi must’ve sensed your wariness, his grin closing into a warm, sincere smile—his face pushing closer in your direction.
“Not what you expected?” He softly asked.
You scoffed at the question, shaking your head at how tickled this made you. “I mean… I guess I didn’t know what I was expecting entirely.”
From the space you had placed between the both of you, you tentatively placed a hand back in front of you and crept back towards him. He watched you with an easy stare, and arguably looked maybe the most peaceful you’d ever seen him. It made your face flush in quiet heat and nerves feel like they were pumping fire through each motion you made to close the distance between the both of you. 
“…I’m sorry for antagonizing you so much, today.” Kakashi was suddenly apologizing, you huffing in surprise at how sudden it felt for you while he continued, “I did chase after you to apologize.”
“Ah,” You slowly nodded at his reasoning, now taking the chance to taunt him as he had today, “well… in that case, you’re forgiven.” 
Kakashi laughed openly at your acceptance of his apology, shaking his head and letting his grey hair settle from being stuffed in the wig all day. You took another look at his eyes, suddenly confused as to how he pulled this disguise off in the first place.
“Wait, your sharingan…” You didn’t think before placing a steady hand on his face, leaning closer to try and peek at his left eye, “How?”
“The contact works as a suppressant, made with me in mind.” He calmly responded, now weaning away from your touch and instead arguably pressing into the warmth your fingertips held, “I used them to go undercover when I was still in Anbu…”
“I see,” You hummed, leaning back a little to see his face in its entirety again. It was then you registered just how forward you had acted in holding his face, and your hand quickly snapped back to your side. Shame shot flared up inside you like a burning fire, and you frantically began tripping over yourself to apologize, “I—I’m so sorry, oh my god, I wasn’t thinking, and—“ 
“Woah, it’s okay,” Kakashi lifted a hand to silence you in which you were quick to comply, the same hand then falling back to the one that had just been pressed against him. Delicate fingers wrapped timidly around your wrist, he too being hesitant to take whatever ‘this’ was a step too far, but regardless brought your palm back towards his face where he goaded your fingers back to his cheek and flattened your hand back against him. “I… I didn’t mind.”
Your chest felt tight in anticipation, and you had no words to explain how it all made you feel. Kakashi wasn’t rushing you to speak, he too was staring at you as he thrived in the adoration between you both. He swallowed, a quick breath as he spoke up again.
“Uh… remember when Naruto mentioned how… I act around you?” 
You paused at the question, trying to recall what he had said an hour or so ago. “Yeah…?”
“Was that… uncomfortable?” 
“What?” Your eyes grew wide, shocked he would even be worried about such a thing, “No… no, never uncomfortable. Not from you—Sukea? Another story.”
Kakashi chuckled again at your joking of his persona, his breath hot against the edge of your palm, fleeting just as quickly as it had appeared. It made your hair stand on end, and you shuddered softly at its touch. He watched you with his eyes now halved in appeal, studying each glimmer and gleam you produced just by existing in the space beside him. You were the diamond in his roughest of days, the light at the end of the tunnel he always hoped to reach. Instead, you were reaching out to him in this moment, physically holding him and letting that light encapsulate him fully.
Forever grateful is how he would feel in relation to you, the you who saved him when all else was lost; the you who kept him safe when you probably didn’t realize it. 
“Well, then, I apologize for Sukea’s efforts in trying to help my team.” He murmured, his eyes dangerously flitting towards your parting lips, further eliciting the deep desire he held anytime you were close like this. This was the first time contact had been made, though, so what was really stopping him from going further.
Dignity? He had none left when it came to you, surely you realized that too?
“Hah, I accept.” You resounded, your thumb swiping over his cheekbone as you felt into the trance that came along with those grey contacts, “So… with your attitude differing around me, this is okay then?”
Kakashi didn’t voice a response, just softly brushing his head against your skin in a nod. This was more than okay, this might as well be a dream come true.
It was too hard to keep away any longer, the anticipation had built in both of your hearts and one finally had to brim. You swept in towards him, and took his lips in yours. His newly exposed, newly perceived lips that instantly melted to yours and made it as though fireworks resounded in the broad daylight around you both. It was so sudden, so solidifying in your heart that there was no longer denying how right you were for one another. Perfection was hardly the right word to describe how fulfilling this finally felt.
Your hand reached past his head, pressing to the shag of the hair growing towards the back of his neck—lightly tugging at the roots while he too moved to bring you in. Put you somehow closer, wanting at your hearts in one another’s chest to maybe touch if the moment allowed it to be so. 
“Sensei?!” The screech of a student sounded from the end of the road, you and Kakashi leaping back at the interruption. “I think those are their feet! Over here, Sasuke! Sakura!”
“Crap!” You whispered, Kakashi already frantically moving to grab the wig he foolishly took off in broad daylight. But, he was already prepared for something like this happening, the man turning to you with a light smirk as you watched him hopelessly. “Hide, before they get here!”
“Way ahead of you~” He chuckled, a single finger pressing to his now sorely red lips in shushing you, and your cheeks warmed to another degree at the smirk he flashed before disappearing into the branches above. You took a glance and sighed at the relief in not being able to see any sign of him—the shinobi securely hidden amongst the leaves.
“Sensei!” Sakura was the first to reach you, your head flying back forward to see her approach. “We were so worried Kakashi-sensei had caught you!”
“Yeah, sensei… that was close!” Naruto bounded to her side, the two overwhelmingly worried for your sake. Sasuke didn’t look anymore bothered than he usually did, regarding you all warily.
You laughed cheerily at the troublesome genin, shaking your head gently in their direction, “No, guys. I’m fine, really… I escaped.”
The two visibly sighed in relief, Sasuke’s eyes closing to show his own sign of comfort in seeing that you were fine. You grinned, hoisting yourself up from the ground and standing before them.
“So…?” They all faced you again with the trailing off in your tone, “What’s the verdict?”
“For Kakashi-sensei?” Naruto nervously replied, awkwardly scratching at the back of his head, “Uh… I think—“
“I believe we’re done for the day.” The three shinobi jumped at the incoming voice, slowly turning to face the wrath of their Team Leader. Kakashi regarded them sternly, his cold gaze finding you and almost easing. He muttered your name, the noise muffled by his mask; you couldn’t help but smile in response.
“Kakashi.” You replied with a light nod. He put a hand on his hip, shaking his head disappointedly in your direction before turning to the three.
“What you idiots tried pulling today was incredibly rude. You should learn to respect privacy!” He lectured. 
“We’re really sorry, sensei!” Sakura spoke up, “It was Naruto’s—“
You flicked the back of her shoulder as she tried pinning the blame, the smaller girl flinching in response but respectfully quieting down at the correction. Kakashi regarded her with a weary sigh, looking once more to you.
“I apologize for my team’s behavior in getting you wrapped up in their shenanigans today… I hope you can forgive them.”
“Oh, trust me,” You smiled happily in the direction of the three, the outcome maybe the best thing that had happened to you in awhile, “I already have.”
The trio frowned in confusion at how warmly you spoke now, not knowing the bright side that ended up being your now reality. Kakashi didn’t let them stand around for long, grabbing at Naruto and Sasuke’s shoulder before shoving them back in the direction of the village.
“We best be off now,” He grumbled over their whining complaints, “these three still have to report back to Hokage over their attempt of seeing me yesterday.”
They all groaned, you lightly giggled at the resistance but waved in goodbye anyway. “I’ll see you around, you guys… take care.”
“Bye, sensei…” They all replied meekly, the consequences now being faced.
Kakashi didn’t pause in walking, but instead turned lightly over his shoulder—a wink from his visible eye sent your way. You mimicked the gesture, grinning happily at the thought of seeing him later. 
It was going to be sundown soon… you could only guess what this all meant from here.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 7 months
Request? May I have Kakashi acting like a dad to team seven?
damn this idea really puts me in my uwus 🥺
Kakashi Being a Dad to Team 7
Genre: Fluff || Rating: G
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Affection from Kakashi comes in the little things and also the unseen things
He's not going to outright say what he's feeling, he'll do it in his own roundabout way and you'll only tell his true feelings if you read more into what he says
So, Naruto isn't exactly going to pick up on that display of affection, but hey, 2/3 isn't bad
Also, even a shred of positive reinforcement and praise could nearly bring Sasuke to tears, or at least earn a huff of emotional confliction
Pays for their food and that's a huge indicator he cares for them
Never forgets a birthday, though he always waits until the day after to actually give them their card and present
He usually gets them something small, like a little trinket, but he likes to keep a theme for each year for all three presents match
Like he'll get them small ceramic animals that all match in design
He let's Sakura just talk to him about her thoughts, letting her ramble as much as she wants while he actually does listen
If she needs advice or reassurance on one of her thoughts only then will he offer a comment
Kakashi sort of does the same thing with Naruto, but if he's being completely honest he tends to clock out more when the blond is talking, mainly because he tends to solely ramble
Screw canon, I am full under the belief that each time one of them has a kid Kakashi trains a new ninken and then gifts it to the child once their born to be their first friend and loyal protector
He'd be the type of dad to replace foods with veggie fakes, like broccoli tater tots and mashed cauliflower
Has an entire book full of embarrassing photos of them just waiting for the day he either gets to show their s/o's orrrrr use them as blackmail, whichever comes first!
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 8 months
my entire army of stuff animals ✊🏾
If your 13 or older and still sleep with a stuffed animal please rb this im tryna prove a point to my friend.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 8 months
I just remmembered how some fans like to gloat about their fav being top of the class at the acadamy, which is fair. It’s a good accomplishment
But it’s so funny too because Kakashi i don’t think even finished a year at the acadamy
Dude tapped out with his dad’s death due to grieving and then only returned to his friends when he was a geninin. They never saw him at the Acadamy again
Did this kid even do any tests? Did he have any scores? What does his history at the Acadamy look like???
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 8 months
Title: Between the Heavens and Earth
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Chapter 1: The Storm Within
The moon shone brightly over the Hidden Leaf Village, casting a serene glow upon its streets. Kakashi Hatake, the renowned Sharingan user and elite ninja of Konoha, found himself standing in the middle of an argument with someone unexpected - you, Senju YN.
Tension hung heavy in the air as both Kakashi and YN exchanged heated words, their emotions running high. It was unlike them to argue so fiercely, but tonight was different. A storm brewed within them; a storm that threatened to tear them apart.
"You're a madman!" YN's voice trembled with anger. "How can you say such things? You're not alone! We're here for you!"
Kakashi's eyes narrowed behind his mask as he retorted bitterly, "Don't fool yourself. I'm nothing but trouble. My existence brings chaos wherever I go."
The heavens seemed to echo his words, as if even they agreed with his self-deprecating view. Thunder rumbled ominously above while lightning crackled through the dark clouds. It felt like nature itself was protesting against Kakashi's tormented soul.
Lost in a whirlwind of confusion and despair, Kakashi found himself at a loss for words when YN suddenly asked him something unexpected.
"Do you love me?" YN's question resonated through the night like a soft plea amidst the chaos.
Startled by her inquiry, Kakashi stumbled for an answer. His heart raced within his chest as he grappled with his own feelings, unsure of how to respond.
Finally finding his voice once more, Kakashi whispered hoarsely, "You don't understand... You don't wish for a life with me. Nobody does."
YN stepped forward, determination gleaming in her eyes as she closed the gap between them. Her voice was filled with unwavering conviction as she spoke, "Kakashi, I will stand with you between the heavens and the earths. I won't let you face this darkness alone. But first, tell me... Do you love me?"
Caught off guard by her steadfastness and unconditional support, Kakashi felt a surge of emotions welling up within him. For so long, he had kept his heart guarded, fearing the pain and loss that came with love. But now, faced with YN's unwavering faith in him, he couldn't deny the truth any longer.
"I do," Kakashi confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I love you."
Chapter 2: The Unraveling Heart
As those three simple words escaped Kakashi's lips, time seemed to stand still. It was a pivotal moment where their destinies intertwined amidst the raging storm around them.
YN reached out and gently cradled Kakashi's face in her hands. Her touch was warm against his skin, grounding him in reality amidst the chaos of his thoughts. With a soft smile on her lips, she whispered back, "Then let us face this uncertainty together."
The weight of Kakashi's burdens began to lift as he found solace in YN's acceptance and affection. He realized that loving someone didn't mean they were doomed to suffer because of him; instead, it meant finding strength in each other during times of adversity.
Memories flooded through Kakashi's mind as he reflected upon the moments when he had unknowingly fallen for YN. It wasn't just one specific event but rather a collection of instances that wove together into an unbreakable bond.
He reminisced about their training sessions under the cherry blossom trees—a peaceful sanctuary where laughter filled the air alongside their shared dreams and aspirations. There was something magical about those fleeting moments when time stood still, and it was then that Kakashi felt a warmth in his heart he had never experienced before.
Then there were the times when YN would visit him at his favorite training spot, bringing homemade lunches and sharing stories of her adventures. Her presence alone brightened his day, and he found himself longing for those stolen moments of companionship.
During perilous missions, Kakashi witnessed YN's unwavering determination to protect their comrades, even if it meant putting herself in harm's way. The way she fearlessly faced danger with a fire burning in her eyes ignited something within him—an admiration so deep that it bloomed into love.
But it wasn't until that very moment—standing amidst the chaos of their argument—that Kakashi truly understood the depths of his feelings. It was YN's unwavering support, her belief in him even when he doubted himself, that shattered the walls around his heart and allowed love to seep through.
Chapter 3: The Journey Begins
With their hearts laid bare and their love acknowledged, Kakashi and YN embarked on a new chapter together—a journey filled with uncertainties but also infinite possibilities.
As they stood beneath the stormy sky, hand in hand, they made a silent vow to face whatever challenges came their way. They knew that life wouldn't be easy; darkness still loomed on the horizon. However, they also knew that as long as they had each other, nothing could break them apart.
The heavens seemed to part as lightning streaked across the night sky once more. But this time, instead of foreboding thunderclaps, gentle raindrops began to fall—a cleansing shower that washed away their doubts and fears.
In that moment, Kakashi realized where he truly was—between the heavens and earths—and who he wanted to stand beside him through it all. With tears mingling with the rain on his face, he looked deeply into YN's eyes and whispered, "I love you, YN. And I promise to protect you, always."
YN smiled, her heart overflowing with happiness and hope. "And I love you, Kakashi," she replied, determination shining in her eyes. "Together, we will find our own path between the heavens and earths."
As they embraced beneath the storm's embrace, their hearts beat as one—a symphony of love that reverberated through their souls. The storm may have collided above them, but within their hearts, a calm serenity settled.
For Kakashi and YN, this was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey—one where they would navigate life's trials and tribulations hand in hand—between the heavens and earth.
And so, under the watchful gaze of the moon and amidst nature's fury, their love story unfolded—an epic tale that defied all odds and united two souls destined to be together for eternity.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 8 months
Title: Echoes of a Hidden Love
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The village of Konoha was bustling with activity as the citizens went about their daily routines. Kakashi Hatake, the renowned Copy Ninja, strolled through the streets with his usual air of aloofness. However, today was different. He had been given a mission by none other than Inoichi Yamanaka himself.
Inoichi explained that he needed someone to delve into Hanare's mind and extract crucial information for an upcoming mission. While Inoichi possessed powerful telepathic abilities, he admitted that Kakashi's unique Sharingan eye might be better suited for this task.
Kakashi agreed reluctantly; after all, it wasn't every day one got to peek inside someone else's mind. As they made their way towards Hanare's location, Team 7 happened to spot Kakashi in deep conversation with the mysterious woman.
Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha exchanged curious glances before silently deciding to follow their enigmatic sensei. Unbeknownst to them, two pairs of young eyes were also watching from a distance.
Kakashi's son and daughter—Sora and Yumi—had inherited their father's silver hair and were equally skilled in ninjutsu. They were training nearby when they noticed their father engaged in what appeared to be a secret meeting. Intrigued, they decided to tail him along with Team 7.
Hanare led Kakashi through the hidden corners of Konoha, her steps light yet purposeful. With each passing moment, Kakashi delved deeper into her thoughts using his Sharingan eye, unraveling her deepest fears and desires.
As they reached a secluded clearing near the Hokage monument, Hanare turned towards Kakashi with an intensity in her eyes that matched his own. It was here, amidst the tranquility of nature, that their lips met in a tender kiss.
Unbeknownst to them, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Sora, and Yumi had been silently observing from the shadows. The sight left them wide-eyed with shock and amusement. They exchanged astonished glances before deciding to keep this secret for now.
Chapter 3: Secrets Unveiled
Back at home, Kakashi's wife, Y/N Hatake, noticed her children returning earlier than expected. Sensing something amiss, she greeted them with a playful smile.
Sora and Yumi couldn't contain themselves any longer and spilled the beans about what they had witnessed between their father and Hanare. Their words tumbled out in a rush as Y/N listened intently, suppressing her laughter.
"Mommy! Daddy kissed a lady!" Sora exclaimed excitedly.
Y/N chuckled softly and ruffled their hair affectionately. "It seems like your father has gotten himself tangled up in quite an interesting mission."
The twins stared at her with confusion etched on their faces. "A mission? But it looked so real!"
Y/N explained patiently how sometimes missions required deception to gather information or maintain secrecy. She assured them that there was nothing to worry about; their father loved only her.
Days turned into weeks as Team 7 continued training under Kakashi's guidance while keeping his secret rendezvous silent among themselves. Eventually, the time came for Kakashi to complete his mission with Hanare.
Upon his return home after extracting the necessary information from her mind, Kakashi found Y/N waiting for him with a gentle smile. She motioned for him to sit down beside her on the porch swing as they watched the sunset cast its golden hues across the village.
Y/N reached out to hold Kakashi's hand, her voice filled with affection. "The twins told me about your little adventure, my love. I must admit, it was quite amusing."
Kakashi's visible eye widened in surprise as he turned to meet her gaze. "You knew?"
Y/N nodded, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Of course I did. You forget that I know you better than anyone else."
A wave of relief washed over Kakashi as he relaxed against the swing, a small smile playing on his lips. He realized how blessed he truly was to have such an understanding and supportive partner.
In time, Hanare faded into the background of their memories as Team 7 delved deeper into their missions and training. The village of Konoha continued to thrive under the watchful eyes of its protectors.
As for Kakashi and Y/N, their love only grew stronger with each passing day. Their bond remained unshakeable, built upon trust and laughter shared between two souls destined to find solace in each other's arms.
And so, the echoes of a hidden love story whispered through the streets of Konoha—a tale known only to those who witnessed it firsthand but forever etched in the hearts of those involved.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 8 months
kakashi hatake x reader cw. injury, oblivious reader note. me in my kakashi hatake era rn
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Two figures glided in near-perfect synchronicity in the moonlight darkness of the trees. ANBU agents Kakashi Hatake and Y/N embarked on a dangerous quest to apprehend a bunch of renegade shinobi who had been wreaking havoc in the vicinity. They moved through the deep underbrush with silent at ease their footsteps hardly making any noise as they went on.
Kakashi has always adored Y/N from afar since they were both children. He was attracted by her determination, courage, and her capacity to always find the silver lining in any circumstance. His feelings towards her only became stronger as they grew older, but he was always cautious about concealing his emotions buried beneath his mask.
Y/N, on the contrary hand, was entirely oblivious of Kakashi's feelings. She had always regarded him as a close friend and reliable friend, valuing his sharp intellect and unrelenting assistance during their missions. She had no idea there was anything more under his aloof exterior.
Their target was a group of rogue shinobi who were stealing crucial goods from nearby villages. Anbu had been assigned to catch them after intelligence had discovered their hiding deep beneath these trees. As they moved in on the enemy's position, the fear in the air was obvious.
A trio of renegade shinobi stepped out of the shadows, their eyes flashing with anger. The fight erupted in a flurry of devastating strength. Kakashi and Y/N slipped into their fighting roles with ease, their moves as smooth as a planned ballet. Kakashi's Sharingan came to life, enabling him to anticipate and counteract every move made by his opponents.
Y/N's abilities were similarly astounding, with her chakra-infused attacks landing precise hits. Despite the chaos, Kakashi's senses were tingling with danger. He noticed a renegade shinobi approaching Y/N from behind, preparing to attack. He surged forward without hesitation, stopping the strike aimed for her.
As the enemy's kunai slashed across Kakashi's side, pain blazed through him. As she defeated the others and went to his side, Y/N's eyes widened in fear. She grabbed him as he staggered, his breathing hard and his face gone pale.
"Kakashi! "Are you okay?" Her voice was tinged with worry as she cried.
He forced a weak smile attempting to brush his fingers on her face. "I've had worse," he remarked, his tone strained.
Y/N's eyes filled up with tears as she put her hand against the cut in an attempt to stop the flow. "You idiot," she softly called out, her voice cracking. "Why did you do that?"
Kakashi laughed gently, his gaze fixed. "You're worth it," he muttered, barely audible.
His confession lingered in the air, suddenly bursting through the barriers he had meticulously constructed around his feelings. The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning—Kakashi had been protecting and saving her all along because he was truly concerned about her.
As she leaned forward, tears ran down her cheeks, pushing her forehead into his. "You've always been there for me, haven't you?" Her voice trembled as she whispered.
He nodded, his fingers stroking against her hair softly. "Since we were kids," he said, his voice gentle but genuine.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 8 months
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 9 months
Title: Unbreakable Bonds
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Chapter 1: Fractured Hearts
The sun set over the hidden village of Konoha, casting a warm glow across its streets. In the Hatake residence, however, darkness loomed. Y/N sat on the edge of their bed, her eyes filled with tears, as Kakashi paced back and forth in front of her.
Their two children, Aki and Sora, stood frozen outside their parents' bedroom door, listening to the heated argument that tore through their once peaceful home.
"You can't keep ignoring this, Kakashi!" Y/N's voice trembled with pain. "We can't pretend everything is okay when it clearly isn't."
Kakashi clenched his fists tightly, his masked face betraying the turmoil within him. "I'm doing what I believe is best for our family," he replied curtly. "It's not easy for me either."
Aki turned to Sora, fear etched upon their young faces as they exchanged worried glances. They had never witnessed such bitterness between their loving parents before.
"Are you saying you want a divorce?" Y/N choked out the words, her voice barely above a whisper.
Kakashi stopped pacing and sighed deeply. His eyes met hers, revealing the sadness clouding them. "I don't know," he admitted quietly. "But maybe it's for the best."
Chapter 2: Shattered Innocence
Days turned into weeks as tension lingered within the Hatake household. The rift between Kakashi and Y/N grew wider each passing day while Aki and Sora carried a heavy burden on their small shoulders.
One evening after dinner, Aki approached Y/N hesitantly. Their big brown eyes shimmered with unshed tears as they asked softly, "Mommy... are you and Daddy getting a divorce?"
Y/N's heart broke at the innocence in their child's voice. She knelt down, engulfing Aki in a tight hug. "Oh, my sweet child," she whispered, brushing away tears from both of their faces. "Mommy and Daddy are going through a difficult time right now, but we love you and Sora more than anything."
Sora, who had been listening intently from the doorway, rushed into their embrace. "Please don't leave us," they pleaded with quivering lips.
Y/N held her children close, her voice filled with determination. "No matter what happens between me and your father, our love for you will never change," she assured them firmly. "We'll always be your parents."
Chapter 3: Mending Hearts
The Hatake household remained tense as Kakashi and Y/N continued to navigate through their troubled relationship. Each day was a struggle, but deep down, they knew there was still love between them.
One rainy evening, after another devastating argument echoed through the house, Kakashi found himself sitting alone on the porch. The sound of footsteps approached him slowly until Y/N stood beside him under the shelter of an umbrella.
"Kakashi," she began softly, her eyes filled with both sadness and hope. "I miss the man I fell in love with—the one who made me laugh and supported me unconditionally."
He turned his gaze towards her, his visible eye searching for answers within those tear-filled orbs. "I miss that woman too," he admitted quietly.
Silence enveloped them as raindrops danced upon the pavement. In that moment, they realized that their love wasn't lost; it had merely been overshadowed by their struggles.
Chapter 4: Rebuilding Together
Days turned into weeks once again as Kakashi and Y/N embarked on a journey to heal their fractured hearts—this time together. They sought guidance from trusted friends and therapists while also making an effort to communicate openly and honestly.
Aki and Sora, no longer burdened by their parents' constant arguing, witnessed the transformation within their family. They saw small gestures of love between Kakashi and Y/N—a shared smile, a touch of hands—rekindling a flickering flame that refused to go out.
As time passed, trust was rebuilt, piece by fragile piece. Together, they learned to let go of past mistakes and embrace the future as a united front.
Chapter 5: Unbreakable Bonds
Years later, Konoha stood proud under the leadership of its Sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake. But his greatest achievement wasn't just his title; it was the restoration of his family—the bonds mended stronger than ever before.
Aki and Sora grew up witnessing their parents' unwavering commitment to each other. Though life had dealt them a difficult hand, they learned that love could conquer even the darkest storms.
In their eyes shone an unyielding spirit that stemmed from the unconditional love bestowed upon them by both Kakashi and Y/N. Their journey taught them that true strength lay not in avoiding hardships but in facing them head-on with those you hold dear.
And as Kakashi kissed Y/N's forehead one quiet evening, he whispered words that echoed throughout eternity: "We've come so far together. Our love will always endure."
Note: This fanfiction aims to explore themes of resilience, forgiveness, and rebuilding after adversity while focusing on the intricate dynamics within a fictional relationship.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 9 months
Title: "A Legacy Carved in Name"
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Chapter 1: A Curious Child
The Uchiha-Hatake household was filled with warmth and laughter as the evening sun cast its gentle rays through the open windows. Kakashi, now known as the Sixth Hokage of Konohagakure, sat on a comfortable armchair while his wife, [Y/N], prepared dinner in the kitchen.
Their son, Sakumo Hatake, a curious young boy with silver hair inherited from his father, walked up to Kakashi with wide eyes full of wonder. He tugged at his father's sleeve, seeking his attention.
"Dad," Sakumo began innocently. "Why did you name me my name? Why am I called Sakumo Hatake?"
Kakashi smiled softly, patting his son's head gently. "Ah, Sakumo... That is an interesting story."
As Kakashi reminisced about the past, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. His mind traveled back to a time when Team 7 was just starting to form their unbreakable bond. It was during one of their missions that he had met [Y/N].
Kakashi and [Y/N] were assigned together for a mission in a remote village plagued by bandits. They fought side by side effortlessly, their teamwork complementing each other perfectly.
During the peaceful moments between battles, they found solace in each other's company. Conversations flowed easily between them; secrets shared under moonlit nights as they guarded the camp together.
One night, sitting close to [Y/N], Kakashi gazed at her fondly before asking playfully, "If we ever have a child together someday, what would you name them?"
[Y/N]'s eyes sparkled with amusement as she pondered over the question. "Well, Kakashi, if it's a boy, I would name him Sakumo."
Kakashi's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Sakumo...? That's my father's name."
[Y/N] smiled tenderly at him. "I know. It's a way to honor your father's memory and the legacy he left behind. Besides, it has a nice ring to it."
End of Flashback...
Kakashi brought himself back to the present, his eyes filled with affection for his son and gratitude for [Y/N]. He looked into Sakumo's eyes, mirroring his own.
"Sakumo," Kakashi began gently. "Your mother named you after my father, Sakumo Hatake."
Sakumo tilted his head curiously. "But why? Why did she choose that name?"
Kakashi took a deep breath before answering. "Your grandfather was an extraordinary shinobi, just like you are destined to be one day. He was known as the White Fang of Konoha—a symbol of loyalty and sacrifice."
His voice trembled slightly as he continued, "He passed away long before you were born, but your mother believed that by giving you his name, some part of him would always live on within our family—within you."
Sakumo listened intently, absorbing every word with wide eyes.
"And besides," Kakashi added softly with a grin playing on his lips. "Your mother thought it had a nice ring to it too."
A burst of laughter escaped from Sakumo as he playfully nudged his father's arm. The weight of their family legacy resonated deeply within him now.
From that moment onward, Sakumo understood the significance behind his chosen name. His heart swelled with pride and determination inherited from both sides of his family.
As he grew older, Sakumo embraced his destiny as a shinobi, training relentlessly to live up to the legacy that his grandfather had left behind. He became a beacon of strength and justice within Konoha, just like the White Fang before him.
And through it all, Kakashi and [Y/N] watched with immense pride as their son carved his own path in history—a legacy built not just on a name but on love, sacrifice, and an unbreakable bond between father and son.
The End.
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yn-uzumaki-hatake · 9 months
Title: These Are The Days We'll Remember
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Kakashi Hatake and his beloved wife, Naruko Uzumaki, stood side by side in front of the grand entrance of the Konoha Ninja Academy. It was a bright and promising morning, marked by their bittersweet emotions as they watched their only child, Kazuki Hatake, embark on his first day at the academy.
A gentle breeze rustled through the trees as Kakashi wrapped his arm around Naruko's waist, offering her comfort during this emotional milestone. They exchanged knowing glances filled with love and pride for their son. As "These Are The Days" softly played in their minds, memories flooded back to them like a cherished melody.
In those early years when Kazuki was just learning to walk and talk, Kakashi and Naruko had whispered dreams into his tiny ears. They envisioned him becoming an exceptional ninja one day—a legacy that would surpass even their own achievements. But now, standing outside the academy gates, they realized how fast time had slipped through their fingers.
With tears brimming in her eyes, Naruko reminisced about the countless times she spent chasing after young Kazuki as he stumbled clumsily across the yard or laughed heartily while playing pranks on unsuspecting villagers. She remembered how his eyes sparkled with mischief—reflecting both her husband's intelligence and her own fiery spirit.
As the song played on inside their hearts, it reminded Kakashi and Naruko of all the valuable lessons they had taught Kazuki throughout his childhood. From mastering jutsus to instilling strong morals within him, they were proud of every obstacle he overcame and each triumph he achieved.
They gazed upon the academy building where countless future ninjas had honed their skills over generations. It felt like just yesterday when they had been the ones standing in those very same spots, eagerly awaiting their own instructors. The cycle of life was a constant reminder of the passage of time.
Lost in their thoughts, Kakashi and Naruko realized that Kazuki's journey was only beginning. Their hearts swelled with both excitement and trepidation as they contemplated what lay ahead for their son. They knew that he would face challenges, heartache, and moments of triumph—just as they had.
However, one thing remained certain: love would guide them through it all. As "These Are The Days" played its final chords within their souls, Kakashi and Naruko shared a tender embrace—a silent promise to support each other and celebrate every achievement on this new path they were embarking upon together.
Years later, when Kazuki became a renowned ninja in his own right, he stood before his parents outside the academy gates once again—this time with his family by his side. With pride shining in his eyes, he thanked Kakashi and Naruko for believing in him and nurturing his dreams.
As they basked in the warm embrace of family, the song echoed softly in their memories—a testament to how quickly time had flown but also to the enduring love that remained unchanged. These were indeed the days they'd remember forever—the moments that shaped not only Kazuki's childhood but also Kakashi and Naruko's bond as parents.
And as Kazuki walked away with his own child towards a new adventure, he silently vowed to carry forward these cherished traditions—to nurture dreams and pass on the legacy of love forged by his extraordinary parents.
Note: This fan fiction is inspired by Cory Asbury's song "These Are The Days."
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