ynibytina · 4 years
Moving On
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Last year was rough.
I left my job.
I moved back home with my parents.
I went to doctors numerous times to try to find out what’s wrong with my health.
I received depressing news numerous times from friends.
(I could keep going on and on but I’m not going to bore you.)
All of a sudden I felt like my somewhat put-together life was now a complete mess. I felt like a failure. I didn’t know what to do.
I was instantly comparing my life to those of my friends. Is this normal? I’ve always felt like no matter what I do, I’m never 100% confident in my work. Or maybe that has something to do with my childhood (countless incidents of bullying, being told I’m worthless, etc.; I’ll go more into that another day).
I’m also the type of person that hates doing the same stuff every day, so if there was some way to combine my love for music, blogging, interviewing people, making videos, modeling, etc., that would be the perfect job for me.
So much of what has happened to me over the years, I honestly haven’t been able to open up to most people about it…until last year.
For the longest time, I was ashamed and embarrassed about what I’d let others do to me for so long without standing up for myself. I was mostly afraid of hurting other people’s feelings, yet at the same time, how was I supposed to bring up the kinds of stuff I was faced with to my friends and family because a lot of it wasn’t exactly “normal stuff” that everyone else goes through? That’s why I struggled to figure out what to do with my life for so long…until last September.
One of my mentor friends invited me to go to an event called Encounter. (Encounter is a Christ-centered, relationally-styled experience in the Christian community. Through the formation of leadership teams, retreat weekends, & various forms of follow-up, the candidates are given the opportunity to grow in personal faith & to express a corporate faith in witness & service to others. http://www.nwiayatec.org/home)
It was there where I felt God nudging me to go outside my comfort level and create a lifestyle brand based on my blog; which is currently eating up a lot of my time and that’s why I haven’t come on here sooner to tell you guys this exciting news.
At first, I had no idea where to begin.
I began asking a few business-oriented people in town that I look up to how they started their companies. Some of them were kind enough to even become mentors to me. One of them even offered me a part-time job. Everyone I asked gave me positive vibes about it; especially after hearing me telling them some of my story and why I started my blog You’re Not Invisible. Now I just needed to figure out how I was going to finance it.
My grandma, unfortunately, lost her battle with cancer in November. It was kind of a blessing in disguise because she left behind some money for all the grandkids.
With that being said, right now I’m in the process of getting an LLC and setting up an online store that will hopefully be open in the next couple of months or so. I also plan to go back to school in the fall to get a second degree in digital marketing so it will help me later down the road with my business. The name of my company will be the same name as my blog…You’re Not Invisible. I hope that by sharing some of my stories I can help others know they are not alone and invisible.
If you want a little sneak peek of my testimony, please listen to this interview I did on Voice America with my friend, Niccie Kliegl, on her show entitled Living Within the Sweet Spot: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/106157/finding-your-life-purpose-claim-your-seat.
Just in the last year, I’ve seen God at work in many different ways and it’s amazing the opportunities He’ll give you when you fully trust Him instead of worrying about worldly things. He’s brought me from feeling like a complete failure to being thankful for every little thing He created.
Taking this into account, I’ve decided 2018 is finally the year where I start sharing some of my personal experiences here and officially turn You’re Not Invisible into a lifestyle blog. For the longest time, I’ve wanted to not only do interviews with people but also share other things I love.
For the last few years, I feel like I’ve been hiding behind a computer screen afraid to tell others what I really feel like. Now’s my time to shine and be 100% authentic with you guys. No more hiding!
That also means I’m going to get out of my comfort zone and be starting a YouTube channel soon. Some of the stuff I plan to include on there are going into details on why I’ve never been on an official date before to doing videos on beauty, fashion, freebies, interviews with people I admire, as well as tell you other personal stories that I haven’t told you before.
I hope that explains a little bit of where I’ve been over the last year. I’ve grown so much in my faith and am thankful to every one of you guys who have supported me along the way. Hopefully, by the time I make my next post on here, my online store will be up. Be on the lookout for that.
Until then, please remember: It may be easy to forget, but feelings matter. Life matters. You matter. You’re Not Invisible.
Tina xoxo
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Evan Welcher!!!
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With the recent passing of my Grandpa Peterson, I thought now would finally be a good time to put up an interview I did a while back with my friend, Evan Welcher since it also deals with death. I met Evan on Twitter through his twin brother, Steele, who happens to be the resident life manager of the dorms at WITCC (where I recently graduated from college). Evan is the senior pastor of First Christian Church in Glenwood, Iowa. In the last five years or so, Evan's been on quite a roller coaster ride of emotions, but that hasn't stopped him from trying to make a smile on other peoples faces. He went from the extreme happiness of meeting and then marrying his lovely wife, Danielle, (whom he refers to as "My Resplendent Bride"), to the agonizing sorrow of her cancer and death. To learn more about Evan and his new journey through life, please check out his personal Twitter, Instagram, or website.
People Who Inspire You: My Resplendent Bride, Rich Mullins, John Stott.
Favorite Bible Story: The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).
Favorite Bible Verse: John 11:25.
Favorite Musician: Rich Mullins.
Favorite Movie: Lady In The Water.
Favorite Books: Too many to list!
Favorite Color: Yellow.
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving.
Mac or PC: Mac.
Twitter or Facebook: Twitter.
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Waffles.
Math or Science: Science Fiction.
Past, Present, or Future: Future.
Have you always wanted to become a preacher?
What made me want to be a preacher was the way God comes down into human history and saves fallen, broken, messed up people like me. When Jesus saved me I said to myself, "I have to spend the rest of my life telling people about this Jesus!" He is the only God who gives up His life for His people instead of the other way around.
I did not happen to grow up in a church-going family, but I did, in my totally biased opinion, grow up in the best family. God saved me when I was 16. At the time I wore a lot of black and was rather unpleasant to be around. I was a committed atheist and my world view was hostile to religion in general organized or otherwise. A friend of mine had become a Christian the summer of my 16th year, and when school resumed had been annoyingly faithful at telling me all about Jesus. She invited me to Church often. I always refused invitations and for my part, faithfully mocked her. One night I had a dream in which Jesus saved me from my wretched self. I awoke the next day perplexed and annoyed. I wondered if I had eaten a bad taco the night before. Nonetheless, despite my attempts to brush off and rationalize the dream...it stayed with me. Yes, it gnawed at my pompous faith in my intellect. I began running through the practical ramifications of being wrong about the existence of God. My atheism was based upon the shaky foundation of me assuming there was no God because I had never experienced God in my short life. I wagered that if there was a God He would not take kindly to the immense ungratefulness exhibited by of one of His creations going around telling His other creations that the Creator was, in fact, a fairy tale. My friend invited me to church again, and I went. The gospel (Good News) was explained to me and for the first time, I believed that God was real, and, that I was alienated from Him because of my own sin, and furthermore that all that stuff about the Cross was Jesus dying in my place so that I, even I, as undeserving as I am, might be declared righteous, and forgiven. Through no goodness or wisdom of my own, I believed that night. Faith was God's gift to me on that October evening. He bids us all to come to die with Him that we might live with Him. I love how just God is, because He won't turn anybody away.
When did you find out that your wife had cancer? How did you react to the diagnosis?
My Resplendent Bride had been coughing for several months. We went to the Dr. and they thought it was anything from her asthma acting up to pneumonia. However after several weeks without improvement they did an X-Ray and saw the baseball-sized mass in her anterior mediastinum. The mass was situated between her lungs right next to her heart. It was pushing against her lungs making it difficult to breathe. We later learned it was lymphoma, which is a blood cancer. We were sad because we both had seen the pain: cancer caused in our parent's lives. Her father had fought against brain tumors for many years, and my mother died from lung cancer.
I held my Danielle in my arms and we wept together: for the fight ahead, for the fears we harbored, for our unborn children. We were keenly aware of the fight ahead of us, but we also purposed in our hearts to trust in God's sovereignty. We believed that God is in control of all our lives and that nothing merely happens by coincidence.
A verse we clung to was Isaiah 41:10, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
My Resplendent Bride fought cancer like the woman of grace that she was for nearly two years. During that time her lymphoma came back twice and morphed into leukemia. She went home to be with her Savior (John 14) May 3, 2014, dying from complications of a failed bone marrow transplant.
I have never known anyone like her. She was the love of my life. She is the best person I have ever known. God gave her to me for less than 3 years, but oh, the mark she left on my soul is indelible. Danielle was a woman who had yielded herself to her Lord as much as a human can. She was a missionary to S. Sudan, a teacher, a daughter, a friend to more people than I can count, and my Resplendent Bride. It is not cliche of me to write that her love changed me in ways that I can not fully comprehend or explain. True love has a way of doing that.
Is there anything that we can be praying about for you?
Please be praying for me as I mourn the loss of my Resplendent Bride. The Bible says that two become one in the covenant of marriage (Ephesians 5:22-33). There is something mysteriously powerful about marriage that I fear may be lost on many today. When someone is widowed they have spiritually been torn in two. The beauty of Christ is that He shall put us all back together again.
Many of the people we walk past and ignore everyday are virtual walking Humpty Dumpty's marching along in a daze. The people of God are tasked with waiting with the broken while rescue comes. This is God's beautiful design for the Church.
How do you turn such negative events in your life into positive ones?
I am thankful that it is not up to me to bring good from evil. God is always working (Romans 8), and it is enough for me to know that He is good, knows what He is doing, and has not forgotten His little lambs.
What does a normal day in your life look like now?
I wake up and drink in the coffee as well as tidings of distant lands that transpired while I slumbered (the news). If people are lucky, I take a shower (people are always lucky). Then I head off to my study at the church building and work on whatsoever needs working on! I believe God does powerful things through the proclamation of His word to His saints (don't you love how the Bible calls Christ's Bride "Saints"? That proves our righteousness comes not from ourselves but for Him!) so I spend a good portion my week writing Sunday's sermon.
If you could preach about any topic or Bible story on a Sunday, what would it probably be about and why?
My favorite thing to preach on is the forgiveness of sins, which is inseparable from the Cross of Christ. The banner we dwell under reads, "Christ Crucified For Sinners". The best thing about the Gospel is that it is not about us, it's about Him. The world has enough people who are really into themselves. The cool thing about God is that He knows our frame, that we are but dust. He knows we dustlings are fragile, broken, and rough around the edges. He also knows that we are battered, bedraggled, broken things looking for shelter. If you think you need to have all your stuff together before God will have anything to do with you: you have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
How would you describe your style of preaching? Also, why should people come to your church?
I don't yell at people. I don't beat the sheep.
I preach through books of the Bible, verse by verse. At First Christian Church we believe 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness."
Preaching through entire books ensures that the Church gets a steady diet of God's revelation in the proportions the Holy Spirit doles out. When a guy is just doing topical series after topical series there runs the risk of the people of God only hearing the preacher man's hobby horses.
First Christian Church is an independent church trying to do things as much as the New Testament Church did as we can figure out. We admit that we are only human, and that the first century was a long time ago, but we think there are some clear hints in the New Testament about what the Church should look and feel like. At the same time, we deeply value the contributions of our brothers and sisters in Christ have made to the global church over the last 2,000 years. Tradition is not a dirty word.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I read, lift weights, bike, write, and try to figure out woodworking!
What are five things that most people don’t know about you?
I am painfully shy.
I throw tomahawks.
I don't have all the answers, but I know the one who does.
I am a sinner/saint.
I am rooting for them.
What’s the best part of being a pastor and why?
The best part of being a pastor chooses to use us to accomplish His goodwill, and that goes for all His children.
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Emily Varee Dean!!!
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Today I am proud to introduce you to someone who happens to be somewhat related to me. Please let me introduce you to my second cousin's husband's sister... Mrs. Emily Vareé Dean!!! This talented 19-year-old not only acts, sings, and models but also just happened to start her own company called Verity Vareé. I never would have found out about Emily if it wasn't for my second cousin Hilary posting some of her modeling pics on Facebook. I came across them and was just stunned by Em's curly hair, Cara Delevingne-like eyebrow's, and soulful voice from her band (Emy & Ethan) that I knew I had to become in contact with her and hear more about her story and adventures. Although I haven't actually gotten to meet her yet since she lives in Berryville, VA (I could of if I had known about her at the time of my second cousin's wedding) I hope to meet this beautiful chic someday. Her energy and perseverance that she puts into everything she does really inspire me to keep going on my worst days. To learn more about Emily, please check her out on Facebook, Instagram, Emy & Ethan's website, or Verity Vareé's website.
People Who Inspire You: My husband, my buddy, Kara, my family.
Favorite Model: I don't actually follow models, or have a favorite!
Favorite Musicians: Esperanza Spalding, Gladys Knight, John Mark McMillan, Adele.
Favorite Movies: You've Got Mail, Julie & Julia, Leap Year, Hook, Finding Neverland.
Favorite Actors: Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jessica Chastain.
Favorite Books: Love Walked In, cookbooks, Fancy Nancy series, The Penderwicks.
Favorite Color: Purple.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
Mac or PC: Mac.
Twitter or Facebook: Ehh...Instagram!
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Can I have both?
Winter or Summer: I can't choose!
Pancakes or Waffles: Waffles.
Math or Science: Science.
Past, Present, or Future: Present.
How did you get your start in the entertainment industry? What came first: the modeling, acting, or singing?
I was acting and singing in a professional realm before modeling, but I started when I was probably about 10 through a home school co-op, then just kept acting locally until I realized it was something I wanted to do professionally. My dad sang at home all the time, often the same songs over and over, but he had such a rich, soulful voice that I wanted to sing, too. That's where that started. I began professionally modeling, acting, and singing through a talent search conference called SHINE, through AMTC and received a lot of callbacks and many leads that began my journey acting, singing, and modeling professionally with my mom as my manager!
You recently announced on social media that you are pregnant. First of all, congrats!!! How do you think your career will change after you have your baby? Will you still be modeling, acting, and singing in between changing diapers? Or will you just be a stay at home mom?
Thank you! I have planned to keep acting, modeling, and singing professionally. I think definitely acting and modeling will go on hold for a while before I am full-time, but I can keep singing and booking shows with my husband since our band is just us, Emy & Ethan. A lot of my time will probably be spent pursuing my new company, Verity Vareé, where I'll be helping other women tell their stories and be the model for a day! God has conveniently given me a new passion and desire for my company which I can keep up with a baby strapped to me and run out of my own home.
If you weren’t in the entertainment industry, what do you think you would be doing for a living and why?
I'd probably be a writer and a baker, running a freelance baked goods business and writing every chance I had. I love to write. I love to bake. I love to think. I love people. I love moving and doing things with my hands.
What does a normal day in your life look like now?
Hmm... a normal day is get up, make breakfast for my husband, hug him every chance I get before he leaves for work. Then I'll make myself a coffee and get an apple or bowl of granola, sit down to read my bible and something inspiring me at the moment (a magazine, an article, a letter from a friend), then journal and write my to-do list for the day. Then I'll probably get to a local coffee shop to work on Verity Vareé and plan/start styling for our upcoming photoshoot. Somewhere in the day I usually have a meeting or an interview either at my house, by phone, or via Skype. Then in the evening, I spend as much time as possible with my husband, go for a walk, watch a movie, go up in the recording studio together, keep working side by side, make dinner together, etc. That's a fairly normal day, but it's really truly different every time depending on what is scheduled!!!
Of all the modeling (and acting) shows and shoots you’ve done, have you ever gotten to keep any of the items from the events? If so, what? If not, what is something that you would love to steal from one of those events?
Yes! Actually, I recently did a commercial where I had to hurtle over a horse jump and ripped my pants! So, the crew bought me new skinny jeans that I got to keep. I also got to keep a really cute fisherman's sweater from H&M from that commercial shoot. (: Honestly, I'd never want to keep anything from the professional shoots or runways because it's all so expensive I probably wouldn't wear it, or would feel guilty and nervous if I did! There was one time a long time ago when I first started modeling that I got to wear a little Grecian dress that I would have loved to just walk away with.
You recently created a company called Verity Vareé, which is about revealing the truth about beauty through your story. Please tell us more about that. Why did you decide to create it? Was it inspired by own events in your personal life, since I’m sure just like any girl, has felt “ugly” at some point in their life? How did you come up with the name of your company?
Verity Vareé is the culmination of everything I have ever dreamed of. It is a tool to show women their value and worth, an opportunity to speak truth into a world wrought with misconceptions and false standards. It was very much inspired by personal events. When I began modeling professionally I was bombarded with standards and regulations that I could never live up to. Even at the thinnest, I'd ever been I was still "too big" for the top agencies I'd interviewed with. I don't blame the agencies solely for that, but I can see a clear line between my insecurities and the things I was told by the acting and modeling world. In that environment, I was forced to decide whether to live in misery, with some days feeling pretty enough and most days feeling far below the standard of beauty, or to reach for something higher, something true, something I knew was there but wasn't quite sure how to identify. Beauty. Real beauty. What is it? I began to search the bible for the true words God speaks on beauty and the results were almost too good to be true. Modeling went from a scary, intimidating career path, to a personal mission. I started looking at modeling as an opportunity to spread the truth about beauty and have used it as a platform for truth ever since. Verity means "truth" and Vareé (my middle name) means "to strike." Verity Vareé aims to "strike the truth" about beauty in a cunning, beautiful, inspiring way.
We are taking everyday women and giving them two photoshoots and an interview, with the purpose of telling their story in a beautiful, unique way. The first photoshoot is a no-makeup, no styling series of photos showing that woman in her natural, unaltered form. The second photoshoot or "dream shoot" is that woman's ideal photoshoot, showing off her unique style and personality. Each woman will work with a team of stylists, makeup artists, and a photographer to properly express their vision through the photoshoot.
Our goal is to empower women to live in the truth that their internal and external (physical) beauty is a gift.
Through "revealing" their story and personality in the interview with our founder/director (Emily Dean), then going through the photoshoot process with a team of creative artists we hope to encourage women to identify their beauty as something to be cherished, enjoyed, and taken care of. We also encourage women to live their life story with vibrancy and authenticity. These "reveals" (stories) of each woman will be posted publicly on our website, intermitted with articles addressing beauty and relevant topics to our day.
Out of all the crazy things you’ve gotten to do in your career, is there anything in particular that stands out? If so, what? If not, what is something you would like to accomplish in the next year or so?
One of the coolest things I've ever done was walk into a store with several other models and our agent, while he just grabbed clothes off the racks and gave them to us then told us, "just go up to the cash register, they'll know what to do." We walked up and handed them our clothes and they just put them in bags and handed them to us. Sometimes companies will work out a deal with an agency and just give the clothes back after a runway show or only keep some of them, etc. It was just a really cool, weird experience! Another time I got to meet a world-famous photographer in a private meeting. That was pretty incredible. I still to this day am not sure why he wanted to talk to me, but my mom and I both went and received some pretty incredible and amazingly encouraging advice. That was amazing...
If you could only choose to do one thing (acting, singing, or modeling) to do for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
I think I would choose acting because you can keep modeling in the acting world and you can keep singing in the acting world. We used to have singers, actors, and models, who in those days, couldn't be a one-trick pony, so they had to do it all themselves. So, I'd choose acting because you can keep doing all of it!
What do you like to do in your free time, outside of all of your work?
Bake, spend time with my family and write letters to people.
What are 5 things that you could tell us that most people don’t know about you?
1. I am the only girl out of 5 brothers.
2. I never wanted to be a model, it was an opportunity God gave me and I try hard to use to His glory.
3. I make really, really ugly faces. Like, UGLY, you-won't-sleep-tonight faces. My brother and I used to stare in the mirror for hrs. to practice...I guess it was worth it! I can literally look like the Grinch.
4. I was a dancer for the first part of my life and wanted to join the Russian ballet.
5. I want to have as many kids as scientifically possible.
6. I am pretty bad at math.
Anything else you would like to share with my lovely followers?
I love Swedish fish, watermelon, coffee, and glitter!!! I aspire to be a fat, jolly, sweet-cheeked grandma to many grandchildren!
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Jessie Hotchkiss!!!
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Of all the people I've gotten to interview over the last year or so, I would have to say Jessie Hotchkiss was one of the sweetest people I've gotten to know. I met Jessie on Twitter after entering the 2013 Acuvue Contest (see my entry here!). It turns out this 19-year-old, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota native happens to have a lot in common with me. Not only do we share a love for music, but I also found out that she also has relatives that live near to where I live. Someday I hope to meet Jessie in person and jam out with her. In case you were wondering, Jessie, happens to be the first out of seven people to be chosen as winners of the 2013 Acuvue Contest. To learn more about Jessie, her music, and her adventures with Acuvue, please follow her on her Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Ask.FM pages, or Youtube channel. P.S. While on YouTube, don't forget to watch Jessie's winning audition video for the Acuvue Contest or Jessie's Mentorship Episode with Demi Lovato!!!
Favorite Musicians: Demi Lovato, Ed Sheeran, Skillet.
Favorite Movies: Mean Girls, Sleepover, Freaky Friday, Pitch Perfect.
Favorite Book: Hunger Games or Divergent Series.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Holiday: Halloween.
Mac or PC: Mac.
Twitter or Facebook: Twitter.
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes.
Math or Science: Math.
Past, Present, or Future: Future.
Did you grow up in a musical family? What age/instrument did you learn first?
Absolutely not! My sister was the first one to start learning an instrument in 6th grade. Once I got into 6th grade, I started playing the trumpet. So I was about 11 years old.
When you found out that you won the Acuvue contest, how did you/your family and friends react?
I actually got a call around 7 am on a Saturday and ignored it because it said “unknown," so I ignored it and went back to bed. They called again about an hour after that and left a voice mail. But I woke up around 9 forgetting about the voice mail and checked my email first, and that’s where I saw (1) in my inbox and looked. I had to stare at it for a good 30 seconds before I realized that it wasn’t spam! I literally started sobbing and ran into my mom’s room and told her that I won! She didn’t know what contest I was talking about because I enter a ton! So I explained and she couldn’t believe it! I then realized that it was Acuvue trying to call me and I listened to the voicemail. They told me to respond to the email to make sure I’m aware that I’m a winner. My friends didn’t really understand the concept of the contest. They were excited but they didn’t realize how big of a deal it was until the mentorship video came out. It still feels like it didn’t happen, but I’m glad it did!
What was it like working with Demi Lovato? Was she the mentor that you originally hoped for? What's the best advice that she gave you?
It was pretty surreal. It's like when you only see someone online and on TV, it’s almost like you don’t believe they exist (as weird as that sounds). But she is super sweet and genuine and a goofball. She had this aura that she gave off that immediately made me feel comfortable. I was nervous for about the first minute of meeting her, but after that, I was totally fine. She honestly was the reason I entered. I told myself I’d be content with whoever was chosen for me as long as I overcame my fears by the end of the day, but I didn’t actually think I was going to be set up with her. It’s funny because I originally wasn’t going to enter just cause it’s such a huge contest and I thought, “What are even the chances?” but I’m glad I at least tried because you have just as much of a chance as getting chosen as anyone else does as long as you enter. As for advice, I feel really dumb but I honestly can’t remember a whole lot…it was an overwhelming day overall. But something I learned that day is to just own it up on stage. You already know exactly what you’re supposed to do, so why be nervous about it?
Why do you think your video was chosen? For people who want to try out next year, what advice would you give them while making their videos?
I’m honestly still trying to figure that out. The Acuvue crew has told me so many times that it really stood out and I was obviously chosen for a reason. When I watched it back when I was about to submit the video, I didn’t think it was all that great. But when I compared it to the others, something did seem a little different about mine, and I’m not just saying that I truly believe that. For anyone who wants to try out next year, you really want to try to make it stand out. What I did is I watched the submissions for the 5 previous winners from 2012 and asked myself, “What is it about the videos that made them stand out?” I literally watched them about 5 times each. What I found out is they didn’t get off the topic of what they are trying to accomplish. I actually watched every single submission for the 2013 contest and what a lot of people did was talk about their pasts and how maybe they’ve been bullied or depressed (etc.) and they don’t focus on what their dream is. Acuvue wants to know about it and HOW bad you want it, they don’t want your life story and then only one sentence about what you want to do. They want to know how you got started with it and how much you want to progress in either your passion or how to get over the fears that are preventing you from taking your passion further. So I’d suggest that you leave out your life story and focus on your dream; THAT is what they want to know about.
Has life changed for you much since winning the Acuvue contest? What does a current day in your life look like?
As for just day by day, not really. Although since the mentorship I got to attend the 2013 Teen Choice Awards and got to walk the blue carpet (which was a guaranteed prize along with the mentorship). But I also got to do a separate event with my mentor that no one else got to do. So that definitely wasn’t expected. Being able to go to LA three times this year has been amazing; I just wish I could stay there, haha! I actually recently saw Fifth Harmony in concert and got recognized by about 15 people. They just congratulated me and/or told me how jealous they are, which is something I’ve been hearing a lot lately. A typical day for me consists of waking up and going to classes (it differs every day since I’m in college so it’s not the same schedule every day) and depending on what day it is, I go to work, come home and do homework. Then usually play guitar or keyboard till about midnight and may make a cover once a week or so. It’s not too eventful. Most of my friends go to schools far away so I don’t really have anyone to hang with here.
What was it like going to the Teen Choice Awards? Did you run into a lot of celebrities?
I did! It was honestly one of the craziest/surreal things ever (even more so than the mentorship). Our day started around 6-7 am (depending on when we got called to the room to get makeup done) and it didn’t end till about midnight when we got back to our hotel and chilled on the rooftop. The day started with us all one by one getting makeup done. After, we went into the room next door to get our wardrobes (which we picked out the day prior out of a crazy amount of choices)! Then we had to go downstairs to do a photoshoot! I ended up being the last one so it was a big rush trying to run all over the hotel and whatnot. But the photoshoot was very interesting considering I’m so awkward on camera. But they played Demi in the background which made it better, haha! Once that was taken care of, all of us winners hopped on a little bus to go to the TCA site and film a commercial with Shay Mitchell. No one was there yet so we got to see everything while it was clear. Shay got dropped off and I think we all got a little star-struck (except Olivia since she was her mentor). We took several takes of it and then immediately had to go back to the hotel because there was a party on the hotel roof with the mentors, out families and the CEO’s (along with their families) of Acuvue. Unfortunately, only Dwight, Joe and Shay could attend. But it was incredible meeting them all! After that was done, all of us (except Anthony and Olivia) got back on the minibus and drove to the TCA site again. We were dropped off where all the celebrities were and it was the craziest site ever; I have never seen so many paparazzi in my life. We stood by the gate where everyone was dropped and saw about every single celeb that attended. I met Ed Sheeran and other artist and it was insane how close everyone was to us. Even One Direction casually walked inches away to get around us. But we went in, watched the show, got out and went to an after-party consisting of free arcade games, bowling, and endless chicken strips and pizza! One of the best days by far.
In 10 years you will be...
Hopefully, I’ll be in a successful band, whether it’s a new band, already existing one, or be a backup musician for a solo artist.
Besides music, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I love drawing! I used to do it high school a lot, but since I’ve been in college, I don’t have as much free time as I used to. I’m also really into making bracelets. I can make them out of string and rubber bands so if you ever want one, Hit me up!
What's your favorite quote and why?
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe.” I really like this quote because I think so many people just act upon something, fail, and then give up. You’re going to be told “no” a lot in order to get where you want to be. I have, yet that doesn’t stop me. Even though I had this amazing experience happen to me, there’s a little voice in my head that likes to get at me and make me think that I’m not going to end up getting far with music, but I try to shove it aside. Don’t give in to the voices. Listen to your heart, not your head.
Do you write your own music? If so are we going to hear it soon on your YouTube channel? If not, what's your favorite cover that you've done and why?
I’ve been trying to write some original stuff lately. I actually do have an original song on my channel, but it’s a very rough version and has been touched up a bit over time since I posted it. I may end up deleting in the future and reposting the version I have now. I’m also working on another one now, but I can’t think of how to make it flow. I have lyrics, just not the music. So I’m working on that currently. I think my favorite cover would actually have to be “Not Gonna Die” by Skillet. I don’t sing, but I’m playing electric guitar and that’s originally what I started out on. I haven’t played one for a few years so it was fun going back to it and playing some rock!
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Scott P. Harris!!!
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After seeing the trailer for the documentary Being Ginger, I'll admit, I almost cried. It's hard enough being a ginger, but to have cameras documenting your love life must be unimaginable. Scott P. Harris shows everyone what it is like to face cruel prejudice in his latest hard-hitting film called Being Ginger, which hits selected US theaters later this fall. If you're like me and can't wait to see it in theaters, on August 23rd you can visit Being Ginger's official website and order the DVD or download the movie. In the meantime, you should get to know more about the famous filmmaker Scott P. Harris by following him on Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, and Facebook.
Favorite Musician: Led Zeppelin.
Favorite Movies: Casablanca, North by Northwest, The Big Lebowski.
Favorite Books: The Count of Monte Cristo, The Princess Bride, and Catch-22.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Holiday: Burns Night.
Mac or PC: PC.
Twitter or Facebook: Facebook.
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Crepes.
Math or Science: Math is science.
Past, Present, or Future: Present.
Read Book or Go To The Movie: Movie.
Favorite Film You've Made: Being Ginger.
What was it like making your film Being Ginger?
Frankly, it was the most difficult thing I've ever done, but I loved every second.
What's an important lesson you've learned from making Being Ginger?
I've often been told that you have to find the thing that you're passionate about, and then give it everything that you have, but that was always fine in principle but actually doing it was another matter. Making the film required a huge leap of faith, and though I haven't released it yet (it comes out on August 23rd, worldwide, on my web site beingginger.co.uk) I already feel like it's paid off. The reaction I've had from so many people has really been profound, and I'm so grateful for that.
What is your favorite part of Being Ginger to watch?
I love watching the film with an audience. I've only been able to test it a few times, but after spending two and a half years on it, there is something so gratifying about hearing the different reactions to it. Most profound of all is the conversations that come up after a screening.
Are there any other gingers in your family? If not, did you feel special growing up because you were ginger before you started getting bullied?
I have an older brother and sister who both have red hair. My father did, but he's been bald my whole life. And my mother's mom did as well, but her's was grey my entire life. I never felt special because of my hair. I absolutely hated it from a very early age. It wasn't until I got to high school and all of my friends started doing "stupid" things to be different that I started to appreciate it, because I was already different.
If so many people hate gingers, why do you think so many people dye their hair red/orange?
I don't think that so many people hate gingers. I think people think it's funny to tease us, there's a difference. And while I get good-natured ribbing from my friends, that does have a tendency to breed more offensive comments from strangers because we do live in a world where it is acceptable to make fun of redheads. Ultimately, I think it's connected to a deep-seated human need to form hierarchies. I've spent most of my life trying to better understand bullying, and I've come away with two conclusions for why people do it: First, anyone who has been bullied or abused feels a loss of power, and some people make themselves feel better about it by taking power from someone else. So a kid who has an abusive father feels powerless at home. His solution is to go to school and be a bully so he can feel the power there. The second reason is that we, and I mean human beings, feel repulsed when we see someone who reminds of the things we don't like about ourselves. Someone has insecurity about some aspect of their appearance or personality and when they come across someone who has that same aspect, they feel the need to destroy it, because they hate that they have it too. Ultimately, anyone who is different is likely to be bullied, it doesn't matter what that difference is. And most of the time other people join in because they don't want to be the victim. On an almost subconscious level they feel that if they make fun of that person, no one will make fun of them. So bullies are usually hiding their own low self-esteem. That doesn't make it easier to deal with when it's happening to you, but it does help me now to look back on it and understand it. The other thing is that it can become a self-perpetuating cycle. Once you've gone through something traumatic, enough that it had a profound impact on your self-esteem, you become marked in away. Your low self-esteem becomes obvious and it only drives more people away. It's the reason that a bad experience when you are only 10 could have a profound impact on your life when you're 30. I don't have a solution for this, but I do know that I have very low self-esteem and I've had to learn to hide it at all costs. And slowly, over time, things have improved for me. Enough that I hope to one day not have to pretend that I'm self-confident, but to actually be self-confident. As for people dying their hair, that's really only a girl thing, no man would ever dye his hair red. And when women dye their hair red, they don't look like natural redheads because they can usually tan. It just means that you can't compare the experience of a fake redhead with a natural redhead.
What's the meanest story or thing you can tell about people who've bullied you?
Well, I have a long history with bullies that goes back to when I was seven. I don't know that I could pick the single worst, and to some degree, this is something that I talk about in the film, and I'd like to keep that for the film. I'll say that when I was 15 one of my bullies put a knife to my neck and told me he was going to kill me. The next day he swung at me with the knife and thankfully I saw him in time and ducked. The blade broke on the locker my head had been leaning against. I don't know that that happened because I was ginger. I had so many bullies at that age it felt like the whole school went after me. But I do think it was connected to what I said about being marked. And at the start, the bullying was connected to my hair.
Do you ever wish you had another hair color? If so, what color and why?
I wished I had a different color hair when I was little, but not now.
I heard that you went to the Redhead Day Festival in the Netherlands. What was it like to go to the festival? What did you do there? Do you recommend other gingers to go to it?
I had a fantastic time at the Redhead Days, and I am happy to recommend it to all redheads. There were about 50 different events, and I took part in as much as I could, but the real highlight was just talking to a bunch of people from all over the world who had this one thing in common. Our stories were all different, but it was nice to feel part of a larger community.
Why do you think people judge gingers so much? Do you think people who aren't ginger are jealous of us?
I think it's just because there aren't that many of us and we stand out of any crowd. This is slightly controversial to some people, but I don't think they are jealous of us at all, and I hated it when my parents told me that they were just jealous of me. I think that's a total lie that some people say to feel better about themselves.
Of all of the places that you've been to promote Being Ginger, what country do you think gingers get treated the best in and why?
I haven't actually been to that many different countries, but I have spoken to people from all over the world, and for every country, someone has told me that they were never bullied because of their hair, I have met someone else from that same country who had terrible stories about what they went through. I'm looking forward to going to Asia to see what the response is there, where we'd be truly unique.
Besides making films, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I'm actually really boring, I love film so much, I don't think of it as a job, so it totally dominates my life. The only spare time I've had in the last two years was when I went on vacation (either up into the highlands of Scotland or to Paris) and made sure to not take my camera along. But even then I was still thinking about films I want to make.
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Jacqueline Pierre!!!
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I am proud to announce that I got to interview one of my favorite authors and speakers... Miss Jacqueline Pierre. For me, I would have never heard of her if it wasn't for her brother, singer/songwriter Robert Pierre. Jacqueline has only written one book so far... but in my opinion "Totally Infatuated" is by far one of my favorite books of all times!!! In fact, I was so inspired that I wrote a song about the book. If you want to see it click here. My dream, once I get done writing my book, is to speak side by side with Jacqueline and sing/write songs with Robert at their church. Look out for my professionally recorded version of this song soon!!! If a lot of people like this then I might even put it up on iTunes. Did I mention that this Orlando native is only 16-years-old? I can't wait to see what's in store for her. If you want to learn more about Jacqueline you can visit her website, YouTube channel, or follow her on Twitter.
Favorite Book: I’m not even ashamed to say this: I am obsessed with Martin Luther! He is my celebrity crush. For Christmas, a few years ago, my pastor gave me a biography on Luther and it quickly became my favorite book.
Favorite Musician: ROBERT PIERRE! I love his music. It’s unbelievable how much it reflects his genuine heart for worship and reaching the lost… I am his number one fan, what can I say? Some days I even wish I could be his little sister ;)
Favorite Food: Deep-dish Giordano’s pizza.
Favorite Author: C.S. Lewis.
Favorite Store: Anthropologie.
Favorite Makeup Item: Eyeliner.
Favorite Bible Verse: Ecclesiastes 5:7
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas!
Heels or Flats: Heels, unless they are boots…
Mac or PC: Mac.
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Twitter or Facebook: Twitter.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes.
Math or Science: Science.
Past, Present, or Future: Learn from the past, live in the present, and prepare for the future.
Describe "Totally Infatuated" to people who haven't read it yet. How did you come up with the idea for it? 
Totally Infatuated is a twelve chapter devotional book written by a teenager for teenagers. My book encourages students to have a passion for God’s Word and dives into investigating what the Bible has to say about typical teenage issues: Friends, Language, Social Networking, Spiritual Mentorship, etc. My prayer for Totally Infatuated has always been that it leaves its readers with a new understanding of how precious God’s words are and ignites within them their own infatuation with both the pages of Scripture and the Author, God the Father.
What's the hardest part of writing for you? 
Some days, I feel as if there is not enough paper in the entire world to contain my thoughts. In fact, I’ve found that to be the most challenging part of writing. It must truly become a discipline, for any type of writer, to keep one's thoughts (as they say) short and sweet.
If you wrote an autobiography about your life, what do you think the title would be called? Why? 
In keeping with my “Totally Infatuated” theme, I think if I were to write an autobiography I would call it “Obsession.” I think that’s got a good ring to it, and as a writer, I feel like that title would help eliminate some limitations.
What do you like more: speaking or writing? 
I love them both equally because both give me the opportunity to use my words to tell others about Jesus. Word’s captivate me and there is nothing greater than to do what you love for the purpose of bringing God glory and fame. Sharing God’s Word, whether that’s by writing or speaking, is a humbling privilege that I love and take very seriously.
Your brother is Christian recording artist Robert Pierre. I take it that you grew up in a house with lots of music. Do you play any instruments and/or sing? 
Although I don’t sing, you are right on when you say that I have grown up in a house with “lots of music”. My brother sings, my mother sings, my grandmother sings, and some of my dearest friends are singers! Let’s get one thing straight: Musicians rock! Over the past five years or so, as Robert has been touring and singing, I have had the joy of being surround by this truly unique breed of people. Their black v-necks, their rolled-up jeans, their quick wit, their Starbucks addictions, their crazy hair, and their sensitive hearts to God’s Word, have endeared me to them forever.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors? 
Write. Write, write, write and when you think you’ve written enough, write some more! Write constantly! So much, that you make writing not a practice but a habit. The more you write, the more you will improve. Also, use your love and giftedness in writing to bring God glory. Why not give your talent right back to the one who gave it to you?
What does a current day in your life look like? 
A normal day in the life Jacqueline Pierre includes morning coffee, working out, thinking about doing my Chemistry schoolwork but deciding to put off… until my mother finds out and sends me right back upstairs to complete it. It includes amazing and irreplaceable family time, more coffee, hopefully, a dramatically drawn-out “slow-motion” battle with my older brother (as my parents sit at the kitchen counter laughing at us), some time snuggling with my puppies, much time praying, an occasional dance around my kitchen with my best friend, Nicole, and, if at that point I happen to have a spare moment, I may even be found upstairs in my bedroom playing my guitar… that is… until my father finds out and sends me to finish that stinking Chemistry work!
Do you have any plans to write another book in the future? If so, what do you think it will be about? Or are you just focused on going to college at the moment? 
While I should be more focused on my future schooling career, I must confess, when daydreaming, thoughts of a new book are far more appealing. I would love to publish another and I have worked on a few different ideas. Nothing is set in stone at the moment, however, I am in constant prayer over what the future holds.
How have your personal experiences affected your writing? 
Outside of God’s grace and Word, it is my personal experiences that affect my writing the most! Do you have a fan mail address? If so, what is it? 
Yes, my fan’s can email me through my website: www.JacquelinePierreSpeaks.com
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Asy of Chaos Chaos!!!
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When I was in 5th grade my favorite thing to do in class was to read Time For Kids Magazines. That's how I first heard of the band Smoosh. Now Asy and Chloe are all grown up and go by the band name Chaos Chaos. If you haven't heard of them before, make sure to check them out on their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or official website. Their style is so unique, especially on their EP "S"; I can't even begin to describe it. Recently, I had the chance to interview Asy who sings lead vocals and plays all sorts of instruments (mainly keyboards) in Chaos Chaos.
Favorite Style of Music: Upbeat with world influence and a lot of bass!
Favorite Musicians: PJ Harvey, Wu Tang Clan, Gorillaz, & Bjork.
Favorite CDs: PJ Harvey 'Is This Desire', Wu Tang Clan '36 Chambers.'
Favorite Store: Hong Kong Market.
Favorite Food: Sushi.
Favorite Color: Orange.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas!!!
Heels or Flats: Heels.
Mac or PC: Mac.
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Twitter or Facebook: Facebook.
Chocolate or Vanilla:
Vanilla frosting, chocolate cake.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes.
Math or Science: Science.
Past, Present, or Future: Pruture. (Starting now and going into the future.)
You’ve lived in Seattle, Sweden, and now you live in Brooklyn. Out of all those places, which was your favorite place to live and why? What are some of your favorite places to go in Brooklyn when you have spare time?
I love traveling, and I also love the feeling that I have many homes or semi homes. I loved Sweden but don't feel like I could live there forever. Brooklyn is a very current home for me, I feel my time here has not come to an end --there is more to see. In Brooklyn, I love exploring and going to places I wouldn't normally go to. Brooklyn is great for running into these vibrant small communities all based around this obscure thing you didn't know was popular (indoor rock climbing, kayaking on the Gowanus river).
For a while, your sister Maia was in the band when you were still called Smoosh. Did she choose not to be in Chaos Chaos or did you not let her? Why isn’t she in it?
Maia is unlike Chloe and me in that she has so many things she is dipping her feet into instead of one she is going all out with. Chaos Chaos was meant to be a project we put everything into and Maia is super busy doing amazing art projects in the city and going to this awesome school, and traveling to Rwanda. For now, it makes more sense for her to be involved in the band doing things other than music. Her art has impacted our band so much!
In a lot of the songs that you write you can’t really understand the lyrics. Do you do that on purpose so that you’ll sound more mysterious or are there bad lyrics that we don’t know about?
Hmmm. I actually didn't know that was the case. I have tried to work on my pronunciation, but I think it is just my style of singing. Some of my vocal melodies are always changing key and kind of roundabout around the song, so it can be tough to focus on pronouncing every word.
What is your favorite song that you’ve written for Chaos Chaos or Smoosh? Why?
For Smoosh, I love Massive Cure. It was an old song and it was just banged out but it is always fun live, it is versatile in that we can manipulate it into alternate versions and the cd version is also something that brings back many memories for me.
When you were younger your parents wouldn’t even let you release your last name to the public. Would you call your parents a little overprotective? Or do you think they were just trying to make you live life like normal teenagers?
We did have a life like normal teenagers, except for when we were on tour. Our parents just wanted us to be safe, and like all parents, were very protective in that way! Not overly in my opinion.
Do you have a secret handshake you do before you go on stage? Do you get nervous before a performance?
I do sometimes get nervous when I know people I know will be there, but usually, I get this excited feeling, which is more like an adrenaline rush. Before performances, we bump stomaches while jumping in the air. It has always been our good-luck routine.
What does a current day in your life look like?
Right now our current day begins kind of early, with us doing work emails and computer things we need to do, and also usually keeping up with current events via NPR and Google. Then we rehearse (following our neighbor's schedule of course), writing new material together for some hours. Later in the day we jog or hang out with friends and then do more writing without drums, on logic or keyboards. We like watching lectures on youtube and writing blogs also to keep our minds active :).
Do you have part-time jobs or is Chaos Chaos your full-time job? Are you currently enrolled in college?
We have had part-time jobs, but right now we are lucky enough to just work on Chaos Chaos, and it is a full-time job.
What are some musicians that you would like to collaborate with?
There are many! I would love to collaborate with someone who is great at making cool beats and doing production because that is one aspect of songwriting that I feel I need to work on. It is also something that I am excited about incorporating into our new material.
If you weren’t in a band what do you think you would be doing now? What are your dream jobs?
I would probably be in college because I love school and the college environment. My dream job is being a musician full time though! But I don't want to limit myself. In the future, I might be really interested in something else and I might want to go to school.
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Spencer Kane!!!
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I fell in love with Spencer Kane's voice when I heard his song "One Of THE Kind" on Youtube. The message of the song is simple: everyone is different, so stand out and be yourself, and don't be a bully. I recently got to interview this Kendallville, Indiana native that is a spokesperson for PACER's National Bully Prevention Center and also is just about to perform on the 2013 iShine Live tour. If you want to learn more about him, you can check out his personal website, YouTube channel, or Facebook & Twitter pages.
Favorite Musicians: Tobymac, Lecrae, Trip Lee, Jor'Dan Armstrong, Jason Derulo, Capital Kings, The Ground Above.
Favorite Movies: Ace Ventura Pet Detective (#1) & any action movies.
Favorite Books: I Am Number 4 Series.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
Mac or PC: Both.
Twitter or Facebook: Twitter.
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes.
Math or Science: Math.
Past, Present, or Future: Present & Future.
What's your favorite song off your new EP besides "One of THE Kind?"
Move-In The Right Direction is my favorite on the EP because even though I wrote 4 of the 5 songs on the EP, that is the one which I was most involved in creating the music and overall production. The other songs I sang and gave input, but they were more directed by the Executive Producer and Producer. I like them all, but Move In The Right Direction was almost like I was able to help assemble each piece of the song the whole way through. The others I would sing my vocals and then kind of wait for the producer to give me a rough cut with music that I could critique and just kind of wait to see what happened. MITRD was very hands-on in the studio in Nashville for me and that will always be my best memory of this EP.
What made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in music?
I believe it was when I was 13 and auditioned for a local version of an Idol competition in my county. There were like over 100 people who tried out in my age category (under 16) and I made the top 10 and actually finished 2nd place. (The video of this performance is on my Youtube channel). I sang Sunday Morning by Maroon 5 and the judges of that competition were professional artists and voice trainers. They all said I did well. So when I look back and see that someone other than family felt I may have a chance to do something with music, it sort of made it easier to choose to pursue it. But even then and until the past 6 months, I was still not sure if it was something I'd do as a hobby or pursue professionally. Once I met with iShine in Nashville and Robert Beeson (founder of Essential Records who originally signed Jars of Clay and Third Day, and like the winner of 6 Grammys and a bunch of Dove Awards) I was told I had good potential. So, I guess that made it even more clear that I should take it more seriously. I'm such a jock athlete, it's been hard to walk away from a life in sports and dream of playing at the highest levels, but right now I'm just like taking it a step at a time and hopefully this upcoming tour starting on February 15 will make the picture even more clear. LOL.
What can you expect to see in the fourth season of iShine Knect?
The show is based on a school of performing arts and students who are talented in a lot of ways. It centers around The Rubyz, Mission 6 and a few other regulars. This new season was my first and I play myself in the show (Spencer Kane). I have a few episodes where I have more speaking lines than not, but many where I am just an extra in the background. I do know we filmed me performing my entire EP on stage at a concert at TBN Studios in Nashville the beginning of December 2012. I know they will be showing me singing on some episodes. I really liked the scripts and the topics of each show and think the over 1 million kids who tune in each week will like it too.
Your song "One of THE Kind" is about bullying. You recently became a spokesperson for PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. How did that come along?
Yes. That song was based a lot on my own personal experiences in junior high and still even now being bullied for things. But it's also about some of the sad stories I've been told by fans around the world who face bullying in their own country just like here. Some places it's worse than here, but bullying is bullying. So the song is kind of my way of telling people to reach out and be kind and talk to people who may be hurting. PACER was a site that we submitted my song to in hopes they would tweet it or at least post a link on their site of the music video since it was based on what they are all about. That kind of led to a few phone calls from them to learn more about me and after a conference call with my manager in early December along with my dad and I, we sort of agreed to move forward in them helping me with bullying prevention curriculum to share at my live performances and them having me become a national spokesman for their organization. It's quite an honor since Demi Lovato has been their primary spokesperson for the past 5 or 6 years. They work with Disney and The Ellen Show as a partner against bullying, so it's really cool to know that they believe in my message enough to want to join together in our efforts to prevent bullying.
Someone once said write what you would want to perform over and over again. With that in mind, if you could only sing one song on stage (one of your own songs and one cover song), what would it be and why?
Great question. Right now I'd have to say "Be Alright" by Justin Bieber is one that I relate to and think I can sing well in a live performance. Reason To Be from my new EP is one that I actually like to sing because I believe the producer helped me to get the best out of my vocals on that song. I think people that hear the song really connect emotionally and in a live concert, that's what you really hope for.
What does a current day in your life look like?
Haha! Well, thank goodness right at the moment it's not been as crazy as it was from June until Christmas in 2012. But the tour is coming up in February and March and I'll be on the road for nearly 5 consecutive weeks and that will probably be crazy. But I'm a full-time H.S. student and varsity basketball player. I wake up early for school at like 6:15am and have to travel like 20 miles to get there one way. I usually have practice or a game 6 days a week, so I can usually plan on being up until 10pm working on homework, home chores, or cramming whatever other free time I have into something to do with music like chatting with fans online, or rehearsing music, writing music, listening to music, filming music videos or Vlogs, or even doing interviews or performances somewhere. Most people don't know HOW I fit my life in, but we seem to manage as a family right now. I'm sure my schedule after the tour may look different.
Besides music and sports, what do you like to do for fun?
I'm an Xbox gamer. I love playing online against friends or people I don't know. I'm very competitive so I like being able to try to beat my personal best score or be able to talk smack to a friend if I can manage to beat them. I play sports games or Call of Duty. Otherwise, I'm a movie guy. My parents and I watch a lot of movies when we have the time. I have a pretty beast-man cave in my basement where my dad and I just chill, so that's fun. Sometimes I go to the mall or hang with friends, but not very often.
What does your family think of your performances and how do they support you?
Well grandma's, of course, think I'm amazing. LOL. But honestly, my aunts and uncles are pretty supportive too. My best friend is my cousin Evan who is also 16 and he and I go to the same school. He is a huge supporter of me too. But my mom and dad are probably my biggest help. Dad owns a marketing company and is a photographer and videographer. He films all my music videos and edits them. He also does all my pictures so that is a huge help. He manages my marketing stuff like album cover art, and posters, and making my website. He like takes care of a lot of the business stuff for me like contracts and stuff. Mom is my cheerleader and is always checking out the "fangirls" to make sure they aren't up to something that will hurt her little boy. LOL. But I'd say that a lot of what I do with music is because God put me in a great family. My parents always try to make sure I have time to be a kid and have as normal a life as possible. So I guess that is a huge help too.
What's the best part about working with iShine?
I think the fact that I can be the artist I want to be and don't have to meet a stereotype that people expect when you're working with a Christian media group like iShine. I mean, the first time we ever met I explained that I'm definitely a Christian and always want my music to be morally positive, but I have NO plans or call to be a "Christian Artist". Like I don't envision me making albums of praise and worship type songs. It's not who I am or how I want to make music. iShine owners and management said they appreciated my sincerity and honesty and that it made them even more supportive of working with me. They believe my music will reach a broad group of young people who may or may not be Christians and that, I guess, is a good thing for them. So, they have been amazingly helpful in developing me and teaching me about the music industry. They let me work with Jeff Savage (Tobymac's Grammy Winning producer from the album Momentum and Diverse City and the writer of Irene and J Train). That alone was amazing to know I was working with him. He's awesome. He produced One of the Kind, 413 and Blue Sky from my new EP. So just working with him and then working with Zach Hall (producer of Newsboys "God is Not Dead" album) was also amazing. So I just think our goal in 2012 was to be able to work with professional and experienced producers who could help my music get to the next level, and iShine has definitely helped me to do that.
If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would you play and why?
I think anywhere in a huge venue with like 100,000 fans would be incredible. Even like 20,000 fans would be insane. I think the location isn't as important as knowing I would be able to perform for people who really wanted to see me perform. That's going to always be my goal. I love making music videos and seeing people like them on Youtube, but performing live in front of a huge audience would be fantastic.
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Alicia!!!
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I've known Alicia Watt basically my whole life, even though we've only gotten to see each other about every two years. Alicia belongs to a missionary family that currently lives in Niger, Africa. Whenever she's in the states hanging out with me, you'll probably find us playing a round of sardines at my church. If you want to learn more about her and become her friend, please follow her Twitter account here.
Africa or USA: A little bit of both.
Favorite Musicians: Justin Bieber …but I have too many to list. I just LOVE music!
Favorite Books: The Hunger Games, Small Steps, Hoot… again too many to list.
Favorite Movie: Super 8 is at the top of a VERY long list.
Favorite Food: Fried onions and peppers, fried crickets, & anything with meat.
Favorite Color: Purple.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
Heels or Flats: Flats.
Mac or PC: Never had a Mac, so PC!
Blackberry or iPhone: Haven’t had either.
Twitter or Facebook: Twitter.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate AND Vanilla!
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes.
Math or Science: Math.
Past, Present, or Future: Future.
You were adopted as a young child, by a missionary family. How do you think your life would be different if you weren’t adopted?
If my birth-mom had lived, my life in the village would have been incredibly different. I probably would not have gone to school, I’d be married about the age that I am now, and I would be a Muslim. But on the plus side, I’d be royalty because my grandmother was the queen of the village!
How hot does it normally get there? Do you like that temperature? Or would you rather live in the United States and have a lot of snow on the ground?
We have different seasons here (dry, humid, rainy…) but it’s always hot. Around April, it can get up to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit. I can’t stand it that hot, especially when it’s humid, but I’m most comfortable when it’s in the 90’s. 80 degrees is WAY too cold so you can see how much I suffer when we’re in the States during winter!
What do you do for fun in your free time?
I read books, go on Twitter, watch movies, and play with my pets. There aren’t a lot of places to go around here so I’m usually in my room.
I take it that you don’t have a lot of big stores over there. Do you do most of your shopping online or do you buy a lot of things from friends or markets? What is your favorite store?
We have a couple thrift shops where I’ve been able to find some pretty cute clothes but whenever there is someone coming out here, I’ll order stuff online. We go to the market to buy material to have outfits made. Occasionally, when there are garage sales, I’ll buy shirts or jeans from friends. When we’re in the United States, we have to stock up on deodorant, underwear, socks, and shoes because you can’t really get them here. My favorite store in the United States is Wet Seal.
Do you think you want to be a missionary like your parents someday? If not, what would your ideal job be and why?
Right now, I don’t think I want to be a missionary. I plan to head back to the United States after I graduate from high school. I’m not sure what I want to do but in college, I want to study something like special education or early childhood education.
How many different languages does your family speak? What is your favorite one to speak? Or if you just know English, what language do you wish you could speak?
My parents know how to speak a language called Fulfulde because they work the people group (the Fulani). We all know French (even though I’m far from fluent) and English. I’m learning Spanish in school but I’d love to learn American Sign Language someday.
What is the security in your country like? Do you get things stolen from you a lot? Is it legal to have a Bible in your country?
At the moment, there is a war going on in a neighboring country so it isn’t exactly safe here. When you drive around the neighborhoods, there are military and tanks all over the place. Some of my friends aren’t allowed out at night (if we have movie nights or sleepovers) because of safety concerns. I don’t remember ever having anything stolen from our house but we have a bit of a thief problem at school. Niger has a freedom of religions (although the main one here is Islam) and as far as I know, Bibles are allowed. There are many churches, big and small, here and we attend a few of them.
What is the school like that you go to? Is it pretty small or like a normal school in the United States?
I go to an International Christian private school. It’s pretty small but this is the first year we’ve had over 100 elementary students. In 2012, about 2 weeks into the school year, our school flooded and we were forced to relocate. School is pretty much the same as it is in the States except we have different curriculum and more Bible classes. Also, everyone is required to take French. I’ve been at the same school since Kindergarten (minus 2 years in the States) and I’m planning on graduating here too.
Can you please tell me what kind-of work your parents do for there jobs? Do you and your brother ever have to help them with missionary work?
My dad is a Bible translator and my mom is a social worker so she’s been helping different families all over West Africa that are in the process of adopting. My brother and I will sometimes go out to the villages with our parents to visit with people but we’re mostly busy with school. This week, a group of us from school are going to start working at a baby orphanage. My school does Outreach trips, Orphanage teams, and a lot of other things for the community so we MKs (missionary kids) have our own ministry going on.
Any prayer requests?
Please pray that the war in Mali would end quickly and pray for the safety of all those who are there. Please pray for Niger because there is a lot of suffering and hardship here. I’m starting to feel less and less safe because of everything that’s going on around us and sometimes I just want to go back to the States. Also please pray that I’d survive my chemistry class.
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Christine!!!
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When I stumbled across the popular blog Beyoutiful Hope through a giveaway, I never thought that I would become friends with the owner Christine!!! I watched a few of her YouTube videos, tweeted her, & left a few comments on her blog. Suddenly I learned that like myself, she is a huge fan of fashion, has a passion for trying to stop human trafficking, & loves doing DIY projects. In case you don't know, Beyoutiful Hope is a blog that focuses a lot on fashion, faith, and inspiration. It is definitely one of my top 5 blogs to read when I'm feeling down!!! If you want to learn more about her & her blog please click here. She has a giveaway on her blog right now, so make sure to check it out!!!
Where You Live: Western New York
Favorite Store: Free People (although their corporate social responsibility sucks)
Favorite Fashion Trend: Trends...hmmm. I don't like them.
Favorite Makeup Item: Lipgloss!
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:13
Favorite Food: SUSHI
Favorite Color: No favorite color! I love all the happy colors! (no brown)
Favorite Holiday: Any day with my Lord and family!
Heels or Flats: Wedges :p
Mac or PC: PC
Blackberry or iPhone: Blackberry
Twitter or Facebook: Twitter
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Winter or Summer: Summer
Pancakes or Waffles: Belgium Waffles
Math or Science: Science
Past, Present, or Future: Present
How long have you been modeling? What was it like to win the Maurices Mainstreet Model competition in 2011?
My interest in being photographed began when I saw blogging as a fashion outlet. The MMM contest sparked my interest in the fashion industry as a career possibility. I first entered the contest to win the $7,500 for a mission that I volunteer at(which I won). When modeling for Maurices, I realized my happy place is behind the camera lens, more than in front of it. Modeling is fun, but for me, it is easy to become extremely self-critical, or self-obsessed and thus, I try to avoid thinking of my blog as modeling. haha.
Since you love fashion, how would you describe your personal style of clothing?
I wouldn't say that I love fashion because I could honestly live without it! I think of fashion as expression more than love. My personal style is a mix between boho-glam and the classics! :D
Are there things you won’t do in modeling since you are a Christian?
Well, "hoochie" is what I avoid. When looking through photos, I try not to post anything that could be taken sexually... and I try to dress in a way that is modern, but tasteful. I try to ask myself what honors God's temple which is my body... although I think I could ask myself that more often than I do.
What do you love more: modeling, taking pictures of other people, doing crafts, or trying to end human trafficking?
Personally, taking pictures of people is the most fulfilling. Advocating against human trafficking is more of a duty I feel I have as a sister to all of humanity.
What are some of your favorite places to go in New York when you have free time?
I love going to church, the ballet studio, swing dancing, and to the local park.
I love the name and meaning behind Beyoutiful Hope! In today's society, so many people get bullied and feel like they are not pretty enough to fit in. Is that one of the reasons you started Beyoutiful Hope? Were you ever bullied growing up?
Definitely! Feeling inferior to the stereotype of beauty that Americans have developed is one of the reasons behind this name. My blog is about trying to find who I am and what makes me BeYouTiful. I also hope that my blog can be an inspiration to all my readers, so they can see all the potential God has given to each of them! I was bullied in middle school. I ended up going to 3 high schools and as the new kid, I wasn't bullied, I actually formed my own little group of cultural, kid-at-heart friends. I actually became such a strong leader because of this!
What does a current day in your life look like?
This may be better in list format: Do morning push-ups, drive brothers to school, go to classes, visit advisers(because I like them more than most students), check BASI emails, more classes, come home, blog marketing/BASI emails, work on scholarships, clean/cook, homework, exercise/go to work some days, TV, work on the human trafficking awareness event I am organizing. I need to make more time for God and studying!
What are some of your favorite DIY projects that you’ve made?
I made a headband holder out of wood I found in the garage, which I wrapped in a knit, then in ribbon! It's been with me so long, I forgot how excited I was to first make it! HAHA- but I was that girl in middle school who Swarovski crystaled the majority of her clothes! I shall blame it on being a dancer my whole life!
Last but not least, your blog reminds me of one of my favorite websites called Project Inspired (www.projectinspired.com) which was started by a former fashion model named Nicole Weider. Have you ever heard of it? If not you should totally look it up. It has great fashion and beauty advice, all from a Christian perspective.
I just checked it out-her site is so exciting! I just watched the video for the store and when she said "modest is hottest" it cracked me up. It is definitely not hottest according to THIS world, but it is how to live in love according to the world that really matters (according to the Lord our God).
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