yoasobi-delegation · 3 years
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Yuki’s work aesthetic
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yoasobi-delegation · 3 years
Hi I’m Maddox and I run this blog and down below is the tag I’m using for this blog
Mod Maddox😐
Hypmic ren or undertaker (ren)
Hypmic yuki or degenerate (yuki)
Hypmic mei/mako or beast (mako)
Division dramatrack
Solo songs
Battle songs
Other songs
You can interact with the ocs at @minato-division where you can ask them things and talk to them (this is encouraged)
Their tags are as follows :
Mod Mei/Mako 🧠 (The man with a plan)
Mod Ren 🌻(our resident pretty boy)
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yoasobi-delegation · 3 years
Name: Minamoto Yuki
Nickname(s): yu-chan (Ren), Starlight (Ren)
Rap Name: MC Degenerate
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 33
Personal Motto: Push through the pain and conquer your obstacles
Family Motto: He who does not work neither shall live
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Japanese
Gender: (Trans) Man
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual/Romantic
Hair Color: light grey
Hair length/type: barely meets his shoulders /straight
Eye color: deep blue
Facial Hair: occasional stubble
Height: 5'8 or 172.72 cm
Weight: 167 lbs or 75.75 kg
Body type: rectangle and almost lean
Skin color:warm beige with warm undertones
Voice: mid-depth (his vocal pattern comes off as bubbly)
Tattoo(s): kanji for "Ren" in his right wrist
Piercing(s): right lobe piercing
Beauty Mark(s): a mole in his left shoulder
Scar(s): chest scars from top surgery
Makeup Preferences: concealer/cover-up for when he looses sleep
Best traits: good listener, kind, accommodating
Worst traits: can become very defensive, bottles negative emotions, low self-esteem
Mannerisms: talks with his hands, vocally expressive, bubbly
What they hate the most: biggots, people who are willingly ignorant, bullies,
What’s most important to them: family and societal progression
Secrets: that he's trans (few people know), his relationship with Ren ( because he feels like it would have ruin his partner's reputation, very few people know about it)
Do they get along with people: he gets along with people extremely well
Parents/guardian: Homura (father) and Ena (mother) Minamoto
Sibling(s): none (regards Mei/Mako as a brother)
Spouse/significant other: Fujiwara Ren (17 years)
Children: none
Pet(s): none
Cousin(s): many different cousins on both sides
Other family: lots on both sides
Rap ability: Deprivation (blocks 1 opponent's rap ability until Yuki passes out)
Speakers: metronome (dark blue and silver)
Mic: Bakelite phone aka a Ericsson DBH 1001 (dark blue and silver)
Where they live: Grand Hills MotoAzabu
Friend(s): several people at work
Best friend: Fujiwara Ren
Enemies: party of words specifically Ichijuku (more in the backstory)
Acquaintances: Doppo (work related), Jakurai (through Mei/Mako), Dice (through Mei/Mako)
Occupation: Trauma and Gender therapist
Reputation at work: kind, straightforward, no nonsense, good with kids, and hardworking
Other reputations: helpful, daydreams sometimes, goofy(Ren), considerate (Ren and Mei/mako),
Hobbies: stargazing, drawing, taking care of house plants, likes talking to people, accumulating knowledge
Aesthetic( clothing-wise): space themes, usually formal, his colors are mainly cool colors with the occasional warm color thrown in(at work) novelty t shirts (the worse the better) stolen from ren ,sweat shirts, sweaters (casual)
Food preferences: spicy, savory, bad sour
Any physical disorders: no
Any mental disorders: OCD (type: rumination and sensorimotor)
(he does in fact have gender dysphoria which isn't a mental disorder but I am putting next to mental disorder because it makes sense for me layout-wise)
Skills: emotional intelligence, naming the stars, cooking, driving, de-escalation skills, drawing realistically, basic gardening skills, and first aid
Education: (simultaneously) Ph.D (6 years) of psychology and a master's (2 years) degree in developmental trauma, Azabu Junior and senior high school
Night or morning: definitely a night person he likes to stay up a good portion of the night just to enjoy himself and enjoy his hobbies
Languages( in order of learning them): Japanese, English, Mandarin (conversational), Cantonese (conversational)
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yoasobi-delegation · 3 years
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Fujiwara Ren aka MC Undertaker-
Casual wear
Comments: he does not have facial hair and unfortunately Pinterest doesn't seem to have pictures of men wearing man-buns without facial hair
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yoasobi-delegation · 3 years
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Fujiwara Ren aka MC Undertaker-
Work attire
(comments: I would just like to clarify that he has waste length hair, that it's black, and slightly wavy. I couldn't find any hairstyles that were black or for men that were this length of hair.)
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yoasobi-delegation · 3 years
Name: Fujiwara Tamaki Ren
Nickname(s): Honeybee (yuki), Darlin, Danna ( Cute version of husband),
old man ( Mako/Mei)
Rap Name:Mc Undertaker
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 34
Personal Motto: Blood, sweat, and respect
Family Motto: Death before dishonor
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity:Chinese( yi) - Japanese
Gender: Cis- Man
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: demi (Yuki is the only REAL person that he's experiences sexual or romantic feelings towards)
Hair Color: black
Hair length/type: waist/wavy
Eye color:yellow-gold
Facial Hair: none ( he can’t grow any)
Dominant hand: left
Height:6’4 or 193.04 cm
Weight: 200 lbs or 90.718474
Body type: muscular but lean ( dorito)
Skin color: golden skin with neutral undertones
Voice:gravelly, very deep, lots of bass
Tattoo(s): has the kanji for “yuki” on his left wrist
Piercing(s): both lobes
Beauty Mark(s): mole on the back of his neck
Scar(s):slashes on the back of his thighs
Makeup Preferences: eyeliner, light lip color and eyeshadow ( but its rare that he wears any)
Best traits:hard working, agreeable ( mostly because he doesn’t want to
disappoint anyone), will set things aside for other people, patient, understanding
Worst traits:bad temper, attachment issues
Mannerisms:quiet, crosses his arms (when anxious), he whistles while he works, goofy smiles at yuki, stands with his feet apart, he fidget with his rings
What they hate the most: people that are uncaring, being narrow minded
What’s most important to them: family, helping people getting over
Secrets: his trauma( few people know about it Aoi/Yuki/Mako), his relationship with Yuki (he feels that ultimately he's not good enough to be with his partner and that if people found out that they were dating it would be shameful for Yuki), he also takes on the secrets of others as his own
Do they get along with people:avoids people due to the fact that he has a
hard time making lasting connections with most people ( due to trauma)
Parents/guardian: considers Yuki and Mako’s parents his parents, his
biological parents are Ankoku and Jun Fujiwara
Sibling(s):Aoi ( he also considers Mako/Mei his sibling)
Spouse/significant other:Minamoto Yuki ( engaged)
Cousin(s): Mako/Mei Fujiwara
Other family:Mako/Mei’s maternal family unofficially adopted him
Rap ability: Siphon- an ability that allows you to take someone else’s power
and adds it to your own (ex:if you’re almost down you can use this ability to replenish you stamina)
Speakers: black gravestone with gold lettering and accents ( the lettering
changes time to time)
Mic: black straight stand mic with gold accents
Where they live: Grand Hills MotoAzabu
Friend(s): only a small handful of people that he originally met at his gym
Best friend: Yuki
Enemies: his parents specifically ( though he doesn’t pay it much thought)
and the party of words ( for reasons that will be mentions in Mako/Mei’s backstory)
Acquaintances:Dice ( they sometimes play cards), Jakurai ( because of Mako/Mei)
Occupation: mortician at Tengoku Funeral Home
Reputation at work:kind, good with kids , a people pleaser
Other reputations:good at grappling ( his friends at the gym), kind hearted ( he occasionally helps people as a backdoor doctor when it comes to serious injuries then sends them to Shinjuku for further medical treatment) , a big softie ( Yuki) , playful ( Yuki and Mako/Mei)
Hobbies:MMA fighting ( at the gym),reads ALOT,chess, gardens, likes playing games of skill
Aesthetic( clothing-wise): very formal ( three piece suit type of deal, at work), funky shirts/pants and formal shoes ( casual)
Color palette:golds, yellows, reds, browns, black, and sometimes has cool colors
Food preferences: Sweet and savory ( hates sour things)
Any physical disorders: nerve damage, he wears glasses ( this man is BLIND without them)
Any mental disorders: Mageirocophobia ( fear of cooking, he can just
barely manage a microwave), CPTSD, dysthymic disorder, and separation anxiety
Skills: Boxing, Judo, Muay Thai, Chess, Piano, emotional intelligence,
public speaking skills, gardening
Education:master’s degree (2 years full time) in nursing at Kitasato
University, Associates in Mortuary science, Azabu Senior High
Night or morning: morning person ( he wakes up very early to go the gym and shower, then gets breakfast with Yuki)
Languages( in order of learning them): Manderin, Japanese, Cantonese, English
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yoasobi-delegation · 3 years
Playlist Masterpost:
Tw: strong language
Ren x Yuki
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