yogawithmayon · 6 years
“When you stop to think about it,we only have one life to live. Just one. We don’t get any second chances or retries. There is no reset button. But yet, people act like they will live forever. Like they have until the end of eternity to make poor decisions. To hate. To show bitterness. Live each day like it may be your last on earth, because believe it or not, that day will come. Love and cherish each and every thing that surrounds you, make good decisions, and once that last moment comes, you’ll have no regrets.”
— Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
Hi! I love your blog! I am a really nervous person and i want to start yoga. Any tips? How did you start? Sorry if this is a super common\repetitive ask for you ^^' i love you !
Hello! Sorry if I answer this two decades late! You can find the answer to your questions in my FAQ if you want :)Don’t worry I love getting questions ( but I am super bad at answering lately!! sorry!) Love you too!
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
i only want to live a moomin life. no major worries, growing vegetables, picking flowers, cooking and eating, drinking homemade fruit juices and going to the beach whenever i want
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
Tips for Improving your Concentration
1. Eliminate noise and other distractions from your environment. It takes approximately 15 minutes to reach a place of focused concentration. Thus, constant interruptions will stop you reaching that place.
2. Deliberately structure your environment so that the focus is clearly on studying - and not on doing, and seeing, other things. That may mean changing the room you work in, moving your desk, and so on.
3. Clarify your goals for each piece of work. If you don’t know what you’re doing, or you’re hoping to achieve, you’ll likely go in circles, and simply waste your time.
4. Break large areas of study down into smaller sections, and then plan how you’re going to work through each of these.
5. Set reasonable time limits for each portion of the task – and also for completing the final project. That should help to stop you wasting time on needless details, from wandering down blind alleys, and from procrastinating.
6. Be clear about the requirements for each task. For example, what are the guidelines you have to follow? What standard or quality of work is expected? How detailed does your knowledge have to be? If you’re writing as assignment, how long should it be, and what style and format is required?
7. Isolate yourself. Often, it is best if we lock ourselves away, and avoid other people, when we really need to work. Find a place to hide away, or put a sign or your door – but refuse to talk to anyone until the work is done!
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
Talent: overthinking
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
There’s something so incredibly human about the subtle cues and timings of when we let go of hugs or release a handshake.
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
New yoga class!! Hips & Hamstrings :) Hope you enjoy it !
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
You look really confident with your body compared to a few years ago... that makes me really happy.
I am really happy you’re asking that and if my confidence is noticeable!
I think a lot of it has to do with loving myself for things that are not related to my appearance. In the past two-three years I learnt about myself more than I ever have in my life. And I am loving who I am. It’s pretty amazing to just embrace your personality :)About my body, I think I really had to learn to stop scrutinizing everything and be ok with not being perfect. I look and FEEL the best when I don’t try to look a certain way. Also, respecting your body by feeding it properly is soo important.And please don’t think that I mean eat “clean” (whatever that means) all the time. But I mean listening to your hunger, your cravings and not overeating crap because you feel bad, from my experience and I’m sure many others, this only makes you feel worse and becomes a vicious cycle : I eat crap so I feel bad and so I eat crap… I noticed that I could look exactly the same and feel really bad because I don’t take care of my body/I overeat etc…Another major thing, is that by learning what I love in general, I also developed a personal style. Before I wasn’t putting much thought into what my wardrobe looked as a whole and when I was buying clothes I did because I loved the item and that’s it. Now I learned how to wear things that flatter my body and make me feel confident. I know that I’m not into bright colors and very trendy things but rather into minimal timeless pieces, that I like to pair with simple but gorgeous quality jewelry. Knowing yourself makes all the difference. That being said, I am still not 100% confident all the time. I actually had a rough week where I wasn’t feeling good about myself. Which goes to show that self love is really something you have to work on all the time.It’s ok and normal to have bad days too.
As usual you get a 500 pages book as an answer but what I mean is that loving your body comes from loving yourself as a whole, I may be wrong!! But I think if you really love who you are as a person you start loving what you look like.
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
October Flow :)
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
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Acadia National Park, Maine
Surprisingly, I was the only car in the parking lot at the peak of Cadillac Mountain for this “sunset” a couple nights ago. A little rain scared all the tourists away and I had it all to myself. Looks like just home.
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
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A morning practice
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
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It’s finally the weekend and I don’t think this picture could describe more perfectly how I feel about it!! Happy Saturday !!! ✨🍻🎉 💃🤸‍♀️#weekend #handstandparty (à Rennes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoCcgMHlyiQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f9fhv3ajpyoi
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
Bonjour, deux choses : 1/ est-ce que tu conseilles des adresses à Rennes, des choses à voir, genre une boutique de papeterie/déco, un joli parc/quartier, un musée intéressant ou quoi que ce soit ? 2/ Tu avais posté une photo d'un dessin de montagne : est-ce que tu dessines régulièrement ? Si oui, quoi ? J'aimerais vraiment en voir plus ! Bises et bonne journée ! ♥
Bonjour!Il y a la papeterie rue sainte melaine “Les petits papiers “ qui est très chouette. Sinon bonnes adresses de manière générale euh pour boire un café “Oh my biche”, un verre chez “Avec &Co” (à Cesson par contre) et pour manger j’aime beaucoup “Mezzelicious” rue de saint Malo. On m’a parlé du café des bains mais j’y suis jamais allée! Et sinon je dessine oui mais plus suffisamment!
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yogawithmayon · 6 years
cats are fantastic!! Kiwi never lays on my chest, but when I was sick she did. They feel it 😭
I know cats have a stigma of being evil little robots who care for nobody but themselves. I don’t deny that there are some out there like this. But in defense of the large majority of darling cats who have been given a bad name due to the wicked few, I would like to tell you a story…
I am asthmatic. I’m not as bad as some; my asthma is generally well-controlled, and I don’t have much trouble with it on a daily basis. However, as all asthmatics know, getting sick becomes a nightmare. Even a small cold can turn into a days-long asthma attack, one that is very painful, and very annoying for me and those around me. The asthma cough sounds like an ill seal at best, or an angry moose with a nasal condition at worst. Y'all with asthma, and y'all with asthmatic friends, know exactly what I’m talking about. The bark. The hack. The Cough Heard Round The World. It’s painful, it’s loud, and it doesn’t stop. Even the rescue inhaler can only do so much to calm it. It just has to run its course with the cold.
Well, this week I caught the crud, and in the past few days it deteriorated into The Cough. Last night, I took some NyQuil to try and stave it off for as long as I could, just to try and get some sleep. That meant that for a few hours, I was cough-free. After that, I was still doped up enough to sleep through some of it. However, by 2am the sleep aid had worn off and The Cough woke me up. Since lying down makes it worse, and I didn’t want to wake my sister, I sneaked out of my bedroom into the living room, where I sat on the recliner and proceeded to hack up a lung while I waited for my next dose of NyQuil to kick in. That is when I noticed Simon.
Simon is a Russian Blue with a masterful resting-witch-face and an attitude to match. She (yes, she’s a girl, that’s another story) is old, fat, proprietary, and attitudinal. She isn’t shy about telling you when she is displeased, and does so with a loud shriek and some teeth or claws thrown in. She is convinced she owns the place, and owns all of us in turn. She is particular about where you can pet her, like most cats; and, like most cats, she loves her sleep and hates to be woken up.
And of course, my hacking woke her up.
Attempting to whisper an apology in between bouts of coughing, I noticed she was getting off her perch atop the chair nearby. She stretched, made a little squeaking sound, and trotted over to me.
I expected her to demand petting as payment for having woken her precious sleep, but she did not. Instead, this traditionally cranky dragon of a cat did something that amazed me.
She began to purr loudly, and sat herself directly on my aching chest. She kneaded my sternum softly, and nosed my chin as if to say, “I’ve got this, you sleep.” Even though I was still coughing, and bouncing her horridly in the process, she remained settled on my chest right above my diaphragm, purring loudly so that it vibrated through my ribs. I don’t know what magic spell she was chanting between her boat-like purrs, but within minutes my cough had subsided and I was able to sleep.
I didn’t wake up until about 4:30. When I did, it was to discover that my lap and chest were devoid of Simon’s presence, and I was coughing again. As I started coughing once more, I heard her familiar “I’m here” squeak from the area of the water dish. I heard some hurried lapping, and then her heavy gallop across the floor. She flumped onto my lap again, and resumed her purring and kneading. She had evidently been doing that for the past 2 hours, and had only left to get some water. Hydrated, she had returned to take care of me.
So yes, she has her share of evil, jerk-cat moments, but I can no longer pretend that Simon is entirely heartless. For that matter, I now refuse to believe that about any cat. Just because they act like a jerk doesn’t mean that they don’t love you.
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