yogurt3200 · 6 years
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
Theseus bit tho. While I was watching the film I thought of you suddenly hahahahaha. I miss your fics!
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Fantastic Beasts: CoG movie thoughts!
SPOILERS AHEAD. Bewarnedddddddddddd.
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Interviews 2018 | POPSUGAR Entertainment UK
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
I aint Done Complainin
As much as I loved the twist that Credence was NOT the long lost and prophesied Corvus Lestrange (before it got ruined by the bigger and cheaper twist that he’s a long lost or unknown Dumbledore), the movie spent way too damn long getting to it.
A lot of reviews complain about the disjointed pacing and editing through the movie, and they’re absolutely right! A real frustrating bit is they dont even friggin show how Credence found the baby phoenix which ends up being such a huge part of the end reveal! Literally we see him explode-imploding an entire floor from rage-loss at the house elf death, we cut to Newt or something for a bit, then it’s back to Credence where he’s already sitting in front of an ugly baby bird trying to feed and comfort it.
A scene that warmed every bit of my “Credence should be Newt’s assistant” heart but seriously where the fuck did he find that bird. There’s theories of “oh maybe he found it in the circus” or “maybe grindlewald sent it” but we don’t know! It just shows up then we keep seeing him carefully carrying it around adorably! Then it’s a BIG part of the twist! We should at least see a longer scene of him actually finding it or it finding him or WHATEVER.
And all this disjointed spread out plot is even more frustrating because everyone (except grindles) is going after the same thing! This movie should have been Fantastic Beasts: The Search for Credence’s Birth Records.
Yusuf was an important bit and I hope he sticks around (he was in the end DumbleSquad shot so looks like it) but why that whole thing with the parasite? What did that add to the plot?? The scene looking for the family records took way longer than it should have (tho the newtina making up was adorable).
And there was this weird set up where Newt is told that the Ministry wants to kill Credence (and wants him to do it), he refuses and is visibly upset by the assassination plot along with his travel ban. Someone else steps up for it and we see Newt get an angry determined face and storm out. Dumbledore finds him, tries to get him to go to Paris to find Credence before assassins or grindles do. There’s a grand speach about Newt always just does what’s right.
Then Newt faffs around until he finds out Tina’s in Paris then mainly focuses on finding her. Ok! He misses her! But it just seemed kinda weird seeing how in the last movie this was the foolhardy good hearted person who willingly parted with his creatures to chase down a wild destructive force of magical rage down into the subways because he refused to let another obscurial die. We even see with his flashbacks that Newt cares so much about beings who are hurt and cast out, animal and human. Risking himself and what he cared about to help beings society sees as “monsters” is a HUGE part of his character that we see over and over.
And as adorable as his awkward stammering and infatuation with Tina is (salamanders! I loved it! Him calling her beautiful when Jacob described her as “intense”! Adorable!), it just seemed weird that he pretty much forgot about Hey This Traumatized Scared Dude Is Gonna Be Manipulated Or Killed because he got SO fixated. He even seemed to only help Tina with the family records thing because it would keep her talking to him????
I felt like we had this set up for “Newt and Tina team up to try and save Credence’s life/soul” and the movie maybe tried for that and then it got lost in Newt’s fixation on Tina and then on Yusuf being more of a mystery than he needed to be (oh my god why the parasite thing and him being unconscious for so long why) then on family records then on drama bc Leta and finally we just get them yelling Credence’s name as he goes to Grindlewald.
And all that while DRAGGING the question “Is he Corvus Lestrange????” question forEVER. Even in the family crypt they spent so much time all back and forth back and forth that I was with poor Credence just like IS HE OR IS HE NOT GODDAMN.
I dont know how this movie managed to make a pretty straight forward idea so damn disjointed and badly spread and paced but wow did they.
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
I’ve watched it
And the first that came through my mind was: I need Miss_LV fic right now. Theseus/Newt, to be specific. Ugh. I love both of them.
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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one of favourite pics
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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@thegaypumpingthroughyourveins wanted our boy in da posters. Quick and dirty, but here ya go m’dear.
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
This is
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my beautiful son
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and I love him so much
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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They’re so precious. But please don’t fight.
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
 misspaperlilies said: What is this Sentinel/Guide business I keep hearing about?
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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Mads Mikkelsen: Cannes 2018 (Arctic) [X]
By: thejennire
Check the Tags!!! [x]
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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Tony Stark moodboard
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yogurt3200 · 6 years
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Hannibal Lecter’s office /  Sir John Soane’s Museum
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