could you fill me with your love
with your mind and all your heart
cause you're like a piece of art
that I've been longing to have
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Get you
my heart beat rise when you smile
only known you for a while
i will give you all my heart
if we'll never be apart
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lets get high and chill tonight
no more war just peace alright
lets just hang our bond is tight
just smoke let our minds take flight
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11th Insight
I thought that a reew is an easy task to do but, I learned that a review is not an easy task because you really need to analyze the text carefully before ou can make a review.
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9th Insight
I thought that in constructing an abstract, you just simply get some parts of the text but I have learned that Abstract is the summary of the text so I really need to understand the text first before I can create an abstract.
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4th Insight
i thought that annotation is just simply taking dow some words or phrases that you don’t understand. But, I learned that anotation is  a note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram.
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2nd Insight
I thought that in getting the main idea of a text, you just simpl cpy some limes on the text. But, I learned that main idea is the main point of the text and it needs full understanding in rder to get the main idea.
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1st Insight
At first, I thought that hedging is an easy thng to do but, after ur teacher dscussed it to us, I realized that hedging takes time and need full understandig.
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Journal Entry 14
This is before our Examination, Ma’am Cunado just discussed the things that is included in our exams. After that,she told us to be honest in our exam and then she said goodluck to us.
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Journal Entry 13
Today we have just passed our Heneral Luna critique paper and the rest of the time we did a movie review n the movie we watched last time “Collateral Beauty”.
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Journal Entry 12
Today we’ve watched a very interesting movie “Collateral Beauty”. The film was great and I can say that it has a lot of deep moral lessons in it. The movie was great because it has a very unexpected plot twist. And overall the movie was great and I recommend everyone to watch it.
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Journal Entry 11
Today we just did a critique on the poem “Dead Water”. We did this by a group of 3. We shared our opinion to each other and came up with a final critique.
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Journal Entry 10
Today we discussed about how to make a critique paper. It was a very productive day and I’ve gain new knowledge today.
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Journal Entry 9
Today we discussed about proper writing of an abstract. I have now know how to write an abstract but I think I am still not so good at it even though Ma’am gave us an exercise on making one.
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Journal Entry 8
Today Ma’am told us the importance in citing sources and discussed to us the proper in citing sources and also showed the different ways in citing sources. Now I know the different ways in citing sources.
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Journal Entry 7
Today Ma’am discussed to us how to spot the main idea from the sentence. Ma’am showed us some examples and gave us some drills to work on, so that we can practice spotting the main idea.
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Journal Entry 6
Today Ma’am made us first identified our reading struggles so that she and we can know how to improve our reading skills.
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