yoigallery · 6 years
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My piece for @yoifantasyzine! 
Viktor is an albino tengu and Yuuri is a nine-tailed fox. I made a short story with them but I can’t find where I wrote it and it’s only bits I can remember…
But anyways! Thank you so much for having me in this zine. The artworks and the fics are so beautiful. The merch’s also are gorgeous. My sister took some of my charms even. XD It’s really been an honor to have myself included in this wonderful zine. Everyone is so talented. Their works are all beautifully made. So thank you again, especially to the mods who worked so hard in the production of this zine. And congrats for the success of this zine!  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
❤  |  ♡
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yoigallery · 6 years
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My piece for @yoisoulmatezine <3 It’s a soulmate tattoo themed piece!!
Aaahhh~ really, reading soulmate themed fics are the best!! Thank you so much for having me in this wonderful zine. The artworks, the fics and the merch are really cute and amazing and really, I’m so, so happy to have been part of this yoi zine :D 
Commissions are open | Ko-fi 
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yoigallery · 6 years
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the more i look at this the more blinding the colors become  😅 (me trying out coloring in palettes)
(belated) Happy Birthday Viktor! 2019 is almost here, I’m excited for the Yoi movie and to see the two of you again :D
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yoigallery · 6 years
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I rushed this this week so i can upload it on 14 but… It’s Feb 15 now… But anyways, Happy Valentine’s guys! :D Hope you like this short fan comics of ‘em. This idea just suddenly popped up on my head while i was resting so… 
I made one for Yurio and Otabek but I wasn’t able to finish them… so probably I’ll upload them in the future… :)
Umm… I do commissions by the way or you can by me some coffee? :D
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yoigallery · 6 years
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a tired Yuuri  doing his best in practice.. It’s almost your birthdayy !! aahhh!! I have to work on ur B-day Illustration!
I feel you Yuuri. Went and climbed a mountain two days ago (which i believe is a very wrong move because im not really physically fit) My legs still hurt a bit. I thought my knees would give up because of that very steep trail down the mountain. Next time, I’ll prepare myself.
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yoigallery · 6 years
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Taking good care of their bebes (Yoi ver) ❤❤❤ these cute sleepy heads…
u guys know who those hands are :3
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yoigallery · 6 years
Gorgeous Ghostly
If you’ve been around the YOI fandom for even just a bit, you’ve surely seen the beautiful and eye-catching work of @ghostlybl. Her work is always filled with happiness, beautiful light, and infectious smiles. With some of the finest linework you’ll ever see, these pieces are like crisp snapshots of pure joy.
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So it comes as no surprise that her favorite things to draw is...
Mostly fluff/ cuddling (i love fluff 😂)
Just how does she do it? How does the magic work?!
Secret??...I do lots of sketching layers so when I work on the line art it'll be easier to follow. For coloring I do cell shading so it'll be quicker xD and lastly, take your time. No need to rush, unless you're procrastinating. Look back at your whole work once in a while too, to see mistakes. ;)
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Visit her tumblr for more crisp cuteness!
You can even commission your own piece of adorable for just ko-fi!
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yoigallery · 6 years
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these were the pieces i used to apply for the horror zine! i didn’t wanna post them until after the announcements because they’re a bit freaky doing all those eyes made me a little sick lmao but so much fun
my poor bebe yuuri, ganba
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yoigallery · 6 years
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My piece for the @yoimoviezine! where the best boys are up to shenanigans right before being yelled at by Yakov
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yoigallery · 6 years
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i done diddly missed the mafia train but it’s ok, here are 2 dreamboats
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yoigallery · 6 years
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hey @yoyoplisetsky i hope you’re feeling better, you beautiful person you! this is your @victuurisummerloving​ gift (: 
your second prompt said to pick any Greek/Roman myth and my favorite is Hades and Persephone, as long as it’s retold because the original is not fun 
Yuuri felt the lead in his chest expanding, felt it creeping along his lungs. He gasped and hunched over the oak desk, hoping that his sister wouldn’t care for the papers he shoved to the floor. A few minutes of solace in her office wasn’t enough to curb the dread crawling through his body. The curse had already begun.
Three quick knocks rapped on the office double doors. He had no more time. 
“O-one more minute,” he croaked out, beginning to dry-heave as the panic rang in his ears. Three more knocks sounded in reply, impatient.
Yuuri glared incredulously in front of him as sweat dripped down his temple, “Just hold on!” 
The doors burst wide open at his shout and knocked him straight back into his sister’s chair. Thick green vines flourished into the room, latching on to various nooks and lamps, bookshelves and corner tables. Blue hyacinths, blue lilies, blue peonies, and blue tulips blossomed almost immediately, scenting the office in a floral embrace. 
Once he smelled the perfume, it cleared Yuuri’s mind enough to wipe the tears from his eyes. He looked at where the vines were thickest, near the entrance. What he saw caused his mouth to drop open.
“Yuuri!” exclaimed the god of spring, his long silver hair blowing in wind that was not coming from anywhere inside the office. He held out a hand and smiled brightly, “Starting today, I’ll be your teacher! For six months, I will live in the Underworld and teach you about life and growth and get you out of your curse!” 
“What?” And then Yuuri sneezed.
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yoigallery · 6 years
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Dont tell her brother
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yoigallery · 6 years
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Ok but YOURE dancing with me
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yoigallery · 6 years
Coolest Cirrha
@cirrha‘s impressive action-oriented work is always full of dynamic movement and bursting from the page. Whether it’s moody black and white or a shock of bright colors, her work is always just plain cool.
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So how do they decide on color?
I like to pick colors that pop out. My pieces tend to lean more on looking saturated when I color 😅. I guess I'm most comfortable with black/white because all I did was sketch before going digital but I'm trying to break out of that (and learn!) 
And color isn’t the only thing that makes the art so engaging. There always seems to be more to know.
I definitely make up stories of whatever I draw. Even if it's something as simple as a character standing, to me, they're looking at another character off the screen. Kinda like capturing a moment in time 😆. But the scene plays out in my head as I draw it, over and over again.
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Check Cirrha out and feel infinitely cooler for it :O
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yoigallery · 6 years
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Gift for my Sum, @iwritebetterthanispeak, for the Victuri Exchange 2018 organized by @victurigiftexchange​. This drawing on Ao3 and on Twita.
The whole prompt was detailed, so I hope I did justice to it xD
When Yuuri arrives Russia after his Nationals doesn’t know what his new rinkmates think about him.
A week later, Viktor notices how his fiancé is still awkward around the rink and decides to ask help to the Russian gang in order to throw an official welcome party for Yuuri.
Yuuri is a little abashed, but happy after all.
More russian family yay!
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yoigallery · 6 years
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Day 6 of @yoitrainingweek [practice]. boredBaph is my Twitter.
This drawing on Twitter. My IG . Ko-hi ko-fi cohín | Patreon | Commissions.
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yoigallery · 6 years
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I got to pinch hit? this art for Izzy’s @victuri-big-bang fic!!
College Confessions by @izzyisozaki. College/Roommate AU
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