yoigucchi · 2 years
I am sobbing over Caleo rn I audibly gasped when I saw him he’s so pretty your style is amazing so I’m gonna dive into your blog now bye!💖
oh my god!! i didn’t know people could still find him, and im not sure how old this ask is but thank you so much!! i havent drawn him in a while but i should <3
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yoigucchi · 5 years
Lesbians still making posts about how bad it is for bi women to use butch/femme:  We know! We heard u! We’re trying to make our own terms and have them used widespread but we need to get the WORD out for them to be commonplace and that’s hard when literally nobody but bis reblog posts talking about bisexuals lol! It’s not like we all follow each other. At this point the only people trying to take ur terms from you are lesphobes or young bi girls who straight up don’t realize they aren’t generic wlw terms because they haven’t learned the history bc literally no one is out here trying to include and teach bisexual kids shit about their gay lineage, everyone’s too busy trying to push it under the rug. 
bi equivalent of femme: doe bi equivalent of butch: stag
There are more for nb bis and such you can look into but there’s the basics! Look I’ve even designed flags you can find if you scroll through this tag! (i didnt come up with the terms)  
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yoigucchi · 5 years
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They (only) had each other
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yoigucchi · 5 years
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They (only) had each other
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yoigucchi · 5 years
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Wanted to get back into pixel art for a while, and I finally finished one! Hope to get more of these done during the year.
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yoigucchi · 6 years
Honest thoughts and opinions on season 8
There’s really only two episodes worth watching, episode one, and episode thirteen. Everything in between was a jumbled mess and didn’t make any sense whatsoever. They did nearly every single character dirty in the SERIES FINALE, but we have to take it and roll with it. But I’m here to bitch about it so ignore my previous statements.
I’m so incredibly heartbroken that after so much build up, it ended like that. I really honestly do not care about anything ship related, I kinda do it for the meme, but the fact that Lance had gotten everything he wanted was then ripped out of his hands in that short amount of time makes me so angry. All series long, it felt like they just shat all over him. I’m relieved he’s happy but after everything? Nuhuh honey, do better.
And Allura? Baby what the FUCK! She was single handedly the biggest drving force for the series, arguably one of the strongest characters, and in my mind, the strongest female/colored character in the entire series, and all she got was a season of hardships. She was manipulated, overworked, pushed over, only for her to die in the very end? Go back to the goddamn drawing board, I’m sorry but that isn’t okay.
And the canon lgbt “rep” just,,,, what the fuck. As a gay man, seeing my favorite character, another gay man, get married to some random guy I had never seen in the entirety of the show was so incredibly heartbraking. I’m glad Shiro’s story ended happy, but it’s so hard to see his progression as the strongest character who has multiple issues that aren’t addressed in most media, with him being asian, mentally ill, physically handicapped, and lgbt, only for him to be forced on someone completely unimportant to the story was so offputting I wanted to cry. I cried when I found out Shiro was canonically gay because that’s my favorite character and I can relate to him on more levels than any other character I’ve ever seen.
And Keith….ohhhh my baby since day one… not fucking story after. “Released to the stars” my ass. He pushed him self harder than anybody for the whole series and his ending is more work? Sit your fucking ass down.
I’m so happy for Hunk, Romelle, Coran, and the Holts but everyone else deserved so much better than what they got. I’m so incredibly dissatisfied with what happened. You can do better. A series finale should not let so many people down. Nearly every single post I’ve seen about Voltron in the past seven hours has said the exact same thing: Do better.
The quality of this show is incredible. The voice actors are amazing at what they do. The animation is like none I’ve ever seen. The soundtrack was astonishing. But the story? You have the right idea, but everything you write in term of character development and affairs could be so much better. You cannot force representation and you cannot force the demise of representation. It’s unnatural and disgusting.
Do better.
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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oc stufff
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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hello sorry im not very active on tumblr <:D here's some Cals from my twitter (pls,,, i post like way more on there- doodles and wips included)
ill post some more crap later heh :'V
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yoigucchi · 6 years
u suc
Thanks! I love being So Undeniably Cute ♡
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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more caleo :^) used these doodles of him to practice colouring on medibang~ [For context; Cal just wants to spend time with his business dad, but Dad Wyspen is bad at emotions and doesn't know that bringing ur son to a charity gala is not the best kind of bonding experience] (caleo is pretty much rich yes)
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yoigucchi · 6 years
ur keith drawin is the most beautiful thing I've seen all day and I saw a frog today. so.
this is such a cute thing to see in my ask box omg thank you btw
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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colouring practice using that one keith doodle page from a while ago!
i have to update my faq page now,, haha
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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some Caleos with my friends' ocs Erith the dullahan and Aodhán the angel (idk if i have their tumblrs and honestly im too tired atm to check) yeah he has birds and doesnt wear shoes and likes lipstick
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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thank u @ the guys who helped me and cheered me on while i was making this dude– im already so deep into Monster Prom here’s my dumb oc boy Caleo
More Info On Caleo Found ~here~ if ur interested
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨
Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.
We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.
Here’s what you can do to save the internet:
In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.
Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.
This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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yoigucchi · 6 years
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phphht i wanted to post more prompto but these are the only sketches that looked okay
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