yolandasinaga · 7 years
Keep me or just Release me
I dont know how to start this paragraph to tell how much Im in love till it hurts as well. I dont even know how to say it in a word that I do exhausting of this story of love. I do feel dumb, lucky and unlucky in one time, just to keep this feeling for you.
 All I want to say is, this situation hurts me, but what you did, hurt me a hundreds times worse than all. You know that I love you for whatever you are and whatever it takes. I gave what is needed to keep this feeling for you, that maybe you don’t know how I was struggling for that. Or maybe you knew and refused to understand how it hurts.
I know how I’ve ever hurt you as well too for the other reason, and maybe you cant explain how much you hate me at that time, but I never expected you came back like you used to to me and made it like there’s nothing happen, giving me an unclear hope, you were there but you weren’t. I thought I would move on easier when you hate me that much, I thought I can release you. I almost did, but then you came back and brought the feelings back with you.
again, Im hurting myself like I used to. Loving you is never easy, hundreds times I’ve tried to stop it but it goes deeper. To keep this alive, I had to against myself, my faith, my thoughts, and my beliefs. I knew that no matter how hard I tried to keep it, it will never giving me a good ending, but I kept doing that cause you kept give me a hope.
You were like keep me but never really keep me somehow, You were playing with my feeling, I knew but I let you to do so. Maybe love weakened me, so cheezy, but it does. This is what I said a hundreds times worse than all. You know I will never go, you know Im staying for the time that we dont even know how long, so you were playing so many roles, so many characters there. Sometimes you turned to someone that as sweet as men in a fairytales, but then you were disappeared. At sometimes, you turn to someone that so much annoying, but then you were the one who made my day. Sometimes, you were loving me, caring for me, searching me but suddenly you rejecting me, ignoring me. Maybe cause there’s nothing you can do to keep me instead you cant struggle for what you’re feeling for me. Or maybe cause there are no chance for me to make you mine.
You know, you really know that I can’t never leave and I will never let anybody else to come because of you, and you never telling me how Im suppose to be, I wont hurt like this for more, and you’re neither. Why dont you release me if you can’t fight for it? Why don’t we done this if there’s no chance for us? Why don’t we let someone else to come aboard? maybe they can replace these hurts. Or just keep me, fight for me, struggle for me like I did to you and find a way for us. 
if you keep doing this, I dont know how to forgive myself to let you do that on me. Please, keep me and make me yours, or just release me, it’s fine, I do understand that.
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yolandasinaga · 10 years
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The last!!! sahabat SMA bgt!!! Tmen stalking, tmen gosip, tmen galau, tmen meratapi diri, tmen ngehina2 org *pdhal kita sudah ckup hina* 😔😞 Org2 yg slalu marah dan bete klo gue sering bolos. Well, sama mreka slalu gagal jalan klo uda plnning dri jauh2 hri, dan slalu jln diwktu2 tak terduga2. MISS YOU WOYY!!! 😱😖❤❤
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yolandasinaga · 10 years
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Kalo yang ini, abang kandung gue. Manusia paling nyebelin dirumah yg kata org mirip Messi *iyuh* Menurut dia, semakin jauh dri orgtua, kita bakalan makin dewasa dan ngerti ttg kehidupan. Gaada yg perlu dikhawatirin dan ditkutin.. dan slama ada dosen yg bisa "DIBAYAR" ya bayar aja...wkwk krn yg lulus kuliah itu cma ada 2, yaitu org RAJIN dan CERDIK.. dan mnurut dia, dia itu cerdik. Gitu kan bang?? ✊😌 Salah satu orang yg bkin gue ga mau kalah buat msuk negri *ejieee* He shared many things about how hard life is, but you have to survive. ❤❤❤❤❤
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