yonemurishiroku · 18 hours
somehow the poor cops who we were told are simply too understaffed and underpaid because of Woke to deal with 'rampant rising crime' have found the strength to beat the shit out of college students across the whole country for peacefully saying "divest from the country killing innocent palestinians in the tens of thousands"
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yonemurishiroku · 5 days
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yonemurishiroku · 5 days
Thinking about how the Star means Hope in Tarot and wondering how much hope Nico could have been holding to persevere through all that misery.
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yonemurishiroku · 5 days
succulent chinese meal
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yonemurishiroku · 5 days
You see. A heart is similar to glass in the sense that when it breaks, it becomes sharp pieces and leaves only jagged edges. It would cut should you try to mend it. How stupid could you be to hope that there wouldn't be blood when you decide, finally, to turn back?
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yonemurishiroku · 6 days
“Why do you ship Percico”—to spite ppl. That’s why.
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yonemurishiroku · 6 days
Nico Di Angelo never liked hugs.
He wasn't used to that sort of affection in a long time, yet he could never bring himself to hate Jason Grace's embrace. Jason would always pick nico's frail body up and squeeze him in a rib crushing bro hug. Whether it be after they won capture the flag, or if Nico was feeling down, or simply when Jason felt like it. It was a subconscious habit of his. Those hugs just had a healing effect in them, Jason's hugs were always sincere and filled with genuine affection.
Nico had grown to do more than just tolerate those hugs, he'd eventually learned to hug back. And each time Jason's face would brighten like a puppy, his chest would be filled with warmth. Is this what it felt like to have a friend? Is this what it felt like to have a loving older brother?
'See you later, Grace" Nico said, pulling away from the hug Jason had given him, except this time, the hug was unusually melancholic, As Jason still held on tight, for a few extra seconds, though for what reason, Nico didn't know. Jason merely smiled, with glazy eyes and patted Nico's head gently.
And here Nico was, sobbing and thrashing in the inky depths of the underworld, yelling for the damned sunshiney son of Jupiter, the son of Jupiter who totally wasn't dead. no. of course not. Nico hadn't been hugged yet, Jason can't just leave without a last hug. He would never do that, unless he had no other choice. Each time he took a jittery step forward, his mind would be plagued with gruesome images of Jason's chest leaking with blood as the spear pierced his heart.
Nico realized with a pang, why the last hug they shared was melancholic.
That damned Grace knew it would be their last.
Jason Grace's chest, where Nico used be squeezed into a hug, was now a chest covered with blood.
Nico yelled in despair as the cruel fates forced him to accept that Jason Grace had truly left Nico Di Angelo forever, without a final warm hug. Nico had never longed for that once annoying rib crushing hug any more than he did right now.
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yonemurishiroku · 6 days
I am not a Solangelo shipper or a Percico shipper. I am a Nico X Happiness shipper
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yonemurishiroku · 6 days
AU wherein Nico escapes Nyx with his eyes lost in her eternal darkness hahaha
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yonemurishiroku · 6 days
I feel like someone would have told Nico "get out of Your emo phase"
It's not a phase, His father is literally Hades. He speaks to the dead and has a golden retriever boyfriend.Is a Literal Necromancer.
And this Dude has A LOT of trauma to back that up too, this dude Has been through Tartarus alone, survived off pomegranate seeds, was turned into a fucking Corn plant, and I'm not even going to list the details of the jar. At this point, if you know you know.
Who wants to bet he might as well fear lightning at this point. If you get the reference, Good. If you don't then suffer.
The fact that there is no doubt someone has told him he's going to Hell sends me in a spiral to know that someone is bound to say he is literally the definition of Hell spawn.
Quite literally, I know he's not the type to brag on his father but he is the type to say "I'll be the first to greet you after your passing"
I mean he is the ghost king soo....
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yonemurishiroku · 6 days
Hope u get better soon :(((( and excited to see Nico die!!
got into a minor car accident am not feeling Bonita but I’m fine I should kill off Nico again
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yonemurishiroku · 6 days
Jason is so in love with Nico it’s embarrassing
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yonemurishiroku · 6 days
Yeah tbh most of the time i just widen it
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yonemurishiroku · 7 days
I was at a courthouse once, and saw an indigenous australian woman in a dressing gown very carefully and gingerly making her way down the steps outside the courthouse, surrounded by family who were helping her down the stairs. We asked if she was OK, because she looked awful. She looked like she should have been wrapped up in bed with blankets and hot soup, not on the steps of a courthouse.
One of her family told us that she had given birth yesterday evening, but that Child Protection services had taken her baby away with no warning, claiming that she wasnt prepared to look after him. What had happened, is that she'd literally only just given birth -- hadn't even passed the afterbirth yet, is holding her blood-coated, crying, newborn baby to her chest -- and a nurse asked what her feeding plan was. She was tired from the birth and distracted by the brand new baby in her arms and thrown off by the timing of the question, but still, she managed to answer, and said she planned to breastfeed him whenever he was hungry.
Well apparently that wasn't enough of a plan for the hospital staff, who reported her and claimed that she was unprepared to look after the child, and claimed that had no social supports, and that the baby was at risk if left with her. All because a brand new mother, 30 seconds after giving birth, didn't have a PowerPoint presentation ready to go that cited the timing cycle she would feed her kid on, and instead simply said that she would feed him when he was hungry.
Child Protection services showed up, took her kid, and she was told to show up to court the next day to contest custody if she wanted her baby back.
So a woman who had given birth less than 24 hours prior was forced to rally her family and show up to court to prove that she a) had a feeding plan for the child, and b) had enough social supports to justify reclaiming her baby.
It was one of the most appalling things I'd ever seen. I don't even know if she won her case. They didn't know at the time we saw them, and after that brief interaction on the stairs, i never saw them again. I sincerely hope she got her newborn baby back.
That was about 5 years ago. And the exact same kind of thing is still happening today.
News broke today from a South Australian whistle-blower of the appalling treatment new mothers frequently receive, including hospital staff taking the baby away from the mother "for medical tests," only for the mother to then be told, with absolutely no prior warning, that the baby was not going to be returned to her.
Here's the article, and here are some excerpts:
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yonemurishiroku · 7 days
ShortStory #1 - Na mesma moeda (Cockhold+cheating)
Olá, como vai? Estamos começando uma nova série de posts! Os ShortStorys. Vão ser textos pequenos ou cenas que podem ou não se ligar a outras histórias, apenas para continuar praticando e me permitir escrever para o fandom enquanto termino minha história original. Espero que vocês gostem^^
Na mesma moeda
Pelo que pareceu ser a milionésima vez, ele se mexeu na cadeira, tentando achar uma posição que não fosse tão desconfortável. Porém, depois de quase duas horas sentado naquela cadeira de madeira, ele não tinha mais esperanças de qualquer conforto. Will estava no quarto deles, lugar que ele e seu marido dividiam. Bem, não naquela noite. E se Will fosse sincero consigo mesmo, admitiria que Nico e ele não dividiam a mesma cama há muito meses.
Will estava tentando ser um bom companheiro, tentando se redimir por erros do passado, e esse era o único motivo dele estar nessa situação. Sua surpresa foi quando Nico, seu marido há dois anos descobriu sua traição. Ou melhor, o informou saber do ocorrido. A surpresa real foi saber que Nico queria que Will sentisse tudo o que ele havia sentido, e sem opção, Will concordou, é claro. Ou era isso, ou era o divorciou, perdendo seu melhor amigo dos últimos vinte anos.
Saber que Nico queria devolver na mesma moeda, era aceitável, agora ter que presenciar o ato ao vivo, era demais para ele. Especialmente ter que ver o cara de quase dois metros de altura, segurando Nico que quase desaparecia debaixo dele. Ver Nico gemendo como nunca tinha gemido para ele, era o que realmente era inaceitável.
Will, de verdade, não queria ver, nem sequer queria olhar na direção deles. Embora esse fosse o combinado. Will não podia levantar daquela cadeira até que Nico permitisse. Mas ele não pôde evitar, Nico gemeu de uma forma tão alta que Will teve que olhar. E mesmo daquela distancia era impossível não perceber o membro grande e molhado, deslizando de novo e de novo, parecendo abrir Nico ainda mais a cada movimento, a entrada pequena e delicada, agora, levemente inchada e rosada, as pernas escancaradas e a coluna curvada, gemidos ininterruptos, quase grunhidos enquanto o cara em cima de Nico, dava a entender que não pararia tão cedo, não até que Nico implorasse por misericórdia.
De alguma forma, Nico ainda teve tempo de zombar dele. Pois, de vez em quando, ele virava a cabeça e olhava para sorrindo, tão doce como sempre, porém, gemendo, como se aquele fosse o melhor dia de sua vida, e disse suavemente, “Agora que você viu como se faz, pode fazer também.”
Isso fez o coração de Will pular, sabendo que essa não seria a última vez que o veria transando com esse homem em sua casa. Wiil o amava mais do que seu senso de orgulho, e agora que Nico tinha o poder no relacionamento deles, não havia que pudesse o parar.
E assim, aconteceu. Todo fim de semana, Perseu vinha e usava Nico como bem entendia; o tocava, o beijava, o fodia e em uma era ocasião, Percy colocou Nico em seu colo e o espancou em sua frente, a expressão satisfeita no rosto do homem e os gemidos doces de Nico o enfurecendo um pouco mais a cada minuto. Mas se ele soubesse que aquele tinha sido o começo do seu fim, Will teria aproveitado seus últimos momentos, teriam tentando convencer Nico a parar com aquilo.
A partir daquele dia, Perseu começou a ir em encontros com Nico, só os dois, cinema, jantares, passeios românticos, motéis.
Como ele sabia disso? A fatura vinha em seu cartão de crédito, uma conta mais cara que a outra, descrições indicando que eles estavam viajando para cidades vinhas ou até passagens de avião. Mas nas vezes que eles estavam em casa? Ele ainda ouviu os gemidos, o choro de Nico, seus suspiros, e as risadas de Perseu e seus grunhidos de prazer. Se não bastasse isso, ele os ouvia conversando. Seus planos futuros, o que iam fazer para o aniversário de Nico e que roupa Nico devia usar para ir na festa que a mãe de Percy ia dar para ele.
Foi assim que Will teve que dar um basta nisso, os encontrando no sofá da sala, Perseu sobre Nico, o beijando, suas mãos no meio das pernas de Nico, pernas que estavam sobre o ombro de Perseu, três dedos se movendo profundamente dentro de Nico, apenas para ver esses dedos serem substituído pelo membro que Will admitia ser maior do que o seu, entrando devagar, mas deslizando sem problemas, Nico fechando os olhos e deixando escapar mais um daqueles gemidos que o assombraria pelo resto de sua vida.
Não havia nada que Will pudesse fazer.
Ele saiu da sala e foi em direção a seu quarto, sentou no pé da cama e encarou a parede branca ao lado de sua televisão, ainda ouvindo os gemidos, agora os sons de pele batendo em pele se intensificando e ecoando ao redor do apartamento. Só restava a ele ligar para seu advogado.
Bem, as coisas aconteceram mais rápido do que ele pensava que poderia acontecer. Na semana seguinte, em uma terça-feira, parte de seus móveis tinham sumido junto com todas as coisas de Nico. A televisão que Nico tanto amava, o sofá, alguns utensílios de cozinha e tudo dentro do quarto do Nico. Ele se sentia sozinho e não poderia culpar ninguém além de si mesmo.
Foi interessante, não? Eu sempre quis escrever algo assim, mas nunca tive a oportunidade, especialmente pelo ponto de vista de outra pessoa. Espero que tenha sido interessante^^
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yonemurishiroku · 7 days
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percy jackson and the meido’s curse
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yonemurishiroku · 8 days
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It feels good to be back.
(A more risque version under the cut)
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