yoonaclaw · 10 years
if the world was ending and to save human life you had to eat someone in the castles' ass who's ass would you eat
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
—consonance ▶ ya&
she neglects to dictate why she loves the library so— caught between reason. she holds a fondness for the reticence of the air she breathes; the tranquility of vaulted arches in the evening ambience, drapes tainted the palest of gold shifting in the breeze, dust molts swaying to that same song— smooth and languid.
her mind craves indulgence in knowledge; facts and figures of a realm so foreign, seeping with mystic sciences and dark sorcery, the dawn of a paradox concealed between their yellowed pages— cracked spines. soft are the touches she leaves across the fiction to which she adheres; dainty and light, as if handling something infinitely fragile. the labyrinthine windings bleed with an air so familiar she could hardly remember ever being without it, feet long since attuned to the fissures in every each floorboard.
shattered becomes her reverie when she reaches for a crumbling copy of confronting the faceless and finds her own palm caught beneath another; calloused hands carved in the same way as her own, speaking of identical gluttony— a hankering for knowledge so ravenous. 
“oh— i’m sorry!” she speaks with a tone of acute cordiality, bemusement etched upon the contours of her face. “please, take it.”
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉i was only joking! gosh, who's acting silly now? (_´ω`)
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉of course! mm, i like you a hell of a lot, too, if that means anything!
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉(*゚ロ゚) are you sure you'd want to take me? i'm sure you have plenty of other friends you could take (ーー;) i doubt you'd want to be stuck with me for two weeks, anyway!
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉whoa, calm down! i'll think about it, okay?
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉if you're totally sure, that is! i promise i won't get upset if you'd rather take one of your better friends (/.\)
〔 ✉ : princess. 〕didn’t like you anymore? what on earth made you decide that on your own? silly! i like you a lot, actually.
〔 ✉ : princess. 〕like, yanno, as friends and all that kazz of course. : )
〔 ✉ : princess. 〕* jazz!
〔 ✉ : princess. 〕weeeeeeeeeeell, in hopes of canceling out a few weeks left of summer, i have actually three tickets to aboard that train, hogwarts express, was it? yeah! um. most of my friends are kind of out of the country atm, so i guess that leaves us with two tickets..
a minute later ,
〔 ✉ : princess. 〕i mean, y’know, you don’t have to say yes, or come with me, that’s fine! it’s just a suggestion y’know? ah, yes. a suggestion!
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
—drowning in ellipses ▶ ya&yg
delicate are the strokes she leads across the page; fingers caught in a languid dance, flitting between movements of hesitant fragility and a more jaunty mettle. her tongue is caught between her teeth in an arrant show of concentration— furrow set between her brow and a subtle quiver to her lower lip.
it begins with a tree— small and stunted, set one side off the center of the page— but it flourishes in haste; stretches and blooms until it's pouring across the canvas in a flurry of setting. she draws until the bones in her hands begin to ache; ash staining her fingers, hollowed into the lines of her palms. her etchings continue to flower until it seems the uppermost branches may be in danger of continuing off the page, unto the desk before her and into the real world.
disturbed is her ambience at the sound of a door falling shut, trudged footsteps and muted melodies. he moved with a pirate's swagger; feathered hair cut above his ears, jacket hanging like a bag around him.  she entertains—for a moment—asking why he had chosen here of all places to deafen himself with such dire volume, but settles instead for resting her pencil against her lips, jaw tightened in telltale irritation.
"could you— could you turn that down, please?" she speaks, a quirk to her lips that she hopes divulges an air of alleviation. "if it isn't too much of a bother, i mean!"
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
〔 txt ー *sweats nervously* MM M IM YOONA„. 〕yeah! how long has it been? tend to lose count of the days during summer, haha.
( * quickly changes caller / contact id name because it looks a bit messy ) 〔 txt ー princess.〕that’s a bummer. you’re still around campus, too, right? if so, i am as well! maybe we could change this whole ‘boring’ thing before it’s too late, i guess.
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉ack, me too! (つд`) it's been a pretty long time, though! almost made me think you didn't like me anymore, haha ( ´∀`)
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉i am! geez, are you sure? it can get a little drab 'round here during the summer. i could always do with the company, though (⌒_⌒;)
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
〔 txt ー *sweats nervously* MM M IM YOONA,,. 〕hey!〔 txt ー *sweats nervously* MM M IM YOONA,,. 〕happy summer vacation?
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉heyo! ヽ(^▽^)ノ long time no talk, huh?
〈✉ ; yuzu  〉mm, it’s been a lil boring tbh! there’s only so long someone can stand being trapped inside all day, right? ugh, i hope you’ve been having more fun than i have (╯︵╰,)
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
ok ren out
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yoonaclaw · 10 years
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