yorhanovemixs · 6 years
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@sapicurio DID YOU DOUBT ME????
Quick doodle based off another doodle by @sukebanfactory​ o/
I should’ve been writing notes for a class but instead I did this - a good use of my time if I do say so myself.
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
Armor upgrade 
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
–    [▣]    –     THAT MUCH WAS TRUE - the YoRHa androids had been created in the images of humans, and Adam was aware that he too had been created with humanity in mind. After all, the machines that had ‘birthed’ him had only had the appearances of androids to base his own body on, and he’d only had his own for Eve’s appearance.
So, who did they blame for the fact that all of them weren’t ugly?
It wasn’t as if Adam thought often on his appearance. He kept his hair fibers free of tangles, his clothing remained neat, and his glasses were kept spotless only because spots on the lenses bothered him. It was enough effort just to get Eve into pants and shoes, that his own clothing was kept easy to put on and remove out of necessity. That the clothing suited him was merely a bonus.
… and he’d gotten lost in thought again.
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“There is little to share,” Adam replied, nudging his thoughts aside for the time being. He could dwell on it all later. Perhaps he and Eve could discuss it again. At least Eve had interesting insights into the matter of attraction.
“Human records aren’t… reliable, if one is seeking to understand what they found attractive about one another. It varied from person to person, and from region to region. Some even had preferences regarding the gender of prospective partners, though that part eludes me.” His lips twisted a little. “I fail to see why one’s outer appearance matters, so long as personalities are compatible.
“Which must sound strange.” In some ways, Adam had never given it much thought. It wasn’t as if there would ever be other machines like himself and Eve. He did love his brother - and why would he not? They were the same, one ‘soul’ in two bodies.
9S’s question drew a curious hum from Adam, and he didn’t answer it at first. All he did was look the android up and down, quiet in his examination. 9S was small and he wasn’t certain if he liked or disliked that, but his facial features were pleasant enough. Too-neat hair that tempted him to ruffle, pale skin that would bruise so easily, expressive lips and vivid eyes…
Hm. Perhaps he did find 9S attractive.
“You aren’t,” Adam replied, head tilting. “Though I’m not certain if that would be pleasing to hear or not, since I have little to base my opinions on if we speak of your appearance compared to that of others.” Although, that did make him wonder something else - “Why, am I not unattractive to you?”
        ┈ ¦ ※ ¦ ┈      9S didn’t know what he was expecting, really, to ask that question - well, he did have a vague sense of what he would expect in return - but still - he wasn’t prepared as he thought he’d been. ▼
First things first - ▼
“Human records aren’t reliable.” 
He’d consider that before in different personal researches and studies he was doing for his own interest - but still, it fascinated him, and any information left behind by mankind was something he’d treasure and value. ▼
“I fail to see why one’s outer appearance matters, so long as personalities are compatible.”
Again, that was true - however, that was Adam’s own personal opinion - 9S’s main interest was focused on humans and what their opinions were. In this case, the majority of them seemed to value appearance over personality (disappointingly enough) - and from that biased preference, 9S wanted to know what exact features did the majority of mankind, or at least different groups, fancy - and he wanted to study those features to understand why it made certain individuals so “attractive”. ▼
His curiosity was endless - from important things to the most miniscule, irrelevant matters. ▼
Now, onto the main concern on hand (was it even a concern?) - Adam had admitted to 9S that no, he didn’t find the android unattractive - but...did that mean then he did find Nines attractive? Or was he just not unattractive in general, and just...normal? Plain? What if it was the former? Then what features about his model (appearance) that interested Adam? He wanted to know - he wanted to ask - but he doubt that Adam woudl give him a straight-forward question - no, he could tell the other was enjoying his reaction at the moment. ▼
“Why, am I not unattractive to you?”
YoRHa above - if his face could become anymore flustered, or the fact that his synthetic skin was anymore thin than he had realized to show the artificial red that ran beneath - ▼
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▀“Th-That is - ! Well, no, you’re not ‘unattractive’ to me - well, for me personally, I-I guess - and b-based on the information I’ve gathered on mankind on the topic of ‘appearances’ - I can say with confidence (did he really just say with confidence?) that you definitely would not be considered ‘unattractive’ at all! A-According to mankind - you are on the ‘attractive’ spectrum - and that - ”▄
You know what? Self-destructing seemed like a really good choice right now. ▼
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
–    [▣]    –    MUCH AS HE DISLIKED the idea of anyone but Eve being in his head, Adam couldn’t deny that this was all intriguing. He didn’t expect 9S to understand. For Scanners, the machines were just… shells, with vague hints at sentient consciousness. That he and Eve were different might not have entirely occurred to the android, even if he had hacked Eve before.
The two of them were unique among their kind. After that hack, Eve’s mind was even more of a fortress, the defences of which only ever lowered for his brother - but, there was little need to hide anything from one another. They had their own separate areas in the Network for some personal data, but the rest was shared openly between one another.
Even now, Adam could pinpoint Eve’s location, and Eve could do the same for him. It was a comfort to have that connection, regardless of how far apart they were.
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“No… An attempt can’t hurt.” It was true - this was all still hypothetical ; there was no guarantee that their minds could connect properly. Even though 9S was linked to the machine Network, that didn’t mean anything further could be done.
Did he even want anyone else having access to his mind?
Adam sighed, looking away briefly. His mind was his, a sanctuary among a world that barely made sense. Eve was a tether for him, someone that understood the world on a different level, in different ways. Adam was a creature of science, where Eve’s intelligence was more… physically-based. An intuition that didn’t need deep thought. He just… acted, with no thought for consequence.
At times, it was liberating to watch the world through Eve’s eyes, experience it through his body. Such easy happiness was almost enviable.
“But don’t hack me.” Adam’s eyes returned to 9S, and they narrowed. “You should have a vague sense of my mind within the Network, without having to search. Use that, not a hacking probe.”
        ┈ ¦ ※ ¦ ┈     He was silent as he watched the different emotions overcome Adam’s face. It seems he really was putting a lot of thought into this. 9S had only suggested this out of excitement and interest, a hand reaching up unconsciously to rub the fabric of his visor between his fingers. What started as a little simple shenanigan turned into something more...well, sentimental - was that even the right word for it? Nonetheless, he could see Adam’s great discomfort but also internal conflict he had going on in his head as he mulled over the possibilities of the android’s little suggested “operation”. ▼
Without realizing, 9S was slowly become more fidgety, his hands clasping one another to idly twiddle his fingers, occasionally turning away to gaze somewhere else other than Adam. He wasn’t used to this, really. Seeing the machine actually quiet, solemn and...dared he say have a vulnerable gesture about him? Not so much vulnerable but just...he couldn’t find the word for it, but his excitement was quickly dissipating to guilt. ▼
Just as he was about to tell Adam to forget the idea, the other cut him off with his own remarks. ▼
“No...an attempt can’t hurt.”
Oh? Then did that mean he was - ? ▼
With Adam’s sudden sigh, 9S admittedly jumped a little, his gaze focused on the other again - though this time, it was the machine’s turn to look away. Ah, his guilt was becoming stronger. ▼
▀“Adam, I...”▄
“But don’t hack me.”
Just as suddenly, he was once more silenced when Adam returned his gaze, red eyes narrowed, giving 9S that familiar sense of dread and fear. This time, however, he felt that Adam didn’t mean it - they were discussing something sensitive to him, after all. He didn’t blame the taller individual. ▼
After Adam had said his brief statement, patiently awaiting 9S’s answer - the android didn’t hesitate. If he stalled for time anymore, or was hesitant - surely Adam’s patience (especially with such a “thin ice” topic like this), he would change his mind and most likely be in a dismal, quiet mood for the rest of the day. That was something he’d like to avoid if possible. ▼
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▀“If you’re absolutely sure you’re fine with it, then I understand. Let me start then, so I don’t make this more uncomfortable for you.”▄ Alright, maybe that wasn’t the most sincere thing to say, but again, at least he was being honest.
He awkwardly look at the other, unsure of how to say this,  ▀“Um...do you just want to sit there while I do this, or do you want to lay down? I mean, if you want - we can always pretend we’re fighting again and I can mock-hack your system - not really though, with you giving permission - I’ll be gentle - ”▄ Ack - what was he saying? ▼
▀“Or...you can...”▄ Hm, there was a few occasions he had with 2B that...would Adam be fine with that though?  ▀“You can...lay your head down on my lap if you want - just so you can be assured I’m not going to try anything with you ‘vulnerably’ giving me access, that is.”▄
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
If you’re wondering wtf shirt stays are, then THIS is what they are so yeah :T basically garter belts but for men so :^) - I KID I KID I KID 
Just please end me…..I actually tried on this and I just,,,,,,, w h y 
Someone please just take my tablet and laptop away from me…..I was supposed to be making up late assignments….. o o p s 
Adam: @sapicurio 9S: @yorhanovemixs
ART BLOG: @tsunamiarow
@yorhanovemixs - guess what I remembered?
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
we are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
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His hands instinctively tightened into fists, gaze lowered as he tried everything he could to avoid looking at the other - because if he did, he doubt he could hold himself back.▼
Not everything that had happened.▼
And now - she had...the nerve - the audacity - to say what she did? No Nines, keep it cool. Don’t act impulsively like last time.▼
▀“If you know it hurts - and if you’re really sorry - then...why? Tell me just that - honestly. There’s something you’re keeping from me - I know it - I didn’t give you a chance last time to talk, so this time...”▄He trailed off, yet hoping the message was clear enough.▼
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
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My brain still sends a letter to my heart that its still pumping                       Even if it is black and blue
                                “2B….9S. I’m Sorry.”
                                     Rules | Bio 
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
…Our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.
Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory (via books-n-quotes)
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
Reblog if your icon
is cute
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
–    [▣]    –     IT MADE SENSE THAT YoRHa’s technologies would be different to that of the machines - after all, the machines’ only sources of knowledge were any records humans had left behind, and whatever they could then create and adapt for themselves. In a way, it was a wonder that he and Eve had been possible at all. With how set in their ways machines were, they shouldn’t logically have been capable of conceiving the idea of creating a super-powered being such as himself. And, in a way, he shouldn’t have been capable of creating Eve either.
Then again, he’d had no preconceived sense of self. His mind had been a blank slate ; it had only been later that Adam had been able to access the machines’ Network and harness it for himself. Only with the Network and data provided by the androids had he truly become.
At first he hadn’t noticed 9S’s intent stare, not until he realised the android had been silent for too long. A clearing of his throat had shaken 9S out of whatever thoughts had distracted him, though the stammering came as a surprise. Adam had assumed 9S had also been looking for scar tissue ; no thought had been given to the possibilty of 9S… <i>admiring</i> his body in any such way. It made no sense - if not for their difference in height, their bodies were almost of a similar composition. Lean musculature and ‘pretty’ faces. After all, the machines had only seen other androids. Why else would he and Eve resemble the YoRHa units?
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“Trust me, I’m well aware of the fact that Eve and I are undesirable to androids.” Adam rolled his eyes and settled back, cubes summoned and batted back and forth between his fingers to keep his hands occupied. “I found no records of us being created with seduction in mind.
"We are attractive purely because the machines that created us had only ever seen YoRHa units and the Resistance androids, all of which tend not to be… unattractive.” Adam paused then, balancing the cubes on his fingertips, a wry smile tugging at his lips. “I will not take the blame for any impure thoughts you might suffer as a result of my appearance, though. Those are entirely your problem.”
        ┈ ¦ ※ ¦ ┈     The android still refused to say anything else - even more so now that he realized the two had a complete misunderstanding - and that only made 9S feel all the more humiliated. Artificial red ran beneath pale, synthetic skin, close to the surface to imitate the appearance of embarassment - sure, they were capable of emotions (which on its own already raised enough controversy) - but possessing the ability to show it as well - was it possible to curse one’s own creators? ▼
▀“We were built in the images of humans - so don’t blame us either for that flaw.”▄
‘Attractive’, huh? ▼
The Scanner unit hadn’t been able to collect photograph data of how humans looked before, and he would need a sufficient amount of great diveristy to be able to understand more about their interests with one’s appearance, different preference over styles, and so on - nothing truly important or valuable to YoRHa itself, but it’s more of his personal interest. His unit type’s curiosity was hard to contain - which led to numerous problems (some more drastic than he realized - not that he had a choice). ▼
The curious thing? How did Adam define ‘attractive’? Did he have data on how mankind represented the term? Or was he using his own? And if the latter - then what was he basing it off of? Now the scanner’s interest was caught. ▼
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▀“Care to share your data with me? Or is that another thing I’m restricted from accessing?”▄
He dared not to address the other thing that Adam mentioned - impure thoughts. No, he’d already have bad memories from that alone - when his own system was destroyed nearly beyond repair, and he had to rifle through the labyrinth of endless data to restore what he could from within. All thanks to Adam, of course. What would’ve been another way to fluster the android - if anything else - rather instead suddenly forced the other to feel as if a dark cloud hung over him. ▼
▀“Also, does that mean, referencing to what you just said earlier - I’m not ‘unattractive’ to you, by definition? Whether personal or universal?”▄ Hey, he was just being inquisitive. ▼
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
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“I feel even bigger today because you are so, so small~ But who sends out android infants to fight me?”
Eve pursed his lips thoughtfully as he wracked his memory for the name of the organization Adam had warned him about.
“Yo… YoGUrt.”
No- That didn’t sound right… Hrm. 
“YoLo-” he tried again.
Eve pouted deeply and wished his brother were there to correct him.
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       ┈ ¦ ※ ¦ ┈     ▀“It’s YoRHa! Get it right!”▄
He didn’t even know how to feel about the other - first off - he was a machine. Second off - his personality was...infuriating, to say the least. Third off - it was clear the other was only interested in provoking him, and he was doing a damn good job. ▼
▀“Size in YoRHa’s units individually doesn’t matter - what’s more important is their abilities and strength - sometimes one’s height isn’t what dictates their potential!”▄ Now he was just trying to indignantly defend himself, though he highly doubt the other was really listening. ▼
▀“At least I’m not all brawn and no brain like you are.”▄
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
He trails his claws through 9S's hair, voice a static-edged hum. It's an old song he hums to the android, something almost eerie. "Was it you who left those explosive machines hidden about, 9S?" His vocal sensors aren't quite yet reattached fully, the static lingering in his words. "Perhaps I should be caging you from now on. You get into far too much... mischief, otherwise." If it hadn't been 9S though, he had nothing to worry about.
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▀“What? You didn’t like my surprise?”▄
Of course, the android was only trying to be snarky - even if the sensation of Adam’s claws trailing down through his hair brought little jolts - shivers - through his body. However, he was more than sure that the machine didn’t take any serious consideration into his little antics, even if there was a real threat to his motives - not that he intended any real harm, that is.▼
It was just to keep things interesting for them, after all.▼
▀“ ‘Caging me’, huh? I’d like to see what you’d come up with to do that.”▄ This was one of the rare moments, or times, when 9S had the urge to be a little rebellious - not that he had lost the unconscious fear that Adam could very easily choose to end his life if he wanted to - and only if 9S wanted to go down without a fight.▼
Leaning backwards to gaze up at the taller individual, the Scanner gave a small smile (if not a smirk). He raised a hand to tap lightly against the other’s chin, ▀“Sounds like you have the equivalent of a human’s sore throat. Still a little banged-up from our last scuffle?”▄ Alright, maybe he was pushing it now.▼
▀“I can offer my aid to help speed up the repair process, if you want. I don’t mind.”▄
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
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“Huh. The boy android is so… 
Like a tiny, little baby!”
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        ┈ ¦ ※ ¦ ┈     “Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would’ve slaughtered you. I should’ve.”  
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
I am being loyal so why do I feel this is a betrayal?
accidental judas | m.a.w (via dvoyd)
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
After all, is not a real Hell better than a manufactured Heaven?
E.M. Forster, Maurice (via books-n-quotes)
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yorhanovemixs · 6 years
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