yoru-yo · 7 months
Commander Joseph Lawrence - Some of his best quotes
“I’m not a big fan of flying or children”
“Well, you’re off the hook, or off the wall, I should say for now”
“June: I just need to know if my husband is safe” Commander Lawrence: “I don’t know. Does he use a seat belt? Does he watch his blood pressure? That’s the silent killer, you know”
“Speaking of the Waterfords, you really mucked up that house, didn’t you? Fred demoted. Serena defingered. Baby baby-napped. You left the place literally in ashes. Do you think they got what they deserved?”
“You have to let the rabble-rousers blow off a little steam or they’ll smash everything to bits”
“Does this really work on Fred? Not exactly an intellectual giant. Then again, neither are you”
“Oh that’s cute. Would your heart glow or something?”
Emily: “Praise be to you, and may God make me worthy.” Lawrence: “Super”
“He’s not a used Subaru”
“I wonder what the voltage is on those things”
“I guess he didn’t bring 52 children with him “
“Wow, you’ve gone soft in Toronto. Must be all that maple syrup.”
“Go in grace”
“We just want our brother home”
“Cheer up. Fred and Serena are toast and you just got away with murder. All in all, not a bad morning.”
“Oh, well he’s a toady with no taste.”
“Did you do something to your hair?”
“I guess he doesn’t like music.”
“I guess he’s got us over a barrel”
“Are you gonna sit in the bed with us too? Because that would definitely make things more interesting.”
“Your love f***s people up. You’re a fountain of heartache and trouble”
“You’re an unusual woman, and we don’t have the proper infrastructure for unusual women to live within our borders”
“These are pious men. They need a little kink”
“Oh, you’d love it. It’s elegant yet brutal”
“America is dying. It’s an idea that has outlived its usefulness”
“Can’t we all agree, gentlemen, that it’s embarrassing to be running a country in which people are constantly trying to escape?”
“You mean go to the Red Center, kind of Handmaid’s Hotel, where you’re the concierge?”
Commander Lawrence: “I got them to say yes.” Serena: “How?” Commander Lawrence: “By not being a woman.”
“I’m just one commander. Nick’s on the rise, but he’s still a puppy. There’s only so much we can do.”
“Oh, look at us all, getting along like friendly diplomats, trying to bury the hatchet.”
“Commander Lawrence: If I object will it make a difference?” Nick: “No, sir. At the border, the Eyes maintain tactical control.” Commander Lawrence: “Oh, he seems to have us over a barrel. Go in grace, Fred.”
“Fred, praise be. You’re home safe. The nation’s prayers have been answered.”
“Your love fucks people up. You’re a fountain of heartache and trouble.”
Commander Lawrence: “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Aunt Lydia: “I believe I can be of service to you.” Commander Lawrence: “Lucky me.”
“Gilead doesn’t care about children. Gilead cares about power. Faithfulness, old-time values, homemade bread, that’s the just means to the end. It’s a distraction. I thought you would have figured that out by now.”
“You’re going to single-handedly repopulate the planet”
“Motherhood’s always been an evolutionary puzzle to me.”
“We’d never leave a brother out in the cold”
“Well, she isn’t stupid, but she is stubborn, which I guess is a form of stupidity. Perhaps, it’s the most virulent form.”
“I always took you for more of the Jezebel’s man less of the quickie behind a desk before a funeral kind of guy”
“I have been grooming Nick, not sexually, but he is helping me.”
“And now I’m done talking about your breasts.”
“Do you have an irony deficiency?”
“Gilead’s gonna Gilead”
“I know you enjoy inflicting pain. I’m not judging, everybody needs a hobby.”
“Cake? Gentlemen”
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yoru-yo · 7 months
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"You know, I think about us [...] I think about it all the time."
The Handmaid's Tale
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yoru-yo · 8 months
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Mad Men Challenge: [1/8 relationships]
Pete: Someday, people are going to brag that they worked with you. Peggy: What am I supposed to say to that? Pete: I don’t know. No one’s ever said it to me. Peggy: A thing like that.
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yoru-yo · 8 months
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864 notes · View notes
yoru-yo · 8 months
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yoru-yo · 8 months
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"Oh, honey, it has nothing to do with you."
mad men, "shoot" | "the phantom"
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yoru-yo · 8 months
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"To resolve the breach with Sally, Don takes his children to Hershey, Pennsylvania on Thanksgiving and shows them the Victorian house, once a brothel, where Don lived after his father died. When Don parks, Bobby looks around in confusion, “This is a bad neighborhood.” They cross the street and stand before a decrepit house with peeling white paint, which looms above on a small rise. “This is where I grew up,” Don tells them. Sally turns to her father with the skeptical look she so often turns on adults; he meets her gaze and offers no more explanation. Style rather than knowledge bridges the gap between an incommensurate past and future...The image of the house, obsolete among the surrounding apartment buildings, speaks to the past as in some sense beyond knowing. Sally, our gothic heroine, feels that gap; she repeatedly confronts the fear her father’s haunting entails and its inscription in the quotidian world that surrounds her. The tableau of Don and his children before the house, like the family gathering Grandma Ida’s visit produces, is haunted by racial difference as its enabling structure. Looking at the house where their father grew up, the children, and the audience with them, confront a complex temporality: the present search for a past futurity... Don tells his children no stories of his past. In taking them back to where he grew up without offering the comfort of proper perspective, he bequeaths them a properly haunted future."
don and sally + judy collins, "both sides now" + katherine kinney, "the haunting of don draper"
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yoru-yo · 8 months
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yoru-yo · 9 months
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Gintama & Trigun parallels - spoilers below
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yoru-yo · 1 year
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Finished! Hope you enjoyed this short, very rushed comic. It is actually a scene that is very dear to my heart, and I discovered in horror, 5 days ago, that the way it was interpreted by the actors in the audio drama was very different from how I pictured it in my head. Therefore, I couldn't resist, and had to do this before next week (because of other incoming events). It seems like among readers, the interpretation of that scene is rather unanimous : WKX, for all his ridiculous and over the top fake flirting, does feel a need to express at least some form of honesty; maybe because of the grief, maybe because he knows that his decision to stay with ZZS despite him being condemned will bring suffering. His best friend is going to die, but being with him is still worth it. I think... especially after the open conversation they have before the scene I decided to adapt, that it makes sense for WKX to want to express his deeper feelings -which he may not fully accept yet, given his "It's a good thing I'm not in love with you yet" quote from two chapters before. Sometimes, some words have to come out, and they're just a bit too much to fully take responsibility of. And thus, he backtracks, because now is not the time, because perhaps when seeing ZZS' expression, he feels like he'd rather not make this an honest statement yet. In the AD, the whole speech is played as a joke, including the final "confession". I guess it works, but for the emotional flow and rythm of the scene, I am more interested in a visible shift in WKX's delivery. On top of that, I find ZZS being left speechless afterwards to make more sense. He's used to WKX making outrageous declarations, why would this one be different? It also gives more intensity and contrast to the "Gotcha" moment at the end, which is a bit less convincing when it's already an obvious joke. It makes it a bit sadder, too, in my opinion. Maybe it's a bit tropey, maybe we've seen it before (=the honest confession that is then retracted), but I do think that it works well in this context. Additionally, I like how it reinforces the "Are you sincere?" scene, at the end, since ZZS would still be marked by how he did buy WKX's confession until WKX himself made fun of him for falling for it. That's it! Thank you for reading and then reading some more. Additional thanks to WenBuXing and Xuxunette for their translations, and to the DZZS creative chat for cheering on me. Big, big shoutout to Bichen, who I hope will like this version of that scene.
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yoru-yo · 2 years
Through The Strait Gates by Priest
"Won't you turn back and look at me?  He thought silently. If you turn back and look at me just one time, even if you were to ask me to climb up to the roof and jump off, I'll do it. "  
"Only the person from the past had become new once again. "
"Dou Xun gave everyone the cold shoulder. He was like a hedgehog, not violent but full of spikes. "
"He was perfectly at ease dealing with other people's ill intentions but he wasn't good at handling people being nice to him. "
"Xu Xilin suddenly felt that it was rather funny, and snorted a laugh. Dou Xun had no idea what he was laughing at but wanted to respond in kind, so he also laughed without knowing why. "
"He lacked nothing, therefore he was unafraid. "
"He thought of himself as someone who was not lovable, so whenever someone started to get close to him, he would be full of fear and trepidation, always worrying that once the other person saw his true colours, they would make a clean break and leave"
"Dou Xun did not say anything. Softly, he closed his eyes. The world was wide and full of places to be, but he… only had this little corner left. "
"Xu Xilin continued to speak, "But it would be great if you can hang out with us for another year." He had spouted some nonsense just now but with this, he finally said something that soothed an inexplicable itch in Dou Xun's heart. It was as though his bristling fur had been smoothed down. He let out a soft and calm 'Mm' and his mood gradually lightened. "
"He had no big plans in mind because somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that he had support he could fall back on. That the almighty Xu Jin would catch him if he fell. "
fragments and quotes from guomen (through the strait gates) by chinese author priest that I love and just think you should see.
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yoru-yo · 2 years
Through The Strait Gates by Priest
"Every time Xu Xilin hung out with them without bringing him along, Dou Xun would have an inexplicable fear that he was being thrown aside. "
"But mysteriously, he didn't feel depressed. His thoughts rested briefly on those annoyances and feelings of isolation, then very quickly slid right off. It was a little like the first time he stole a smoke — there was an outside force lifting him up from the pits of depression, and filling his heart with a totally illogical, totally unrealistic feeling of anticipation, as though something very good was about to happen. "
"Dou Xun sat in a trance, his eyes not leaving Xu Xilin. He suddenly understood with crystal clear clarity that what he couldn't bear to leave was not his unremarkable senior high school life. What he couldn't bear to leave was Xu Xilin. "
"There was no reason why. He was just smiling like a fool. He felt that this was the happiest year in his life. "
"For Xu Xilin, the biggest change in his life was that there was suddenly no one waiting for him to go to school together in the morning. "
"But they had not met for so long and Xu Xilin could tell that Dou Xun had tried very hard to find something to talk about. His heart suddenly softened a little and he gamely asked, "Are rats expensive?"
"Xu Xilin felt that he might really be having a fever. His mouth was a little dry. He looked at Dou Xun who was standing there like a wooden stump, eyes flickering eagerly towards him, and felt that this blockhead was weirdly cute. "
"If you are willing to peel off the layers of my heart, one-by-one Your nose will itch, your tears will fall As long as you can hear, as you can see, my entire heart and soul"
"She had acted in many plays, a lifetime spent crying in other people's stories. But now, not a single tear fell from her eyes."
"He heard Grandma Xu sigh in sorrow and rushed to ask, "What happened to him?" Grandma Xu said, "He died." Xu Xilin asked, "What does 'died' mean?" Grandma Xu replied, "It means that he won't come again."
fragments and quotes from guomen (through the strait gates) by chinese author Priest that I love so much pt. 2
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yoru-yo · 2 years
Twin Telepathy - Johan / Anna
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Another Monster actually confirms Johan and Anna’s twin telepathy.
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When Johan was getting indoctrinated at Kinderheim 511, he would talk to Anna. She’d be alone during recess talking to him and whenever the teachers/ Orphan Keepers would ask who she was talking to - she would tell them Johan .
The day before he burned Kinderheim 511 down, he told her he was coming to see her the next day. And Anna freaked out the old lady by telling her that tomorrow, Johan would come… only for Johan to actually show up at Kinderheim 47.
I just find it so odd that Anna would be talking alone in the corner outside, choosing to be alone and speaking with Johan instead of playing with other kids. It’s probably one of the reasons why Johan never forgets Anna despite the hellish experiments done to him that aimed at making him forget her.
This helped me understand why Anna was able to walk into Boneparte’s house at Ruhenheim and tell us with full confidence “Johan was just here moments ago…crying alone in this room.” Because the moment all of her memories returned to her, the bond that had been severed was restored.
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yoru-yo · 2 years
The ending of monster is perfect.
(My thoughts on the finale, the series, Johan’s character; and why I think it fits so well)
Before watching the last episode I thought “oh it’s the finale they’re only gonna wrap things up and tie some loose ends” but it’s done beautifully.
I know that everyone says that monster is a show about humans and their inner monster and how society creates monsters, and I agree.
But when they show you that, it’s not a way to excuse people of their bad actions, it’s to show that even in their “villainous” acts, they’re still pretty much human, you never think “oh this is something that couldn’t happen in real life”.
Eva, Roberto, Rosso, Bonaparta and so many more, they’re so different from each other, but at the core they’re still painted in the same way. They’ve done despicable acts, some more than others, but in the end they’re just people who made their choices based on their beliefs.
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As I said, all human.
All presented as human except for Johan.
While the writer tries and succeeds to humanize all the other characters, giving them many layers, he dehumanizes Johan from the very early episodes. Not only he attaches to him a very “supernatural” evil presence;
«you mustn’t look at him doctor, you’ll die» / «we were hired by a monster» (in the very early episodes)
«he said that he shot something with seven heads and many horns» (in the penultimate episode).
But also the way Johan is shown doing terrible things, is very “simplified”. In his scenes they don’t really dwell a lot on the why he does what he does. Sure, they give you enough insight to keep you interested in the character and to not make him bland. It’s the viewer that with the very few lines and appearances that he has, tries to decipher his personality and his motivations. And yeah, one of the reasons for the lack of his physical presence is to add to the sense of dread that fills the viewer when he really appears. However, during the journey that Tenma has, even if Johan is not physically there, his presence is. We feel it in the tales that fall from people’s mouths and the dead bodies that Tenma encounters and the hundreds of people he corrupted. And while Tenma meets these people the show always gives a glimpse of their humanity; but with Johan it’s the opposite, it seems that every tale about him it’s evil and eviler.
You keep asking yourself why? Why? Why?
Does this kid really feel nothing?
Is it because what happened at the orphanage? But in its destruction we see him smiling, delighted by the events that unfold in front of him. Why does he keep killing the people that show him the good in humanity, the people that treat him and his sister well? What kind of kid (that is already capable of orchestrating human feelings) kills people that helped him and tells his sister to shoot him in the head, with the calm of someone that’s asking the most trivial thing?
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The most beautiful thing about Johan is the complete juxtaposition of his character. Yeah he doesn’t have any morals or ethicality, whether it is to accomplish something or just to mess with the psyche of a child,
(«you can’t kill a human being!» — tenma
«why not?» —johan)
but at the same time he feels emotions. He feels sadness, he feels rage, gratification, fear, guilt
(«I wonder if I had forgiven him from the beginning what would have happened» — Nina
«Johan are you crying for me?» — Karl
«While he was seeing the drawings of us as happy kids, he was crying just like me.» — Nina
«the thing I’m most afraid of is...forgetting Anna» — Johan
«Did she try to save me or did she confuse me for my sister?» — Johan)
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For the whole series, Tenma’s ideology and Johan’s are (as we all know) in contrast. I won’t make a long post about Johan’s nihilistic view of the world, because there are already tons of them. But I’d like to say this: in one episode there is a scene that involves two characters that are neither Johan or Tenma; but it sums up Johan’s character very well. This guy says something along these lines to Lunge:
«you won’t believe that Tenma is not guilty, because all your life you have been an investigator that’s never been wrong, not once, and besides that you have nothing; no hobbies or family. If you’re wrong about this case, then you won’t know who you really are, and that would break you.»
That’s why johan kills people and wants Tenma to kill him.
If someone tries to give him a name he kills them, (he believes that his mother never gave him a name.) if someone is kind to him he kills them, (he has a nihilist view of the world), if someone tries to separate him from Anna, his other half, he kills them. («it’s just me and Anna in this whole world»)
Him being wrong would break him, and that’s why we see that desperate expression on his face when in the penultimate episode he almost begs Tenma to shoot him; because if what he believed all life is true (and to him it’s the truth because people kept demonstrating that he was right) “that not all lives are created equal”, then Tenma had to shoot him. Johan had no doubt in his mind, it was logical to him: even the most benevolent man, put in the right situation, can kill a person.
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Tenma doesn’t shoot. He doesn’t kill him. Chance comes in play, and that’s something that even Johan couldn’t predict.
The finale gives you an answer to your “but WHY does he think the way he thinks!” question and as a viewer I find that very satisfying.
In the last episode we find ourself in a metaphorical mexican standoff of ideologies.
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«Humans are equal only in death» Johan’s ideology, because if that wasn’t true, then why was his mother capable of making a choice between her two twins. Her children, that should be equal in the eyes of a mother. But when forced to make a decision, she choses one over the other, and what messes Johan up even more is that he doesn’t know if his mother choosing him was her choice or a mistake; but there certainly was an “unwanted child”. (as he puts it)
On the other side there is Tenma, that made one choice many years before, thinking it was a difficult, but fair one. A child over a privileged adult. The child that he saved though, was a monster, and he brought it back to life unknowingly of that fact. It caused the death of so many people. If Tenma had a time machine, would he save the kid again? Or would he just let him die?
There’s no need for a time machine, because the choice presents itself to him one more time. This time he knows the true nature of the person that he has to save. And he saves him. It’s hard, but he does it not only because it’s the right thing to do according to his ideology, but if he didn’t, he’d only prove Johan that he was right. It’d be like he had shot him himself.
That’s why he goes to Johan to prove him wrong once more, when he tells him that he does have a name, that his mother did give him a name.
Is it enough to convince Johan?
(Will he unlearn the hatred that humans are capable of, like Dieter? Will he accept that he has a name, like Nina did with hers? Does he, like Lunge, discover that the simple things in life do matter and are a part of why we live? Does he forget about what he was before, because like Eva says «we only remember the good things; because otherwise humans wouldn’t be able to keep on living»? Does he “turn human” again, discovering the peace that Grimmer found in his death?)
We don’t know.
We only know that the nameless monster isn’t there anymore.
It’s like he never existed in the first place.
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yoru-yo · 2 years
The Key to Understanding what Johan was:
Some of my favorite passages pertaining to Johan in the ANOTHER MONSTER Novel
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yoru-yo · 2 years
Gintama characters reacting to GH declaring that they are dating:
Kagura: Oh nice, new mommy. Now give me pocket money tax thief, it is not easy joining our elite family.
Shinpachi: Finally, someone sensible other than me will be in this pl- (sees Hijikata slurping on mayo), nevermind, this place is hopeless.
Sacchan: (From the roof screaming) MAN STEALER!
Kondo: Nice one Toshi. You get an in on Yorozuya (the group), I get an in on Yorozuya. You get to go in on Yorozuya (the person), I get to go in on Otae ch- (THUD)
Otae: (Wiping blood off her hands with a serene smile). Congratulations you two. It sure took you guys a long time to realize your friendship was not just platonic. I mean, Hijikata kun has been pining for you since day 1 Gin san. How did it take you this long to-
Kyubei: Ehem… Otae chan… (subtly pointing at their joined hands).
Otae: (blushing ever so slightly) Oh, right. Yeah maybe I shouldn’t be one to talk.
Sacchan: (From a wardrobe) HUSSY!
Sougo: I can’t say I am too thrilled that you decided to side with the enemy to be honest.
Hijikata: It just happened, I-
Sougo: I was talking to the boss. Anyway, I will be sending to you a file with all blackmail material on Hijikata san by monday Boss, you might need it.
Nobume: Congrats. As your kouhai and your superior officer, as well as every other police here, I am happy for you guys.
Hijikata: You just like reminding us of that don’t you?
Nobume: (nibbling on a Donut) Maybe. Just don’t do anything inappropriate in front of Soyo hime, or I will have to butcher you in the most graphic way possible. I can’t let you be a bad influence to her.
Gintoki: You are the biggest bad influence to her.
Sacchan: (from god knows where) BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!
Tsukuyo: (comes out of one of the rooms while dragging Sacchan by the leg who is thrashing around), congratulations you two. Also, nice to meet you, I don’t think we formerly met before. I am not sure why you would choose a guy like him, but you seem like a kindred soul. (shakes hands with Toshi the slightest hint of a sad smile, while holding Sacchan with the other hand effortlessly).
Sacchan: LET GO OF ME TSUKKY! I AM GONNA TEAR HIM TO PIECES, I AM- wow you are strong… How are you even-
Katsura: I can’t accept that, Gintoki. Hijikata kun is our enemy. We are supposed to destroy them. We are supposed to tear them apart. 
Gintoki: Oh believe me, I do those things on regular basis…
Sakamoto: He still can’t handle anything sexual huh? Ahahaha ahaha haha… Well, Takasugi is going to be sad to hear this, but congratulations. (A random sword hits him in the butt, he falls over blood gushing from it. Gintoki finds a note attached to the sword.)
- Congratulations. I will destroy, that rotten relationship.-
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yoru-yo · 2 years
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Yamoto Yamamoto vs Asami Yo
Catastrophe at Sixteen Book 5
Images that didn’t get an adaptation:
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Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 6 Book 7
Note: While the conversation that Mahiru and Yuu image comes from is still present in the manga, I didn’t include a comparison since Yamamoto’s depiction isn’t really of the scene itself so much as it’s a representation of it.
Update: After posting this, the scene with Krul and Mahiru was adapted, but this particular moment, where Mahiru summons Shikama Doji to free herself, was absent from the brief summation we got of this scene, so I’ve elected to leave it out.
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