you-and-your-gegg 1 year
My gegg whispers cosmic secrets to me at night is this normal
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
do you have any tips regarding travel with my gegg? i plan on going on a road trip, so i want to plan for the worst case, just in case something happens to him!
There are travel containers for Geggs, but if your gegg is comfortable enough and you are comfortable with it, your gegg can ride alongside you either on the floor of the car or in your lap! My Gegg gets whiny when she's in the travel container for too long, so she rides in the passenger seat when I'm going to competitions or visiting family.
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
I gave my gegg too many tortillas :( he has a tumny ache now hoow do I take care of him? Do geggs like chicken noodle soup or what
Geggs can eat chicken noodle soup and they enjoy it! Make sure the soup is room temperature or slightly warm- but I hope your Gegg feels well soon!
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
Hi! I have an update on Grerg and the new gegg I got from before :) (their name is Gbeg).
They are getting along well now! There was a bit of an incident where they sort of ran at eachother and melted into each other for a minute at first, and I still don't know what that was, but otherwise they've been playing together and neither have been aggressive or upset at all.
glad to know it all went well and Gbeg is settling in comfortably!
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
geggg, yes or no?
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
How can I find a Gegg adoption center and get my own Gegg? Also, what breeds of Gegg are recommended for beginners?
Try using websites like Geggfinder and Geggclicks. Geggclicks has a lot other things for sale by others, like supplies, kennels, and travel containers for your gegg.
You can also find private breeders, though research is reccomended for when you are buying off of a Gegg breeder.
The best beginner breeds are the American Shortslime, Slimanese, HJG (Hibberjabber Gegg), and the Garderner Gegg. The HJG is probably the most difficult of the beginners, as it sheds its goo thrice a year instead of twice.
Hope this helps!
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
I found this weird lookin slimeball outside my house.... I think its a piece of gegg? What do I do with it
Make sure it isn't a hibernating geggin, as they often appear as slimeballs. If you are sure it is not a geggin, bury it. It can be very nutrious to your garden.
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
How should I introduce my current gegg (his name is grerg) to the new baby gegg I'm getting? I want them to be friends, but grerg can be a bit much when it comes to new ppl so idk how he'll react to a new gegg, too
Introduce them in casual situations, when there are not a lot of noises or things going on. Geggs can feed off your energy- so stay level and calm. Look out for signs of aggression or stress in either Gegg, like rumbling, stomping, or dropping slime exessivley. If you notice your little one or Grerg feeling uncomfortable or stressed, remove them from the situation and give them some breathing room.
Good luck! You can do this.
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
hi my gegg has started glowing after i replaced its water with monster energy drinks,, i did stop feeding it them but hes still glowingg and its been a couple of days now. should i be worriedd? its acting normally tho so i havent taken it to the gegt yet
Keep a close eye on him, he might be a little bit allergic! If it persists or there is an extreme change in behavior, contact the gegt.
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
this blog gives clown husbandry. i love it. (so does my gegg)
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
Why is my gegg gay?
jsut is
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
how can i discipline my gegg? it keeps swallowing things it shouldn鈥檛 (that i now have to clean bc of the goop) i don鈥檛 want to make my gegg feel unsafe but it can鈥檛 keep doing this!
Depending on the breed of your gegg they may be more receptive to training. If you catch your Gegg swallowing something it shouldn't, firmly tell it "No.", remove the object, and offer it something it might want instead. Geggs are intellegent and fast learners, but they can be a little bit stubborn. Persistence is key!
Geggs dislike bitter apple spray as well, which can be found at most local pet stores.
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
hey there- this white bear furry thing (???) gave me a gegg yesterday and i have no idea what to do with it- it keeps making a horrible liquid sound and slipping on its own goo while it runs around- any advice?????
Looks like this bear thing gave you an adolescent gegg. Geggs are excitable and energetic in the early stages of their life. It's just trying to play. The sounds it's making are like a kitten's meow- It's just talking to you like you're its parent :)
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
Please keep us updated, hope your little one is alright!
What do I do when my gegg turns blue and has fish features? Asking for a friend
I have not heard of any fish-featred geggs. Are you sure your gegg is not undergoing mitosis? My advice is to take your gegg to the gegt.
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
What's ur geggs favorite treat? Mines a bit picky :/
My gegg enjoys Milkbones and Rambutans as a special snack. Picky geggs are normal, keep trying to see what your gegg enjoys! The answer might suprise you. I had a gegg that loved spray cheese as a kid!
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
What do I do when my gegg turns blue and has fish features? Asking for a friend
I have not heard of any fish-featred geggs. Are you sure your gegg is not undergoing mitosis? My advice is to take your gegg to the gegt.
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you-and-your-gegg 1 year
So uh- what do you do when you encounter a Gegg in the wild? Because I'm pretty sure he has a knife
Avoid approaching a gegg that seems scared or aggressive. As the asker correctly identified, Geggs are born with a single claw called the Knife. Most domestic geggs have no knife, as it is cut regularly or removed in a harmless process known as unknifing. This gegg is a stray and the best course of action would be calling your local geggdoption center to get that little guy a new life as a beloved family pet!
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