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It’s really hard to explain
As an anxcious person
I never thought I would have to deal with panic attacks from positive emotions.
But its a thing, and its been happening. I try to push through it, dance it out, but sometimes its just like i need to stop everything, working everythung and just have some down time.
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Today is one of those days
It’s been awhile.
Last night my stomach blew up 5x its regular size, I couldn’t sleep or lie in a comfortable position. It feels like my body had a full blown flu. Today I can’t eat and the sharp pains feel like some of the worst i’ve ever had but i suspect they always feel like ‘the worst’.
Im on meds now that stomach bleeds are at a high risk so the sharp pains scared me a little more then usual. I am trying to take it easy.
I haven’t been talking about my stomach, I have been trying to focus on the positives, I am still trying today.
Positives #1 I got to cuddle with Sadie
Then i spilt coffee all over my pillow😅
Days like this remind me why i’m here tho
Why i am not in my classroom.
Its hard to explain physical pain to people who can’t see it. I constantly feel like i need to justify it. But days like this justify it to myself that this painful disorder can and is impacting my life. I can’t be superwoman and work through this, I need to take it day by day as it comes.
I’m not really sure what the futures holds but I never understood that I was holding on to a dream career so tightly that it was hurting me.
Letting go truly has freed me.
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Today should be a really shitty day.
I was supposed to return back to work today. I am still so sad over the year I missed with them, I was so fortunate to have such a great class.
Permanent positions were posted today and I can’t apply due to the current circumstances.
One of the positions is a 5 minute drive away.
But the thing is
Today turned out to be a very physically painful day.
I had already made the decision to supply next year due to all of my health issues. I need to put my health first. ( Which still terrifies me to let go of because I had been working so hard towards a permanent position)
I’ve reconnected with my creativity, passion and self image- something I had really lost.
I am grateful👆🏼
Life didn’t work out the way I wanted, the way I was forcing. I started doing what I could with what I could. The thing is, i’m so much happier.
For the first time in a long time that is what matters to me. I’m happy about being happy which only makes me happier.
I still have to remind myself that I am allowed to enjoy where I am at.
Mentally I was carrying a lot of shame for not being ‘strong’ enough to physically carry on working at this time.
So I celebrate how grateful I am, I celebrate the moments I get to create and my heart feels like it is on fire. I enjoy & appreciate the food I eat, I donate and sell things I don’t need. I tell my loved ones I love them and often.
“Your focus determines your reality.”
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Happy to be so happy.
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This is a terrible thing to say but...
Right now I am grateful for my illness.
The last couple months have been super shitty & included a lot of physical distress and emotional work basically untangling my self from the inside out.
It made me feel like i lost my career.
But i only left to become better, to return.
And within all of this work
I rediscovered my passion for creating.
I rediscoved a part of myself I closed off.
I am grateful.
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Do we tell ourselves we are masochists just to justify it all
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New Mantra:
High Hopes
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Today I woke up and I wanted to feel like art.
This shift and desire is coming forth like a sunami I cannot contain.
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Maybe it’s time to not only want more for yourself
But do & be more for yourself.
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🌹just needs some fresh roses🌹
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Just because
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This looks like bliss✨🧘🏻‍♀️
With a touuuuch of frost bite!
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I’m gonna get back to this☀️
& you’re going to be blown away.
-note to self
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I’ve been on a medical leave for about a month and a half...
I can tell you the only time i felt rested was when I was put out by an anesthesiologist.
No amount of coffees will wake you up
And no amount of showers will make you clean.
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I’m hurting
But you keep trying to convince me its growth
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“He was preaching power over others, that isn’t being a man- that’s being a criminal.”
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