you-do-not-know-me · 3 years
Writing Theory: Writing Children
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I for one do not like children. They're small and completely irrational at some times. But children are often a intregal part of stories, especially if they are the ones telling the story. So how can we write the little buggers?
Do's & Don'ts
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Don't make child wise and omniscient. It's creepy and just plain stupid.
Don't try make the kids cute. Forced cuteness is sickening and will no doubt bring up some annoying memories for your older readers.
Don't treat child characters as if they're stupid. Kids can be pretty aware of things going on around them. They're not stupid.
For the Love of God, no baby talk.
Do give them a personality. They are still people. You have to give them characterization on par with that of those around them.
They should have their own goals, wants, tastes and opinions. Kids have a lot of opinions.
Treat them as people rather than objects. They are not there to be passed around and looked at. They are kids.
Children through the years
Children are dynamic, they are constantly changing as they age. They will begin to grow traits as they age, grow a personality and become people.
1-2 Years Old
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Children are beginning to learn basic skills as walking and talking by age 1. At age 2, called the Terrible Twos, children are easily excitable, speaking coherent sentences (though they may need encouragement) and able to create chaos. They are able to begin learning to tools like forks and cups but they will not be coordinate just yet. As kids are still getting to grips with their emotions, they are likely to have mood swings, ranging from happy one minute to pulling out your hair the next.
3-4 Years Old
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Kids at this age can start to take care of themselves. They are dress themselves, go to the bathroom by themselves and generally keep themselves together to a certain point. They will begin to understand and follow directions. They will be able to speak complete sentences and understand most words. They will ask a lot of questions. They can be very imaginative at this age, likely to exaggerate. They will try to copy friends and older siblings.
5-6 Years Old
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Children at this stage are more active and sure on their feet. They can play more elaborate games, actively interested in hobbies. They can safely use things like scissors, are able to be left in charge lf their appearance and tie their own shoelaces.
7-8 Years Old
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Children at this age will cease to exaggerate and embellish stories. They are better at making friendships but are likely to get into spats. They are beginning to understand the social world around them and are more interested it it before. They will have formed a distinct personality at this stage and will use it. They are more independent, able to look after themselves.
9-11 Years Old
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Children at this stage will begin to edge into the horror known as being a teenager. They will begin to learn life skills, able to take care of themselves and will begin to think they know it all but they are still kids. They still need supervision even if they think they don't. At this age, they will begin to gain an independent view and opinion of things. The whole social imagine problem will begin to become important to them, they will consider friends and imagine as important factors in their lives.
Kids as Narrators
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Though children can be a font of truth sometimes, they often have a way of muddling facts and being confused by certain aspects of the story they are not versed in. Using the age ranges above, you have a clear idea of what aspects kids aren't saavy in yet. Children narrators are often thought of as one of the kinds of unreliable narrator and they can be, depending on the age and maturity. But remember, most children do not intend to muddle things or elaborate and most certainly narrate what they think people want to hear. (though sometimes it can be true).
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you-do-not-know-me · 3 years
Fun fact: I’m autistic I’m gonna do a thing inspired by another person
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Reblog if your blog is safe for autistic people or is ran by an autistic person!
oh and
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Reblog if you stand against Autism Speaks!
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you-do-not-know-me · 3 years
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