which of my favorite characters from the Nancy Drew PC games is YOUR favorite?
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Okay so Nancy Drew is here undercover to figure out if a teacher from the past who died of a heart attack is back to take revenge on students because she was bullied to death, and on DAY, er NIGHT one, they are like "OH and you're in charge of the snack shop, which is specifically toast???
And the headmistress is like "don't ever contact me either, btw"
Seems more like cheap babysitting labor and free food service management!
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the black cat hiding in the air vents just. chucking stuff at unpaid snack shop employees.
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So I do one shift at the toaster factory and a key appears??? Is the assumption like... someone tossed it at me? It fell out of somewhere?
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Helena you sneaky bench
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“The painting is staring right at me, isn’t it?”
Artwork by Taryn Gee.
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i doubt I'll be playing, at least until the game hits steam (bc downloading directly from HeR Interactive is not a great way to get a game imo), but if/when I do all original posts about the game will be tagged #Mystery of the Seven Keys, original & reblogged posts will be tagged #KEY (unless we have an alternate acronym?), and anything with spoilers for the culprit and/or finale will get a #spoilers tag
Please reblog this saying whether or not you will tag spoilers for ND34, what tag(s) you will use, and how long you plan to do so for :)
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bird id is pretty far outside my wheelhouse, but it might be a broad-winged hawk? if not, that linked site might help track it down
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Felt like Nancy Drew in DOG getting some close pictures of this hawk/falcon/idk what kind of bird. Just glad that no one knocked me out and put me in a burning shed...
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ok ok ok ok ok
It's my Birthday today, I'm the Birthday Girl, that's me🥰
And my dearest friend gifted this to me:
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An ENTIRELY HAND-MADE replica of a puzzle from a hit video game "Nancy Drew: Shadow at the Water's Edge"
This is a treasure. That belongs to me only. One of a kind.
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ohhh has everyone seen QuirkByAbby on etsy? beacause their nd designs-
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they're really good y'all
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I love this though
"okay, so she gets to the mine, and the flower thing automatically tells her where to go because it'll MATCH the color of the LIZARDS that are hanging out - and the uh. The lizards. Well... they know they best.. mine.. parts.."
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Back at it again with reading material, this time from Wickford Castle! Unsurprisingly, most of the books are found in the locked library, but there's also a couple magazines, scrapbooks by Ezra Wickford, and a secret diary written in French! All these books (except the diary) can be opened and read, most even a couple pages to flip through. Main complaint is the covers are more leather-bound, making them similar brownish colors that blur together.
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Noisette is Bad at Making Treasure Hunts
I'm really not sure if Noisette actually wanted anyone to find her treasure, or if she still harbored a ton of resentment and fear towards the city and wanted to clear her conscious before death by making it appear that she had done the work to ensure it would be found without actually making it possible for someone to do so. If she really wanted the stained glass to be returned, she could have just written in her will "the stained glass is in xyz, please give it back the following places:"
Instead, if her goal really was to have someone find the hidden stained glass after she died (as she states in the game in her final letter) she was bad at following through on her goals. The fact that Nancy was able to do so is due to so many contrived coincidences that would completely make it impossible for her treasure to be found in the real world. To find her treasure you need:
a) access to her moulin. This is in IMO her stupidest move in the whole game, she was director of public works (or something like that) and instead of trusting the moulin to the city when she died she did nothing and let it go to auction to a private buyer. Literally the only person in the entire game who gives a shit about her and the treasure (Lynn Manrique) can't do anything to find it bc Noisette didn't ensure that the treasure would be accessible to the public
okay, so maybe she intended for whoever purchased the moulin to find her treasure. Nope! because...
(Okay, I have a lot of thoughts here and this ended up being really long so the rest is under the cut!)
b) you would also need access to another completely private residence, Hans's old apartment. Nancy is lucky that Dieter still lives there and he works in the fashion industry, which coincidentally the owner of the moulin is in. But what are the odds of that?? Also, it states in the game that Hans went to Germany after the war and never returned to Paris. So did he just hang on to an empty apartment that whole time or did Dieter randomly end up in the same apartment as his grandpa? Paris was fine with a German soldier occupying an apartment during the war and never wanted to re-allocate it afterwards?
okay, so there's someone that has access to the moulin and Hans's apartment, they can find the treasure, right? Nope!
c) you need a very specific mechanic key to open the panel in the apartment wall. A key that for some reason only Hans had? She never spoke to him again after the war, so I'm assuming in order to hide her diary afterwards she had her own key, but that's not a part of the treasure hunt or clues at all. Nancy got Hans's key out of pure coincidence, so how was someone else supposed to open the panel? okay, someone living there managed to open the panel, maybe some construction workers discovered it during renovations. So can they find the treasure? No! d) The panel is locked, and you need to 1. know that the hazelnut symbol refers to Noisette and 2. know her life story to the point that you'd know her life fell to shit in 1945. if you weren't connected to the mystery, good luck!
So you made it in the panel, you have her diary, and you have the paper with the eyes. That doesn't help at all unless you...
e) know what Noisette's last words were! If that was an important clue, why not write it down somewhere??
f) YOU NEED A FRENCH RESISTANCE WWII DECODER. Noisette was said to have died recently when the game came out in 2006. You're telling me that in the sixty years between the end of the war and her death she never once noticed that no one has one of those just lying around? She couldn't have changed that step or at least hidden "ma cherie" in one of the lock boxes? In the game we get incredibly lucky that we just randomly stumble on one, and even in that case it's known to be so rare that we need to jump through hoops to get it.
That's all well and good, but there's more! g) you need to be able bodied enough to use ladders, swim through tunnels, and more. And you also have to be willing to break the law and go into restricted areas of the catacombs, AND swim through flooded areas?? of the catacombs?? where they have dead bodies?? who would do that?? h) once you do that, you need to have a working knowledge of the metro system, otherwise you need to go back and do it all twice. And that's assuming that there are no line changes or renames in the time between making the puzzle and someone finding it! You also have to hope that no one has made any changes to the art in the park in that timeframe
Okay it took a while but you found the treasure!!
I) Now you're locked in so you better hope you know how to use the code she likes to get out, otherwise you're stuck there forever and you're dead. If you didn't pick up a random code book while visiting the park, sorry!
This ended up quite long, but my overall point is that it would be completely asinine to assume anyone would be able to discover the treasure. Even Nancy finding it was contingent on a ton of random coincidences and deus ex machinas that would be unreplicable in the real world. I love the puzzles and the vibes of this game but the I hate the plot and after writing this I'm realizing how much I really hate Noisette as a person lol
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She’s finally done!! (From this WIP) I could probably continue refining if I wanted to, but I’m calling it here. Love ddi, loved making this.
This was heavily referenced, but really good way to stretch and get into doing full illustrations, i may do more like these cause it’s a great way to practise, but I do wanna do some of my own compositions for Nancy illustrations in the future.
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