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OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG @taylorswift
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The best day of my life
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Seeing you was like seeing the sun on the coldest, dreariest day ☀️♥️
Hearing you brought tears to my eyes. To just see the pure joy in your eyes knowing you are doing better than you ever were, made me so happy for you.
Sometimes I think that I am doing better than I ever was. I have an amazing person who loves me deeply and expresses it in ways that I could only dream of before. I'm finally pretty stable financially. I have a good job where I make decent money. I have a loving family. And the best friend you could ever ask for. I live in romeo Michigan with the love of my life and our three kitties- Oscar, Otis, and Lola. And our scrappy little jack russell that we rescued named Riley.
Just giving you a little detail about my life. I feel like I know you so well and that you and I go way back although we are complete strangers.
Sometimes I struggle with things of my past. You've really helped me learn how to heal and learn and move forward from those times. I have some bad habits and I mean personality wise. I tend to be too much of a giver. And people know that and take advantage of that. And I know that people take advantage and I kinda just let it happen. And the sad thing is that sometimes it's the people I love the most.
I'm not saying woe as me I've had such a horrible life. But I am saying that it's not always easy.
And you know that. Without getting into detail I have a major debacle going on in my life right now and sometimes I just don't know what to do. And when those times come I have a drink and listen to reputation. Or Red. Or 1989 or even a speak now song. (really any Taylor Swift song gives me my fix😂) I've listened to your music since day one. And 12 years later it all still means so much to me. Listening to your older music and feeling the emotion of what you were going through, the same emotion I was going through really strikes a chord. Or even today listening to LWYMMD and feeling like a badass. Point is you have a song for every feeling and emotion I've ever felt. You have a song for every situation that I need you for.
I always type out a bunch of words thrown together for you and usually erase them. Because I always feel like I have so much I want to tell you and I just can't ever seem to fit it all in.
I only created this Tumblr so I could vent. To you, to no one, to myself. I'm not here for followers or to be noticed. Simply to feel like I get to tell you some of the things that I feel every day.. To get some of the rawest and most difficult things off of my chest.
Simply to share my thoughts and feelings about this crazy thing called life with you like you've done with me for all of these years.
Thank you thank you for just being you. Thank you for existing. Thank you for being exactly who I need all the time. Thank you for being so inspiring and generous and talented. Thank you for sharing your life experiences with all of us swifties.
I love you so much Taylor ♥️
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My one and only my life line
I want to say thank you to Taylor swift. I want to thank her for always being there for me for the past 12 years. I needed her so much when he was the reason for the Teardrops On My Guitar. She taught me how to be Fearless. Her lyrics were there for me when I was 15 and believed the boy that said he loved me. I went to her songs when all people were was mean. She was right there when I met the man of my dreams and he really did have that James Dean Daydream look in his eyes. And today I really am doing better than I ever was. I think Taylor Swift was meant to be a part of our generation. And honestly I feel bad for the women and men who had to grow up without her lyrics being there for them. I want her to know the she has helped me and I'm sure so many other people get through hard times. Taylor Swift is truly one of a kind. there will never be another person like her. And so this is a thank you for just being you. Keep doing what you're doing and don't let any haters bring you down. I love you so much
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My hero♥️
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