youconnplus · 10 years
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Thrilling Thursday it was!
Lectures and workshops were done on July 3-4, 2014 at the Academic Building, after a remarkable, life-changing Compassion Day in Bandung on July 2.
Here are some photos which speak better than words.
On your mark, set, gooooooooo! 
Make Your Mark!
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youconnplus · 10 years
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"Be balanced in the ministry...RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT."
The World Pathfinder Director, Pastor Jonatan Tejel, emphasized the importance of respect in all aspects of life during the plenary session this morning.
"Pathfinder Ministry  is very intentional, to know more Jesus Christ" he uttered. And to know Jesus is know his method in compassionately reaching out, and how to make a mark for His glory.
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youconnplus · 10 years
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A new GoodShirts design is out and available at Youth Connects Plus Bandung! Avail one for only $7 and grab the opportunity to make your $2 be used for a noble cause. To know more about where your $2 is going, click here: http://www.selflesstravels.com/search/label/%23ProjectREBUILD http://www.facebook.com/compassionph
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youconnplus · 10 years
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Youth Connects Plus Bandung shirt is now available! For only $7, you'll be able to get this awesome souvenir shirt. $1 will go to #projectREBUILD. Another will go toCompassion in the Philippines projects. To know more about these projects, please check these links: http://www.selflesstravels.com/search/label/%23ProjectREBUILD https://www.facebook.com/compassionph
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youconnplus · 10 years
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What an awesome way to help someone in need by purchasing an inspiring and unique shirt! Buying this will help materialize this: http://www.selflesstravels.com/search/label/%23ProjectREBUILD. For only $7, this shirt can be yours, and your $1 will go a long way. Another dollar will also go to the projects of Compassion in the Philippines. Available at Youth Connects Plus Bandung!
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youconnplus · 10 years
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COMPASSION wrist bands are now available at Youth Connects Plus Bandung! You'll have a chance of getting one of these when you buy a certain number of GoodShirts! Buying these lets you support http://www.selflesstravels.com/2014/04/selfless-travels-launches-projectrebuild_9.html#more andwww.facebook.com/compassionph
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youconnplus · 10 years
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Make Your Mark bag with good quality of materials and chic design is here! :D
Delegates will receive one soon, during registration. :)
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youconnplus · 10 years
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Light blue Mayflowers in full bloom greet you with gaiety.
Nature testifies of our Creator's love indeed! :)
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youconnplus · 10 years
Action gives power. Entire harmony pervades the universe of God. All the heavenly beings are in constant activity; and the Lord Jesus, in His life work, has given an example for everyone.
Ellen G. White
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youconnplus · 10 years
Behind the Limelight
Tomorrow's the opening ceremony of the most-awaited Youth Connects+ Bandung, dubbed as "Make Your Mark".
Thrilled. Tired. Anxious. Delighted. Call it mixed emotions.
There are lots of expectations. These are just normal for every event. But this is extra challenging and yet, God's approval would make it fulfilling and rewarding in the end. He's the ONE we hope to please after all.
Here are some shots taken today. 
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Refreshing scene which beckon a great day! :)
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Might be a praying dragonfly which I spotted at UNAI Alumni Chapel.
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Make Your Mark banners and flags beautify the pavement towards the chapel.
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astonishing chandelier and architecture of UNAI Alumni Church :)
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Love the intricacy of this chandelier at UNAI Alumni Church Reminds of Matt. 5:16 "Let your light so shine...and glorify your Father in heaven."
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A painting of The Last Supper is remarkable too! 
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Fresh flowers beautify the stage. :)
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When the limelight is on and the program goes on, may it be "Jesus at the Center", for He's the Light that shines the brightest, even behind the limelight.
Photos credit: admin Lailanie
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youconnplus · 10 years
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Photos of the Day
*My room mate has been too busy working for the program and the city tour and compassion outreach. She seem to be working in her dream as well. Must have been too tired due to almost sleepless nights of preparations for Youth Connects+ Bandung.
*Aiz have been too occupied, busy doing a lot since the preparations, coordinating the programs, and managing as well. But talented as she is, she allows God's grace to abound for her to give her best in everything she does, even in tough times.
Caught in contemplative mood while playing the piano at UNAI Alumni Church.
I appreciate Aiz and Tin's dedication and determination to give their best for the Master, and to make her mark!
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youconnplus · 10 years
City Tour and Compassion Campaign
On Wednesday, July 2, there would be a compassion outreach and a city tour. This is a time for delegates to enjoy channeling God's love while enjoying the beauty of creation. 
Here are the details:
1. Tangkupanperahu (Crater): 1 HOUR
Travel time from UNAI: 1 hour 
Possible Compassion Activities: pick-up garbage, giving personalized cards, free hug
2. Floating Market: 1 HOUR
Travel Time from Tangkupanperahu (Crater): 1 hour
*could taste/eat different Indonesian food specialties
Possible Compassion Activities: free BP Check-up, garbage collection, fruit exchange for cigarettes with smokers, free hug, giving of personalized cards
3. Cihampels Shopping Center: 1 HOUR
Travel Time from Floating Market: 2 hours
*could enjoy shopping for clothing and personal necessities
Possible Compassion Activities: car cleaning, books distribution, giving of personalized cards
  *Expected Time of Arrival at UNAI: 5:00 PM (2 hours travel from Cihampels Shopping Center)
 Compassion Activities:
Cards distribution (handmade and personalized)
Garbage collection
Free Blood Pressure check-up
Car cleaning
Health books distribution
Fruit exchange for cigarettes with smokers
Free hugs 
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Indonesian girls, Karen and Sharon show compassion sign. :)
Tony is always on-the-go for free hugs. His shirt says so. :)
What do you love to do the most to show compassion? Share your love language. Make Your Mark!
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youconnplus · 10 years
Registration Dry Run
As the registration day, July 1, approaches, the YouConn staff have been busier since last night. 
Early morning today, a dry run for registration was done in order to be more systematic for tomorrow's big day. Since the expected delegates are representing the 14 countries within SSD region, there would be a lot of challenges. This was done to be more efficient and productive as well.
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Everyone's busy in each station. :) Practice makes things perfect! 
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youconnplus · 10 years
A Christian reveals true humility by showing the gentleness of Christ, by being always ready to help others, by speaking kind words and performing unselfish acts, which elevate and ennoble the most sacred message that has come to our world.
Ellen G. White
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youconnplus · 10 years
"God's love is unconditional. There's nothing you can do to make Him love you more or love you less. But His promises are conditional... yet His mercies abound!"
Anthony Stanyer
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youconnplus · 10 years
Unprecedented UNAI Delight
Pressing towards “Make Your Mark” has been challenging since it was conceptualized. Today’s tiring, yet thrilling trip to Bandung was remarkable!
As the bus carrying the 23 Youth Connects+ Bandung Staff, OYiM Team and a youth director from Pakistan approached the portals of Universitas Advent Indonesia, everyone was amazed of the scenic campus and of course, the banners and flags for the most-awaited event!
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UNAI is situated amid hills and foliage. This haven, with the cool weather would be a home away from home for the YouConners2014!
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Above all, the delight that comes from selfless service is beyond priceless! Be involved! Be there!
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youconnplus · 10 years
Contagious Compassion
On Sabbath afternoon, another set of brethren from different SDA churches helped out in a Compassion Outreach in the nearby park, at Taman Tebet.
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People who wanted their blood pressures checked, cordially spent time talking, and accommodating the nurses in-charged of BP check-up.
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Some kids received tokens like colorful balloons, while some other kids made heart-shaped and hand-made cards with delightful greetings.
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Compassion ballers were given out, some in exchange for the recipients’ cigarette, a challenge for them to lessen cigarette smoking.
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Some guys brought black trash bags and picked-up garbage around the park.
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Even a sister enjoyed picking up trashes!
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Sundown worship with the rest of Indonesian brethren who helped out was refreshing!
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In a city with very devoted Muslims, it’s really challenging to reach out. But nothing is impossible with God, His love was channeled through simple ways, and labors of love with lasting impact.
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If you’re willing to be channels of God’s compassion, you can ask Him to impress you with creative ways to “Make Your Mark”!
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