youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Magi. Volume 27. Kouha omake
Scans by kamapon, typesetting by naoscifra & translation from me. (No native English speakers here, sorry if there’s any mistake)
So many feels here. Kouha baby….   T_T Ohtaka, you’re killing us 
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Magi. Volume 28 omake
The beginning of a beautiful friendship…
Typesetting by lovely naoscifra (who made time for this even if she has exams right now). Scans & translation by me (who finally had time for this in-between exams). Special thanks to kamapon for the extra help. Usual disclaimer: none of us are native English speakers, we do what we can. Sorry in advance for the mistakes.
Bonus illustration from the back of the volume. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Fate Stay Night Cafe Translations!
Requested and scans provided by Turnglance
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Fate Zero Cafe Booklet
Requested and scans provided by Turnglance!
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Magi 26 - volumen omake
 Cuties, both of them. ^_^
As usual, scans by kamapon, typesetting by naoscifra & translation by me. None of us are native English speakers, sorry if there’s any mistake.
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Magi volume 25 - omake
Yunan is such a troll XD
Typesetting by naoscifra, translation by myself (none of us are native speakers, sorry if we murdered the English language).
Happy Sant Jordi’s day!!!
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Magi volume 24. Omake manga.
It was too funny not to be done. And it was a good way to spend “Blue Monday” and cheer us up.
Scans provided by kamapon, typesetting by naoscifra, translation done by me. (Again, none of us is a native English speaker, so sorry if we butchered anything). 
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Magi, volume 22 omake
Naoscifra and I were fangirling about this omake the other day and since we couldn’t remember seeing it around translated, we decided to scanlate it ourselves. Please keep in mind neither of us is a native English speaker, so we apologize in advance for any possible mistakes. 
Merry Sinja Christmas & a Happy Kou Year!!
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Child Care Training tegaki
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youdontknowthings · 9 years
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Fate Stay NIght Cafe from Type Moon Ace Translations!
Scans from Paitouch
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youdontknowthings · 10 years
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Backstage Magi 229
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youdontknowthings · 10 years
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Translation: foraz-zora | Scans: kamapon | Edited: kazevita
Sinbad no Bouken Volume 1 Extra Comic Part 2!
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youdontknowthings · 10 years
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Magi Volume 21 Extra Comic!
Vol. 3 | Vol. 4 | Vol. 6 | Vol. 7 Pt. 1 | Vol. 7 Pt. 2 | Vol. 8 Pt. 1 | Vol. 8 Pt. 2  | Vol. 9 | Vol. 10 | Vol. 11 | Vol. 12 | Vol. 13 | Vol. 14 Pt. 1 | Vol. 14 Pt. 2 | Vol. 15 | Vol. 16 | Vol. 17 | Vol. 18 | Vol. 19 | Vol. 20 Pt.1 | Vol. 20 Pt. 2
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youdontknowthings · 10 years
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Backstage Magi 220
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youdontknowthings · 10 years
Sinbad no Bouken Omake: Chief Ja'far
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※ art & characters obviously belong to ohtaka shinobu
※ translation by me
※ please don’t share on other sites
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youdontknowthings · 11 years
Magi Encyclopedia Translations
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The Main Characters:
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Birthplace: Unknown
Position: Magi
Age: Around 12
Height: 140 cm
Weight: 36 kg
Family: Unknown
Specialty: Magic
Hobby: Reading
Favorite Food: Watermelons
Disliked Food: Nothing
Type: Pretty ladies
Disliked Type: Ladies that aren't nice
How they like to spend their days off: Study magic, play with friends
Worries: Alma Toran
Weakness: Ladies
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Out of all the ladies he's met, who are his favorites? A: Probably Saasa or Dunya. Aladdin can tell immediately when a woman will be tolerant and forgiving of his actions.
Q: What did he do about food and bathing in the holy grounds? A: One can't go hungry or get dirty in the holy grounds so neither were necessary
Q: Could a toothpick be used as a magic staff? A: It could, but a staff has to be a certain length and strength or else it can't give orders to the rukh properly. Also, it's important how easy it is to use the staff.
Aladdin Q&A Q: You're always so cheerful, but what is the source of that cheerfulness? A: Delicious food and pretty, kind ladies! As a magi, I have to travel a lot and sometimes it gets pretty tough. But if there are pretty ladies with me, then I feel like I can get through anything. Q: Do you like ladies... because you're purely seeking out a mother's touch? A: I don't really know, but I love soft ladies. I also love books that have lots of ladies in them. Ufufu. It was really funny when I showed it to Ugo-kun and he got all embarrassed. Ufufufufu. Q: What do you honestly think of Alibaba, who's a late bloomer with the ladies? A: Ummm, Let's see. Well Alibaba-kun is Alibaba-kun. Q: Huh? What do you mean by that? A: Alibaba-kun isn't a late bloomer because he wants to be. How do I say this... in other words... he's just not popular. Q: His looks aren't bad, and he's a nice person too so why...? A: Yeah. But when he's around girls, he gets carried away and fails most of the time. In other words he's just the unfortunate type... I wish for him to try harder and become happy. Q: What is the line between "mister (onii-san)" and "uncle (oji-san)" for you? A: It's not like there's a clear-cut line... but how he looks and his aura? Like, Sindbad oji-san (age 31) and Kouen oji-san (age 29) are both really cool but I'm a bit too far in age to call them "onii-san." Ah, but women will always be "onee-san!"
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Alibaba Saluja
Birthplace: Balbadd Kingdom
Position: Former third prince of Balbadd
Age: 19
Height: 168cm
Weight: 64kg
Family: Two older step-brothers
Specialty: Royal swordplay
Hobby: Commerce (trading business)
Favorite Food: Roasted whole Papagoras birds
Disliked Food: Nothing
Type: His girlfriend (He's never had one)
Disliked Type: Muscular No. 1 Hostess
How they like to spend their days off: Reading Sindbad's adventures, writing his own adventures
Worries: Balbadd
Weakness: Gains weight easily
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A Q: Was Alibaba's first kiss taken by Elizabeth? A: First of all, we don't know if that was his first kiss (lol) However, since Elizabeth is the no. 1 hostess, she probably wouldn't do anything that he really didn't want.
Q: When Alibaba saw his life flashing before him, what place did Sharrkan rank in remembering him? A: I believe you see everything at once when your life flashes before you so, order doesn't matter! He probably did think about him! [tn: referring to this]
Q: How many centimeters has Alibaba's horn (hair) grown? Is it possible to pull it off? A: His horn is just bedhead so you can't pull it off! I don't know how many centimeters it's grown but it looks like it's growing everyday.
Alibaba Q&A: Q: What is the thing you want most? A: Let's see.... "love" I suppose. Q: There are different types of love, like unconditional love for humanity or a respectful kind of love? A: Of course I mean "romantic love!" I don't want lots of love but I want just one person to fall in love with me!! Because of the stuff that happened between my mom and dad a long time ago, I want to give my all in making just that special one happy. Do you understand!? Q: Y-yes. You sure are passionate. A: That's just how serious I am. Q: In other words, you want to be popular? A: That's separate from what I'm talking about! Just because I want a girlfriend, doesn't mean I'm gonna throw away my desire to be cool and popular! Doesn't that go for any man!? Q: Simply put, you "want to be popular?" A: .....yes (quietly) Q: Are you on good terms with your djinn, product of love Amon? A: Yeah, I have a good relationship with Amon. Even though he nags every time I see him and it's gross that he gets all jealous even though he's an old man, he's still my important partner I got from the first dungeon I conquered!! We've gone through tough times together so you could say our hearts are connected. Personally, I would have been happier with a female djinn! Q: A grandma djinn? A: No, no, no!! Not an old lady, but a young, cute lady djinn!! No problems if she was sexy too!! (Sword glows as if it's angry) A: Ugh!! I'm sorry Amon!! It's not that I have any problems with you!! Thank you for always being with me!! Q: You sound like a man that's committed adultery. A: Y- you're wrong!! (cries) Q: This has been Alibaba who's not popular with the ladies but popular with other living beings. A: Don't end it like this!! (sob)
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Birthplace: The Dark Continent
Position: Part of Alibaba's household
Age: 16
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 51 kg (body fat percentage: 5%)
Family: Unknown
Specialty: Kicking
Hobby: Muscle training
Favorite Food: All fish
Disliked Food: Corn
Type: Don't really understand (own opinion)
Disliked Type: Slave owners
How they like to spend their days off: Training with Masrur
Worries: How to get even stronger
Weakness: Ad lib
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: How many people could she carry in one go? How many Alibabas would it be? A: Well since she could lift up boulders, Alibaba would be too small of a unit of measurement (lol) It's hard to hold a lot of people, so it's more important knowing how to hold all of them.
Q: Does she have a specialty dish (in cooking)? A: Morgianna's not good at handling delicate things so she's not good at cooking. She gets frustrated measuring things precisely so she ends up just measuring things by eye.
Q: Is there anyone that's faster than Morgianna running? A: As long as they don't use magic, djinn equip, or fly, I don't think so... If anyone can run at that speed in real life, that'd be really scary...
Morgianna Q&A: Q: What do you do to get so strong? M: I train my muscles when I have time. Q: As expected. What do you specifically? M: Let's see, I do handstand pushups and situps... I suppose. Q: And how many do you do at a time? M: How many...? I just do as many as I can in the free time I have. Q: That's.... probably an amazing amount. M: Really? And I do that while holding boulders. Q: Oh... (Fanalis are so strong...) Is there anyone stronger than you? M: I'm nowhere near as strong as Masrur-san. Q: He is your training master after all. M: My goal is to one day become stronger than Masrur-san. Once, everyone arm wrestled with Masrur-san and they all lost to him before he could count to ten... Q: He's really strong, isn't he. By the way, Morgianna. Do you have any interest in fashionable clothes that would show off those beautiful muscles? M: I don't know what would be good clothes to wear. I'd wear whatever you tell me to. Q: Oh my! Then please wear what you wore during the Mahrajan...! M: That's right... That reminds me, I walked around town with Masrur-san before. Q: Huh? You're gonna gloss over that? M: I saw some clothes but I still don't get what would be good to buy. But I saw something else really good. This! Q: W-what exactly is this...? M: Metal plates I could use as weights. If I swing this, it can work out my entire body. I can get stronger with this! Q: ...do your best.
Tell me Aladdin! Secret Info: We asked Morgianna what everybody smells like!!!!
Entry No. 1 Ja'far:  He has no smell!! Since he has no scent, finding him is tough.
Entry No. 2 Masrur: He smells sort of wild and of the Sindria woods he so often sleeps in.
Entry No. 3 Sindbad: A mix of several different fragrances. I can't really pinpoint his scent.
Entry No. 4 Aladdin: The smell of a sunny day and sheep's milk.
Entry No. 5 Dracon: The scent of a cleanly knight... A dandy smell!!
Entry No. 6 Sharrkan: A mix of different perfumes. And a little bit like medicine...
Entry No. 7 Yamuraiha: A strong smell of magic medicines she uses in her research.
Entry No. 8 Ren Hakuryuu: Hakuryuu-san smells of kind and cozy plants.
Entry No. 9 Ren Kouen: A mix between three fragrances.
Entry No. 10 Judar: The smell of a bad person. I don't really like it.
Entry No. 11: Ren Hakuei: Similar to Hakuryuu-san, she has a really nice smell of flowers.
The Kingdom of Sindria and the Seven Seas Alliance
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Birthplace: Parthevia
Position: The King of Sindria
Age: 31
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 83 kg
Family: None
Specialty: Magoi Manipulation
Hobby: Adventure
Favorite Food: All fish
Disliked Food: Greasy foods
Type: All women
Disliked type: Judar
How they like to spend their days off: Drinking
Worries: Being called "oji-san" even though he's still young
Weakness: Alcohol
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Why did he think to conquer so many dungeons? A: That will be revealed in the "Adventures of Sindbad" that's currently running in Ura Sunday, so please look forward to that.
Q: What is the age range for women that's okay for him to go after? A: When he's drinking, the age range widens for older women. He did lay his hands one a grandma once after all. Maybe when he's drunk he becomes more attracted to an older woman's charm.
Q: What's the worst thing he's done while drunk? A: He himself doesn't think he's done anything bad, only the people around him suffer. Even if he makes a mistake, it works out in the end so he doesn't think he made one in the first place.
Sindbad Q&A: Q: So I've heard you're on a strict alcohol ban right now...? S: Yeah, Ja'far keeps nagging about abstaining. He's stored away all the alcohol so the ban succeeds this time. To be honest.... it.... it's really hard. Q: If it's so hard on you why does he insist on banning alcohol? S: The eight generals all keep complaining that I'm a bad drunk. Especially Ja'far, he doesn't want me to get drunk in case I lay my hands on any ladies. He doesn't want the kingdom to overflow with my illegitimate children. Masrur even joked about keeping a lock around my groin. Q: That's pretty bad. S: Well, in the end, I've got my own reasons not to drink like not being able to work, dealing with painful hangovers, and I'm beginning to worry about my belly a little... Q: How long does this alcohol ban last? S: Just one more week from today. Last night I dreamed of swimming in a ocean of wine, beer, and mead. I saw everything in double, no triple... Everything was emitting light, it was a wonderful scene. Q: These are withdrawal symptoms...! S: The truth is, I need a drink so bad, I can't stand it. I need to plead to Ja'far to let me drink with some conditions. Q: About that, I have a message from Ja'far. "If you can go without any women troubles for one month, I won't complain no matter how much you drink" is what he says. S: Augh! I can't go a month without drinking..!! I can't believe how much the eight generals don't trust me... I've never made a mistake drinking!!
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Birthplace: Unknown
Position: One of the Eight Generals, Sindria's Parliamentary Official
Age: 27
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Family: None
Specialty: Assassination
Hobby: Work
Favorite Food: Coffee
Disliked Food: Alcohol
Type: Women that contribute services to Sindria
Disliked Type: Attendants with no loyalty
How they like to spend their days off: Thinking about what to do for work tomorrow
Worries: People telling him he's a bad drunk but he can't remember anything
Weakness: Has a temper
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: What's this about him being a bit unhinged? A: ......Ja'far says he doesn't want to talk about this (lol)
Q: How long can he work without sleeping? A: That's pretty dark (lol) He's learned to work automatically so he can work even if his conscious is else where. Also he gets kinda strange when he doesn't sleep.
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Birthplace: The Dark Continent
Position: One of the Eight Generals
Age: 22
Height: 193 cm
Weight: 105 kg
Family: None
Specialty: Body Blows
Hobby: Napping
Favorite Food: All meat
Disliked Food: None
Type: Big breasted ladies
Disliked Type: Noisy people
How they like to spend their days off: Napping in the forest
Worries: Nothing really
Weakness: Children
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Did he learn how to read and write quickly from Ja'far? A: He was only able to master it completely recently. Masrur's really good at running away without people getting mad at him so it took him awhile. Unexpectedly, he's able to get the gist of things easily.
Q: What does he think of Aladdin, since they both like big breasts? A: He thinks he's still a child. He probably answered his type being big breasted ladies randomly too (lol)
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Birthplace: Musta'sim Kingdom
Position: One of the Eight Generals
Age: 25
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Family: None
Specialty: Magic
Hobby: Collecting Magic Items
Favorite Food: Alcohol
Disliked Food: Coffee
Type: Bearded older men
Disliked Type: People who look down on magic
How they like to spend their days off: Magic research
Worries: Can't get a boyfriend
Weakness: Waking up
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Besides with beards and magic, how can you catch Yamuraiha’s attention? A: Since she’s not popular just saying “I like you” might be enough. It’d be pretty easy catching her attention actually.
Q: How many apples does Yamuraiha’s breasts weight? A: I don’t know many apples, but apparently they give her stiff shoulders and she thinks they’re a pain.
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Birthplace: Heliohapt
Position: One of the eight generals
Age: 23
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Family: One older brother
Specialty: Swordplay
Hobby: Partying
Favorite Food: Alcohol
Disliked Food: All meat
Type: Call girls
Disliked Type: People who look down on swordsmanship
How they like to spend their days off: Training, partying
Worries: How to get closer to Yamuraiha
Weakness: Older people
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Bellybuttons are considered erotic in Heliohapt, but is his bellybutton erotic? A: What the hell are you asking! Is probably what Sharrkan would say angrily (lol) What is a charming bellybutton anyways…
Q: What is Sharrkan’s romantic situation…? A: He’s popular with people he doesn’t care for, but doesn’t get along with who he likes. He has the technique but he’s the type to lose his composure when he himself falls in love.
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Birthplace: Artemyra
Position: One of the eight generals
Age: 20
Height: 140 cm
Weight: 35 kg
Family: Mother, many sisters
Specialty: Placating animals
Hobby: Singing
Favorite Food: Sweets
Disliked Food: Milk
Type: Not picky
Disliked Type: Nothing in particular
How they like to spend their days off: Taking care of animals
Worries: Having small breasts, being short
Weakness: Big breasts
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: She can placate animals but could she do the same to humans? A: Probably not with her abilities, but she probably knows how to handle men in general. But her type gets hated by other women so Yamuraiha’s an important friend.
Q: Will Pisti’s breasts and height continue to grow? A: She believes so. But I don’t (lol)
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Birthplace: Sasan
Position: One of the eight generals
Age: 24
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Family: Father, one older brother, one younger brother
Specialty: Spearmanship
Hobby: Prayer
Favorite Food: Vegetarian cuisine
Disliked Food: Things forbidden by his religion
Type: Cheerful people
Disliked Type: Vulgar people
How they like to spend their days off: Reading scriptures
Worries: That his personality might be too straight-laced
Weakness: Women
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: What else besides women and alcohol does his religion forbid? A: There are so many that I don’t know where to start… At first he rigidly abided to his laws but after spending time in Sindria, he’s become more easygoing.
Q: Why do the people of Sasan cover their left eye? A: As a part of their religion, Sasan men must have that hairstyle.
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Birthplace: Parthevia
Position: One of the eight generals
Age: 31
Height: 226 cm
Weight: 202 kg
Family: Wife
Specialty: Military affairs
Hobby: Training his men
Favorite Food: Wife’s home cooking
Disliked Food: Wild Seahorse
Type: His wife (was forced to say that)
Disliked Type: Young girls (was forced to say that)
How they like to spend their days off: Shopping with his wife
Worries: Molting
Weakness: His wife
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: The Kou Empire’s Enshou looks similar to him. What’s their connection? A: Their djinn’s are both reptilian dragons so they look similar. Actually at first I was thinking of making them brothers.
Q: What does he like and fear about his wife? A: Since they’ve know each other for a long time, he can show her when he’s at his lowest. What’s scary is that since they’ve known each other for a long time, she doesn’t show any restraint.
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Birthplace: Imuchakk
Position: One of the eight generals
Age: 37
Height: 240 cm
Weight: 155 kg
Family: One younger sister, many children
Specialty: Hunting
Hobby: Taking care of his kids
Favorite Food: Steak
Disliked Food: Food you can’t get full on
Type: Wife (personally)
Disliked Type: People that don’t value their family
How they like to spend their days off: Being with his family
Worries: Daughter going through puberty
Weakness: Heat
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: How does he train his body? A: Apparently by carrying his children around.
Q: What kind of horn does he wear around his head? A: A type of what is a reindeer in our world.  When his people are born, they are given two. The parents keep them until the man gets married and after marriage, keeps one and gives the other to his partner.
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Armakan Amun-Ra (Sharrkan's brother and King of Heliohapt)
Birthplace: Heliohapt
Position: King of Heliohapt
Age: 28
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Family: One younger brother
Hobby: Playing with snakes
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Narmes Titi
Birthplace: Heliohapt
Position: Ambassador of Heliohapt
Age: 30
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 72 kg
Family: Mother, one younger sister
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Mira Dianus Artemina (Pisit's mother)
Birthplace: Artemyra
Position: Queen of Artemyra
Age: 38
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Family: Numerous daughters
Hobby: Choosing husbands
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Parsine Pratemia (Gets mad when you talk about her age)
Birthplace: Artemyra
Position: Ambassador of Artemyra
Age: 34
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Family: Three daughters
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Birthplace: Imuchakk
Position: Head Chief of the Imuchakk tribe
Age: 60
Height: 315 cm
Weight: 213 kg
Family: One wife, numerous children and grandchildren
Hobby: Hunting
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Birthplace: Imuchakk
Position: Imuchakk Ambassador
Age: 42
Height: 251 cm
Weight: 157 kg
Family: None
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Darius Leoxses
Birthplace: Sasan
Position: Sasan's King of Knights
Age: 52
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Family: Three sons
Hobby: Pilgrimages
Tell me Aladdin! Secret Info:
Yamuraiha uses her magic!! Revealing everybody’s private life!! (King Sindbad has so many relationships, so only the eight general’s will be revealed)
The Eight Generals’ Relationship Status:
Yamuraiha: I get nervous around men so I end up just talking about magic. I wonder if I can find a nice love.
Sharrkan: He brags about his swordsmanship while on dates. His attraction to bellybuttons…was unexpected.
Masrur: Apparently when he was a gladiator, his strength attracted many high-class women even though he was a slave.
Ja’far: He works so much he has no interested in love. However it seems he has a lot of hidden fans that like seeing him so passionate about work.
Pisti: By fake crying, she seems to be have men all over the kingdom in the palm of her hands.
Drakon: Just with his beautiful wife. Apparently when he gets drunk, he talks about what goes on with his wife at night.
Hinahoho: He's looking to remarry right now! He’s looking for a kind woman who’ll look after his kids.
Spartos: Because of his kingdom’s teachings, he’s not allowed to look women in the eye. But it looks like he’s changing recently because of our king.
Anonymous! Info on the Eight Generals:
When Ja’far snaps, it’s scary….
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Testimony M: “He’s scary because sometimes he becomes abrasive and pulls out a knife. Prepare yourself and try not to make him mad while work…
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Masrur’s cheeky!
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Testimony S: He grabbed my head even though I’m older than him… What the hell!! He’s waay too cheeky!!
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Where does Masrur nap? *He doesn’t sleep in his bed a lot
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Testimony J: It’s fine if he can wake up in time for morning councils, but if he can’t, at least sleep in your own room. Trying to find him is such a pain!
Yamuraiha prioritizes magic!?
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Testimony P: I wanted to go shopping together… I want to look at clothes together!! Are your magic experiments… that important~!?
The Kou Empire
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Ren Kouen
Birthplace: The Kou Empire
Position: The Kou Empire's First Imperial Prince, General Commander of the Kou Empire's Western Subjugation Army
Age: 29
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 83 kg
Family: One younger brother, numerous step-siblings
Specialty: War
Hobby: Researching history
Favorite Food: Spicy foods
Disliked Food: Sweet foods
Type: Sharp women
Disliked Type: Simpletons
How they like to spend their days off: Researching history
Worries: How to get in touch with Aladdin
Weakness: Fashion Sense
Timeline: [pic]
Age 0: Kouen is born
Age 5: Becomes interested in history
Age 7: Becomes a little self-conscious about his mean looking eyes
Age 9: Masters swordsmanship
Age 11: Studies and observes war
Age 16: -Conquers his first dungeon and obtains his first djinn, Agares (Koen: Who would of thought that I'd become small when I used djinn equip with him) -Obtains his second djinn, Astaroth, in a dungeon (Kouen: The djinn I use most often) -Obtains new history scrolls
Age 22: -Obtains his third djinn, Phenex in a dungeon (Kouen: I use it often to heal wounds) -Starts his own war campaign
Age 25: Becomes captivated by history scrolls so much he stays up all night reading them. Koumei starts to nag at him about it.
Age 28: Spends all his time at war using his three djinns
Age 29: -Fights the "Medium" in Magnostadt -Teams up with Alibaba -Gets called "oji-san" by Aladdin (Kouen: I don't really mind...)
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Who set it up so Kouen has his charm point, his beard? A: The person who set up his beard is none other than himself. He himself likes it but 70% of the people around him think it doesn't suit him, but nobody comes out and says it...
Q: How heavy is all his uniform and equipment? A: Really heavy in any case~. Seems he's already used to it though.
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Ren Koumei
Birthplace: The Kou Empire
Position: The Kou Empire's Second Imperial Prince
Age: 27
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Family: One older brother, numerous step-siblings
Specialty: Strategist
Hobby: Feeding pigeons
Favorite Food: Roasted Wild Squid
Disliked Food: All meat
Type: Perfectly dedicated wife
Disliked Type: Hyper people
How they like to spend their days off: Lock himself inside his room
Worries: Declining physical strength
Weakness: Bad skin
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Koumei's always so gloomy but what is he like when his tension goes up? A: That's his max.
Q: Is Koumei good at zodiac fortune telling? A: He probably can't do it. Actually it doesn't seem like he believes in fortune telling in the first place.
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Ren Kouha
Birthplace: The Kou Empire
Position: The Kou Empire's Third Imperial Prince
Age: 19
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Family: Real Mother, Two older step-brother, numerous step-siblings
Specialty: Hacking things in pieces
Hobby: Beauty, fashion
Favorite Food: Figs
Disliked Food: Spicy foods
Type: Unique women
Disliked Type: People who don't do anything for themselves
How they like to spend their days off: Rewarding his subordinates
Worries: His mother
Weakness: His brother
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Is it because he knows how charming he is that he shows off his bare legs? A: Well being short isn't very becoming of a general. But since he does stand above many people, he tried his best at what he thought was able to pull more people towards him and probably ended up like that.
Q: What does he care about the most when it comes to beauty care? A: Probably the face. He takes care of his image and hair so he's more persuasive. He worked really hard in a kind of strange direction though (lol)
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Ren Hakuryuu
Birthplace: The Kou Empire
Position: The Kou Empire's Fourth Imperial Prince
Age: 18
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Family: Real Mother, One older sister, numerous step-siblings
Specialty: Spearmanship
Hobby: Cooking
Favorite Food: Hakuei's homemade food
Disliked Food: Hakuei's homemade food
Type: Dignified women
Disliked Type: People who don't take things seriously
How they like to spend their days off: Training
Worries: Unknown
Weakness: Jokes
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: What does he want Hakuei to fix about herself? A: A lot of things (lol) He worries a lot about his sister despite being the younger brother. It seems like he wants her to be more of a quiet princess type.
Q: Can he control living beings besides plants and microbes? A: That would be pretty scary huh (lol) It'd be nice if he could find people that will be by his side without controlling them. I want him to find friends that aren't plants or microbes (lol)
Ren Hakuryuu Q&A: Q: You're seem to be taking a lot of dangerous actions lately. What's going on? H: I don't really have anything to talk about. Q: Huuuh? But you're hanging out with Judar, the guy you hated so much, now. How is there nothing to talk about? H: ........ Q: You didn't answer to Kouen's call either... but you went to where they were anyways. Were you lonely? H: We have our own motives. It's none of your business. Q: You're so cold. Oh, speaking of Kouen, there are some nice vibes between him and your sister lately, huh? H: (Wince) Q: Your sister's been going along with Kouen's ideals, right... um... nevermind (he's making such a scary face...) Oh, t-that's right, you knew Alibaba was there too, right? You could have at least said hello to him? H: I can't face him.... as of now. Q: Morgianna either? H: (Flinch) Y-yes. Q: Huuuh? Even though you said you'd be coming back for her? H: Urgh. I-it's not the right time yet, nor is it the time to do it..... a-anyways, none of that actually matters! Q: Huh? Is that so? H: Y-yes. Q: It doesn't matter, does it........ I have some new information on Morgianna too..... but it guess it's useless now. H: Huh... Q: Like about that, or about him..... Well, it can't be helped I guess. H: No.... wait. Q: Thank you for your time today! Excuse me! H: W-wait just a second! Hey, I'm telling you to wait! Hey!
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Ren Hakuei
Birthplace: The Kou Empire
Position: The Kou Empire's First Imperial Princess, General Commander of the Kou Empire's Northern Subjugation Army
Age: 23
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Family: Real Mother, one younger brother, numerous step-siblings
Specialty: Calvary
Hobby: Sewing
Favorite Food: Horse milk
Disliked Food: Nothing
Type: Strong men
Disliked Type: People who don't try to talk things out
How they like to spend their days off: Rewarding her subordinates
Worries: She's not good at sewing
Weakness: Cooking
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Why is Hakuryuu good at cooking when Hakuei taught him to but she's not? A: She herself thinks she's good at it but maybe her taste buds are broken (lol) And Hakuryuu praises her so it's no wonder she's like that. [tn: kinda unsure about this]
Q: What does she actually think of Kouen? A: Well she doesn't hate him like Hakuryuu but it wasn't long ago that she was in a higher position than him so she has mixed feelings.
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Ren Kougyoku
Birthplace: The Kou Empire
Position: The Kou Empire's Eighth Imperial Princess
Age: 19
Height: 163 cm
Weight: Secret
Family: Numerous step-siblings
Specialty: Swordsmanship
Hobby: Beauty, fashion
Favorite Food: All fruits
Disliked Food: Vegetables
Type: Men like Kouen onii-sama
Disliked Type: Oppressive women
How they like to spend their days off: Sword training, bathing
Worries: That she doesn't have a lot of friends
Weakness: Making friends
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Does she do her own make-up? A: She does it herself and likes to. Kakoubun wanted to produce her and said "That plain face just won't do" and she still does it. [tn: produce as in an idol producer]
Q: Where did she get her hairpin? A: When she became conscious of her position as a princess, Producer Kakoubun gave it to her.
Ren Kougyoku Q&A: Q: You were told that your make-up was too gaudy in the beginning, so how long does it take to put on your make-up? K: .................... (crack!) Q: Ow! What are you doing!? K: I should be saying that! How am I gaudy? Q: But everybody says you're ga.... K: .........(crack!) Say it one more time and you'll fall victim to my Extreme Magic. Q: Please excuse my rudeness. Then what's the secret to maintaining your beautiful skin...? K: That's a good question. The secret, you say. Well it's to bath with various fruits, and have your skin absorb the water. The bathing technique Judar-chan told me a while back was also quite nice. Q: Would that Judar be so kind.... are you sure you're not being tricked? K: It's true he tricked me with the Gerozoma tribe's technique of bathing with piggies but... Bathing with little boats that have drawings of the person you love had a great affect! Q: ............................... B-by the way, who is your sword training partner? K: Mostly Kakoubun. Kouen onii-sama is busy and Judar-chan doesn't want too... Kakoubun has taught me so many things since I was little. Although he does talk about difficult things like how to be a good ruler. I was really grateful that he accompanied me to a dungeon. Q: Kakoubun sure is a passionate man! Is there anything you'd like to do recently? K: Of course! There are tons of things! What I want to do the most have a "girl's meeting!" You talk about love while eating delicious snacks, right? Sigh, I want a girl friend around my age... I'm always alone while eating too, I'm lonely.... Are there any good people I could meet...... Q: Well first, why don't you put less make-up on? A: ...........(crack!)
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Ren Gyokuen
Birthplace: Alma Toran
Position: The Kou Empire's New Empress, Leader of Al Thamen
Age: 49
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Family: One son, one daughter
Specialty: Unknown
Hobby: Unknown
Favorite Food: Unknown
Disliked Food: Unknown
Type: Unknown
Disliked Type: Unknown
How they like to spend their days off: Unknown
Worries: Unknown
Weakness: Unknown
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: What does she do to look so young and beautiful? A: Well that's by doing "����" or "��������" and "������"
Q: Does Gyokuen do her own hair? A: She probably has the veiled men do it for her. She might have them dress her up too.
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Birthplace: A poor village in the Far East Plain
Position: High Priest of the Kou Empire
Age: 20
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Family: None
Specialty: Magic
Hobby: Walks in the air
Favorite Food: Peaches
Disliked Food: Vegetables
Type: Strong guys
Disliked Type: Weak guys
How they like to spend their days off: Teasing Kougyoku
Worries: Unknown
Weakness: Vegetables
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: What are some nicknames Judar has that haven't been revealed yet? A: His nicknames go by what he sees, so he wouldn't give one to someone who would want one. Like Koumei's probably "Pimples" or "Shaggy." Grade school level stuff.
Q: What are the balls in Judar's hair? A: They just have air in them. He probably wanted them to look like that, yep. Maybe the Al Thamen lied to him saying, "the more magnificent your braid is, the better magi you are."
Judar Q&A: Q: If we're talking about Judar, then we have to mention your beautiful slender yet macho figure... J: I guess. Q: Why did you decide to get abs? J: Well, the stupid king said you'd get more popular that way. Q: As expected of Mr. Sindbad... So did you get those abs by using magic? J: I just trained normally! Q: Ab exercises..... Even though you're a magi...... J: ...............what's wrong with that! (red-faced)
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Matal Mogamett
Birthplace: Musta'sim Kingdom
Position: Head of Magnostadt Academy
Age: 98 (age at death)
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 65 kg (beard: 2 kg)
Family: None
Specialty: Defensive Magic
Hobby: Magic Research
Favorite Food: Tea
Disliked Food: Alcohol and other depravities
Type: Magicians
Disliked Type: Goi
How they like to spend their days off: Expanding his knowledge, seeing other magicians being happy
Worries: Invasion from other countries
Weakness: Being with Goi
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Is there anything Mogamett couldn't forgive magicians for doing when he's so generous to them? A: He'll forgive them for anything. He's a foolishly doting parent. I think that's bad parenting though.
Q: What type of magic does Mogamett specialize in? A: He specializes in all of them but he's better at defending more than attacking. Like, he's better at healing and protecting.
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Birthplace: Parthevia
Position: Magnostadt Academy Instructor
Age: 34
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Family: One younger brother
Hobby: Teaching students
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Where does Myers keep her "First Class Barrier Pass?" A: Apparently in her shoulder armor. I don't know why she stubbornly continues to wear that outfit (lol) When I try to draw strict women, for reason they end up looking like that...
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Birthplace: Parthevia
Position: Advance Level Magician
Age: 25
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Family: One older sister
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Irene Smirnoff
Birthplace: Mistania Republic
Position: High Level Magician
Age: 28
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Family: None
Hobby: Collecting equipment
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: How many pictures of Mogamett does she have hanging up on her wall? A: It's updated so frequently and she only hangs her best shots. She has several others in her treasure trove that aren't hung up.
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Titus Alexius
Birthplace: The Reim Empire
Position: The Reim Empires' Magi
Age: Physical age: 2 (Mental age: 15)
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Family: None
Specialty: Complex Magic
Hobby: Playing with cats
Favorite Food: Sphintus's cooking
Disliked Food: Hard foods
Type: Marga
Disliked Type: None
How they like to spend their days off: Being with Marga
Worries: Being mistaken for a girl
Weakness: Common knowledge
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Titus has such a strong interest in the outside world but how did he spend his first 14 years of life? A: He was not able to go outside for the first 14 years since he was in a larva-like state and during that time he was only told about the magic world. That's why he was so happy to see things like "shops" the first time he visited the outside world.
Q: So his rapier is a Reim staff, but does it have any cutting power? A: The staff itself has no killing power. Titus doesn't have much physical strength so he couldn't use a sword in the first place.
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Sphintus Carmen
Birthplace: Heliohapt
Position: Student at Magnostadt Academy
Age: 16
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Family: Grandfather, father, mother, two older sisters, one younger brother, one younger sister
Specialty: Healing Magic
Hobby: Playing with his snake
Favorite Food: Gourmet food
Disliked Food: Mushrooms
Type: High class women
Disliked Type: People that don't listen to him
How they like to spend their days off: Shopping
Worries: He's good at cooking
Weakness: Exercise
Ohtaka Shinobu Q&A: Q: Sphintus loves talking but does he talk to his snake when he's alone? A: Probably all the time. In Heliohapt, having a snake around your neck is a symbol of high status, so it's not weird to talk to them.
Q: Why is Sphintus good at cooking? A: His family probably made him. He thinks it's weird that he can cook even though he's a noble so he actually wanted to hide the fact.
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Birthplace: Magnostadt
Position: Nothing
Age: 6
Height: 115 cm
Weight: 20 kg
Family: None
Hobby: Playing with Titus
The Reim Empire
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Birthplace: Unknown
Position: Former Magi of Reim
Age: 268 (age at death)
Height: 142 cm
Weight: 36 kg
Family: None
Specialty: Defensive Magic
Hobby: Insect Appreciation
Favorite Food: Tea
Disliked Food: Hard foods
Type: Kind, cheerful people that are like the sun
Disliked Type: Enemies of Reim
How they like to spend their days off: Secretly observing the city
Worries: All national troubles, Magnostadt's invasion
Weakness: Eyesight
Ohtaku Shinobu Q&A: Q: Is the lifespan of a magi different from a normal human's? A: Magi's are normal humans so their lifespans are the same. But in Scheherazade's case, since she can use  the 8 types of magic, she was able to push her human body's to limit and live that long
Q: Can any magi create clones of themselves? A: It's a not an ability limited to magi, but making clones requires a great amount of time and magoi. If you have that and can use the eight types of magic, anybody could do it.
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Muu Alexius
Birthplace: The Reim Empire
Position: Captain of the Fanalis Troops
Age: 30
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 91 kg
Family: Father, Mother, one younger sister
Specialty: Sword fights
Hobby: Sword dancing
Favorite Food: All meats
Disliked Food: Sweet Food
Type: Older women
Disliked Type: Yunan
How they like to spend their days off: Participating in tournaments
Worries: About the "Fanalis"
Weakness: Protracted War
Ohtaku Shinobu Q&A: Q: What made him so loyal to Scheherazade? A: Muu is from the Alexius family, so he's a descendent of the king Scheherazade chose. It was his fate since he was born.
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Myron Alexius
Birthplace: The Reim Empire
Position: Member of the Fanalis Troops
Age: 20
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Family: Father, Mother, one older brother
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Birthplace: The Dark Continent
Position: Member of the Fanalis Troops
Age: 29
Height: 202 cm
Weight: 105 kg
Family: One younger sister
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Shambal Ramal
Birthplace: Yambala
Position: Leader of the Yambala Gladiators
Age: 65
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Family: Wife, Two sons
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Birthplace: Yambala
Position: Shambal's student
Age: 21
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Family: Father, Mother, One younger brother
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Birthplace: Unknown
Position: Magi
Age: Unknown
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Family: None
Specialty: Good hearing
Hobby: Cooking for himself
Favorite Food: Herb tea
Disliked Food: Alcohol
Weakness: Sunlight
Ohtaku Shinobu Q&A: Q: Who is Yunan modeled after? A: At first I wanted to draw him as a middle-aged man but I was requested to draw a delicate man. I tried to draw him with the feel of a tired widower.
Ohtaka Shinobu World
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[ How to create charming characters ]
How are the characters in "magi created?
O: When I create characters for manga, I often think them up as a set of two or three characters. In "Magi's" case, I thought up Aladdin and Alibaba together. At the time, I hadn't even decided their names and started with their personalities. Afterwards I named them Aladdin and Alibaba, and with Alibaba the world of "Magi's" motif became "The Arabian Night." Among them is of course the famous story of "Alibaba and the 40 Thieves" which is where I got the idea to have him be part of a bandit group. And Aladdin's flute that has Ugo-kun is the lamp that had to be rubbed to have the djinn come out in the original story.
It seems like your progress went by fast.
O: That's right. I decide it all at once and write by seeing how the character's relationships go.
O: I think it's the worst when you line up your characters and there are two that have the same personalities next to each other, so I try to avoid that. I created Aladdin, then Alibaba, and tried to include Morgianna naturally. I made her a bit more calm so there's more balance between her and Aladdin and Alibaba, who are more cheerful. I try to get that balance with the other characters too. Like, if wouldn't be good if they were all idiots or straight-men...right?
So you create this character because another is like that to build their relationship. Do you choose their gender by trying to balance things too?
O: There are lots of times that I don't decide their gender until the last minute. It's not decided even after I decide their personalities. Aladdin was supposed be a girl until I changed it last minute and I had the idea that Sindbad was female too. I loved Shiina Takashi's "Ghost Sweeper Mikami: The Great Paradise Battle!!" since I was young and I've always had it in my mind to create a manga with female protagonist. The manga I drew up until now had lots of female characters, but in "Magi's" case my editors revised it well to be more of a shonen manga. Sindbad always had a largehearted personality, but it's not like he would have been introduced naked if he were still a woman. Also his name is from "Arabian Nights" but their personalities and abilities are different. But the fact he's a king with subordinates is from "Arabian Nights." Masrur was supposed to be a black swordsman, the Dark Continent was supposed to be like Africa, and so Morgianna became a Fanalis too...  Ja'far was a  prime minister and made that culture, and I ignored half of his original backstory and took the other half.
After that do you create the characters that support the story?
O: The Eight Generals was just Sindbad, Ja'far and Masrur and then I thought up the other six at the same time. Like Kougyoku was part of the Kou Empire group,  so there's Judar, and then Kakoubun next to her. There's a core person in the group and then I try to create who would be fun characters around them. The core person is always the first person to be introduced. And then I try to think of a good team that would suit them.
Their names are from "Arabian Nights" but when you create other characters, do you base them off anyone? For example, a real life handsome celebrity?
O: Based off a real person... that hasn't really happened. I do base them off animals though. When I try to decide their appearance, I think of how an animal would look as a person. And some characteristics aren't limited to their appearance. Like Morgianna jumping around and leaping is similar to a rabbit, or Judar's hair is supposed to look like a scorpion's tail. Kougyoku has a butterfly on her hairpin but her hair is also supposed to look like wings. I don't draw them with literal animal ears or tails but I try to make them fit the image I have in my head while not being too literal. Although lately, I've been running out of ideas. Ren Kouen was actually a request from my editor to make a character opposing Sindbad. He was actually created right after the third volume. He wasn't able to appear immediately though. I tried to make him have more Asian features. Also he's not supposed to be very well-kept... I try to draw a handsome guy that's not really handsome, kinda defiant. Any of my characters are defiant of something in my mind.
[ The silhouette is the most important part of a design!! ]
When you're designing a character, do you feel a sort of satisfaction?
O: Well let's see. When I'm writing my name, if I do it in only a few strokes, I think to myself "I did it!" Like for Alibaba, you just have a horn so I feel a satisfaction from that. You can draw Alibaba as just a horn so anyone could draw him. His horn's just getting bigger and bigger too (lol)  Special features just get bigger. You have to try harder when you want a distinguished silhouette. Morgianna having a side ponytail is for that reason. If you don't have a design that's easily recognizable by a pitch black silhouette, then it's no good.
What about the designs for Djinn Equip?
O: Djinn Equip is like becoming one with a djinn so I based them of Buddhist gods, so I just went through books on Buddhist statues. They're too small in books so I want to go to Kyoto and take pictures for references. Focalor is a wind djinn so I tried to make him like Fujin. At first I thought of making him hold a bag but he ended up wearing something like a hagoromo (tn: heavenly kimono for gods), and when I realized it was a hagoromo, I decided to make them all like that. But I think it ended up being a good thing since they look a bit godly. I think my work expanded thanks to djinn equip, and while it's become very troublesome to draw, I'm also grateful.
You say it was troublesome drawing that, but do you have characters that are easier or harder for you to draw? Any characters you dote or hate?
O: The 3 main characters are easy to draw. Morgianna is especially the easiest. Not only just in drawing but when Aladdin and Alibaba are wavering, Morgianna will give a resolving answer. I don’t try to make characters I like or hate but if I had to choose, I like Budel. I like people that give into their desires because it makes them more human. And, well, it’s not like I hate him, but it’s a bit hard for me to draw a plain face. Like I can’t draw Ja’far with a more showy face. It’s the same with Kouen. But I want the characters to look different so I have to be careful. It’s also a bit hard for me to draw droopy eyes, and it’s easiest to draw sharp eyes. A while ago, I was troubled that Hakuryuu’s face was inconsistent. He is kinda emotionally unstable after all. I draw while sympathizing with whatever feeling my character feels, so I felt Hakuryuu’s negative feelings while drawing him, which made me really tired. The script was quite heavy (bitter laugh)
Other mangaka often talk about how they have the same expression as the character they’re drawing at the time too. Out of all the characters, do you have any that you liked coupling together?
O: I wanted to draw Alibaba and Hakuryuu more together, but the only time they spent peacefully was in volume 13. There was so much more I wanted them to do but it turned pretty bleak. I want them to hurry up and make up. In the beginning, I wanted to make them super great best friends!  but they didn’t get along as well as I thought. There are times when things just don’t go the way I planned. Even if there are characters I want to get along, sometimes it just doesn’t go that way. Another thing is I think Alibaba and Morgianna’s relationship has become a bit mysterious. At a glance, they do suit each other since they understand each other but the truth is they don’t really actually know each other that well.
Are there any character’s settings that have changed as the story went on?
O: I do plan out the characters out but there are times I don’t know who they’ll be involved with and go in a different direction than I planned. Like Kassim and his gang were supposed to become their friends, and Judar was suppose to win against Aladdin and Ugo-kun in volume 5. But when I was writing up my name, I thought to myself “This guy can’t win.” Instead of being stubborn about what I decided, I thought it’d be okay if some things change. I decided to let the story flow naturally and by the middle of the arc, everything goes in a different direction. During the Magnostadt arc, Mogamett wasn’t supposed to be an important character. They were supposed to fight with Titus more but that grandpa kinda just had lots of things to say. So the arc went into a different direction.
[ Raise your spirits and draw everything in one go ]
Are there any backstories that happen backstage when writing “Magi?” How is it like when writing up the name?
O: I do this while working on the pages too, but while writing my name, I listen to video game soundtracks. Lately I’ve been listening to the “Final Fantasy 6” soundtrack. I feel like I can’t escape the 90s. I’m not too into games but I’ve played that one. While working, I get pretty sleepy so I want someone to be talking, no matter what it is. I used to turn on the TV but it distracted me so I don’t do that anymore. I work from 10am to 10pm and get 7~8 hours of sleep. I have 5~6 assistants right now and for each chapter, they work 3 days and 2 nights, and I do the sketches so it takes about 4 days. There are times I eat before going into work and times when I don't want to fall asleep so I don’t eat. When I work, I forcibly try to raise my spirit up and draw. I listen to music or watch movies and become really spirited.
Are there any series you’re inspired by?
O: Shiina Takashi’s “Ghost Sweeper Mikami’s” had a great effect on me. I think the character’s personalities are great and amazing. I think it’s great that all the character’s personalities are a bit twisted but you can’t help but like them. The manga I read when I was in elementary school and middle school had the greatest effect on me.
Lastly, please tell us about what will come in “Magi.”
O: I can’t go into details but, I want to delve into the characters I haven’t drawn much of so far. I want Judar and Hakuryuu-kun to work hard, so please watch out for their actions! Aladdin and Alibaba will meet more people and have more adventures so even I am excited to see how they’ll grow. There will be more romance too so watch out for which couples will get together and which loves will not bloom. I think “Magi” is enjoyable in many different ways so I hope my readers will enjoy what happens to their favorite characters!!
I can’t take my eyes of “Magi” even more now. Ohtaka-sensei, thank you for your time today.
Translator's comments:
I think that's all the important/interesting translations from this. If you're questioning why so and so character interview or profile isn't translated, it's because they didn't have one. Which was kinda disappointing since Kassim didn't have one?? There are also two character's profiles I didn't bother to translate because they were so minor and I didn't care enough (they're two magicians from Magnostadt that weren't even named to my knowledge??) So I was disappointed that there are incredibly minor characters that got profiles but not even Kassim or Olba did but oh well. There is maybe one more thing I want to translate, which is how Ohtaka draws her pages but I think I'll do that in a different post. Also all the character spellings are from the Magi Wiki. Sorry for misspelling them in previous stuff.
Feel free to repost this info anywhere you'd like but know that these aren't 100% accurate. 
Also it'd be cool if people could maybe donate... if you appreciate what i do and have extra money ;; (this did take 20+ hours so.....)
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youdontknowthings · 11 years
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Magi Volume 20 Extra Comic Part 2!
Vol. 3 | Vol. 4 | Vol. 6 | Vol. 7 Pt. 1 | Vol. 7 Pt. 2 | Vol. 8 Pt. 1 | Vol. 8 Pt. 2  | Vol. 9 | Vol. 10 | Vol. 11 | Vol. 12 | Vol. 13 | Vol. 14 Pt. 1 | Vol. 14 Pt. 2 | Vol. 15 | Vol. 16 | Vol. 17 | Vol. 18 | Vol. 19 | Vol. 20 Pt.1 | Vol. 20 Pt. 2
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