youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day thirty of thirty
Made it a month of blogging, minds getting more into a routine and I'm looking forward to my tomorrows. Speaking of, I'm on the line again tomorrow. The hardest thing for me to do seems to be making choices and picking up tickets. I gotta get myself ready and making moves. Another important thing is to practice my knife skills. Clean cuts are hard to make but my chef can do it so it's only a matter of time and effort to make these skills a reality. I've continued the project as well, here's hoping it will work out. I'll be back into my world in no time. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Days twenty seven through twenty nine of thirty
Woah, I skipped a few days and it's actually kind of disappointing. Oh well, I started making progress to some sort of study goals. In the realm of food I am on a hot line. Its awesome, I'm hoping to learn mad knife skills and the multitasking required is beyond everything I've done in a long time. I'm also beginning the restoration of a beautiful little car. Born the year of 1986 this car has seen sone shit. Leaves are canned in every crevice and crack and there are curtains on the windows. Rest assured with tlc and tons of hard work this beast will rise strong and sexy doh. Ill be making records of the work for future records. Tomorrow is another day in food service and another day to prep this bus. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day twenty six of thirty
A happy Sunday indeed. Beginning my day off relaxing at the beach led to quite the easy day out in the sun. I filled a bag with fruits as per usual and headed out to skate. Spent the day alone for the most part learning and practicing. Had fun. Afterwards, I met with P and S. Played Naruto and passed out. I find my writing fails when I backtrack and write in the morning. :( Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day twenty five of thirty
Success! Life on your own two feet is life indeed. I found myself working today, big surprise. Washing dishes for four straight hours, no problem I'm always up for a challenge. Beyond work I found myself sleeping and doing not much else today. Tomorrow, church! And maybe I find more words.
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day twenty four of thirty
First day skating and riding the bus to work. Just ridiculous, the three mile run to El Camino was fast af. Twenty minutes of rolling, had a good deal of fun to be honest. When I arrived at work I was met with my manager asking me to start late and stay late. I agreed of course for extra hours but I spent the extra hour before work finding a better job. Tomorrow I see about this position and the hours. Wherever I land in this town is where I'ma be for a long time, I hope it's cool. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day twenty three of thirty
I skipped another day, but it was a productive one at least. Hit up all the local spots of Pacifica for work and talked to 7 eleven's owner. Hopefully shes interested in hiring me. It'll br a fun little job, afterwards went and chilled with J. We were ambushed by a T at the McDonalds which was cool enough. Wound up going to the dumps and having a good time. Skated a few goods lines as well. Getting shwifty with switch. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day twenty two of thirty
I'm all wrapped up in red tape, sadly not as one would wrap a present. More like a case folder. I've yet another driving "crime" to look forward too. Today a random cop took it upon himself to get involved when my buddy J had his car die. Upon getting involved and told he had no business with us as we were not "arguing or in an accident" the cop decided to check our papers. There in lies a problem, I had none. Away goes my car. Now I am on the road to a lawyer, because I can easily fight this case and walk laughing. Tomorrow I go find a job within walking distance. No other options at this point. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day twenty one of thirty
Can't believe I made it this far, starting this blog/ journal has been pretty cool way to end my days. Today was spectacular, finally had my first full shift at the sandwich shop and tiring though it may be, I made it through the day with a smile on my face. I'm getting used to my position, simple routines make great sandwiches it seems. From dishwashing to prep and rolling up tight morsels, the work is simple and satisfying. We have great customers coming in each day as well, some order ridiculous things and some, not so much. Alas, it's work and I'm thankful for that. Can't complain to be fed good for an honest days work. I'm hoping to reach full time and make this lifestyle a thing. Tomorrow I'm chilling, maybe I'll meet up with J, we'll see how that goes. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day twenty of thirty
Today I had quite an adventure, it started out rather slowly. Here's how it went down. I began with some video games and realized I had to get a jump on my day. So I headed outside and grabbed coffees, as I was sipping on the coffee when S called. So I picked S and P up, and off we were to drop off flyers. After flyers, S and P headed home and I got ready for the city council meeting. It was quite a meeting, we had like 100 people in this room. All lining up and waiting for their chance to speak up about their wishes. The council would listen to these people and vote upon motions after hearing out the people. I even stood up to talk about the renting crisis. It inspired me to stand up and make my voice known to the community, as a youth who wants a chance at the lifestyle we've been advertised for so many years. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day nineteen of thirty
Happy Sunday! It's been another good day at church. Chilled out with B and got ready for an interesting day tomorrow. I'm hoping to look around for a job and have a few leads. I am also hoping to pass out flyers and make some noise. Tomorrow should be entertaining at the very least. I also began looking into long term diet plans for weight gain without eating meat. Its apparently not that hard to do, just requires a little forethought and planning. What comes next is the hard part, putting this plan into action. Changing the way you eat is incredibly difficult. You have to overcome endless habits, like fast food and shopping. Cooking new foods in ways to ensure enjoyment and getting ready to feel a different kind of full. You are what you eat after all, would you like to be high fructose corn syrup, or a highly complex vegetable. ;) Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day seventeen and eighteen of thirty
Lost another day, Friday was chill. After work P, S and I took the puppy Nala to the skatepark. Had a really successful sesh. Rolling in is becoming much less terrifying and I’m getting some more complicated tricks down. Its been a while since I’ve seen improvement with the board. I wanna start taking my flip tricks off the ledge, could be fun. Today, I worked as well. We got a new employee and she’s really cool. The whole kitchen was lit. Everyone buzzing around, I’m getting better at my job and hopefully doing right by my co-workers. Took a nap afterwards and went down to the city gig, even picked up a couple cds. Stoked! Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day sixteen of thirty
I took the day off almost entirely. Felt sorta sick with migraines so I rested. Tomorrow, I'm making sandwiches, woohoo.
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day fifteen of thirty
Another successful day, started out at work and almost quit my job lol. Manager was 30 minutes late and I was standing around thinking this was how they'd have fired me. I guess that's called anxiety. Oh well, mostly prep work today and ruined a couple sandwiches but I'm learning. After work I took a nap and headed to work. Not for too long though, and I made a mad dash home where I met up with J, J and P. We made the loop and witnessed a miracle. A prius flew to over 100. Quite a spectacle indeed. Tomorrow is a skate day with P, we gonna get that good good. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day fourteen of thirty
Got done did car repairs today. Using a tree and some rope J and I repositioned my frame and stepped out a bumper dent. Took 6 hours today to make for $3600 worth of car repairs. Not too bad if you ask me. Decided against going to work and instead stayed out with friends. Afterwards I met up with my dad for dinner. Mediterranean lamb plate, it was pretty good and the cashier, she was cute. Had a successful day off, tomorrow I am back in the restaurant for more love and sandwiches. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day thirteen of thirty
Fell asleep, day was long and full of grocery deliveries. With brief interludes for food. /fin Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day twelve of thirty
Happy SUNday! Had another full day out in the sun, I'm starting to enjoy living slowly and in the moment. Started out a bit late today and headed down to the shopping plaza where I found a friend, he took me to the little market for breakfast fruits. Damn they were good, watermelon, oranges and pears all on point. Then headed to church where B had set up a big rug. Too funny, she had a come up this week. Good for her. :) afterwards, I headed out to the city in hopes of finding rent. Didn't work out, and I called P. We met at the skatepark where we spent the rest of the day. A good old time was had. Tomorrow I'll be working towards something productive. Unsure what though. Jem
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youisyou-blog1 · 7 years
Day eleven of thirty
I'm writing this one in a bit early, tired after a long day. The sandwich shop is tough business and it gets overwhelming but I suppose that's just the way it is at the start of a new job. It's been a while since I last worked preparing food. Here's hoping I get through my nonsense without pissing off my managers too much. Tomorrow is church, I almost skipped it for work but managed to speak up. I guess it matters now to get some r&r rather than making tons of money. I used to think money didn't matter and I'd be content with very little, then I started making a lot of money working for these internet company's and I got caught up in a paper chase. What came out of it was nothing good, in fact all I have is debt to show for my past year. No regrets though, I do really enjoy the skills and knowledge I've gained this past year. And I'd be damned if life experience means nothing. Jem
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