“All Too Well” was never a single, and it always blows my mind that it is consistently one of the loudest songs the crowd sings when I play it. Moments like this defined the Reputation Stadium Tour for me, and I can’t wait for you to see it in full starting at 12:01 AM December 31, pacific
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Make Your Own Nutella
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An ENFP’s Thoughts/Feelings on the Types
I’ve been getting a lot of asks on my feelings on XXXX, and some kind person asked for me to make a sort of master post!  Now, these are based on my interactions and understanding of people I know with these types, so please enjoy them for what they are!  Thank you!  INTP: Oh INTP, they’re so fun. I love getting lost in absolutely crazy theory crafting with you! I like how I can send you a wikipedia page for something I’m playing and you’ll read it so we can talk about it together, even though you know the answers you try to explore it even more it’s amazing. I think you’re savage but also so sweet. When you get excited about something it’s infectious, your drive to explore and learn makes me want to do so too! You ground me when I need to keep focus, and your heart is bigger than you think, and I hope you can see that. The world is a more interesting place when you’re in it- and I know small talk bores you so lets skip to the big things
INTJ: It’s funny how we’re listed as a “perfect match” because I see it. You make my world more interesting just by existing. You’re quiet and composed exterior is cracks me up, because to the untrained eye you’re just sitting there staring in to space, but I know you’re taking it all in. You’re a little crazy but in a good way! I spill out some absolutely wild thoughts- i pause to look at you and you are already rolling away with them, making a joke or exploring them further. You’re heart is honest and your ideas are true- I don’t know where I’d be without thoughts like yours. 
ENTP: I’d start this with a sassy meme, because I know that’s what you’d do. When we’re sharing our ideas it’s like two unstoppable forces! Neither of us have any problem going into exactly what we think about something, and we’re both so curious that we love to listen to each other! Are we talking about music and sharing our playlists late at night after everyone has gone to bed? Are we debating universal concepts that make us who we are? Just all in a night’s work. Our ability to friendly debate gets you excited, I can tell- you love being a little antagonistic and smirking after you push my buttons. You bring a new logical perspective to my world while still embracing my wild ideas- because hey, we only live once!
ENTJ: Oh ENTJ, you’re crazy and it’s great. But like, a more grounded crazy. It’s always inspiring to watch you work. You’re full of life and energetic, and watching you pursue your passions and be with your friends makes me think “I want to be like them!” It’s refreshing to know where I stand with you, and because of your Judgement I have no problem pushing forward with my wack job ideas. Whats more impressive is that you come off like this big loving goofball, but have the skill set to back it up. You might stumble sometimes, but you’re always working to improve your life and it shows. While feeling isn’t your primary mode, you can be oh so sentimental, and it’s charming- very charming. Keep being you, because we like it!
INFP: All the tests peg you as this sweet little poetry writing angel who cries all the time in their room- and honestly, that’s such a shame because there is so much more to you. Yeah, you may be quiet and love your alone time, but you’re so wonderful to be around. I don’t think you ever see how much you bring to the table, but you should. You;re kindness and willingness to help people is amazing, and unmatched. You feel a lot of things, but hey I do too! We share that Introverted Fi, which means we both have very strong morals and know where we try to stand in this world- and it can be so much some days, i know it, but I can guarantee, someone has you back, because you don’t realized how much people love you. Stay true to you, INFP, the world needs the love that you provide!
INFJ: The world doesn’t get how you process, but I do- or I want to. I’m going to ask you so many questions! We’re different sides of the same coin and I want to know all about it. We can match each other pace for pace in our weirdness, but know we’re always together in this. I know there are days where you feel like you’re alone in how you think, but that’s because you view the world in a lense some of us can’t even imagine- and that’s beautiful. You can make the calls to get things done, but still do it with heart, and that goes such a long way. You never want to give up on someone you care about and it’s moved me to tears before. I know you hold back who you are sometimes, but when you really let loose it fills me with such joy, because you’re so different and the world really needs more people like you. INFJ friends really are something else, its best to not lose them. 
ENFP: Oh what a great type to be! Because of You I know what it’s like to talk to me! We’re so messy and wild, all over the place but so caring at the same time. You make me more and more  curious because we’re so similar but different. If i could tell you anything, I’d say you;re something else, the way you stick to your morals, and the way you care so deeply but have so many ideas ignites me. You’re me and that;s a lot for me. We could set the world on fire with our ideas but then come home have a drink and have a long talk about the world and how we feel. People always peg us as the manic pixie dream girls/boys, and that’s not always true, we just want to love or lives and sometimes that means being the light that people see. We’re the goofy entertainers of the world but in the end I know how deep you are. Keep loving the world and your ideas you are so valid. I hope you can see what I see in you!
ENFJ: People call you the mom friend, and honestly? Sometimes that’s for a good reason. Growing up you helped keep me safe, working with me through all the hard times and putting your heart out there so I could see how its done. Life is hard, but you were there. You;re always there, I think that’s how ENFJs are. I feel like people don;t appreciate your cunning side as much. You’re so smart and giving and passionate, but people don’t see how hard you think about all your decisions and where to go on a daily basis. You plan and understand, and that’s so important. I don’t know how people function without you. From cutting sandwiches to sending a text saying “are you ok?” ENFJs really are a gift. You’re the mom friend- but that’s because you make sure the rest of us fools are in line- someone has to! Everyone loves you and I can see why, I hope you do too!
ISTP: Do I need some good grounded advice from someone who is here in the moment? Do I need a little bit of a quick kick in the butt and a reminder that what matters is where I’m standing now? Then I’m coming to you ISTP. You never push me to spill it out to you, but your logic makes me want to. You’re interesting and an enigma- and that makes me wound up! Your ability to take in the world around you right now, but bend with the flow is amazing- your childlike enthusiasm is great, I want to break you out of that quiet shell so I can hear all the ideas you have and how you see the world. I know we can have a hard time bonding, but once we share an interest you’re all in and I am so here for it. Keep being you, I want to know more. 
ISFP: ISFJ do you know how cute you can be? You’re so good at listening to all the dumb things I have to say and finding a way to help me identify with it. You’re not here trying to fix all my problems, but to listen to them and try to make me feel better. You’re Sensing helps keep me grounded and see the world for what it is, but your Feelings make me feel like you’re listening to me. We’re both a little terrible at long range planning, but it makes me feel good because we can both laugh about it. Also the way you put things together is amazing! I’m not sure if its because you’re and ISFP or if you just know how things are supposed to be but you create spaces that are so cozy, I’m so jealous. I wish I could see the beauty in things the way you do. 
ESTP: Thank god one of us is practical. Half the time I’m running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, and you are too- but in a way that actually gets things done. You can keep strong and move forward even when the world deals you hard cards and thats so awesome. You can be so rigged but so charming at the same time it’s insane. I’m not sure how you do it, but you have such a down to earth vibe to you at all times and I can’t help but to be a little jealous! You take criticism in stride and use it as a catalyst for growth, and honest not a lot of people can do that. You’re so in the present, don’t worry too much about the future- you’re so put together now that I don;t think you’ll have a problem with where you’re going. You got this! 
ESFP: If you want to enjoy life in the moment and take it all in, ESFP is your person. We’re so similar and so different. I see the world in the could and you see the world right in front of you and enjoy it for what it is. Childlike in their love for things but wise in their ability to love it- it’s amazing. Your generosity is something that really rivals anything i’ve ever seen. You know how important it is for people to feel good, and it makes me want to try harder as a person. You have  have such a way of sucking people in with your love for the world and where you are, I hope you can see it. People like you for that, and it’s such a powerful thing. Some people might not enjoy how straight forward you can be, but honestly? They’re missing out. 
ISTJ: Never have I met someone that seems to put together. What’s that? You already planned it all out, have money saved, and are getting ready for the future? Yeah sorry im still lost in the grocery store… please come save me. You’re so quiet, I feel like more people need to see your fun side because it;s there- and its amazing. The way you try to play it cool then crack up when someone acts foolish- I know that’s in there. You;ve got it all together, you deserve to let your goofy side show. Part of me knows that you’re fine with who you are, but part of me wants you to know how great you can be- I don’t think you tell yourself enough- it’s not practical- but let us feelers tell you that you matter- because you do. Thanks for keep it all together, we need that. 
ISFJ: Oh ISFJ, we had no idea what you were for so long! You’re just so much! You’re affirming, and you’re direct- You know what the situation calls for and you know that you need to get you plans set- but you’re always doubting yourself, which is just so wild to me because I always looked to you to help me out. My eternal study buddy, we got so much done- though I tried to distract you at every turn, you still helped me stay on course, in a loving way- obviously! And thank god for that, because who knows where I’d be now. We see the world so differently, but the way you want to understand what I’m saying is so important to me. You’re so full of commitment, you don’t have to be so rigid- people who care about you are going to be there and see what I see- and amazing person. So keep being you, keep feeling with that heart of yours, keep the rest of us on track. 
ESTJ: Oh, you’re right that is how I should go about it. Wait crap, you’re right about that too. You’re a pain in the ass, but damn if you don’t know what you;re talking about. You can be really tough, but you know how you think, and the clarity there is amazing. You’re strong and traditional, and iconic. You know where you stand, and you know where you’re trying to go- and with that extroversion, you’re going to take people with you, even if they go kicking and screaming. That doesn’t bother you because you know that the path you chose is one you have no regrets on. If only we could all be as staunch as you in our choices, the world needs more put together people, You might keep your heart locked away at times, but I know it’s there- You feel a lot, but your drive is so strong. Don’t be afraid to utilize your emotions- you’ll be even stronger for it. Keep being a leader of the Wolf Pack, ESTJ. 
ESFJ: You really put things together with heart, I knew there was a reason we clicked so fast. You work so hard its insane, but then I’ll come over to you and even if you’re swamped you still smile at me and see how i'm doing. I don’t think you realize how many people love being around you. You have the enthusiasm to draw people in, the ability to live in the moment to get things done, and the judgement to make more plans so your life stays on track, and honestly? I’m jealous. You appreciate the little things people do for you, but also return them in little things for the people you care about, and it shows. You can speak from the heart but then can act on the things inside your head, and the world needs that, I hope you know that. 
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Check out Terrence House on Netflix
If reality TV shows followed interesting people being excellent to each other, instead of assholes behaving outrageously, it might have a positive influence on how people act in real society
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You will change the world, girl
Why do people do this?
This is something that makes me really upset. I’m a girl, but I have a lot of friends that are boys. I think that many are very nice, and I love being able to see the world through a completely different set of eyes.
However… Now that I’m in the eighth grade, it seems like those friendships are getting more and more frowned upon each day. The entire eighth grade ships me with Ken. I can’t talk to Joey without another friend doing that annoying dramatic whistle.
Then there’s Riley. We’ve been best friends literally since we were in diapers. We grew close over the years…
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We were about seven in that picture…
I thought that when we both had phones, it could mend the gap between us.
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I guess it just wasn’t to be…
It wasn’t until I got his response that I realized just how much we had grown apart.
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It’s really trivial… But that kind of broke my heart. I really wish that people would stop romanticizing these interactions.
Thanks for listening to me ramble about minor stuff that I shouldn’t be this concerned about.
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INFJ HERE! Hmmm I guess ironically I'm fitting the INFJ mold by saying this, but I'm never too INFJ in front of most people. In certain crowds I'm reserved and laid back, more INFP-like. However, in other crowds I'm rather extraverted and decisive, more ENFJ-like. Honestly, my best advice would be to look at two things: 1. does the person seem to look at others or off to random places when he/she thinks and 2. does the person have an annoying tendency to offer comments regarding other's wants or do they keep quiet? If he/she is looking in the distance when they think whilst offering suggestions that will help other's needs, you've maybe got yourself an INFJ... Yeah you just gotta get us one on one man.
MBTI: Asking YOU
Heyyy guys it’s your favorite ENTP! So I thought of something cool I’d like to do. I might be pretty great at typing using MBTI, but I still suck at understanding and identifying certain things about each type. So here is a question of mine for each type! Please comment or reblog to answer–and feel free to ask a question of your own and have someone else do the same thing! And feel free to steal another type’s question for yourself, these are pretty broad questions.  INTJ: We all know the INTJ™ is arrogant, self-centered, very intelligent, and will cut you if you get in their way. How much do you act like that? Are you as “mean” as the stereotype?
ENTJ: How extroverted do you really see yourself? I’ve met ENTJs that act like stereotypical extroverts and then some that are basically INTJs  but slightly less unfriendly. 
INFJ: How do I pick you out from INFPs and ENFJs and the like? Who do you usually hang out with? And where do I find male INFJs!?!?!
Keep reading
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Destruction for Progress Over Art for Humanity
Why do we punish street artists who provide beauty and emotion to an otherwise empty wall, but congratulate businessmen for burning down a forest to start a corporation? We can vadilize nature, but we cannot vadilize the original vadilizer.
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INFJs are experts at looking totally clueless while really knowing everything.
tamaresc (via tamaresc)
Haha so the other day I was with a friend who I haven't known for very long but he always teases me about how clumsy and oblivious I am and we were walking through a mall and in the span of like an hour I finished his Shakespeare quote and added some of my own favorites, did pricing math in my head twice as fast as him, corrected his comment on general relativity, introduced him to dr Seuss (come on, everyone knows there is SO much more to his books then just silly pictures and rhyming words), casually asked him how things were going romantically with him and our other friend to which he responded "how did you know about that?? We haven't told anyone!! (They always have googly eyes around each other)", and somehow (honestly idk how I did this) convinced a cashier to give us half off and I could tell my friend was pretty confused the whole time so we leave the mall and get back into my car and he just looks at me and goes "are you some kind of genius?"
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Yes I feel you. Im INFJ and I move around a lot so am always in this situation! I feel like a shadow as well... I don't want to invite myself into a friend group that's been together for a long time so I usually just socialize casually then disappear on the weekend....
Maybe I am a Shadow After All...
I realized just now that I’m probably appearing a little more mysterious than I thought I was. Let me explain:
First of all, when people make a new acquaintance, they often exchange numbers so they can keep in contact. Friends of mine keep in contact with each other during the weekend via text or instant messaging through social media.
I practically never give people my number. Ever. Only one of my friends has my number and we exchange texts about twice a week on average. To people that don’t know me like that friend does, I look to be a shadow. I appear in public, often talk to them and be one of them, then over the weekend I seemingly drop off the face of the Earth.
This has got me thinking. If I want to be a part of their lives should I keep on contact with them through texting or is that a little too much to ask? Would I be bothering them by texting them?
I don’t know. I came into the lives of a lot of people out of nowhere and they’ve all known each other since they were little. I have only known them for about a year and a half on average and I’m yet an outsider.
Anyone feel me here? Just curious.
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We're often demisexual *can't feel sexual attraction until and emotional connection has been made
Confession #6
It takes me a long time to develop serious feelings for a person. Most INFJs can probably relate. We have to explore them like an onion and gradually peel away all the layers. However, when those feelings do happen… it takes your breath away.
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So it's no secret pretty much everyone hates Dolorass Umbitch and feels absolutely no pity when she suffers.
Just hear me out.
In the Dealthy Hallows, when Harry, Ron and Hermione are searching for the horcruxes, they discover Umbitch is in possession of the locket. THE LOCKET THAT HOLDS A PIECE OF COLDY VOLDY.
After breaking into the Ministry, they realize Umbitch is actually WEARING THE LOCKET.
Now blah blah, they get the locket and escape the Ministry, you know how it goes.
Once Harry, Ron and Hermione have the locket, THEY start wearing it and almost instantly become HORRIBLE versions of themselves and they all only wear the locket for a FEW HOURS AT A TIME and are constantly holding one another accountable.
What if Umbitch was sort of a dork when she was younger and other Slytherins always made fun of her looking like a toad or for being too sweet (Can you imagine her being sweet? Lol. But she does love cookies and kittens and pink which are usually associated with sweetness). So what if when she was given the locket, a celebrated piece of Slytherin history, and was so grateful to have come in contact with it she immediately put it on in hopes of making friends. We all know that status is hella important in the Slytherin world so this locket would have been like finding gold to an outcast Slytherin.
However, what if the locket didn't just help her gain status, but also made her feel POWERFUL FOR ONCE and helped bring out her conniving side. She would have felt more worthy of her house.
She wore it for YEARS.
Dolores Umbridge is horrible, but maybe she was once just a kid, feeling left out, wanting to fit in, who found something that helped her not only fit in, but thrive in her power-driven Hogwarts house and caused her to embody the worst parts of Lord Voldy, embrace her evil side, and grow more and more in hate as time went by. And as a teacher, she would HATE popular kids like Harry who fit in perfectly to their house. She would have so much rage associated with Hogwarts.
Dolores, I hate you, but I can pity you.
Draco while working with Umbridge
Wand: in hand
Attention: not present
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So it's no secret pretty much everyone hates Dolorass Umbitch and feels absolutely no pity when she suffers.
Just hear me out.
In the Dealthy Hallows, when Harry, Ron and Hermione are searching for the horcruxes, they discover Umbitch is in possession of the locket. THE LOCKET THAT HOLDS A PIECE OF COLDY VOLDY.
After breaking into the Ministry, they realize Umbitch is actually WEARING THE LOCKET.
Now blah blah, they get the locket and escape the Ministry, you know how it goes.
Once Harry, Ron and Hermione have the locket, THEY start wearing it and almost instantly become HORRIBLE versions of themselves and they all only wear the locket for a FEW HOURS AT A TIME and are constantly holding one another accountable.
What if Umbitch was sort of a dork when she was younger and other Slytherins always made fun of her looking like a toad or for being too sweet (Can you imagine her being sweet? Lol. But she does love cookies and kittens and pink which are usually associated with sweetness). So what if when she was given the locket, a celebrated piece of Slytherin history, and was so grateful to have come in contact with it she immediately put it on in hopes of making friends. We all know that status is hella important in the Slytherin world so this locket would have been like finding gold to an outcast Slytherin.
However, what if the locket didn't just help her gain status, but also made her feel POWERFUL FOR ONCE and helped bring out her conniving side. She would have felt more worthy of her house.
She wore it for YEARS.
Dolores Umbridge is horrible, but maybe she was once just a kid, feeling left out, wanting to fit in, who found something that helped her not only fit in, but thrive in her power-driven Hogwarts house and caused her to embody the worst parts of Lord Voldy, embrace her evil side, and grow more and more in hate as time went by. And as a teacher, she would HATE popular kids like Harry who fit in perfectly to their house. She would have so much rage associated with Hogwarts.
Dolores, I hate you, but I can pity you.
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“Give her hell from us, Peeves.”
And Peeves, whom Harry had never seen to take an order from a student before, swept his belled hat from his head and sprang into a salute as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset.
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