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I went through 275 pages of my video tag to find these vines among others
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Me: …The hell is it called the ‘drawing room’ for? Was drawing really such a wide-spread hobby, and if so, why do I never see any art equipment in the reconstructions of any of these rooms?
Historian, curator and documentary presenter Dr Lucy Wosley: Actually it was originally called the ‘withdrawing room’, as in the place one withdrew to, and where only family and important guests were allowed to enter. The name got shortened over time.
Me: Oooooohhhh
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Cale: I’m fine.
Choi Han: You’re fine? That’s good, I’m gonna put that on your tombstone: “He said he was fine. He was wrong.” What’s the matter with you?!
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Choi Han, at the beginning: Wait, Cale-nim what do you mean “Steal” isn’t that a crime…?
Choi Han, after one year of knowing Cale: He is saying “loot the tower”, but I’m sure he will do something good again.
Choi Han, after two years of knowing Cale: Huh? What do you mean we aren’t going to rob rich? What else do we even do???
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Trash of the Count's Family
He could see Cale Henituse, the person he felt was very cold at first, gently smiling like his thank you was enough compensation for helping the Elf Village.
Of course, Cale was smiling because he was thinking about how to take as much as he could from the Elves.
Hahaha!!! I love him, he never changes. The amount of misunderstandings between him and everyone else is just hilarious!
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Everyone THINKS they know the facts but I bet y’all didn’t know that John F. Kennedy was really just ‘John Kennedy’ until he died. The ‘F’ was added later to pay respects. In this essay, I will
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Schrodinger’s Script: If an “I love you” is written into a script and acted out, but doesn’t make it into the final cut, is it or is it not canon?
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I think a surprising amount of writers don’t realize that tragedies are supposed to be cathartic. They’re intended to result in a purging of emotion, a luxurious cry; the sorrow caused by a great tragedy is akin to fear caused by a good horror movie – it’s a “safe” sorrow, one that is actually satisfying to the audience. It can still be beautiful! It’s isn’t supposed to just be salting the earth so nothing can grow.
But that’s how you get grimdark: writers who don’t realize that they’re supposed to be doing something with the audience instead of to the audience.
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oh so you’re just going to wear a black turtleneck?? like some kind of slut????
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My favourite type of character in all media always.
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i’m the opposite of ‘i liked it before it became popular’ i only discover new things to like once they’re not popular anymore
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Percy weasley fics
The scarlet pimpernel- http://redhen-publications.com/pimpernel.html
Rather start a family than finish one- https://archiveofourown.org/works/10971645
Twentynine- https://archiveofourown.org/works/21468571/chapters/51162523
Benfolds series- https://archiveofourown.org/series/681
Percys pain- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3617688/1/Percy-s-Pain
Catharsis- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/219124/1/Catharsis
A new spring- https://archiveofourown.org/works/20247547/chapters/47987488
A real boy- https://archiveofourown.org/works/22731898/chapters/54320167
Percy take the wheel- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14033613/chapters/32322168
Unspeakable truths- https://archiveofourown.org/series/1139222
Percy Weasley and the Operation of Saving the World- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14779286/chapters/34181735
Invisable bruises- https://archiveofourown.org/works/26288980/chapters/64003144
A secret the forest keeps- https://archiveofourown.org/works/27339511/chapters/66799210
Changling- https://archiveofourown.org/works/25929301/chapters/63021958
the maybe non-eventful life of percy weasley- https://archiveofourown.org/works/19482022/chapters/46375795
The weasleys and the oliver development- https://archiveofourown.org/series/1853377
Feel free to add more :)
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NOTE: I didn’t write the joke- it’s based on @vampirefunkmetal​ ‘s very good post that you can read [by clicking here] !!
Image description is from @yourfriendthefangirl​ ! :D
[Image Description: A fifteen-panel black and white fan art comic of the Warner siblings from Animaniacs. All of the panels feature the artist’s name, GrantedDrop, hidden somewhere in the image and overlaying the image as a semi-transparent watermark.
In the first panel, Wakko is sitting in the foreground of a hallway, frowning in confusion with tongue out and arms crossed. A large question mark floats in the air near Wakko’s head. In the background, Yakko and Dot peek around the corner of the hallway.
The second panel is a closeup of Yakko and Dot with vaguely concerned expressions on their faces.
The third panel is the same closeup, but now Yakko and Dot are looking at one another with eyebrows raised. Dot is shrugging with one arm.
The fourth panel features all of the Warner siblings, with Yakko bending down to rest a hand on Wakko’s shoulder and Wakko turning to look at him. Yakko is asking, “What’s wrong, sib?” Dot is leaning forward with her hands clasped near her chin and saying, “Yeah, you can talk to us!”
In the fifth panel, Dot is holding Wakko’s right arm, and Yakko is kneeling down and holding Wakko’s left hand. Yakko and Dot are both smiling. Wakko has one foot braced against the floor, as if getting ready to stand, and is frowning slightly at the viewer while saying, “People keep telling me that gender is what’s in your pants…”
In the sixth panel, Dot and Yakko yank Wakko up into the air, and there are arrows and vague outlines of Wakko’s body left behind to indicate the rapid motion. Yakko is standing with a hand on his hip and is smiling at the viewer with one eyebrow raised.
In the seventh panel, Wakko lands, standing and sticking out one leg, gesturing down at it. Dot and Yakko stare at it, frowning in contemplation with their hands held up to their chins. Wakko is saying, “But I’m not wearing any pants!”
In the eighth panel, Dot and Wakko look over at Yakko. Dot is holding the edge of her skirt and saying, “Well, Yakko, you’re the only one of us with pants.” Yakko is frowning and rifling around inside his pants pocket, saying, “Hmm…”
In the ninth panel, Yakko holds up a finger triumphantly, with his other hand still in his pocket and a proud smile on his face, saying “Aha! I thiiink I found it!”. Dot and Wakko stare at him in surprise and curiosity.
The tenth panel is a closeup of Dot and Wakko, who are looking up at Yakko’s arms, which are holding a large quantity of deli meat above their heads. Dot and Wakko both have confused looks on their faces, and Wakko is saying, “Deli meat?”
The eleventh panel features Yakko’s hands dropping an enormous pile of deli meat on top of Dot and Wakko, obscuring them entirely. The word “FLUMP” appears over the sticks of meat to indicate the sound of them hitting the ground.
The twelfth panel shows just the pile of deli meat, with a speech bubble emerging from where Dot was standing that reads, “‘Best by:…’ How many decades ago?!”
In the thirteenth panel, Yakko is standing next to the pile of meat with a smile on his face and his hands raised in a shrug as he looks at Dot and Wakko. Dot and Wakko’s faces are scrunched in exertion as they pop their upper bodies out of the meat pile. Yakko is saying, “Well, I guess that settles it.”
In the fourteenth panel, Yakko is smiling with his arms crossed and looking over at Dot. Dot and Wakko are still half-way inside the meat pile, and Wakko is looking at Dot with a blank expression. Dot is smiling and saying, “Yeah, their concept of gender’s just a bunch of out-of-date baloney.”
In the fifteenth and final panel, all of the Warner siblings turn to smile smugly at the viewer with half-closed eyes. The word “End” is written in the bottom right corner. /End ID]
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