younggalaxyking 3 months
Good friend potato
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younggalaxyking 4 months
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204K notes View notes
younggalaxyking 6 months
Okay, either I have a crush on my friend or my friend has a crush on me!!!....I think I might have a crush on them....should I shoot my shot and say how I feel today? Or just wait it out? Sorry for the rant. I just needed to get this off my chest...
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younggalaxyking 2 years
#Sleeping it off helps me a lot
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younggalaxyking 2 years
You guys want some?
Sometimes you just need a grilled cheese.
Reblog to give your mutuals a grilled cheese. 馃А
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younggalaxyking 2 years
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Just stop...
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younggalaxyking 2 years
Thank God I'm not the only one who thought this馃槄
Bruce, baby, sweetheart, honey bunches of oats...
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You look like a pimp
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younggalaxyking 2 years
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Thank you @simpchanger and everyone who got me to 10 reblogs!
Am I doing good?
Found this on pinterest
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younggalaxyking 2 years
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Thank you @wroetohoe and everyone who got me to 5 reblogs!
Found this on pinterest
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younggalaxyking 2 years
Found this on pinterest
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younggalaxyking 2 years
#this should be made into a jacket or t-shirt
Eric Design Idea
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younggalaxyking 2 years
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5 posts!
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younggalaxyking 2 years
#devious dog #It's been a while huh
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younggalaxyking 2 years
I found another blep
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younggalaxyking 2 years
This is going to be my excuse for everything
Gene: Why are you so bad at math?
Eric S: I鈥檓 a drummer. I can鈥檛 count past four.
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younggalaxyking 3 years
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Gather 'round, I'm about to tell y'all the truth about MY day, Valentine's Day. It had nothin' to do with Draculaura or her birthday that just happened to be on February 14th (Sorry, dahlin'). No, this is the true story. This is about the time I posed as an ordained minister and royally ticked off the Emperor and Lord Stoker.
This happened a very very long time ago, longer back than 400 4years, in fact. Rome was under the rule of Emperor Clawdius II. Clawdius was very war hungry and always wanted to fight someone. Now as you can imagine, with all these battles, the army was getting too small. So he made a call for young men to enlist. However, no one went to enlist. Shock of shocks, they wanted to peacefully stay at home with their wives and children. Clawdius needed help.
Enter, Stoker and I. Clawdius and Stoker were close friends and when Stoker had heard Clawdius was havin' trouble, he took me with him to pay his friend a visit, and come up with a solution to his problem.
Young men weren't signin' up because they wanted to be with their wives.
"What're you gonna do? Ban marriage?" I had joked. I remember how angry Stoker was at first until Clawdius took my sarcasm as an actual suggestion. That's right. Clawdius made marriage illegal. Back then, any marriage had to be preapproved by the Emperor. Stoker and I got into a heated argument afterwards. It wasn't right not allowin' couples to be together to fight for a cruel tyrant.
Now, I was still young in my early hundreds and even more rebellious, especially against my maker, Stoker. So I hatched a plan.
I came to the people, claiming to be St. Valentine of Rome, their savior. I assured them that I would marry any couple in secret who wished to be married to avoid being forced to join the army.
I married too many couples to count! I got away with it for quite awhile before the two old fools figured it out.
I was imprisoned and sentenced to be beaten to death, beheaded, and left in the sun. Stoker refused to break me out, so I was on my own. I was panicking. I was sure this was the end of me.
The night before my planned execution, the jailer's daughter, Camilla, came to give her sympathies for my situation. She admired what I had done for the people of Rome, inspiring and supporting their love. I begged her to let me out and convinced her to dress another jailed man in my clothes to take my place so I could escape. To my surprise, she did exactly that. I'm not sure if that was my powers first manifestin', or if she was THAT charmed by me, but it was thanks to her that I was able to get out.
I fled Rome as quick as I could, and headed straight back to Transylvania. As soon as I was back I wrote her a card thankin' her. I suppose...that was technically the beginnin' of Valentine's Day cards, so hisstorians like to believe.
A few months later Stoker found me. He told me that the man in my clothes was thought to be me by Clawdius. Stoker said he, "did me a favor" by not sayin' anythin' and had been searchin' for me ever since. St. Valentine was made a martyr in the name of love and that was the end of it, we thought.
200 years later, the Pope decided to replace the celebration of Lupercalia, a celebration revolvin' around uh, anonymous hook ups, with a holiday celebratin' the victory of love and what a brave Saint did for Rome. The Feast of St. Valentine or Valentine's Day. Stoker was hilariously furious, "If you hadn't acted like a rebellious leetle brat! A vampire revered as a SAINT! I hope you're proud of what you've done!" I sure was. I'm not the only vampire to be thought of as a Saint. My dear childhood friend Patrick...but that's a story for another day.
Vampires tend to not really listen to religious news so Valentine's Day didn't become popular until the early 1600's. When Draculaura told me her birthday was February 14th, I decided to lie and tell her I created a brand new holiday in her honor to drain the love from her heart. From then on, it seemed that Draculaura spread the idea through the monster community that I had made the holiday for her, but named it after myself. No one called me out on it because most vampires didn't know what Valentine's Day was.
I guess, if there's a moral in all this, stand up for what you believe in and question authority. Especially when that authority is a cruel emperor and an oppressive vampire mentor.
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