So you're probably thinking....
A new website??? New members??? This isn't the YJTwitter I loved.
Well, we're just here to say slow your horses down for just a minute. Most of the original players are actually staying! A lot of our favorites made the decision to leave, it's true, but they made the decision in the interest of the RP. They recognized that they couldn't put in the time to this RP, and wanted to make space for the RP to thrive, so we're here to help make their dream a reality.
We are currently accepting applications http://youngjusticetwitter.tumblr.com/apps
Go here to see if the character you want is available: http://youngjusticetwitter.tumblr.com/lists (and also which of your favorites are staying! We still have most of the mentors and villains, and come on, the hat is staying, what more could you want?)
And finally, feel free to screen cap your favorite moments of YJT and submit them! http://youngjusticetwitter.tumblr.com/submit We will be setting up an archive of memories of the old and posting up the best parts of the new! So submit anything you like!
any questions? please ask! http://youngjusticetwitter.tumblr.com/ask
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Tuppence trying to break up with her boyfriend Icicle Jr, but it's just not working out. She loves him too much? [Must be the nice ice he brings her. Aha I am so punny.]
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Aquaman, being the perfect husband that he is.
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Our lovely Cheshire, trolling the heroes like she does.
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Canary and her love Green Arrow talking about the usual: his bad cooking.
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Kaldur and Tula having a not-at-all-awkward-because-you-used-to-like-me-but-now-i'm-dating-your-best-friend conversation.
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Sphere: bally love hat Hat: hat love bally Sphere: love love love Hat: OTP? Sphere: yes yes yes yes Hat: and the wolf? Sphere: best OT3 Hat: i am okay w/this
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'twitter of the gods'?
Sorry. Having an arrogant evening. It's what happens when you roleplay the Queen of the Effing Ocean. It will probably be taken down tomorrow evening. Like I said in my post, content subject to change.
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We do not use the word reboot. It is vile and evil. We use the word revive. Because revive is beautiful and implies new life.
We all saw the large amounts of tweets that flooded twitter today and we mourn the loss of several of the best roleplayers twitter will ever see. (you know it's true.)
We will not let the past hold us back. We move forward to the future!
This is not the first time this twitter roleplay has gone through a change in hands. Several characters have been replaced before now, and everything has gone along smoothly.
We know this time it will be much harder. We understand it will never be the same again.
We may not be mmfgn.
We are determined to maintain our status as the best Young Justice roleplay.
Hence the new application process. http://youngjusticetwitter.tumblr.com/apps
The current plan is to have Aqualad (@Hydrokinetic) and Miss Martian (@missmartian) head up this revival. However, they don't know that as of yet ;D So for right now, just hang tight while those of us who have been around long enough to remember the good times figure out how to maintain the awesomeness of the original Young Justice Twitter while plowing forward into the future.
damn, i could run for president i'm so good at making speeches.
also please be aware our website is a WIP; content subject to change
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