“I don’t think he knows I love him.”
“I don’t think she knows I love her.”
“Would you expose me to the masses, of the sin living in my heart?”
“Are you going to tell my secrets?”
“I promise not to tell a soul.”
“What do you think of us tiny little humans as you sit on your throne in the sky?”
“I plan to get away with murder. I need you to watch my back.”
“But how do you know what I do during the day? You hide under the earth when the sun rises.”
“Take me with you. Make me one of your brothers/sisters.”
“Will you fall from the heavens and be my friend?”
“I wish for a better future.”
“I wish for another tomorrow.”
“I wish the pain did not suffocate my soul.”
“She/he ruptures my heart with every breath.”
“The darkness in my soul recedes when he/she is near.”
“But do I tell him/her of my darkest crimes? Will they judge me for my sins?”
“Why won’t you answer me?!”
“Answer me!”
“Please, give me a sign.”
“I looking to you for guidance.”
“He tears apart my soul with every scathing looking.”
“I think I’m dying.”
“I don’t know how to go on.”
“At what point do I say enough is enough?”
“Will you wait for me with open arms?”
“Some say that I’m dreadful. I’m starting to believe them.”
“I killed her/him with my bear hands. And I can’t find it in my soul to care. Does that make me a bad person?”
“I have loved him/her since the moment I laid eyes on him/her.”
“There is a beast that lives in my heart. A terrible, brutal beast. No one will be able to love me.”
“I think it’s time I left. Saw the world. Went on an adventure.”
“Will you guide me home?”
“Wink once for yes and twice for no.”
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gender: “pretty boy”
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Send me “that’s dirty” and I will generate a number for what my muse will say to yours.
Sexual Sunday NSFW special, they’re all suggestive, but don’t have to be responded to in a NSFW manner.
Keep reading
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“Because I am somewhat of a chicken to ask you…because I would be rejected” he answered bringing his hand to his side, Glawion was very confident when it came to everyone…but something about Elrohir seems to diffuse him. Probably the fact that he’s heard everything Glawion has to offer.
“Would you like to dance with me?” He asked sucking you his pride.
❝  i would dance with you, if you will ask me.  ❞ @youngprinceofthenoldor
“If you wanted to dance would it not just make more sense to ask rather than trying to bait me into asking?” He sighed, not fond of the games that go along with events if this sort.
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Seduction Starters
A mix of actions that focus on the seduction/pinning. Inspiration taken from an array of different memes to put them all together in this one. Feel free to mix prompts to make more specific ones or if reverse them.
send in one of these for my muse’s (RECEIVER) reaction to your muse (SENDER) …
( DOOR ) opening the door for mine to pass.
( STARE ) longingly staring at mine from across the room.
( WATCH ) watching mine while drinking their beverage.
( TOUCH ) “accidentally” briefly touching mine. (example: brief hand touch, knee under the table)
( HOLD ) holding mine’s hand.
( HAND ) kissing mine’s hand.
( GIFT ) giving mine a gift. (example: flowers, jewellery)
( FLOWER ) putting a flower in mine’s hair.
( LETTER ) sending mine a love letter.
( LOCK ) offering my muse a lock of their hair.
( LEAN ) leaning against mine’s side.
( FIX ) fixing or straightening my mine’s clothes.
( DANCE ) leaning in closer while they are slow dancing with mine.
( COMPLIMENT ) complimenting mine.
( STAR ) staring at mine instead of the stars while stargazing.
( PLAY ) playing with mine’s hair.
( BRUSH ) brushing mine’s hair.
( LIP ) biting or licking their lower lip.
( SING ) singing to mine.
( GRAZE ) grazing mine’s shoulders with their fingers.
( BECKON ) beckoning to follow them.
( SLIDE ) sliding down their hand down mine’s back.
( CHIN ) grabbing mine’s chin.
( SILENCE ) silencing mine’s by pressing their finger on mine’s lips.
( PUSH ) pushing against the wall. (example: rough or soft pushing against wall)
( SIT ) sitting on their lap.
( HIP ) pulling mine by the hips.
( FACE ) stroking mine’s face.
( HOVER ) hovering their lips over mine’s.
( NECK ) kissing mine’s neck.
( GRIP ) holding mine by the back of the neck.
( SURPRISE ) being found without an article of clothing (example: being found shirtless)
( SECRET ) arriving where they both agreed to meet in secret in the dead of night.
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RP starters: Flirting ( + responses to it. )
“You come here often?”
“Can I offer you a drink?”
“So.. You expecting someone?”
“Do you need a place to stay for tonight?”
“I gotta tell you… you look incredibly hot.”
“Do you want to dance with me?”
“Look at us… we are basically a couple already.”
“I bet you would look even better without your clothes on.”
“Are you single? Just asking.”
“You’re the most beautiful person I have ever encountered.”
“What would you say if you and me would go somewhere else?”
“I love the way you’re dressed.”
“Do I have any chances with you?”
“Do you have anything better to do later?”
“Can I get your phone number?”
“You seem like a bad boy/girl/person type.”
“I can do whatever you want, babe.”
“You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”
“I bet guys/gals/people are all over you.”
“You should be a model.”
“Are you… trying to flirt with me?”
“Maybe if I get a free drink I can consider talking to you.”
“That won’t work. Try again.”
“Oh my god, did you just say that out loud?”
“I’m waiting for someone. However, you can amuse me in the meanwhile.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“I thought you were taken.”
“So, have you flirted with every girl/boy/one in this bar yet?”
“Do I look like someone who seems interested in you?”
“Compliments won’t pay my drinks.”
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He smiles at the silver eyed ellon, his own ocean blue ones. Now in shallow parts he laid on his stomach to prevent flashing the other ellon any further and keeps his head above water, his black hair like ink spills around him giving him some cover.
“Then at least keep me company? Haven’t seen you in a while darlin” he asked
↬ For your muse to catch mine swimming naked in a lake @youngprinceofthenoldor
“Not exactly what I was expecting to find on my peaceful walk…” he laughed to himself “so is there any particular reason for this or can you often be found here? I’d just like to know if I have to find a different route to take”
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Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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Glawion jumps a bit at the sound of Elrohirs voice, he playfully rolled his eyes at him. “What? Too entranced by the sight?” He teased turning around. His upper half was exposed with water dripping down his body and hair which was thrown into a ponytail.
“It was a warm day and I decided why not swim?…care to join me?” Glawion asked wadding closer to the half elf.
↬ For your muse to catch mine swimming naked in a lake @youngprinceofthenoldor
“Not exactly what I was expecting to find on my peaceful walk…” he laughed to himself “so is there any particular reason for this or can you often be found here? I’d just like to know if I have to find a different route to take”
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✮ Morning After Starters ✮
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❛ You really need a shower. ❜ ❛ I really need a shower. ❜ ❛ Wait … don’t get up yet. ❜ ❛ Where are you going? ❜ ❛ I just can’t stop thinking about last night. ❜ ❛ I think I pulled something last night. ❜ ❛ We’re never doing that again. ❜ ❛ We have to try a different position next time. ❜ ❛ Why are you walking like that? ❜ ❛ I told you not to leave any marks! ❜ ❛ You really marked me up … ❜ ❛ Sorry about the marks. ❜ ❛ Next time can I be on top?  ❜ ❛ Next time, you can be on top. ❜ ❛ I really needed that. ❜ ❛ Was I okay last night? ❜ ❛ You were great last night. ❜ ❛ You were so off last night. ❜ ❛ It didn’t feel the same. ❜ ❛ Are you okay? ❜ ❛ You really know what I like, don’t you? ❜ ❛ Can we try something different next time? ❜ ❛ I love you. ❜ ❛ … Are you in the mood? ❜ ❛ Don’t tell me you’re already in the mood, it’s too early for this. ❜ ❛ Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed. ❜ ❛ Are you still embarrassed? ❜ ❛ There’s no need to be embarrassed. ❜ ❛ I should go. ❜ ❛ I shouldn’t have spent the night here. ❜ ❛ What are you doing? ❜ ❛ Are you still sleeping? ❜ ❛ I feel so good now. ❜ ❛ I regret last night. ❜ ❛ … This isn’t my bed. ❜ ❛ Is someone coming? ❜ ❛ Hide! ❜ ❛ I’m sorry, I’ll explain later but you have to go! ❜ ❛ I’m sorry, I’ll explain later but you have to hide! ❜ ❛ Blanket hog! ❜ ❛ We didn’t even make it to the bed last night … ? ❜ ❛ Ugh, I hate this part. ❜ ❛ Morning sleeping beauty. ❜ ❛ Are you hungry? Because I’m starving. ❜ ❛ Where are my clothes? ❜ ❛ Do you think the sims ever experience erectile dysfunction? ❜ ❛ Could I borrow this? ❜ ❛ Oh, I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed this. ❜ ❛ Is that … my shirt? ❜ ❛ Are you wearing my underwear? ❜ ❛ Your hair is a mess. ❜ ❛ My hair is a mess. ❜ ❛ Stop it or I’ll be late thanks to you. ❜ ❛ I can’t believe I slept with you. ❜ ❛ Don’t you dare tell a soul about this. ❜ ❛ This stays between you and me. ❜ ❛ Is it already that late?! ❜ ❛ Do you think anyone heard us? ❜ ❛ Do you think anyone noticed we were gone last night? ❜ ❛ Are you sure no one heard us last night? ❜
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basically i was looking over the protective prompts and the hero prompts and it hit me that like. the unbridled angst and vibes of the whole “post-battle” scene, or a scene set after an attack or a disaster or smth, needs to be ADDRESSED!!! and so y’all get the full weight of my angst today, sprinkled with a lot of teamwork and selfless and sacrificing vibes. i hope you enjoy! do NOT add further contributions to this list!!! i will curse your potato crops!!!
“ can you hear me? hey… [NAME], can you hear my voice? “
“ come on… wake up. please… please wake up… “
“ oh! oh, thank god! i thought we lost you… “
“ hey, hey… look at me, okay? you gotta get up now. you think you might be able to walk? ‘cause they sent for back-up, and if they find us… we cannot let them find us. understand? “
“ go, go! save yourself! i’ll buy you some time! “
“ we both know i’m not walking out of this one. it’s okay, alright? it’s okay… just… do me a favor, will you? will you make them pay for this? i don’t care how. but… don’t let them get away with it. “
“ hey, how badly are you hurt? can you move? you think you can walk? “
“ if you can’t walk, i’m gonna have to carry you, alright? we can’t stay here. “
“ hey, look at me. i’m slowing you down, we both know it. it’s okay. i’ll hide and wait for back-up; you get yourself out of here. “
“ you’re gonna need to climb up on my back, you’re slowing us down with that injury. “
“ will you quit talking like that?! i’m not leaving you behind! “
“ what the hell are you doing here?! i told you to get out of here! “
“ you’re shivering… hey. hey, listen to me, okay? everything’s gonna be alright, i promise. here… take my jacket. don’t worry, i’m warm-blooded. “
“ i’ll get blood on your shirt… “
“ hey, don’t you dare close your eyes, you hear me? you die in my arms, and i’m gonna stick the dry-cleaning bill for this shirt in your coffin, that’s a promise! “
“ i know we almost died just now, but… am i the only one who’s hungry? “
“ we need to get you to a hospital… “
“ hey, come on now… you’re okay. you’re good, right? “
“ i must be hurt pretty bad if you’re being this nice to me. “
“ quit playing the martyr. we’re not leaving you behind. “
“ you know, i hate to be the negative voice, but… did… did we just lose? “
“ look at me… i’m not gonna make it. it’s okay, i’m fine with that. but… you can’t stay here. you’ve got a good long life ahead of you. and you’re smart, too; too smart to wait around here and waste that long life. so you get out of here, and you go live that life. live it for both of us. will you promise me you’ll do that? “
“ back-up isn’t coming. is it? we’re on our own, right? “
“ can’t sleep, huh? it’s okay. it’s probably all that adrenaline and shock; i can’t sleep, either. wanna keep each other company? “
“ i don’t give two shits about the back-up; i’m just happy you’re alive. “
as always, add a “+ REVERSE” to switch the roles!
[ CARRY ]:     having found the receiver in an injured/weak/unconscious state, the sender carries them in their arms to safety.
[ TILT ]:     the sender gently tilts the receiver’s chin up so that they can check to see if they’re okay.
[ PULL ]:     sender takes the fallen receiver’s hands and carefully pulls them up so that they’re standing once more.
[ WAIST ]:     sender, while physically supporting and steadying the receiver, loops an arm around their waist for extra support.
[ BACK ]:     sender crouches down slightly to let the wounded receiver climb on their back, giving them a piggy-back ride to safety afterwards.
[ HAIR ]:     while in the process of checking the receiver for injuries or other signs of harm, the sender gently brushes several strands of hair from their eyes.
[ TEND ]:     sender begins to care for the receiver’s injuries.
[ LEAN ]:     the wounded sender leans against the receiver for physical support.
[ SUPPORT ]:     the sender encourages the wounded receiver to lean against them for physical support.
[ PUSH ]:     the sender gently pushes the receiver back to lie down so they can check them properly for injuries.
[ COAT ]:     sender removes their jacket and drapes it around the shoulders of the trembling receiver.
[ BLANKET ]:     just as they’re all about to go to sleep, the sender covers the receiver with their own blanket.
[ AWAKE ]:     the sender, unable to sleep, gets up to go for a walk, and finds that the receiver is also unable to sleep.
[ TOGETHER ]:     when the receiver awakens, they discover that the sender has been sleeping next to them, arms wrapped around one another for warmth, comfort, protection ( or something more… )
[ BANDAGE ]:     the sender sits down across from the receiver and begins to bandage their wounds.
[ DRAG ]:     unable to leave them behind, the sender drags the wounded receiver out of danger and into a safe hiding place for both of them to wait until help arrives.
[ TOUCH ]:     the sender nudges or touches the receiver to check and see if they’re alright after the attack.
[ CLEAN ]:     the sender gently and carefully begins to bathe the blood/soot/ash/dirt from the receiver’s skin during a moment of calm.
[ PRIORITY ]:     when they arrive at a designated safe place, the sender refuses to be examined or cared for until the receiver is taken care of first.
[ PROMISE ]:     before leaving to get help/food/water/a rescue mission etc, the sender assures and promises the receiver that they’ll return safely, refusing to bring them along or to stay behind.
[ BROKEN ]:     after having promised the receiver that they’d return, it’s learned that the sender died during their mission. how does the receiver respond?
[ TRAPPED ]:     after having promised the receiver that they’d return from a mission, the receiver learns that the sender has been kidnapped or otherwise trapped, requiring a rescue mission to bring them home.
[ RESCUE ]:     the sender and receiver reunite after the sender embarked upon an infamously perilous rescue mission to save the receiver.
[ FOUND ]:     after a massive rescue mission to try and find the missing receiver, the sender is the first to find them just as the efforts are about to be abandoned.
[ HOPE ]:     just as the receiver is about to lose hope in ever finding the sender again, a message or clue of some kind is discovered that essentially guarantees that the sender is still alive, restoring the receiver’s hope once more.
[ CLING ]:     having finally been reunited, the sender pulls the receiver into a tight, overwhelmingly relieved embrace, clinging to them and burying their face in their shoulder. the whole deal. make it EMOTIONAL–
[ TEARS ]:     having finally found the receiver, or having finally been found by the receiver, the sender breaks down in tears of relief, fear, and many other emotions as they officially reunite.
[ SACRIFICE ]:     knowing that the circumstances only allow one of them to survive, the sender sacrifices their life in order to guarantee the receiver’s survival and safety.
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Medieval Sexual Sunday Memes
♥ For your muse (a noble) to request a provocative painting of mine
۵ For my muse (a noble) to request a provocative painting for yours
ღ For your muse (an artist) to ask my muse to be their nude subject
❁ For my muse (an artist) to ask yours to be their nude subject
❥ For your muse to ask mine to become their mistress
❀ For my muse to ask yours to become their mistress
ℳ For your muse to send mine a provocative painting of your muse
⋆ For my muse to send yours a provocative painting of mine
Ⓐ For your muse to find mine in a compromising position with a low-born
❦ For my muse to find yours in a compromising position with a low-born
ℒ For your muse to walking in on mine taking a bath
Ⓔ For my muse to walk in on yours taking a bath
ℬ For your muse to walk in on mine getting dressed
ℰ For my muse to walk in on yours getting dressed
↬ For your muse to catch mine swimming naked in a lake
ℛ For my muse to catch yours swimming naked in a lake
➳ For your muse to suggest to mine to go swimming naked
ℐ For my muse to suggest to yours to go swimming naked
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“Made too much for me to eat by myself so…I’m giving some to you, The hobbits call it a meat pie..sounded interesting so I decided to try it” He said placing his own plate on the table and taking a seat.
“I already gave some to sister dearest”
🥪 @youngprinceofthenoldor
Set a plate/tray/bowl of food down for my muse
He glanced over at the other with a small smile “what’s this for?”
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gender: “pretty boy”
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“I did but they said to inform you first so you dont chop their heads off when you find out later that I almost had my eye ripped out” He said looking up to his Father, Glawion was a tall Ellon but Marion is a Maia therefore being far taller still.
“Oh and uh one of your generals who did this to me said to tell you “I couldn't give a shit about Marion or his Half breed abominations, he can kiss my ass”...His words not mine”
Glawion inches his way into his fathers study. he was nervous and had an odd expression on his face, his hand was covering his face "ada...remember how you sent me to check on a fort? im back"
"and well your generals...they started a fight and they ended up almost eating eachother again...they kinda...sorta messed up my eye" @youngprinceofthenoldor
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“You are injured?”
 Mairon stood up and closed the distance between them, taking Glwion’s hand away from his face to see. He instantly winced in sympathy. That looked like it hurt.
“Why have you not seen a healer yet?”
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“You blamed me for something that isnt my fault...and then assumed I would hurt you....That really hurts grandfather” Glawion said turning his attention back to his sketch for a new sword.
“Grandfather why are you staring at me like that? Your kinda scaring me” @youngprinceofthenoldor
“….You look like Nolofinwë. Have you been sent here to pretend to be my grandchild and spy on me?”
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“You think you can bring me back some spices? All of the ones I have now are almost gone, and there’s some recipes I’d love to try to make” he said.
“Ha, we both know who Ada’s favorite is”
“So your leaving? And said something to everyone but me? Again…” @youngprinceofthenoldor
“I haven’t seen you yet,” Legolas said gently, turning when he heard his brother’s voice. He’d been finishing his packing for Imladris, though he wouldn’t need much for a swift trip.
“I’m leaving, yes, but its not like I’m not coming back. A few weeks time, you’ll hardly notice I’ve gone.”
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