youngroyalsbabyy · 6 months
I keep forgetting about tumblr ibr
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youngroyalsbabyy · 9 months
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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youngroyalsbabyy · 10 months
This? This broke me in 7 different languages
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
Welcome to more screenshots from my edits that make me giggle like a fool:
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I feel like these could be memes. I love them. I’m so funny for this actually. Pat on the back for zee.
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
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Chapter 7-19
Read on Tapas / Read on Webtoon
More info/buy the books: https://aliceoseman.com/
Heartstopper updates three times a month, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st at 11am UK time.
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
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Will it become a tradition of mine to draw iconic Wilmon scenes from each seasons but in the snow? Maybe.
My art account: d.momoart
Do not repost
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
this parallel was so painful.
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
@unfortunate17 and I were discussing Wille’s anxiety and how we don’t feel like Wille’s reluctance to partake in public speaking was a result of his anxiety, but rather his history of being forced to speak and say things he doesn’t mean and follow a script in order to preserve the reputation of his family and control the public’s perception of him. He was forced to follow a script three times in season 1 - the first when he had to apologize on TV for a fight he was not sorry about, when he had to read a written speech to his classmates regarding his brother who had just died, and when he was forced to lie about the video leading to the destruction of his relationship with Simon.
In my opinion Wille’s fear of public speaking in season 2 is not related to general or social anxiety - as I do not believe Wille has social anxiety at all and is not shy at all despite some people in the fandom tending to believe he is - but rather a fear of being perceived, because that is ultimately Wille’s main struggle in the series - not being with a boy, not being in love with a gay, not being queer, but being perceived by others and feeling forced to live up to a certain standard or expectation when all he wants to do is live his life truthfully and without people having opinions about the things he does.
What’s so powerful and beautifully written about the scenes with Boris is that even though Wille is made to see a therapist by his mother, the Queen, who is the one who persuaded/forced him speak out when he didn’t want to, Wille’s sessions with Boris are the first time he is told he doesn’t have to say anything if  he doesn’t want to, and the confidentiality of their sessions and Boris’ position as an unbiased professional allows him to be more honest with not only himself, but with another person without feeing like he is being judged or forced to feel or believe something he doesn’t.
We see in season 1 episode 4, when Wille goes off script and speaks from the heart about Erik, and in season 2 episode 6 when he once again goes off script, that Wille really has no issues with speaking to a crowd, but only when he feels he’s being truthful and honest and in control of the narrative. His fear of speaking in the class presentation, in my opinion, has a lot to do with how out of control of his own narrative Wille felt throughout season 2 as a result of the lie at the end of season 1 and the events of season 2 - he is perceived by his classmates now as having denied being a part of the video, as if it was something to be ashamed of, he is perceived as being interested in Felice when in reality he’s desperately in love with Simon. He just wants to exist and stay true to himself and it scares him to do it in front of an audience, and that’s what makes it so powerful when we see him slowly begin to accept how he feels about himself and the circumstances of his life through the sessions with Boris, and how that results with him re-taking control of his own narrative at the Jubilee at the end of the season, and that’s just beautiful writing.
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
The one brain cell of Wille.
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
Wille and Simon having so much love and respect for each other that both were individually willing to make a sacrifice for each other and simultaneously not allowing the other person to make that sacrifice for the other out of love and respect is what keeps me up at night.
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
I do not understand the complaint that not having Micke in S2 was a "plot hole." Sure, I want to learn more about the Eriksson family but there was absolutely no place for Micke in the story S2 was telling. And in fact I think it would have been a huge mistake to try to force him in because it makes zero sense for him to have been around given the then-current state of affairs. Some people seem to forget (or deliberate overlook) the fact that the only reason Simon went to see his dad was to get alcohol and then drugs. He wasn't trying to reconnect or rebuild their relationship. He deliberately rejects all Micke's efforts to get closer like staying to jam, going to a concert, wanting to talk about Linda and Sara.  Simon is only there for the booze, then to *steal* drugs, and then to give Micke his money.  Simon of course has complicated feelings about his dad, multiple motivations, and probably began to have hope for something - had Micke been sober on that 3rd visit who knows.... But he wasn't sober and ends up being nothing more than a supplier and a disappointment for Simon. On top of that, Micke betrays Simon by failing to stay sober, assaulting him, and then doing the one thing he asked him not to do: try to contact Linda and Sara.
After all that, why the hell would Simon want anything to do with his dad, especially when he is heartbroken and in need of SUPPORT, not more pain??!?  Did Micke try to make contact as a result of the tape? Maybe, but I don't see Simon (or his mom or sister) wanting or caring about that and depicting that would have added nothing to the story of Season 2. There was no place for Micke in the story of S2 , nothing where his inclusion would have made logical sense. 
S3 however!!!! Now we have the perfect set up to not only bring back Micke but also really delve into the Erickson family and all of their relationship drama and complexities.  That focus on the pill bottle, August specifically saying Micke's name, Sara knowing about August's drug use, her being on the same medication which August previously tried to get her to sell him, her going to the police. And Linda finally being made aware of the truth and how much her kids have been lying and hiding from her!?!? Plus, from the other side you have the royal family potentially looking to undermine Simon by using his past against him, AND the press delving into everything. OMG, there is soooooo much potential there!! I am so excited for S3!
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
I want season 3 of Young Royals to include a scene where Wille is making a floral wreath/ flower crown and puts it on Simons head during midsommar :-) Almost like a coronation!! It would be so sweet.
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
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Wille falling in love with Simon through his voice make so much sense by the way the whole series is implying how attach Wille is to music. How he listens to specific music that is driven by his emotion or how it comforts him when he is down.
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Simon singing loudly was the first reason he smiled at Hillerska. And as time soon passed, Simon became Wille's music. He became the driver of Wille's emotion. Became his comfort when the world is too much.
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Crazy enough, the same boy has written a song solely for him. Driven by the emotions Simon deeply felt for Wille. Trying to reach his heart.
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What makes it heartfelt is instead of a written poetry just like everyone else in the month of love, it was instead delivered through music that he loves the most (Simon's voice).
GIF: @/youngroyalscentral & @/drs295
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
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Dante better not be the first to di3 or smth😭😭
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youngroyalsbabyy · 1 year
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I’m a mess after that teaser 
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