your-old-new-song · 7 years
You are like a book I want to read forever.
Love & Other Train Wrecks by Leah Konen (This quote is from an unfinished copy and may be subject to change–but isn’t it adorable?)
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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5-18-17 // An ode.
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
He’s perfect and that’s the problem.
Because perfection isn’t real, it doesn’t exist.
Which means he doesn’t exist, that he isn’t real.
It’s frustrating. Irritating. Annoying.
You know it’s all for show. You even think you know why he does it.
But then one day he turns his head and you see his face and it’s not the façade you’ve come to know.
Not exactly. It’s broken. Cracked. Contains a permanent chip he cannot hide.
And you find yourself feeling badly for seeing it, as the change in visage is through no will or action of his own.
And you can sense how it bothers him. And you wish he could see it for what it is. See that it adorns. Not mars.
You wish he could see it the way you do. See that it makes him real.
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
As a boy, I followed my mother. But I did not always listen, leading to regret.
As a soldier, I followed my commands, until the day I abandoned post, for better or worse I still do not know.
As a dead man, I followed a sheep in wolf’s clothing. No thought. No care. No regret.
Now my mother dead, the sheep skinned, and my city burns at the hands of those I abandoned.
Now, now a woman stands before me.
A woman who tried to kill me. A woman who destroyed what was left of my mother.
A woman who exposed the sheep. A woman whom my love calls friend.
What I would give to follow her. Follow her, and maybe, just maybe, be following for the right reasons.
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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Vincent Van Gogh
“Long Grass with Butterflies“
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
Come and take my hand. Let us fall in love again. With the beauty of the world. With each other. With ourselves.
Lukas W. // Fall with me (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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Earth at it’s finest
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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Flowering Azaleas by the Window c. 1895. Marie Egner
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.
Serbian Proverbs (via laynemorgan)
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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- Akin Olokun
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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The head of Monte Sorrento via Pierre-Auguste Renoir
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
So many emotions. Terror. Frustration. Worry. Determination. Relief.
And all in one day, leaving us in a state of fatigue.
When I saw you lying in the street, I couldn’t much blame you. "The sky is so pretty," you said, and I was filled with warmth as I laid down beside you.
You asked our sibling to join us, and they agreed readily, excitedly, joining our little circle of exhausted reprieve.
We watched in silence as the sky turned from blue to orange to pink and purple, as the stars began to shine through.
And as with each speck of light, so too did our loved ones trickle through, coming out into the dark to complete our little circle.
It was quiet. It was peaceful. Though we knew the coming days would be just as long, just as hard, just as daunting, for a moment, there was peace.
Then we started yelling. Started fighting. Started arguing. And through it all, I felt so much love, I thought for sure my chest would burst, causing the night to go from black to purple to pink to orange to blue.
This is my family, I thought with a smile. All near. All safe. All within arm’s reach.
Truly, never had I known such peace.
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.
Leonardo da Vinci (via leonardodavinci-art)
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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The Three Trees, Autumn via Claude Monet
Size: 73x92.3 cm Medium: oil on canvas
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your-old-new-song · 7 years
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