your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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Hello! Welcome to Halcyon, your own safe space! Wondering what halcyon means? We got you! 😉
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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Here are the set of activities to help you take good care of your mental and psychological well-being 💕
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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Check this out to know the activities we’ll be doing! 
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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We have a long way to go so... here’s the glimpse for our activities for the week! 🙈
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
[ DAY 1 ]
I just woke up and while waiting for my class to start, I thought of doing a TikTok video with my pet since I need to start my day right and at the same time, I kinda need motivation in doing well in such activities. Tiktok is a platform wherein I can post anything that I think could help me enhance my personality. Nowadays, online classes kinda burn my mind out but with my pet, it usually gives me joy and happiness every time I see him in our house for his cuteness is undeniably adorable!
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
[ DAY 2 ]
Ever since quarantine , I’ve been stuck at home with little to no exercise. Back when things were normal I would walk along Taft from school to Pedro Gil and considered that my exercise. But now I can’t really do any walking so I decided to jump rope instead. Yes, this is a sport. Apparently they hold competitive jump rope competitions. Reminds me of that one Disney movie ‘Jump In!’ Exercise helps you get your blood flowing and gets the oxygen flowing to your brain
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
[ DAY 3 ]
Today’s a good day to try something new and I thought of trying something weird, something that others don’t do. While finding a snack to eat, it immediately came into my mind to try a piece of Oreo with ketchup. Well, to be honest, it’s my first time trying this and it turns out to be not that bad but… I’m not gonna do it again! #neveragain 🤮
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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[ DAY 4 ]
Cookies are one of my favorite snacks! To try something new, we ate cookies with our fave Nutella and Skittles. I’m not good at baking but I really had fun since my cousin helped me with it. We do this when we have free time, and it helps us calm our mind.
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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[ DAY 5 ]
My lola visited me today! I thought of making her some of her favorite pastries, so I did! I haven’t seen her in awhile, so I wanted to surprise her! We talked the whole afternoon and spent time together watching Filipino RomComs. I love her very much and I’m really glad that I had the opportunity to spend time with her today.
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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You’re doing so well! Onto the next activities! 😄
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
[ DAY 6 ]
When i get to be with my family, it lightens up my mood all the time, especially now that we have a new addition to our family, my niece. It feels overwhelming to have people that are fun to be with, who knows who you really are. Also, I thought I wasn’t good with kids but actually I was really okay with it, and every time I play with her, it just makes all the stress and tiring stuff to think about go away. Family just has to be one of the best parts in life to me, it isn’t always perfect, yet at least you know they value you.
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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[ DAY 7 ]
This used to be one of my favorite movies to binge watch because it portrays the reality students face in school. You are surrounded by “plastic” or judgmental people and they will only like you because of your looks. Back in my old school we had that same group in our batch, they would only accept you if you clique with them. It’s sad to say I was part of that group but eventually I had to leave that group of friends because the toxicity of talking behind each others’ backs wasn't doing us any good and sadly I was the only one who noticed. They would talk badly about each other but act as if nothing was wrong, but then when one of our friends found out what happened they would isolate themselves and become sad or lonely. That is how damaging backstabbing is to a person. The people you thought you were friends with would talk poorly behind you.
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
[ DAY 8 ]
As an only child, I often get bored easily and try to find something to do in order to distract me. When the quarantine started, I downloaded the TikTok app because people said it was a fun way to pass time. At first, I didn’t see the hype, but now that my FYP is filled with creative content that I enjoy, it’s as if I can’t go a day without a scroll in the app! Making a video with my mom was really fun because I showed her a glimpse of what teenagers like to do for fun during these trying times. Also, since my mom’s work is at home, I enjoyed seeing her have fun with me and be free from her stressful tasks for a few minutes.
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
[ DAY 9 ]
With the requirements from online classes, I need to have a calm nervous system. With that, I think I know that doing yoga is the right thing to do right now since it could help relax and calm myself. As a student facing this new normal in society, I need to increase my body’s awareness, relieve stress, and sharpen my attention and concentration.
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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[ DAY 10 ]
I made myself look pretty with makeup and my favorite dress! It’s been such a long time since the last time I went out, but it felt great! I love taking photos and dressing up since it really helps me boost my confidence.
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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[ DAY 11 ] 
Pasta is one of my favorite foods to cook because it is easy to do and making the sauces with my Mom is fun. I’m not the best at cooking so I ask her for help and that’s how we bond during our free time at home. Carbonara is definitely one of our favorite recipes to do together. Also, to top off the day filled with delicious food: we made homemade chicken-joy style fried chicken!
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your-own-safe-space · 4 years
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[ DAY 12 ]
It's my mom's birthday in a few days so I decided to surprise her. I drew a portrait of her using a pencil and a marker. She has helped me a lot with everything in my life and I am so grateful to be able to call her my mom.
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