yourauntitali · 4 months
Okay, you need to make sure you play this game at some point. Maybe not today or anything, because you’ll need about thirty minutes and a serious willingness to understand how it works, but - it’s so worth it. It’s basically an answer to our occasional frustration - why do assholes always come out on top? - and the beautiful thing about it is that not only does it explain how that happens, but also how we can change it.
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“In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it’s us players who define the game.”
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yourauntitali · 5 months
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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yourauntitali · 1 year
on the planet of the…
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yourauntitali · 1 year
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yourauntitali · 1 year
"Religion is incompatible with feminism"
No it's not.
The synagogue I go to held a prayer of mourning for the anniversary of the overturn of Roe v Wade, mourning all the people hurt by a lack of access to abortion and reproductive healthcare.
Both of the cantors are women.
They held a whole session a few months ago that was literally all lead by women and talking about women and feminism in Judaism.
Our Torah readings often discuss the reading from a feminist perspective, asking "where were the women in this? did they have a choice in what happened here? was this fair to them?"
Maybe your religion is incompatible with feminism, but Judaism sure the fuck isn't.
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yourauntitali · 1 year
It's really funny that redditors convinced themselves that the stupid Tiananmen Square copypasta is going to get chinese people forcefully disconnected from their internet service or something while the UK government will get your ass if you complete the sentence "Soldier F is ___" and has actively worked with google and with social media websites to censor posts or search results about Soldier F
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yourauntitali · 1 year
Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's 3 years of constant hormone therapy, 4 years of voice training, 12 sessions of facial hair removal, bottom surgery by the best surgeon in the country,
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yourauntitali · 1 year
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Table of the Elements in an Irregular Spiral. 1940s.
"Rainbow-colored periodic table of the elements designed in the style of an irregular spiral. Per text accompanying the table, the colors and construction of the table are designed to express the relationship among elements in terms of the repetition of certain chemical properties, with elements whose chemistry is almost identical grouped together in blocks or connected by solid arrows. Additionally, all related elements are represented with different shades of the same color."
Science History Institute
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yourauntitali · 1 year
It's important to me that everyone understands that if you've got an autistic friend who periodically sends you pictures/videos/whatever of your Thing, because they know you're into it... They love you.
Now don't get me wrong, It may not necessarily be romantic love, they might not want to run off to a little farm in Montana where you'll be married forever and raise little sheeps...
But they definitely love you. And they're so happy when they spot a post about X and go "ooh, my friend likes X! I'll send it to them!".
Because they love you and want you to be happy.
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yourauntitali · 1 year
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kissy kissy
Jewish Memes Only
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yourauntitali · 1 year
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yourauntitali · 1 year
The ADHD and autism crossover function where you thoroughly overpack for trips
not because you are bad at organization and planning and control but, rather
you know the unpredictability of the world and the possibility of the arising of Conditions or Circumstances which change which outfits or clothing items you can wear, including being two days out on your trip and your electric meat deciding without warning that most of what you brought if now illegal
So your overpacking is self-knowledge and planning for control in the uncontrollable
that is a thing right that’s not just me?
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yourauntitali · 1 year
T-Shirts I would get the Twst boys
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Half of them would throw it in the trash but its ok i would put it back in their closet for them :)
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yourauntitali · 1 year
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yourauntitali · 1 year
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yourauntitali · 1 year
it’s difficult to be a dom with anarchist leanings.
my sub will be like “i have to tell you something… i broke a rule. i’ll accept whatever punishment you see fit.” and i’m like. rise up comrade you have nothing to lose but your padded restraints. no doms no masters. oh you want me to spank you. yeah i can do that.
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yourauntitali · 1 year
It me
ok this is insane but like.. the new tumblrinas are more acclimated to the culture than some normal users. i mean it. like every single reddit refugee post has an INSANELY CLOSE like to reblog ratio and there all mutualing each other and sending each other asks and dms. like wtf. how are you better at this.
in all seriousness i think its because we welcomed them with such feral delight. like every single tumblr user individually saw the reddit refugees and were like "ok listen. we love you honey and hope you're feeling good and here are the instructions" and they did SO MUCH MORE THAN WE THOUGHT THEY WOULD!!! AND NOW ALL OF THEM ARE LIKE HAVING SO MUCH FUN AND IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM!!!!
and also not to keep going but i adore how everyone is so so emotional about this. like every single reddit refugee is like "oh my god why are you so nicee i havent felt this happy in years holy fuckkk..." and were all like "its ok!!! im so glad you are having fun you are doing such a good job yknow? youre perfect at this!!" anyways if YOURE a reddit refugee lets be mutuals
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