youraveragemage · 2 months
Merlin takes the electricity buzzing in her system only shaking a few times and gathered the energy to redirect it out in the air. The air seemed to become harder to breathe and stand in, pressure pushing down on those that had attacked her. She was breathing a bit harder but otherwise didn’t look too shaken up. “Were I someone else. Someone without mercy, I would make sure you didn’t survive me.” She says the air turning ice cold around the electric user. “As it is, you have one chance to leave while I may allow it.” The Mage of Camelot didn’t anger easily, the last time she did she made Camelot and the whole of magic but for a few pockets disappear in her own universe. This was her mercy on its last threads.
Merlin in Eternia (Closed RP)
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"Huh? Th-This can't be right. I was trying to summon... Actually, I wasn't trying to summon anything."
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youraveragemage · 2 months
Merlin looks at the hand that was squeezing her and then her body just seemed to disappear, then a bird was sitting on the huge skeletal hand giving Skeletor a look that said: you honestly believed that would work? Really? The bird was huge, feathers of fire blazing causing the huge hand to get on fire. The bird disappeared revealing the Mage again. “You know, that was almost quite impressive.” She remarks sitting near the flames, the orange, red and yellow making her black hair soak the colors while her eyes stare at the skeleton. Let him try something stupid again, it just might be fun. “The key word is almost though.”
Merlin in Eternia (Closed RP)
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"Huh? Th-This can't be right. I was trying to summon... Actually, I wasn't trying to summon anything."
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youraveragemage · 2 months
Merlin chuckles and leans her body on a hip looking at the bone creature. Could she turn the thing to dust? It would probably have to be experimented on later. “Oh look at me~. I’m positively shaking in my deer leather boots.” She says in a falsetto the back of her hand to her head, very obviously not shaking. “And Mage is just a title, and it is very much capitalized like this ‘Sorceress’ individual I heard about. I would tell you my name, but that would mean I care for you to remember it.”
Merlin in Eternia (Closed RP)
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"Huh? Th-This can't be right. I was trying to summon... Actually, I wasn't trying to summon anything."
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youraveragemage · 2 months
“Speak of the devil thrice and all I suppose.” Merlin remarked hearing the zap and had a hand in a pocket ready to pull out a weapon to defend herself if necessary. “An animated skeleton? Is it possession or necromancy that still allows the creature to move and speak?” She asks curiously not really worried at the moment.
Merlin in Eternia (Closed RP)
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"Huh? Th-This can't be right. I was trying to summon... Actually, I wasn't trying to summon anything."
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youraveragemage · 2 months
“You’re lucky then to be taken in by someone who cares for you.” She says with a small smile. She was often a little envious of those that were raised with affection. She got a very minuscule amount of it herself. “So who is this being who everyone confused with me working for them?” She asks standing on her feet.
Merlin in Eternia (Closed RP)
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"Huh? Th-This can't be right. I was trying to summon... Actually, I wasn't trying to summon anything."
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youraveragemage · 2 months
Merlin smiles sympathetically. “Taken away from your parents. I know that story well.” It was her own after all. Stolen and forgotten by her family, all because she had the power of magic at its purest form.
Merlin in Eternia (Closed RP)
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"Huh? Th-This can't be right. I was trying to summon... Actually, I wasn't trying to summon anything."
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youraveragemage · 2 months
Merlin smiles at him. “What and you think The Mage wouldn’t have some kind of defense to prevent his dying doing something potentially silly do you?” She asks amused. “As a Mage he should have any and all defenses for any situation don’t you think?”
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
“If you tried to drain Merlin no doubt you’d be set on fire. Inside and out. To prevent the death of such a mage.” She remarked offering her hand. “May I?” She asks. Fae being the masters of loopholes she would be able to spot any and all in it, and hopefully there weren’t many.
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
“Too true.” She agreed with a shake of her head. There had been many who had tried to find the Forest in order to exploit the freshness and the magic. The Fae had turned those mortals clinically and literally insane. She was pretty much convinced it was her natural wariness to give something without a promise of some sort from those she didn’t know well or those she didn’t trust.
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
“I’m sure Cringer could have answered. But I will take if if they don’t mind.” She remarked with a curious look. “Now how did that occur?” She asked academically curious.
Merlin in Eternia (Closed RP)
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"Huh? Th-This can't be right. I was trying to summon... Actually, I wasn't trying to summon anything."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
Merlin shrugs not about to apologize for thinking other mages were less than her. Unfortunately a lot of her teachers feelings about mortals and how insignificant they were in comparison sometimes came out, despite the fact she wasn’t that beyond a insignificant human it was only the fact she was born with pure magic that doomed and saved her. “You’re right in saying that.” She agreed though. “Good is relative though. Good for you and werewolves I hear. What about ordinary humans?” She asks.
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
Merlin chuckles. “Wanna be mages no doubt.” She couldn’t help but say and could have bitten her own tongue at that. They weren’t the definitive nor the first. She was, or at least in her own universe she was. “So how would you use the Mage’s blood? It could probably make you about as hyper as a kid with too much sugar.” She remarked curiously.
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
Merlin tilts her head listening for any hint of a lie. A consummate charmer, he could no doubt convince anyone else. Had she been ‘normal’ whatever that may be, she may have also been charmed. “And what do you mean by easier? Blood of a Mage can’t be good. There may be other things laced in the blood that could ignite a person.” Her blood had done such a thing, making someone explode. But they hadn’t exactly asked for it like he was planing to. “For example and this is just theory: what could have possibly been done to make the Mage exist for so long other than being given something that lives for a long time. Like a dragon or something weird like that.” And she could turn into a dragon. She was doing her best to warn him of the danger of her blood. And if he still wished to try she may be convinced to let him have a small amount.
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
“If you don’t mind my prying: about what per say?” Merlin asks curiously. She did often travel realms and worlds, even her own when boredom strikes her to do so. And to hear Vlad Dracula say he had been meaning to speak with Merlin? Did he mean her or another version who was actually male?
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
Merlin raises an eyebrow looking at the fairy with a: ‘beware for your next words will threaten the lives here’ look. “Of course. And biting me would be rude.” She agreed. She had been raised where politeness was a game.
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
“I wouldn’t be averse to walking.” She says raising an eyebrow seeing the fairy. It wasn’t too often one sees one in the mortal realm. Why had it drifted? “I don’t think something that small qualifies as a snack. And is that a real fairy? Why is it here?” She asks the last part earnestly curious.
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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youraveragemage · 3 months
“Natalie is my name.” Or one of many she had chosen throughout the centuries. True names gave power. Both to the speaker and the listener. She smiles guilelessly. He was doing his best to charm the truth out of her. Being around ‘the Fair Folk’ tended to give one a skewed “attractive” tastes. She wasn’t lying, yet wasn’t telling the whole truth either. It was another tactic one learned from living with a race whose first language one can literally not lie in.
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"I don't remember ever meeting you, but something about you seems familiar."
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