yourbittertruth · 6 years
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Rupi Kaur
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yourbittertruth · 6 years
honestly chinese is such a beautiful language but so many of us forgot how to appreciate it lmao
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yourbittertruth · 6 years
why do i always develop feelings for people who hates me god fucking damn it
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yourbittertruth · 6 years
people said that it was okay to be fat
its no shame if you are too skinny
its okay if you’ve got acne
but in reality of the 21st century
it does matter
people may say cheaters dont win
two-faced people doesnt get good endings
but now
what do i see ?
i see people using people to get to their success and where they are now
people who are rich are getting advantage and equality isnt there like it should be
people saying you just have to work hard and you will get what you want
whatever people say to help console us and telling us its okay
we know its not okay but we dont know how to express it and whatever we say may be deemed as just attention seeking
life is a competition with no fair rules
you can cheat lie and steal and as long as you get a higher point than the rest you win ...
this is just life and we have to deal with it but if we want to change we should all do something together because one or two people together will not make enough difference to change society
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yourbittertruth · 6 years
love is something great but the whole concept of love have been ruined by people who takes it for granted
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yourbittertruth · 6 years
life is hard
she knew that there was something wrong
but she didnt know what it was
she listened through her ears what lies they told
but never bothered to let the truth unfold
it was easy to keep a straight happy face
but once alone it all was erased
she was taught that what she was thinking was attention seeking
so she wrote it this way to express her meaning
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yourbittertruth · 6 years
Hello! I’m about to start uni in a few weeks so I thought now would be a good time to share my top tips for writing a good personal statement. There is no ‘special formula’ for writing a good one but these are some tips I picked up from family, friends, online articles, teachers and universities themselves:
you need to say why you want to study that course - how your interest developed, how you’ve pursued it (e.g. extracurricular activities), how you’ve drawn inspiration - basically demonstrate a lot of enthusiasm but be specific
give evidence that you’re right for the course - demonstrate with examples that you have researched it, understand what it entails and have the correct skills
say what you’ve done outside of the classroom - further reading and opinions (but try to be original - don’t talk about books that are really well-known in your subject)
explain why your experiences are relevant to the course and to a future career - reflect on experiences, don’t describe them!
give examples of transferable skills - teamwork, time management, problem solving, etc. and then expand on the most relevant skills - success in projects, how you grew from particular experiences, biggest challenges you’ve faced, etc.
also show you’re a critical thinker and mention long term plans
as an example, here’s what I wrote about in my personal statement:
a public lecture I’d been to at a local university and how this inspired me (you could watch a TED talk online and discuss it)
how I was interested by the lab equipment and research I’d seen at a university when I went on a taster day
hobbies I have and how I was interested in my subject outside of school (books, magazines, podcasts I like and why)
a line about my EPQ and how this follows on from a podcast I listened to
how I’m finding my A level subjects (e.g. I enjoy science practicals)
how my AS levels helped me (e.g. AS history really helped me with essay writing)
what I learned from tutoring some GCSE students and volunteering at a charity shop
how I found shadowing a PhD student at a local university - how this inspired me and motivated me in my chosen subject
paragraphs and GOOD GRAMMAR!!!!!
balance of academic and extra-curricular 
evidence you’ve done research
show genuine engagement 
lateral thinking - link to a more obscure theme that you find interesting 
honesty and a desire to study 
what you want from course 
make it interesting, thoughtful and personal - say what inspires you
academic achievements - unis know what qualifications you have and which grades you’re predicted so don’t waste your characters! 
quotes - this is YOUR personal statement, not Winston Churchill’s!! 
lists - you need detail and explanations 
clichés - you have not wanted to be a doctor for as long as you can remember! 
sweeping statements 
‘passion’ and other commonly-used words 
stilted vocabulary - use language that you actually use (but not slang)
humour - it’s a dangerous move to use humour 
irrelevant facts - it’s not a school essay!
show not tell - “I’ve been able to develop my communication skills by tutoring three GCSE science students” is better than saying “I’m a good communicator” 
DRAFT!!!! you will not be able to write a good personal statement in one go - it took me months of regular drafting and re-writing to get mine even close to being finished! 
get help! ask friends, family, teachers, etc. to read it and give feedback
don’t be too precious about it - you will have to cut bits out, shorten sentences, lengthen sentences, delete words, re-arrange the structure, etc. so try to stay open minded!
one uni I visited on an open day suggested using the ABC formula: A is for Activity (say what you did), B is for Benefit (say the skills you gained from the activity) and then C is for Course (relate it to the course and say how it prepares you) - I didn’t use this myself but I have friends who found it useful!
be specific! don’t say “I love French” - say “I love how learning new languages helps me to understand the world around me….”
I hope this is helpful and good luck! Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have! :)
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