yourboyartie · 10 years
You gonna play it like that? Okay. Just sayin, you betta not make me cry.
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I could stop, but I don’t know if I can.
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yourboyartie · 10 years
kitty-dancer-wilde replied to your photo:Celebrating 16 with a new-found sense of bad-body...
sweet 16. Happy B-day!
Yes, it is! Or, was. But thank you, Kitty!!
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yourboyartie · 10 years
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They bestowed upon him the ancient crown of the kings of winter. Robb’s crown. It fit him all the same. They bent the knee and said the words-
"The king in the North!"
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yourboyartie · 10 years
Cortisone cream, aspirin (or aspirin paste), cool baths, ice compression packs, and lots of water should also be added to your regimen, Kurt. Also, French film marathon--prescribed by yours truly, friendly neighborhood Dr. Abrams. You can keep me updated on your healing progression via text, e-mail, or fax.
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Apologies for my online absence.
However, when I thought I could tackle summer head on, I was very, very wrong. Somehow, Blaine managed to drag me to the beach, and even with my typical three coats of sun screen, I managed to get a burn that’s rendered me useless in every sense of the word. My skin’s already sensitive enough — add a peeling burn to my lower back and across my shoulders and I’m out of commission until it’s faded into something close to a tan (I’m not sure if I can actually tan, to be frank).
Hopefully, the vigorous amount of aloe I’ve been applying will help me get back in the game sooner rather than later, but at this point, who knows when I’ll be able to sit down without wincing. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, friends. These next few days could be my last.
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yourboyartie · 10 years
Oh, you. Stop being so sweet.
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Chocolate. Obviously.
A bigger set of wheels do sound pretty awesome. Oh, come on! Who wouldn’t come to your parties? It’s a total no-brainer! Ooh, I can’t say no to cake.
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Wait— What kind is it?
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yourboyartie · 10 years
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Wait no longer!! I can almost taste the tears over another ComicCon I won't be attending and feel the stomach cramps from the Lima carnival rides and excessive cotton candy cocktails that entail summer!
Ring the bell.
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yourboyartie · 10 years
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yourboyartie · 10 years
Not a problem. Guess who has got his own state-registered probationary Ohio driver's license and can now operate an automotive vehicle unsupervised with one non-familial passenger between the hours of 6 a.m. and 12 a.m.? (...Me.) I'll come to you!!! Beep beep, y'all!
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You know it. I made it here as soon as the bell rang on Friday, but I’ve been severely delayed in making human contact due to the fact that it’s so hot outside. I can barely move a limb without feeling completely exhausted.
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yourboyartie · 10 years
It's amazing. I'm definitely feeling some new layers of superiority with age. As well as a bigger set of wheels! No, no. Though that would be awesome. I never throw parties for myself. I'm always too scared nobody would show up to it if I did. My mom did make me a cake though! There's still a few slices left if you're interested. The remaining letters say "rart".
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What is it like reaching the sweet sixteen?! Are you going to have a big party and arrive on an elephant?
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yourboyartie · 10 years
rachelbstar replied to your photo:Celebrating 16 with a new-found sense of bad-body...
Happy Birthday Artie!
Thanks, Rachel!!! Love ya.
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yourboyartie · 10 years
Hey. What you and Finn may or may not have going on is your business. So long as it doesn't cost me another Nationals trophy, or interfere with my Rachel face time, you don't gotta explain yourself to me.
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Ring the bell.
Artie, you don’t have to pry me off anyone.
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yourboyartie · 10 years
dubioushudson replied to your photo:Celebrating 16 with a new-found sense of bad-body...
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yourboyartie · 10 years
thesoundofmarley replied to your photo:Celebrating 16 with a new-found sense of bad-body...
Happy birthday, my bestest Broda!!!
Thanks, sis!!!
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yourboyartie · 10 years
humke replied to your post:Ring the bell.
You back in Lima yet???????
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yourboyartie · 10 years
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Celebrating 16 with a new-found sense of bad-body villainy.. And this awesome dude!! Thanks for all the bday wishes/th'angs, y'all!!!!! Been really cool
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yourboyartie · 10 years
That's a guarantee. I'll be prying you off of Finn at every opportunity I get. Get that body ready.
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Ring the bell.
Of course! I better be seeing tons of you this summer, Artie
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yourboyartie · 10 years
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Though just because we're officially in summer break territory now doesn't mean I'mma be seeing any less of your face, right?
Ring the bell.
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