yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
what is with the amount of men using seekingarrangement as a dating website?
“i’m looking for a fwb type thing”
yes, well, fancy that, iiii am not.
“looking for that long term relationship, sick of being single”
okcupid and tinder are that way.
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
it's no POT date, but it went to the bar last night and had more drinks bought for me than ever. i had so many "i'm not gay, but i would fuck yous" thrown at me.
huh. who knew.
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
your 49 date offer has been countered to 150 and you're lucky i didn't add another zero to it. tf am i gonna do with $49, mr. krabs lookin ass ..
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
your name is blue.
you're worth more than $100 or 1k-2k a month. if 3k a month is what you need with maybe extra stipends to get you clothes or anything else you want, then you ask for it. if they can't afford it, it's going to be a bumpy night.  you aren't the girl that's writing this, the one whose heart feels a twinge when you insist that it's too much money.  if they really have that money, it isn't an issue. they don't want the girl that insists she can't take it; you're nice but that's not confident.
you're not the girl that can let her guard down just because he doesn't appear to be a freakshow after an extensive conversation online. you treat him like one, you put him through a one month quality test, you ask questions. you listen. be uncomfortable. be okay with it. you are not the nice girl. you are now an actress. you are what he is looking for and you work at it just like you work at pretending you care at your fucked up little nothing job. 
you're not going to hurt his feelings if you share yours. you're willing to take that risk to make sure you're comfortable and safe since at the end of the day, you can't put a price on that.
that bullshit i just want to be the girl you like lolita shit when you were sixteen is not there now. you are the girl he likes now. you're the one he's paying to see, you owe him gratitude with simple brushes on the arm, fingers through his hair, a little smile, a kiss. -- speaking of touching, stop overthinking. do it. practice. breathe. if you're uncomfortable with sex, explain it. explain it in the first meeting, reinforce it any time you feel it needs to be said. you need to warm to him and get at least 4 months of allowance if you do contemplate sleeping with him. ( and if that's all he wants to do after that, you need to talk to him about that. ) you've given it some thought and your goals for all of this is to afford basic stability for life as well as having him lend his wisdom and experience to help you develop what you've already got. you want a gentleman who has a wide network and will introduce you to people so you can be the social butterfly you wanted to be when you saw bette davis at four. 
                    you're blue. you don't get your feelings hurt if you're not what a POT wants. remember, darling, you're an actress with skin like water: you make your own path around hardships and continue unbothered. you put too much idealism and romance into this, which makes you easy prey. as stated above, you cannot trust anyone. unravel yourself bit by bit to people. say a sentence but leave the meat out of it. you're like water. this gig is gonna burn you up, kid. you know it'll happen and there's part of you that wants to see it. you're saying eh, i can handle it. i'm proud of you. by the way, your jazz your old hollywood your teasing, your sarcasm? you can put it to work here. blue looks good on you.
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
what do you do when you have no transportation to even entertain any POT dates and the town you're currently stuck in doesn't offer much to do?
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
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Death Proof (2007) dir. Quentin Tarantino
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
otherwise known as whatsyourprice.com. it's a dating website where you, being the attractive woman you are, get offers from generous men to go on a first date. it's great if you want fast cash, you can counter offers and no messages can be exchanged until you accept their offer.
Ok wat is WYP?
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
*cries in rich hoe*
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
how do i work wyp? send a wink, wait for them to make an offer? i do that at bars already. have an offer for $49 and that looks to be the average starting point for these guys. so, ladies.
what's a good counter offer for this date?
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
i would like to say that my confidence has increased dramatically since i actually started this. i may not be a hard ten, but i am attractive and i am valuable and that's something they'd be damn lucky to have. my voice is just as powerful as theirs and i am not here to make sure it's solely for them. i'm getting more comfortable in learning no and actually flirting, and that's been hard for me before now since i think too much and chicken out.
i love this.
idk i'd like to thank yall for showing me that.
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
would love to gossip. i've gotten more than enough highly amusing interactions today. inbox me for my email
Let's chat SBs :)
Any fellow sugar babies wanna exchange email, kik, etc.?? We can gossip about our POTs and SDs, I have soooo much to share!!
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
since i have a babyface, i usually go for contouring my cheek bones/jaw structure to make it stand out more .. usually gives me a slight edge, but not by much
How can I make myself look older? This is my first time going with 60+ year old POT and I look pretty young… Any tips?
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
WHAT THIS GUY SEES: a charming, very caring woman that likens herself to eartha kitt and lauren bacall who forces him to keep up with her in conversation WHAT I AM: blaring trap music and chewing gum obnoxiously
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
net worth $500,000 income $100,000 i'm feeding you my best bette davis/pam grier/eartha kitt charm and you not only have no photo but there's that?
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yourcolorblue-blog · 9 years
smh what's with the cats that have no profile picture because they're all in a private album??? uh, you know you're gonna just say i'm accepted to view your private photos anyway so there's no point in the mystery .... and not even a little bit do i want to request
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